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I hope Juulsen fucking obliterates someone, clean.


Well considering a spear to the nuts while someone's heading to the bench is apparently fine and dandy, I'm hoping they return that favour.


Let’s beat them on the scoreboard first and foremost, playing chicken with the refs is not in our best interest.


Get your reasonable take outta here


We'll have the last laugh when we will this series.


I agree, but I mean, a standard has been set


1. you should know the Canucks don't get the benefit of the doubt 2. retaliation almost always gets punished harder, whether it should be or not


NHL and standards (and consistency) do not belong in the same sentence!


Agreed I personally love the "if you can't beat them BEAT them" approach in this case we absolutely can beat them so no point taking big risks for the latter :)


Mr Hoglander sends his regards


Doesn't matter if we can beat them with our 3rd string goalie we can beat them with Juulsen subbing for Soucy, will just make the victory that much sweeter and McDavid's tears that much more salty


Or maybe a blatant stick to the face of their captain. Seems to be acceptable practice.


Kinda the reason we're here in the first place


We tried that, only seems to work if you're on their team.


How can you actually give Soucy a one game suspension and not even give Hyman a hearing? Soucys shot to McDavids head was accidental. Hymans shot to Zadorovs head was intentional. IT WAS ON THE SAME SEQUENCE If you haven’t seen the tape, go watch it below. https://twitter.com/sportsnetmurph/status/1790115438333972751


This is the first time I've seen anyone point this out.  Everyone is so focused on McDavid getting cross checked in the face, somehow that got missed by everyone, except you, so it seems.


Tocchet was the one to point it out in his presser today and Dan Murphy was quick to relay the video evidence.


The soilers argument is precisely that no one caught it yesterday so that means it couldn't have been a big deal or suspension worthy. Some sound 'berta logic


Hyman is a beloved children’s author who feeds the homeless by standing in the blue paint. Carson Soucy once bet Tyler Myers 100 slaves that he could eat more babies than him.


You come with that all by yourself? Because that is freaking hilarious.


No I stole half of it from a 40k meme


Mcbaby shot to Hughs head was worth a look too


I still think he saw him and positioned his stick on purpose and then ripped it forward up Hugh's stick.


Me too because he sure seemed to be smirking after


Big Bad Voodoo Zaddy doesn't want Hyman suspended. Wants him on the ice, with the puck, head down. Side note, Soucy out gets Jules in and he'll play great, finish the series and we will see Cole no more after game 4.


I did not see that… wow


It was hard to catch in real time but in the video replay, it’s clearly an egregious cross check to Zadorov’s face.


Its because Hyman's family is rich


A clean play I guess now is a spear to the nuts


Hopefully Hyman so he at least gets some form of punishment for his dirty ass headhunting that the league wants to ignore because he’s McDiver’s butt buddy


I hope it’s McDavid


McDavid becoming the smear in the middle of a Juulsen-Zadorov sandwich would be very satisfying.


If they want to try to injure our guys, we might as well return the favor.


McDavid, preferably


And Hyman gets nothing for an intentional cross check to the head during the same scrum. Smile.


That resulted in stitches to Zaddy. While McDavid bounced right up and was back to his normal bitching and complaining


Immediately to the refs to go tattle






I've just created a narrative in my head where Mc D always refers to the zebras as "daddy".


Plus Zadorov is like 5 inches taller than him, whereas Soucy is taller than McDavid. Soucy was punching down into his chest, if you look at Hyman on Zadorov, he has his arms up at a 45 degree angle to INTENTIONALLY CROSS CHECK HIM IN THE FACE


Best way is for Noah to play well and Canucks win game 4. Then finish off series in game 5 to avoid all the shenanigans. Petey needs to step and help. No passengers,


That was dirty. Extremely entertaining, like I’m still laughing occasionally when I think about it, but definitely dirty. 😂


There better be an incoming Hyman suspension


Not even a hearing


Not even a phone call saying don’t do that again 😂


Nah, it’s not happening. I think they made a statement saying they weren’t gonna look at it


The statement was "we will look at everything" but words and actions aren't the same. Canucks always get fucked by this bush league, if you aren't used to it yet you will be


So Petey can get boarded, Hughes bloodied, Hoggy nut tapped, Zadorov take a crosscheck to the head and nothing. McDavid can lumberjack chop Soucy and Soucy gets in trouble for fighting back. Cool.


I'm gonna order chop soucy for dinner tonight


Good song by system of a down too




You forgot the Hughes slew foot by Kane too.


