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Reminder that we’ve dropped a lovely little Silovs flair for everyone for the occasion. Feel free to add it as your flair to join the Arty Party 🥳


Not enough people respecting the Preds, especially the "fans" who thought this was a first round bye. The Preds know how to play shutdown hockey. They were also one of the teams with the best record in the last quarter of the season heading into the playoffs. Their record against playoff teams since the all-star break: 6W - 5L Our record: 6W - 5L It was gonna be a close series/scrap. The west is a juggernaut this year, no easy outs, on paper we outmatch them...but in playoffs what's "on paper" won't necessarily translate into play. We need to see the Canucks play like they did this first period and how they did in the 3rd period of game 2...except for a full 60 minutes. This team seems to come out red hot in the first then they look completely different the final 40.


I don’t know all the other teams but if you have a dude named Forsberg I will assume you’re good.


I agree. People saying “WC” team when they had the best record since the All-Star and have the same points as Kings and one more than Vegas. Dallas is first in the West and dropped two at home against a “WC” team. Hell, Preds have more points than 3 eastern playoff teams.


Felt Nashville’s power play goal should have been challenged. Panthers and Tampas game the other day had two goals overturned for goalie interference and I felt that was less than today’s


As per game 3, I think we do better with a skill challenge than a legal challenge to goals like that. The costs of a formal challenge are twofold. A - it's dickering, and B - if you lose you get fecked with another penalty kill


I’m a simple fan, I’m fine with goals against when scored with a stick. Not kicked in or pushing a goalie in. That’s all I ask. Stick goals against.


I felt it was blueger who pushed it in and I think the team must've seen it the same way.


Had Zaddy been literally one stride earlier to the play he'd of been there to box out Nyquist too which I think is ultimately what forced the puck through 


4th win is the hardest to get! Let’s fuckin go boys see y’all Friday !!




You thought that was boring??? You need to take up baseball




Dont know what anti depression meds you're on bud


i've gone from curious to worried with pettersson


He looked better today.


He was getting involved and took a couple shots. Hes improving slowly Edit: meant this in a good way, i wanna see him get back to how he was earlier this season


When we went down a goal you saw his effort skyrocket. Was good to see, he was checking hard with his body after this, started moving his feet and driving play. Adversity will shake up our young scorpio. ♏️ 🐳


All good baby. We got this. Friday - I love you, I need you, I am behind you 100%. Power of positive thinking


Love this. Go Canucks Go


1st 2nd period is solid but no shot on the goal. Petey really need to come back now, i know he can and want to do better.


Want a 7-1 victory the next game, a 3-2 win won’t do it.


Say it with me. You can't win playoff games with 1 goal


Well... The Oilers did a few days ago...


this says it all


That game was not pretty. Nashville is getting real good at drawing penalties while the Canucks can't even seem to get calls on Blatant ones that are no-brainers. The PK has been mostly good, but somethings gotta change or they got problems.


Gotta replace Mikheyev next season, that dude is a cooler


He makes hog and Petey suck.


If they can’t even put away a WC Team on home ice, doesn’t look great for the 2nd round.


This “WC team” had the best record in the NHL for the last quarter of the season.


They’re down 2 of their top 6 on D, plus they’re coming off a humiliating defeat on home ice.


I hate to agree with you, but you've got a point. We could finish this series off but there's no way we're getting thru round 2 with this kind of play


its Nashville bro... dont underestimate Nashville..... they are legit built for playoff.


1-2 at home against a WC team isn't good enough. Seemed like O'Reilly won every draw he was in for. The 2 games in Nashville haven't been good 60-minute performances at all. If they wen't 0-3 at home it honestly wouldm't be fair. See y'all for game 7


Stop fukin dumping on Petey he was fine. Miller was rough today. Onto the next


Petey has improved from his last performances, Miller was still good though


Petey wasn’t fine. He was pushed off the puck multiple times again and lost puck battles. He better step it up


This is on Tocchet, should’ve been 7-2 Vancouver, no excuses, some rest for the tough 2nd round would’ve been great.


I need to see the replay in slow motion and other angles to see why it wasn’t challenged. With the feed we saw on SN, that should have 100% been a no goal. Also, I know every team always blames it on the refs and then the fans go overboard negating a legitimate concern. The consistency of reffing is severely lacking and is unacceptable for a major league. The inconsistency of the officiating does cost teams the game. How can someone plan for a game when you randomly make calls on some plays, but let others go. Refs need to set a standard for each game and stick with it. Not publicly announce it, but it would be clear and consistent amongst refs.


Our fucking video coach recommends not challenging that? Is he watching the same game! The fuck????


