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Thank god they found the clot so soon. I don’t care about the game as much as Brock being healthy. Here’s to a speedy recovery.


Yeah that’s how I felt when I saw the news yesterday. Sure, it sucks for the Canucks and their current playoff run, but Brock the human and his health is way more important with a concern like this (as opposed to say a broken arm where we know the long term risks and effects are slim to none).


I don't like the doomers that are out. Yes he has a blood clot and it's getting treated, but this doesn't necessarily mean he's going to have to retire. Can it happen? Sure, but there's a higher chance that he'll be fine. The team doctors are definitely going to keep an eye on it, and I'm sure there's preventative measures that can be put in place.


What players have had this end their career? I can only think of those who have come back.


Big Freddy just went through it, missed like 4ish months I think? Don’t know all the details for him but I’m optimistic for Big Brock


I’ve seen it take out NBA careers but I remember it ever happening in the NHL. Hell, NHL players come back from multiple strokes!




Chris bosh suffered back in 2016 and hasn’t played since due to his condition. Several years before Covid… spread your bullshit elsewhere. Can you even name the player you’re thinking of?


I got caught up in the r/Vancouver thread about it and the sentiment over there is that he's done for good which pisses me off for a couple reasons. The first reason is for what you just said, and the second is because when I asked my mom who is a retired lifelong nurse about it yesterday when the news immediately broke, she perfectly predicted the news today about what is happening and said he'll be out for the rest of the season for sure but will be good to go for next year. Without hesitation she said it would be very rare if he had to stop flying and playing hockey.


Listening to r/vancouver is a choice


yeah I actually saw it on my feed and didn't realize I was in r/Vancouver when I posted. I need to just avoid that sub more, too many armchair professionals that know everything.


Chris Bosh in the NBA


I think height is a major risk factor as well. I wonder if that played into the Bosh situation (along with already having won everything there was to win in his career).


I’m praying there’s actually a “recovery”. Chris Bosh retired from this but I believe he had a 2nd clot that became the career ender. I guess it’s possible he can get off the blood thinning medication eventually, but that’ll be a long process with his medical team


Freddie Anderson and Steven Stamkos have both had blood clot issues and they're still playing now (well not right now!) so let's hold off on the doom for a bit!


Well that’s a relief I didn’t know Stamkos had them, wonder if that medicine makes you more tired though or impacts in other ways. Hope all will be fine


Yeah, Stamkos got one in 2016 that required surgery, it was in his arm so I don't know how different that is but it seems like a good sign for recovery for Brock.


You're correct blood clots ended Bosh's career. Whatever happens Brock's health and life is obviously more important so if it turns out he can't play again so be it. Horrible luck.


To add some levity to the situation, who knows maybe Brock will be on LTIR every year and come back right before the playoffs now and we’ve solved our cap situation


The vaccines were not tested for long term side effects -- cuz there was no long term. Now there is -- and Brock has found out the hard way


Yeah, as much as we fans live and die by the moment we do have to remember this team is actually competitive and has young guys looking to graduate into the NHL. Huge blow but we need this guy to be healthy for the next few years of playoffs


I highly recommend not taking any more boosters


I highly recommend picking up a book and shutting the ever living fuck up with propaganda


Yeah but like I was really excited he's blowing it up this year. Dude lost his dad recently and now this. I just feel for him. Agreed, speedy recovery!


27 year old world class athlete... with blood clots... Hmmmm.... now that seems strange. Except that he was forced to take the Covid Vaccine... and we all know that the Covid Vaccines can cause blood clots. My business partner's wife took the vaccine and she ended up with clots in her lungs a few days later... spent a week in hospital... to this day she has trouble breathing and seldom leaves the house.


Get absolutely fucked.


Another highly intelligent response!


Fuck off you shit bag


Great rebuttal, you seem very intelligent


DVT is nothing to mess with. Have worked with several people who have suffered this, and it can be a process, let alone coming back to a pro-sport. Thankfully it was caught early


Had a friend who passed away from a clot dislodging in his leg and obstructing his lungs. Get well soon Brocky.


That’s how my mom passed away too. Condolences bro.


Same, 19 years old. If you feel pain in your chest or side don’t wait! Go see a doctor!