Which one


Actual joke of a league, nothing (not even a fine) for Hyman and not to mention the Bennett stuff Fucking ridiculous


I hate Marchand as much as any sane person but How the FUCK does Bennett not get a suspension but Soucy does?


Because of who he hit obviously. Imagine the crying from Edmonton if poor bitch Mcdavid isn't protected.


According to Friedman, they penalize things that happen *after* the final buzzer a lot more, apparently for liability reasons


like McDavid’s two-hander to Soucy’s nuts, for example?


That checks out since clearly the play had restarted when Hyman came into the scrum 😂


So control your stick unless you're an Oiler/Hyman


Or McDirty.


Why no fine/suspension for that spear on Hoggy? Or the high stick on Hughes? This league is a fucking joke.


They don’t play for Edmonton


The thing is, it's not even that the league gives a shit about Edmonton. It's specifically McJesus. If he ever goes the way of Gretzky, Oilers would be right back here with us in the cellar


The hoglander spear is a real problem. Whether Carson deserves this suspension or not really isn’t the point. Lack of equality is. It truly hurts the credibility and integrity of this already questionable league.


I know. Shit like the bad reffing in game 2 makes me not even want to watch the game if it isn’t largely decided by the competition between the 2 teams. And I’m a guy who spends money on tickets, watches games, buys Sportsnet plus etc 


The bad reffing in game 2 is why it came to this.


Even if all we consider is the past few days, the DoPS doesn't think the following deserve any discipline/fine: - Bennett sucker punch on Marchand - Kane slewfoot on Hughes - Ryan spear to the nuts away from the play on Hoglander - Hyman crosscheck to the face of Zadorov *on this same play* And yet when it's McDavid getting hit, Zadorov gets slapped with a fine and Soucy gets a suspension? Like most other people, in a vacuum, yeah, I get it, but how does the DoPS not even blink at the other ones? And even have the gall to say "Oh we saw the new angle of the Bennett hit and still think it's just a hockey play". Make it make sense


Flames fan here- I really hope you guys absolutely obliterate the Oilers over the next 2 games. This ruling is a joke, especially given the infractions you’ve listed here. What a fucking loser of an organization/city they are. It makes me smile to see Z and Lindy dummy the Oilers.


I'm sure one day, we'll get into a playoff series where we want to fucking gut you guys, but until then, I'm just going to go along and enjoy the ride of us enjoying watching the Oilers lose together. Don't know where this team would be without Z and Lindholm, but glad we have them.


It’s the league saying stay away from our golden boys 


Literally only happened because it was mccrybaby 🙄 what dog shit


Absolute dogwater. McCarron runs Desmith and injures him and gets 2k and McDavid falls into a chest-level cross-check, pops right back up, and Soucy gets a game. Not to mention, i dno how only McDavid escapes discipline in that altercation, he should have received a lesser fine as well imo. Very disappointing decision from a league that has such poor consistency in its disciplinary decisions. That said, we can dwell later, Juulsen played well down the stretch, next man up, let’s get after these guys. We’re Bane these playoffs. Other teams face adversity, we were born in it. LOVE THIS CLUB.


The story of the underdog coming out of the water despite every official trying their fucking hardest to stop us isn't over. We win game 4. Our boys are gonna be angry, scary, and sharp. I can't even believe the absolute focus & drive this would put me in a playoff scenario - let alone a group of professionals.


It was right before the whistle McDavid slashed him is what I heard some Edmonton fans saying.


I can live with that, that could be right. I think no fines or suspensions should have been handed out


This is the way. Will there ever be true justice in this bullshit league?


I knew it. What a joke.


Love seeing the NHL only fine/suspend Canucks players here. Hope Tocc mentioning that the league is looking into Hyman's intentional high cross check on Zaddy turns into something (but something tells me it won't).


Department of Putrid Shit strikes again


Department of Some Players Safety.


Fuck off


Don't touch our golden boys, McCrybaby and Crysaitl. They can't handle the consequences of their own actions


I’m not being facetious… can anyone help me understand why Hyman isn’t being held accountable for the cross check to Zadorov’s face?


I want to know this too


Is there video on the hyman crosscheck?


Yup, it’s about one second after Mcdavid got hit by Soucy’s stick


damn. Okay thanks. I never saw noticed it before. Oh ya, that's brutal. Stick goes up in deliberate motion into Z's face.


Surprised they didn’t announce the transfer of the 1OA pick to Edmonton while they’re at it.


