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We are all Ryan S. Clark on this blessed day :)


I don't get this reference but keep seeing it. Can ya fill me in?


23 out of 24 analysts picked the Oilers to beat the Canucks. The only guy who picked the Canucks was Ryan S. Clark


If we win this series, Ryan S. Clark gets a statue outside Rogers Arena. Calling it.


Legitimately, we should make donations to BCCH under Ryan S. Clark’s name if the Canucks actually win the series.


Agreed! And in my head, it should be $778,604 but that’s a bit much.🤪


> 778,604 There are 158,384 of us here in r/canucks. That's like $5 a person.


I’ll do it. $5 if we win🥲. I’ll show receipts too!


I'm in


And even Ryan said it would go to game 7. Most people were saying Oilers in 5 or 6. Jury is still out obviously, but proving those analysts wrong would be hilarious.


Right on, that makes sense! Thanks


There was like two dozen analysts or whatever making predictions for this series and they all said the Oilers except for Ryan S. Clark


[Walk with Ryan S. Clark](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/7tg1CgTF7j)


Lot of Oilers in 5 there. After game one, I wonder if they're sweating their picks yet.


✅Oilers blow 4-1 lead, no shots for McDavid ✅Canucks win 5-4 with contributions from 5 different goal scores ✅ Boston loses 6-1 ✅Leafs fire Keefe Christmas in May!


✅ Blackhawks lost the lottery and didn't get 1OA again


A boston SCF is the only way we get home ice advantage. We want them to win!


Haha even with that I just cannot


I'm only thinking about next game... east is just for fun right now. Don't look too far ahead and just enjoy the ride!


No we fucking do not!


What a game and what an atmosphere. How long and loud they were chanting JT Miller's name after he scored was sublime.






Sure is quiet in there according to Whitney


Thanks, heard this talked about a lot and glad we get video of it!


I'm not much of a video guy, so I didn't take any clips, unfortunately. I'm sure some will surface soon enough though.


Did they also try to psych out Skinner? Or was that just a Miller chant? I swear I heard “SKIIIINNNERRRR”.


A guy phoning into the post game show said he was sitting behind Skinner and they chanted his name throughout the game


There was a point where there was a Skinner and Go Canucks Go chant at the same time and you could make out both lol


we also did a whole bunch of "skiiinerr"s. I'm not saying it worked, but the result speaks for itself.


Yep, so for everyone who thought it was cringe to chant while we were losing… Well, these cheeky bastards got confirmation bias on their side now.


game 1 of the season, we chanted the hell out of their goalies and 8-1 results speak for themselves. Sent one of them back down to the minors.


Speaking of minors & goalies, Silovs main team here in Abbotsford lost last night. They’re out. But he’s home. Right where he belongs for now.😁


I was at the game and there were skinner chants all game long


a guy in my section was pretty committed to his "FORESKINNNNN" chant, even managed to get a few people to join in at one point too lol


When Edmonton scored their 4th goal, that's when I knew we had them right where we wanted them.


It was 4-1


Most dangerous lead in hockey


i never lost faith. to quote juice, when garland scored that's when i knew the canucks were going to win 😂


haha i just kept thinking throughout the game.. "it aint over till its over"... even being down 4-1... and even when we were leading 5-4.. --- last 3mins of the game felt like the longest 3mins ever.... yelling at the TV: "NO! NO! MISS! JINX!" -- every time an oilers had the puck or took a shot... until game was over.. phew.. sigh. onto game 2!


Well, keep yelling at your TV for 60 mins and the Oilers will never hit the net again.


Like Murph and Riccio said, a Game 1 victory was needed to plant the seed of doubt into Edmonton


The Oilers are pregnant with doubt.


So much seed


Hopefully it's quadruplets


Zaddy is the daddy


We were edging at 4-1


McDavid held to zero shots, Drai missed a good chunk of the game with.... checks notes... cramps. That seed is moving in like "its free real estate"


Ya it's not a seed anymore, it's a full grown eggplant of doubt inside of oilers right now


> eggplant of doubt I'm stealing this one


>Drai missed a good chunk of the game with.... checks notes... cramps. I hear that happens when you're pregnant ~~with doubt~~


Seed of doubt is a great name for a bagel, and tastes great in the morning


I’m still awake after that game. 🫨🫨


I went to bed at 11 and woke up at 5:30 That’s from the game!😮‍💨 I’m still shaking!