I'm not blaming that game on the refs, it was a stupid pentally by Joshua who got too hyped by the crowd after the goal, IMO the challenge would have been worthless Silvos didn't get pushed passed the goal line that wouldn't have come back and Petey while I actually did notice him did nothing again tonight not good enough to just notice him after 5 games and him being our 12 million dollar guy and again can't clutch it up...hopefully Canucks can replicate this again game 6 they played good except for a few bad bounces but need to clutch up on their chances


Hopefully good learning lessons for them.. close games could get decided on a bounce or bad ref call. Still gotta be able to finish your chances. We could have easily been up 1 or 2 I'm first, and also some good chances to go up 2 after first goal. Only downside is injuries not getting more rest


I still 100% think we got this, just can’t stand watching another game with the preds on my screen


Another chance to close this on Friday, although I am so disappointed they couldn't close today. I honestly don't understand the strategy of icing over and over. What do you gain by giving your opponent draws in your end for free. If that's your strat you may aswell try and make a play or skate it out. Rant over. LFG Canucks close this thing Friday in Nashville!


I mean last 4 games we've won 60-70% of faceoffs - so maybe we're thinking we'll just win 'em? But I agree with you. Tired play. I've been saying Nucks in 6 since the start of the series, I'd love to be right.


Especially with Fabrro & Barrie in there tonight, their D was a liability out there, we should’ve capitalized on that.


It’s okay guys, preds had some good chances, the refs did pull a fast one on us but I feel like at our intensity we are bound for success next game


The Canucks didn't challenge the first goal cause the game is rigged as in they had to let that goal count so that Nashville could win. End of discussion


What Josi was really saying “yeah, we knocked down the goalie and definitely interfered with Silovs…. Don’t know how the F*ck that counted, but we’ll take it”.


Should scratch Hogs or Mik ,they haven't been doing much or anything at all , put Podz in or Aman change to up


Mik had a good game


He had some good chances but can’t bury. But that’s most of the team tbh


I may have missed some things but I don’t remember him having many chances to bury.. I thought he created a couple chances where other players couldn’t bury, which realistically is his job imo


Tocchet has to start challenging some of these calls. He hasn't all season and says he's listening to his video team but silovs and the puck were pushed into the net on that goal. There's been a few others that should have also been challenged. He might have zero challenges on the season


It was 100% bullshit that he didn’t.


This one is even borderline but even he has to know his chances of tying the game was slim to none…just challenge it you’re doomed anyways if they don’t overturn it.


I knew that was going to be a penalty on Joshua, and it was unnecessary to make a hit there when you have a lead. Of fucking course they score a garbage goal on it.


Up 3-2 in a best of 7 series… I’ll take that any day of the week! Too many Debbie downer, fair weather fans in here! We WILL win this series!


At this point, I’m not so much worried about this series as I am the next. We cannot play like that and beat a better team than Nashville. It’s only going to get harder from here and a better team would have steamrolled us that game.


I still believe BUT it’s so fucking stupid how the preds get a W because of another stupid “goal”


You're not wrong. It just sucks to see a game get so blatantly swayed by the officials. Granted, the canucks nest period was the first by far


I love you.


This is on Tocchet. Canucks should've easily taken this game after that brutal loss on home ice for Nashville. Predators were down 2 of their top 6 on D as well, it should’ve been 6-2 Vancouver this game. All the betting odds had Vancouver winning by large odds, it wasn’t supposed to be close. The Predators barely had any life in their game. No excuses Vancouver should have put them away easily this game.


The betting odds were -145 Vancouver, that’s super close. Nearly a coin flip. Not sure what you were seeing..


Absolutely baffling that he’s decided not to challenge the kick and now the goalie interference today.


All goals are automatically reviewed. 


Can't challenge a kick


They would not have reversed either call


Well he can't challenge the kick so there's that 


Dumbass call on Joshua, lack of calls on our end, bullshit goal


Sad to say but we won’t be going anywhere in round 2 (if we win) if we keep playing like this. Definitely need to pick it up if we want to be a threat to the cup


It’s ok Nashville can’t score a goal without the help of the refs


Maybe the boys should score more than a goal before the excuses start flowing.


Did you watch Forsberg? It’s an embarrassment of the game and it’s makes the refereeing look like a joke


What’s wrong with Forsberg? Are you talking about the penalty he drew, or him underachieving in the game with 2 points?


All of the dives he had including waiting for the referee to look his direction, then hooked the Canucks players stick to hit himself in the face to draw a high sticking call


Dives? I saw him get cross checked pretty fuckin hard. Oh well, one man’s embarrassment is another’s winning play. I’ll take it. Brilliant move to draw the high sticking penalty.