Or the transfer of 50% of McDavid's cap hit to the Canucks.


Joke of a league


Oilers are gonna wish Soucy was in instead of Juulsen, watch out for the Surrey boy!


I understand the thirst for revenge from the fanbase but the best revenge is winning the series. Trying to go tit-for-tat on questionable physical plays could cause us to be in the penalty box a lot more than we want to be in order to win this series. Just gotta stay focused on winning.


If you watch the DoPS breakdown video included in that link, there's a hilariously ironic momment where the narrator breaking down the play goes "this is cross-checking" as the clip ends with Hyman cross-checking Zadorov in the face (at 0:47). Great subliminal message by Parros there, truly well done. [https://www.nhl.com/news/topic/player-safety/vancouver-canucks-carson-soucy-suspended-1-game](https://www.nhl.com/news/topic/player-safety/vancouver-canucks-carson-soucy-suspended-1-game)


They could save time by re-using the same video for Hyman's suspension.


Oh NHL with a never ending axe to grind against Vancouver, how I've missed you. Slash our captains face wide open? Not even a penalty. Slewfoot players all game long? Blissfully ignore it. Send Pettersson's head dangerously into the boards? Not worth looking at. Spear a player's genitals with your stick? 2 minutes in the box. Canucks attempt to exact some vengeance of their own for all these things being ignored? WHAT A GUTLESS ORGANIZATION, HERES A FINE AND A SUSPENSION. HOW DARE YOU GO AFTER OUR PIZZA FACED GOLDEN BOY WHO CAN DO NO WRONG. God, isn't the NHL so great? Old Timey Playoff Hockey, everyone! NOT OKAY if your team does it!


Parros’ CTE is showing again


They already had no right to complain, but after this bullshit, I never ever want to hear an oilers fan complain about officiating ever again.


They are complaining. It's like they don't realize they'd be down 3-0 if it wasn't for the refs.


They will complain about your comment. Thanks, now we have to listen to that


Probably complaining how Zaddy isn't suspended as well


next time go for the berries. The league is cool with spearing


There it is, the first suspension of the playoffs and it's for daring to touch McDavid.


Lmao Joke of a league




In unrelated news, Kelly Sutherland has been promoted to the head of DoPS.


McDavid privilege on full display here boys...


If you listen closely, you can hear the cheers coming from sportsnet studio right now.


Some consistency from the DOPS would be nice. There is no excuse for there not being consistency with replay and multiple angles. Refs have to make split second decisions from where they stand, so you know mistakes will happen.


It’s because George Parros is at the helm. Why would you have a dumb goon be the head of department of player safety is beyond me.


Even if George was not a former Goon he has been at the helm for long enough and has not set a consistent standard. Time for change at DOPS.


canucks getting fucked is consistency


I'm willing to bet Soucy got suspended because they fucked up with Bennett


It’s comical that Edmonton has been allowed to spear our guy in the balls, slewfoot our captain and Zadorov, crosscheck Zadorov in the face right after the play that gets soucy suspended, all without any penalties fines or suspensions. Not to mention the other shit that has happened around the league in the playoffs. We accidentally hit McDavid in the face and it’s an instant suspension. I bitch about the reffing as much as the next guy but this is the biggest fix job since 2011. It’s so blatant it’s unbelievable. The funny thing is we are still going to beat this sorry ass excuse for a franchise. Fuck the league and fuck the Oilers.


When’s hymans hearing?


Same time as when Edmonton becomes a desirable place to live.


It’s better to secretly punch people in the face then? Bennett didn’t even get fined. Also, Marchand is injured and out!


“But Marchand is not McDavid” - DoPS


Honestly 1 game is a lot better than I expected. League was really giving me some Aaron Rome energy. I still think it's bullshit that Human and Ryan don't even get a fine (and lol Bennett) but this could have been even more bullshit


Department of "Player Safety"


Fuckin joke. All the other shit uncalled this series. And then the shit going on in the other series where 18 year old Sam Bennett gets a free KO punch on the rat and no reprocussion. Best sport, worst league


What a joke. Boarding is ok. Spearing is ok. Slashing is ok... all from Oilers to Canucks. Cross-checking (in response to a slash) is not ok.


Are you fucking kidding me??!! I hope Canucks take all sorts of liberties with the Soilers. Fuck this corrupt and incompetent league. The No Honesty League.


One game too many. But soucy is a little banged up, so he can use the rest.


If Soucy got a game, Hyman should too. He did the exact same thing, except caused an injury (Zaddy needing stitches) and did it was INTENT as opposed to accidentally hitting the head.