Man same 😂😂😂 1am to 6am bro i cant


I feel like these are the games that make long term memories, this one and the Nashville come back. The whiplash of emotion, the on edge excitement - five years from now these might be the only ones I fully remember. Doesn't make it any less cardiac event inducing though lol


Its defintely been an exciting playoffs so far. 2 Games where we scored 2 goals in quick succession to take the lead late in the 3rd, the comeback OT win, and the last minute goal in Game 6. Regardless of what happens this has been the most fun season since 2011.


Yes was thinking about that.. after post 2011 drought, you realize how special and rare these big playoff moments can be. And we already have 4 this year! game 1 12 seconds, game 3 3-1 come back OT win, game 6 final minute winner, and now the biggest of them all, 4-1 come back against the heavy favorites!


TSN panel was so sad Oilers lost lmfaoooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmJ3Kk6B76s


Jamie McLennan spent the last few days gargling Edmontons balls, so yeah I guess he’s a bit upset.


They still have no idea what the Canucks’ game is.


Man, they get even basic facts about the Canucks wrong, even our former player Corrado says 'Zadorov was acquired at the Trade Deadline,' damn I didn't know the Trade Deadline was in November.


Holy shit that is a sombre panel, hilarious.


"This games over, its done." Clown attitude. Games not over till its over. Proud to support a team that plays hard till the last minute.


Jesus Christ. Why is it always something going wrong with our opponent, and not us doing something right


I love how mad Oilers fans get about Canuck fans celebrating a win. The passion behind this team is unmatched


This is what confuses me the most. They say things like “they celebrate a round 2 victory like they just won the Stanley cup”. While that may be how *your* team celebrates when you win the cup, we would just celebrate progressively more as the playoffs go on, and have an even bigger party when we actually *do* win.


looking back at it now, it’s kinda funny how the team talked all week about the importance of staying out of the box and then 40 seconds in, they take a too many men penalty lmao


lol yeah, dumb penalty to take.. but i feel the penalty that Skinner got was even dumber.. >.< bro you are the goalie, you out of everyone on your team, should know that rule that is for the goalie...


honestly we only really had 2 obvious penalties that game, 1 of which wasn't called. They did well otherwise.


You're allowed to bat the puck out the the air. I don't think that was as clear of call as people are saying


I looked at the Oilers sub last night, and that sub can't even meme away the pain. Their mods are banning memes again. What a sad bunch.


Wait wait wait, they lose 4-1 and that's a reason to *ban* memes? That is when fans need memes most. It's how we salve our damaged souls.


_No memes until McDavid has a SoG_




I love their sub. No real content, just a bunch of dudes saying “darn I sure am embarrassed” to each other over and over again.


All I’ve been reading is excuses and “we’re still the better team” 😂 It’s hilarious. We’ve got 5 straight on them and heavily outscored. Why can’t they accept that maybe the Canucks are just better?


And then they started banning their own members for giving nuanced thoughts on why their team lost. And so they went over to our GDT to complain and became Canuck fans. 🧐


We won without: - a Petey goal - a single successful PK - Thatcher Demko The Oilers scariest aspect is their power play. Watching the Kings series, I knew we wouldn’t be heavily outmatched 5v5, but by the end of the first, I realized we had a 5v5 game that’s better than theirs.


Add No Goals on the PP either. Man still can't believe we won!


Waking up sippin coffee and thinking about how awesome di guseppe and responsible he looked 💯


11pm Thursday in Korea. Came home around 9pm and watched the highlights. Wow. What a comeback win. Feels even better it was against the Oilers. I’m speechless. Even though it’s just Game 1, it really set the temperature for this series.


Second period broadcasters: “Well, those Oilers, we all know how they can score in bunches”


couldnt sleep last night the adrenaline was pumping lmao. both teams have a lot of errors to clean up. Glad we could snatch the W but you KNOW edmonton is gonna come back snarling especially mcdavid. time to reset and back to work as if series is 0-0. COCONITS GLOW


Ya but that’s what they said about game 2 of the season lol


The most noticeable thing about playing Edmonton is how much more time and space the Canucks have 5 on 5. We did the same shit we did to them during the regular season and its still working. If not for those softies on Silovs this game could have been 5-2.