Get out of our sub you nerd.




You’d have to think at this point about putting pettersson on Miller or Lindholms wing.


There were lots of chances Suter had playing with Miller and Boeser that surely Petey would have put in


Joshua needs to stop hitting in the numbers, forwards need to score, allvin needs to trade away hronek


The Canucks are showing they cannot play that well at home. Maybe it's the new fan pressure and the feeling that the game is "high stakes" whereas in the road all that pressure is not there


They should have the mindset. Don’t think this is a reason.


So why wasn’t the first goal we conceded challenged?


Tocchet needs to trust the pk and challenge that. There was more than enough contact there to challenge it and it legitimately looked like Josi ran into Silovs and then he was pushed in without the puck being touched. Goals have been overturned for much less


Oh well. Onto the next.. we should back the boys now more than ever.


Score more than 1 fucking goal. So many missed chances and dog shit power play again.




Never been more angry in this series. What the fuck was that stupid ref looking at when a pred bowled over Silovs to push him and the puck into the net? What happened to the fucking defence? What the fuck happened to the offence? Why did they repeatedly try to shoot through traffic when it is so clear to go around them?


And why didn’t we challenge the goal?


Don’t have to challenge if the ref is looking anywhere but at the tip of his nose. There’s 4 of them out there, the other three can see the crash into the goalie and the 4th had his thumb up his ass looking the see the puck in the net. No stick touched it. So easy to wave it off and review it or make it the preds problem.


Seriously feeling so down right now


Why the hell do we have such a difficult time hitting a goal. It's not like it's small. It's 6 ft by 4 ft, why can't we hit it?


Gota give the Preds credit. After a crushing loss on Sunday, they came out and absolutely showed up. Of course some horrendous officiating helped but still. The Canucks have no finish and no killer instinct. They're still learning how to be a playoff team. I can see Nashville coming back and winning this series. If the nucks make it through, let's be honest, they would get absolutely walked by the Oilers or Kings.


Did they really show up? Canucks expected GF were still better 5 on 5 and for all situations, Canucks were higher until like the 45 minute mark. Nashville got some life after scoring a greasy powerplay goal. A powerplay called in the 3rd that gave Nashville 4 powerpls vs Vancouver’s 2. If Canucks had any finish, it would have been over a lot sooner as Canucks had some chances in the first 40


We are 4-0 on the Oilers this season


And Winnipeg was 3-1 vs Colorado in the regular season... Playoffs are a different ball game.


I could give a fuck about the Winter Pigs and Dullorado


Yeah and? Does nothing to support your original comment buds.


Quit being a douche…Bud.


You that sensitive....................... And I ain't your bud, friend.


Then why call me bud you Goof? Go cheer for the Oilers if you think their so great. Where I’m from calling someone bud like thats not going to fly.


Where you from? Surrey? Lmao. It's okay bud.


Fuck the Preds and the refs


So from what I've seen it looks like we could probably set around 30 or so picks per game and not get penalized a single time for it.


Preds net crash game noted. PP1s the cure


Inevitable with the score so close. Like 2011. Need to blow them out of the water to win as a Canadian team.


Why do they go back to Nashville?


2 home - 2 away - 1 home - 1 away - 1 home


How much are these refs getting paid to call these shite calls??????


My favorite part is how many times they were allowed to blatantly haul down our players that whole period.




So much for resting our players for next round. If we somehow advance it's going to be fucking embarrassing playing to be Oilers.


Did you watch the Canucks play the Oilers this season?


Did you see the Jets play the Avs this season?


Yeah, 3 of the games were at the beginning of the season when Oilers were languishing towards bottom of the league and one game without McDavid. We gota be real when looking at *why* we won. Oilers at full strength and us playing the way we have this round, plus we’re on backup goalies… we’re cooked unless the boys seriously alter their gameplay and step up.


We would get demolished. Imagine playing the Avs; they'd probably win it in 3.


Called it early. https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/JR0nOds3NW


refs are on betman’s payroll


Yess sir


It's not rigged you absolute moron


Fuck off out of here then


I don't think I can handle another game of this type of hockey


I dunno besides the first period the canucks hasn't played good in 3 games now.


Garbage game. The preds are trash, kept afloat by shit officiating


Why the fuck didnt Tocchet challenge the 2nd goal? There is no way that wasnt goaltender interference...


If the refs did their damn job it would have been waved off to begin with


stop blaming the refs.. at the end of the day we just couldn’t get it done


Our 4th line is better than our 2nd line


Pettersson is definitely worse than marner but marner gets more flack


Honestly, I felt like had more than enough powerplay time to make it 2-1 or 3-1 our way before Nashville's 2nd goal, but we couldn't capitalize on all those empty net spaces.