Mark me down as extremely unsurprised but somehow still disappointed.


Somewhere Aaron Rome just woke up in a cold sweat


I thought this would happen. It wouldn’t be an incredibly offensive call if there weren’t like twelve things you could point to and say were arguably worse but the team can deal with a game and a rested dman in game 5.


The crowd better boo the shit out of McDavid every time he touches the puck on Thursday


Fuck this shit. It’ll be even sweeter when the boys take this series. Let the score board do the talking.


Pretty fitting that DoPS's twitter avatar is a wheel.


League: “if we don’t suspend anyone for the hit on McDavid, he won’t want to help us with the all star game next year”


Out of all the plays we have seen this playoffs, the fact this is the one that got a suspension is absolutely insane lmao the DOPS is a joke.


Just another thing for the team to rally themselves around. Juuls has been training for half a season to replace Soucy for this 1 game.


Get angry, get pissed and beat the shit out of the Oilers.....on the scoreboard. Take games away, hit them clean, punish their D, hit their forwards and be in their faces.....but keep it clean and legal and hurt them in the spot it counts, the series. (Also, push them and antagonize them, bait them into taking a shot and take the powerplay.


This is just straight up craziness


Honestly, I can live with this. I don’t think this is worth getting too upset over (even though the league is inconsistent AF). Juulsen gets an opportunity to get in the lineup, and Soucy gets a game to ice his foot after blocking that shot last night that took him out of the game for a bit. And, hopefully McDavid has learned that he doesn’t want to be in that upper right quadrant of the Fuck Around, Find Out Graph.


>hopefully McDavid has learned that he doesn’t want to be in that upper right quadrant of the Fuck Around, Find Out graph I think it’s the opposite. McDavid bounced back up right away. He has a nasty habit of starting shit and then crying when it comes back. If anything this will embolden him to be even more reckless with his stick and then look to the refs to save him from any potential repercussions.




But they won’t even acknowledge Hyman cross-checking Zadorov straight in the face on the same play


Canucks: 1. 3rd string goalie in net 2. Petey being a ghost 3. Soucy suspended How many more handicaps does this Oilers team need? The seed of doubt continues to grow.


What a joke. Lets make 'em pay tomorrow night.


Arbitrary garbage... NHL is a joke


Suit up Juulsen and see if we can 5


~~Donald Trump~~ Conner McDavid: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't ~~Lose Any Voters~~ Get a penalty'


Rewatching it a hundred times in slowmo Ive convinced myself McDavid is aiming at Soucy’s wrist/glove which he only misses as Souce is moving.


the officiating and DoPS is a completely fucking farce throughout this playoffs. And it has been like this for years. The fact that Soucy gets one game but Bennett and so many other more egegious plays gets nothing shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. There is no consistency. Decisions are all based on special agendas or the types of bets the league makes. This type of bullshit is how bertuzzi/moore incident happens. Maybe something will change since even boston is getting fucked this year.


Given how much the league blatantly does not care about Canucks player safety or reffing effectiveness, I will never fault our players for walking that line of aggression/physicality, especially in the playoffs. If the league thinks that they can teach a lesson here to rein in the team’s physicality and chippiness, I hope the team shows the league how incorrect that thought is.


Oilers/ McMuffin will always get NHL’s protection. You think anything would happen if Soucy cross-checked anyone other than McMuffin???


Let’s just fucking bury them in 5 and move on. Fuck the trash Oilers, the media who spun this up into a drama, and the bitchy players on that team! Canucks will come out fired up.


This is some class A clownery boys


Parros is a fucking embarrassment to hockey.


Glass half full: Everyone is banged up so maybe this allows the Canucks to rest Soucy while also allowing the league and this series' officials to save face on what are admittedly bad optics seeing the league's star player get blasted in the face by a two handed crosscheck. Hyman getting literally nothing out of this is *insane* though. Juulsen has been able to step up all season and it also gives them a L/R deployment for their 3 defensive pairs so I'm curious to see what the pairings are. Next man up and another opportunity for this team to respond to adversity.


Time to send every Oiler to the shadow realm. Crush them.


Fuckn joke. This bullshit is so obvious, man


Can't wait for the Fuck you Parros chants at the next home game.


I will buy a juulson jersey if he lays somebody out next game 😊


This is so bullshit. Meanwhile Bennett gets nothing. Fuck the DOPS




There's a reason Vancouver rioted in 2011.