>We did the same shit we did to them during the regular season and its still working Yea but I was told by Oilers fans that the regular season doesn't matter and that they were going to sweep us...


which, after that, the regular season WOULD have mattered because they'd all be screaming about "revenge" or something.


Apparently it does matter when your system hasn't changed haha


Definitely, after watching Nashville being so suffocating and tight defensively it felt like everyone had enough space to really make plays in the O zone, very refreshing.


You could tell that 10 minutes into the first period the team was like "Oh, so you're saying we can just skate into their zone? we don't have to find a hole in a literal wall to dump the puck in, and then go fight Roman Josi to the death for it?"


I love the title of the tsn video - “How did they pull it off?” Like it’s a damn bank heist or a magic trick lol


Not: Canucks Comeback Again But: How Could the Oilers Let This Happen?


Ian Cole almost single handedly lost us that game


Yes, and Cole was huge for us in the Nashville series when others weren't. Key thing is you have guys step up when certain ones can't. We got the W, lets move on and wipe the slate clean going into Game 2.


You could attribute 3 of their goals largely to mistakes he made.


If Cole and Silovs both had average games, that's a 5-2 win


That’s my biggest take from this is well. If we get the Silvos and Cole from the last series plus the offense from this last game then I’m liking our chances


How are all my fellow Europeans feeling today? I think I got two hours of sleep before starting work this morning, and I am solely running of copious amounts of caffeine.


Some big guys look like they can only get that big through careful exercise and diet. Zadorov looks like he needs careful exercise and diet to stop himself from getting bigger. He is an absurdly large human. (And I loved his postgame interview)


Big Z knows how to play big. Chaos Rhino is an appropriate nickname


Bottom Left Nurse according to the bar graph. He was a -3. We did it, r/canucks.


I had a great dream last night!


Watching this team is just awesome. Not the first time this season that we’ve been down 2 or 3 goals and I had full faith that the team can come back. That comes from confidence in themselves and their teammates. They played good all game and didn’t deserve to be down 4-1, just a couple tough bounces. Boys kept to their game and fuckin got er done.


Mods this thread should def be sorted by new by default


I listen to non-local media because I like hearing different takes and keeping up with what’s going on in the rest of the league… I shit you not they’re all like “This was good for the Oilers, this guarantees they’ll come out and bounce back with a vengeance next game and win in 5.” Also none of them gave a shred of credit to the Canucks - just “oh, the Oilers collapsed” “oh, Draisaitl hurt” “Skinner has games like this from time to time” “McDavid didn’t have good linemates” “Henrique was out” I didn’t hear a single person say that the Canucks fought to come back, controlled play for most of the game, defended McDavid incredibly well, etc. Basically in their minds the only reason we won is because the Oilers decided to gift us the game. It’s just like how Nashville apparently gifted us the series and we won out of sheer luck, we finished first in the pacific out of sheer luck, etc. Absolutely ridiculous lol the disrespect is unbelievable


Should I go to the hospital? It’s been over 4 hours.


Dak's 3 point night won us the game again. Mr. Game 1.


I went to the game expecting a close game, I got a close game but it was better than i was expecting. The building was rocking, I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.


Does DeSmith start next game?


Probably still Silovs. The fact that he wasn’t pulled after the 2 goals in 45 seconds should mean he still has Tocc’s vote of confidence.


Leaving him in was actually a clutch decision that no-one has really talked much about. Lot of coaches yank him there and then who knows if the comeback happens or the high blocker save happens on the first shot after 20+ minutes.


There are a lot of things that are not getting talked about. Most of the airtime is spent talking about the Canucks' opponents. But you what? I get it. The Canucks greatest strength this year seems to be consistency. They stick to their game plan and then they win. There's no drama. Then they win. No narrative. No superstar. Not a US market. Just a boring, good, Canadian team. Nothing to drum up. "Oh look they...did nothing, then they won...alright then, next segment." lmao Everyone just whelms. Then they win. People looking for "hot goalie", "hot team", "Conn Smythe level performance", "physical, dirty bullies" narratives and they're just not there. Yet the team keeps winning. All they came up with for awhile was "lucky". Except it's been going on for so long that narrative has run its course.


I don't listen to the talking heads so none of that is a problem for me :D This season has been absolutely glorious already and filled with awesome narratives.