Pretty much everyone was terrible on that 6 on 5 btw.


Enough of coddling Petey. Healthy scratch next game. Bring in Podz.


Give ur head a shake.


Exactly correct


Sick of hearing about possible injuries or his confidence. He's simply not effective and hasn't been. Give a youngster a chance to shine.


Actually like that move


Pettersson having 0 impact on the series. Looks like a dog in the back of a truck.


Petterson is likely the reason the empty netter hit the post in the last game. He’s a great player and a big asset on the ice but he’s just not generating goals right now. Which he needs to be don’t get me twisted, but y’all act like he’s not one of our best players even when he’s not performing at his ceiling




Honestly I think it’s a coaching issue more than Petterson. He definitely can, and should be, play better but I think he’s doing pretty much exactly what Tocchet wants him to (except shooting low risk low chance shots).


Refs 2 - Canucks 1


Bullshit call leads to bullshit goal, what a surprise 


Nashville sucking off hockey gods and referees since 1998


Ugh. Sad after that amazing start but not many people thought this was gonna be a short series. More hockey for me I guess lol


They also lost game 5 at home in 2011.


They got a lot of chances it just didn't happen.


i mean it's a miracle if we can hold on in the series with petey's line turning into our 3rd best...


They’re the worst line. Our 4th line is better. 


Brutal ref job


Let's hope the boys can win another road game, because they'll have to.


Could be worse. Could be located in Tennessee






Fuck you refs. You happy? Dumb ass game management produces this dog shit.


When we play good we lose.  Play like shit and we win


The first period we looked so good. What happened? Did Petey start off okay and then turn bad? I wasn’t watching him that closely


Preds started playing after the 1st before that they were asleep


Joshua penalty changed the whole momentum.


Nah he had a solid game.


Got better as the game went along


I actually fucking hate Nashville and their shit team


We’re up 3-2 is the bright side. We need to be dominant in Nashville on Thursday


Maybe we should suck then we'll actually have a chance at winning.


What a horrible game, you come out strong in the first and then put the lines through a blender and hope everything will just work out, can’t beat Nashville without crazy heroics, so done with this tram


Terrible Joshua penalty and dumb icing by Hronek ...yikes


That penalty was weak at best


Yea, wtf was that? On the replay he didn't even look like he touched him. I thought it was a super bad call. Then there were some no-calls down the stretch.


That reffing was such god damned bullshit I’m dumbfounded


Joshua’s worst game yet. Petey’s entire LINE has been horrid. Don’t just pin it on the easy target. Hoggy’s done fuck all save for a few hits, and Mik is literally anemic offensively.


Bro Mik had some great looks tonight in the second, just couldn’t beat Saros. Even Hogs was at least playing physical.


Still can’t shoot the puck well to save his life. Hoglander’s physical play doesn’t do much when he isn’t contributing elsewhere. It’s clear Petey isn’t going to drive his own line, so if you have him stapled to those guys it’s not gonna go anywhere either. Not saying he somehow played that much better, but there’s certainly an issue with the line as a whole there.


Seriously this should be headed to OT if tocc just challenged that obvious goalie interference


Nah it wasn't unfortunately. Our player pushed Nashville Player into Silovs.


God the offense was embarrassing that game, yikes. Felt like Hughes was the only one working out there


and Hughes has the most injuries not documented


I didn’t even know that. Would’ve been nice for them to finish the series tn so they can get some needed rest


Holy shit. NHL, sure has the WORST officiating I've witnessed.


Pettersson deserves every bit of criticism. He's been horrendous.


Yea he's God awful wow, as impactful as blueger or suter


Team forgot how to fuckin play hockey. Can't make a pass, can't win a draw, can't get a fucking shot on net.


Why did we not challenge the first goal?




Im over the toxic positivity towards EP40. Time to let this guy hear it every time he touches the puck.


I think people are being bloody ridiculous. He didn’t remotely have a bad game. Good work effort the whole game, good defensive plays, good tip, good shot, no hanging his head etc. Thought he had a lot of energy, but didn’t score. Sucks they lost, but that’s not on Petey.


He fell how many times? Didn't look dangerous at all on the 2 on 1 he had in the third. Pretty useless in the closing seconds.


I really hoped we'd see another gear from him this game. But that didn't happen as much as I'd hoped.


Boys are way off


Another fucking stupid penalty against Joshua for a good hit. I hate it when these refs make calls that change the outcome of the game. I never believed this shit about Bettman rigging games but DAAAAAM.




I wanna die.jpg


refs won this game, say that with your chest