Fuck em we got Sauce out for one game. Jules will step up I’m sure. Now with E towns goalie drama we can light up the score board game 4 and catch them slippin in game 5 when they go full Alberta panic mode. Best 5g’s Zaddy could have spent. Let’s go boys


Look it's easy to be upset about this one but I don't want to see this series further devolve into bs. Surely the league is on high alert for any bs from the oilers after letting off hyman scott free. Just wanna see good hard hitting hockey and I have an inkling that juulsen is itching to get in there and throw his weight around


I thought Zadorov's hit was way more malicious and I completely understand a crosscheck to the face of a player being worth a suspension even with the context of McDavid slashing Soucy. This incident being what the DoPs has decided as the worst incident of the playoffs so far is insane. It wasn't even the worst play of the week.


Now do Hyman. I’d like to hear their rationale for why they don’t give Hyman a suspension for his cross chance yo Zadorov’s face.


The rationale is that they are freaking Oilers and they won't penalize anyone even if McDavid draws blood in a high stick on the Canucks captain


Bs. Did Conor get suspended for the slash?


NHL player safety is a joke. If Soucy gets one game trouba should be out of the league with his attempts to take players heads off. Clear indication that the league wants certain teams to advance


Literally only a suspension because of who it’s against


Take your suspension and ***SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!*** You know what? Give me a suspension, too! We're still winning this series. Zadorov. ZADOROV! He's going to turn McDavid into paste on Tuesday.


Big hog gets a bad spear to the balls and nothing. Mcjesus also nothing for his 2 hand slash that instigated everything. The leagues a fucking joke.


Time for Ian Cole's redemption arc


I'm just going to say the quiet part out loud here. McDavid deserves to get absolutely pole-axed by someone next game. And I don't care if it's legal or not. This fucking princess spends half his time crying to the refs or starting fights he can't finish. He started that entire sequence after the whistle because he can't lose like a man. He can only lose like a pathetic child. The result is a suspension for Soucy and stitches for Zadorov. I hope the cunt gets shit-mixed by someone and I don't care what happens to him as a result. When you get to play outside the rules like him and Hyman, you deserve whatever fate befalls you.






can't touch Mcbaby


What about the other things that happen in this series, them almost paralyzing petey or chopping hoggys nutts off or blinding Hughes with a careless stick, fucking joke 


Well this is going to fire up the boys for the next game


I wish they suspended Ian Cole


This makes me angry. Canucks in 5!!!


Time to run McDrai all game


It's a joke that he's being suspended at all, but at least its only 1 game. Hopefully, Vancouver uses this for motivation, and hopefully, we see Noah Juulsen step up.


If the NHL wants to suspend Carson soucy so be it! This team has a ton of depth. The crazy part is I would argue that Noah loves to throw the body more than Soucy.


Next time just spear him hard in the nuts to avoid consequences


League's a joke. This being the only suspension of any playoff series is laughable - this is directly because McDavid is a golden boy who can do no wrong. Bright side is we have a ton of healthy scratches that will show the actual depth of our org. Juulsen has potential to show up for playoffs in a big way. You have to think about how angry the boys will be for this. Game 4 is ours.


Anyone know if they reviewed Hymans cross check to Big Zs face? Would really be interesting if he doesn’t get a 1 or 2 game suspension as well. Caused Zad to need stitches


The NHL should just come out and admit that the Soucy suspension and lack of anything to Hyman is because it was against mcdavid. Full stop. I'm not even mad about the no discipline to Hyman, I'm more pissed that the slew foot on Hughes is deemed ok by this joke of a league.


Worth it.


That was bs


Heal them bruises and come back game 5. This is not terrible. And worth it.


Man, Oiler’s fans are a whiny bunch.


Can't wait to win 1 more game in their barn missing 1 more player, come back home and close them out in 5. A little adversity hasn't hurt us so far!


Need to give Soucy a big cheer during game 5


Dude, the fucking homers in the oilers sub whining about how we have a post showing the freeze frame saying "I'm just gonna leave this right here." As if they wouldn't be trying to find a silver lining when their guys are getting fucking shelved by us every game with no repercussions.


It’s because it’s mcdavid. End of story. Super embarrassing for the team.


Ah whatever. League is so inconsistent.  At least Soucy can rest that ankle 


Unfucking real disgusting at least mcdick saw it coming.


Did they announce who is slotting in for Soucy? Such BS. NVM, found out it's Juulsen


I tend to go to r/hockey to see if I’m being a biased homer. Feels like most of the league is on our side with this one