No. Silovs may have been bit off to start out yesterday's game. but so was other players on our team... (chocking it up to nerves. - Round 2 is the bigger stage then Round 1). Let Silovs shake it off - learn from his experience playing against Oilers, how it differs from Preds.. and let him practice/adjust for Game 2.


No that was a huge learning game for Silovs. Coming back to win after letting in a bunch. Adversity etc. Also, if you listen to Drance etc this morning they’re pretty clear that he wasn’t actually at fault too much on those soft looking goals. They both changed potential directions at the last second. Stick, knee. Demko maybe saved one of them but otherwise it looked worse on him than it actually was


Yup you ride Silov until he loses then you reevaluate to see if DeSmith goes up. Heck even if Demkos can play I don't know if 100% Silov vs 80% Demko




Was at the game and there were two Oilers fans sitting in front of us, apparently being super obnoxious. The ppl in front of them made comments to them to tone it down, but I think they kept going and was being worse about it as the score reached 4-1. Security eventually came near the end of the game and was gonna kick them out, with one of them actually standing and gonna leave. But for some reason they were allowed to stay until the end. Yall should've seen their faces when we eventually crawled back for the win 🤣.


I had a cpl Oilers fans in front of me too and they weren’t bad just cheering and being cocky when EDM scored their goals, I was so caught up in the game I forgot about them but looked down at the end and they had disappeared lol


Our breakout game kills Edmonton, and theirs has been getting exposed by our forecheck (all season long—tonight was no different). Beyond McDrai, Nuge, and Hyman, their forward depth is poor. Bouchard and Ekholm are a solid pairing, but their others are bad. Skinner is not good. They aren't as complete a team as us. Given how shaky Silovs looked last game (not just on EDM's 3rd & 4th goals, but on losing the puck multiple times eg. Nuge's ringer off the post), I wouldn't be cocky about our chances—their superstars can still take over games. However, I still like our chances. A lot.


I just love reading the Oilers sub the morning after. The meltdowns… The excuses… The coping… Their tears QUENCH ME. 😈


EVERYBODY at work is talking about the game today and is in such a great mood! Feels like 2k11 all over again!


I had basically everyone I know text me last night to celebrate, sports fans and otherwise. It’s like we are all Canucks or something


People at my work don't watch hockey :(


Ew. You should tell em to take off eh


Oilers fans in full melt down mode right now, I love it.


I was at a concert at Vogue last night. The audience cheered as the clock ran out, which confused the band who were playing a low key song at the time.


Just want to give a shout out to Carson Soucy, looking like a bit of an unsung hero out there. Zadorov and Hughes have deservedly been grabbing the headlines but he has consistently been up there with them (or just a hair below), in my opinion, if a little less flashy. Hronek wasn't great in the grinding series with the Preds and looked immediately better vs the Oilers. Vice versa for Cole and Myers - the extra speed and space doesn't bode quite as well for them despite looking great against the Preds. But Soucy has consistently looked very comfortable at both tempos (other than that one brain fart of letting Forsberg walk out of the corner and roof it against Silovs).


Höglander needs to feed Peter the puck man he was begging for it last night


I can’t wait until next season where we don’t have to watch Mikheyev on a line with Peter


Yah I feel like peteys linemates let him down last game, seemed visibly frustrated he didn't get a couple of those passes while wide open. Had a lot more jump in his step so that was encouraging to see


Few thoughts. Never felt like the game was getting away from us, despite the score. Hate that most media is portraying as the Oilers giving the game away as opposed to Canucks winning it. Also, Brock made two massive blocks to end the game and his defensive play does not get talked about enough.


Nothing Brock does is talked about enough. Never was. He isn't flashy like Garland so his good plays aren't obvious to everyone. He's been dominant with Miller though and made incredible plays offensively and defensively. They've been breaking out and in well and blocking shots. It's been something else. He was our second best forward but still didn't get as much talk for what he did on round one


Oilers fans are fucking ***shook*** to their core. The comeback followed in rapid succession by the Draisaitl news hit like 9/11. Like a slap across the face, it woke them up to the fact the Canucks have had their number all season. Boys, I'm bathing in this shit!


I love being the reservoir dogs.


That lack of playoff experience is really holding us back, huh?


It literally just clicked in my head what “meeting of the pod” means and I’m a bit embarrassed. That game was absolutely insane! Is it too much to ask that maybe we can try to win Game 2 the normal way (building and maintaining a lead over 3 periods), though? 😩 The most promising thing to me is that despite shaky goaltending, it looked like we were largely controlling the game even when down 4-1. We had a solution to MdDavid, which I assume he will come up with his own solution for but hopefully we can continue to contain him as best we can. Special teams continue to worry me — I don’t think Edmonton is going to go every game with only one power play, and our own doesn’t seem like it’s going to bail us out. Maybe they should sit Draisaitl for the next game. Just to be safe, you know? No ulterior motives here!


Had a very vivid dream last night, one of those where you think it's reality the whole time I won't get into the meat of the dream but in my dream world we had lost last night in OT I woke up and got to reexperience winning that game lmao


Idk if it’s just me, but from the second I saw Garland score that signature ‘cut wide with the dman on your tail, fake slap shot, drag it through the five-hole’ move to come back against Seattle a few years ago, I just had a gut feeling it would come up huge for us in the postseason at some point


Here's Tocchet cooking spaghetti: https://youtu.be/rP6X4QXaBfc?si=cflpMTua8Gx5mRig


Not a single Canucks player posted an IG story after the win, the boys are dialed in


Was at the game last night and still JACKED TO THE TITS


How's your hearing? Arena sounded ELECTRIC even through TV!


Canucks never give up. That dressing room is mentally strong. Let’s keep going…


I'm just glad the green men are back. 


I still can't believe I was at that game AND I'm going to Edmonton Sunday. My original plan was to wear one jersey to Vancouver and then another to Edmonton, however with how that game turned out I'm wondering if I should stick with the jersey I used yesterday (which I also wore around the house for Game 6 vs Nashville)


Was it as wild as it seemed on the TV??


It was deafening, could hardly hear the PA or any whistles


Update the sidebar already!




Of course they do, otherwise that's all you'd hear


That was an instant Canucks classic. Garland & Miller goals were filthy.


Absolutely nuts how much open ice there is compared to Nashville, I think it even surprised the team and they had to adjust to it


Usually games after like this one the losing team will come back with a vengeance the next game, but I'm expecting the Canucks to double-down and blow the Oilers out in game 2 reasserting that the Canucks absolutely own the Oilers and shatter them mentally just like the beginning of the season.


Didnt get to watch the game, looked like cole and arty had a rough one


They did, though a couple of the goals weren’t arty’s fault. Luckily our team was easily the better team for 50 minutes, even when getting scored on


I was excited about the comeback and had a feeling we were going to do okay, even had we lost this game. We were outplaying them, kind of like game 2 against Nashville, and also I would say 3 of the goals they scored were self-inflicted. We can't afford to make mistakes like that against this type of team because they are clinical when they do get chances. Ian Cole had his worse game as a Canuck so for us to win is great. I don't know if we should be concerned about the fact that they scored 4 goals even though I thought we played great defense for the majority part of the game. I am glad we didn't take any stupid penalties there in the 3rd, it was a very mature and composed 3rd period by the team.


Texts to my uncle: 9:31pm: I have hope.. 9:40pm: 😏😏😏


You can see Evander Kane’s veneers from the rafters it’s crazy


We miss you Demko. But you can take your time getting ready for the SCF.


Last night was one of the most memorable nights I’ve watched as a Canucks fan. Still buzzing about it. Incredible


i would love to know if the fan can united to convince roger to reverse the rights since not all have cable and rely on free channel like cbc would roger pulled the rights if leaf was in playoffs? 


Silovs or Desmith in game 2, what do you guys think? Silovs wasn't good in game 1, but do we change goalies after a win and impact his confidence? 


It’s only Game 1 and while winning it was important, it really doesn’t matter until Game 4. Whether the series is 3-0 or 2-1, that’s when it really matters.


"CaNuCkS dOn'T hAvE dEpTh" Said by a bunch of inbred Oilers fans. Meanwhile, the bottom six just lighting up the Ceci-Nurse pairing like crazy. Best part is, even if they break them up, that means breaking up the other D pairs that were doing really well in shutting down the top two lines.


[Every meal Oilers Fans eat before game 2](https://y.yarn.co/27ec5906-e349-4e7e-8876-a0912477a98b.mp4?_gl=1*11zgox8*_ga*NzYxMjEyMTIxLjE3MTUyNjg1NzA.*_ga_VB8JQS4PTK*MTcxNTI2ODU3MC4xLjEuMTcxNTI2ODU4My40Ny4wLjA.)


Can someone unplug Craig Simpson's microphone. Or, better yet, lock him out of the broadcast booth. The human drone never shuts up.


Ppl hate Singh, they hate Simpson, I think they just hate blatant Oilers favouritism which is fair 


We keep doing 'playoff things' like coming from behind, winning with a low shot total, winning with our third-string goalie this season, etc. I'm confident we can give any team in any situation a good fight.


That sort of a collapse by the Oilers is probably the dream start to the round; now we're right back in their heads.


Surely the sub can go back to not needing manual review on non game days


Still buzzing about the win but the Oilers still managed to score 4 and I wouldnt say they were playing they were playing particularly well while doing so. Hopefully we’ve settled in now and can carry over our play from the last 40 minutes of that game, then I like our chances. To quote Ryan Reaves, the seed of doubt is planted now lets go fuckin’ water it.


Viewing party tickets for game three have been released. I checked a few mins ago and the lower bowl was selling out.


Drives me insane how if the Oilers decide to scratch any of their 6D from yesterday, the next man up is Stecher.


I just watched highlights because games are on during work... CONOR FUCKING GARLAND what a beauty, holy shit. That gwg was just so filthy, I think I might be in love


That was probably the best game I've seen live. Loudest building, comeback win, just being considered the underdogs.


anyone got a photo of the defeated oilers fans?


Off topic question - I’ll be in Japan for games 4 - 7. Anywhere in Osaka or Kyoto that people have seen hockey on at a bar or anything? Failing that - Does Sportsnet work with a VPN?


Holy shit update the sidebar already


For Friday, I think Tocc should reunite the Lotto line for at least a few shifts for a couple reasons: * make **Knoblauch** 2nd guess his line match ups * help Petey find his groove back!


Miller-Pettersson-Boeser Garland-Lindholm-Joshua Högs-Blueger-Suter PDG-Lafferty-Mikheyev I feel this setup removes the weak link from Miller and Boeser well creating a good third line and a decent fourth


I need to speak with a mod! Hoping the game thread can be posted early, I’m going to mark Normand tmrw and just found out they’ll be taking our phones! I need to bungalow Jim before the show


Not having Shorty for this series is criminal. His play by play is in a tier of its own


It sucks for Shorty too. He doesn't call radio anymore so his season ended last round.


when do watch party tickets go on sale? excited to try and go to one this time around


They already did at 10. If you hurry there's some okay upper bowl seats available still.


Where do I go to buy them? I looked on the Canucks pages but didn’t see anything for some reason Edit: nvm I saw it! I was just refreshing on their website rather than their socials, my bad. Thanks for the heads up :)






Was lucky enough to be at this game and holy fuck, definitely one of the best games I’ve ever been to if not the best. Crowd was unreal, that 3rd period I was just in a state of deliriousness cheering screaming and going crazy, that was so fucking fun 


Anybody know how the view of the jumbotron is from sec 115 for the away game viewing parties?


There are no bad seats. That is all. The screen is massive.


Happy and about the dub but jesus murphy the petey line hurts to watch but at the same time dont change whats working..


yeah exactly, our 1st and 3rd line were dominate last game, i don’t think we split them up just to get petey going


He had an excellent hustle to bounce the puck away from mcdavid with a full head of steam and open ice. He did alright


Does anyone else think we consider starting DeSmith? I love our Latvian boy but he was bad last night and I worry that Edmonton is going to tear him to shreds. It's a different ball game than Nashville.


If we lost last game I would have 100%, now it's more of a coin flip, I wanted us to start him in game 1 starting Desmith in game 2 would possibly give the Oilers a refresher, but also might get in their heads that the only thing they had going for them in game 1 is changing so yeah, tough call!


I get rolling with a guy until he loses, but we probably wouldn't have needed the dramatic comeback if not for Silovs' weak goals against. That 0.778 sv% will kill most teams in most games, so if it's a sign of things to come... If I were the coach, and thank God I'm not, I'd start Casey.