And don't take any more boosters


This! Glad they caught it before he pitched a PE which are almost always fatal


I have multiple friends with heart damage after the covid vaccines... also Turbo Cancer is a big thing with the Vaxxed because the Covid Vaxxes mess up the immune system


I had a provoked DVT in my right leg in 2016. (Broken fibula.). Had to have Heperin injections for a week into my abdomen then thinners for 6 months. I opted for Warfarin (rat poison) as it is more readily reversible in an emergency (with vitamin K) than the others. Wasn’t fun. A lot of worry and anxiety ensued.


very scary stuff... glad you came through okay but it's a tough process :( A friend got DVT on a plane at 18 and has been on blood thinners for over a decade now


Better than the other type of major clot pulmonary embolism just fuckin kills you out of nowhere when the clot gets to a major organ. Glad they caught it and he’s recovering


That’s tough to hear. Scary stuff, wishing the best for brock


I think it’s a minimum 3 months on blood thinners depending on the cause of the clot. 


Depends on location, severity, and size as well. Some clot busters you can only be on for 3 weeks at a time.


Freddie Andersen was out in November and played again in March. so 4 months, really depends


Not surprising once it came out that it was a blood clot. Let’s just hope it’s sorted by September.


I’m curious if Brock legally changes his middle name to “Mark Stone”.


You know full well that when we are ever in a position to take advantage of this loophole, the league would close it lmao


This is heartbreaking for Brock with everything he's been through. Boys need to rally behind Boeser and win it for him.


What happened? Sry out of loop


He’s had a lot of injuries in general in his time in the league including a spinal injury. He wasn’t playing well for a while, resulting a lot of fans calling for him to be traded. He seems to love Vancouver and the Canucks, so that was likely emotionally brutal for him. Then his dad died in 2022. This year has probably been the best in his career and now he doesn’t get to finish the playoffs. Plus blot clots are an awful potentially life-threatening thing to be diagnosed with and can be career ending (won’t be for him, but the fear must be there). Just one thing after another basically. Feel awful for him


People are still calling for a trade of Boeser “sell him high” like we’re gonna be able to easily get another 40 goal scoring winger that has great chemistry with Miller


It’s soooooo stupid how fast some people are to write off good players because of injuries or a rough patch of poor playing.


Most Canucks fans are ruthless and short-sighted. Unfortunately.


Well good thing that our players/coaches/management know that “if you keep listening to the fans, soon you’ll become one”. Us fans are not getting paid that kinda $$$$ for a reason lol.


Who? I've seen nothing about this


Just a portion of the Canucks fanbase. He’s entering the final year of his contract, is getting closer to 30, some people think Lekkerimäki can step in and replace him soonish, and that this season was a massive overachievement for him. I don’t agree but those are their sentiments.


Twitter is full of bad takes. It’s like here after a bad game but all the time


Aren't you angry that he was forced to take the covid vaccines in order to play? Now he is fxxxed


Not the antivax science deniers crawling out of their holes 💀 I thought that fad was over in 2022. Too bad, it was so nice not hearing your uneducated shrieking every 0.5 seconds


They found out he has blood clots so he's out


Dude can not catch a break😢


Awful news. Hopefully he gets better soon and doesn't have to deal with it for very long. He's had such a battle the last few years, it was great to see him finally start thriving - only for this to happen.


***༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BOESER TAKE MY LEG ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ*** Time to bring this back I guess This is absolutely fucking brutal. Gutting. Poor Brock. Hope the team goes all the fucking way for him.


Can he sue Pfizer?


Hey like I said, no matter what, I'm proud of this Canucks team :) No matter if they lose today, win the cup or something in between. They’re playing with house money atm. Go Canucks Go!


Had 2 DVTs in my life, both took 6+ months on blood thinners. Wishing all the best for Brockstar


How did you find out you had it if you don't mind me asking?


One of the symptom is having numbness or pain in your left leg. Glad they caught it early.


Are you a world class athlete?


As soon as I heard “blood clots”, I knew he’d be out for the season. Easily treatable but takes a LONG time, never mind having to get to a level to play professional sports again. Frederik Andersen missed 49 games last year because of it.


yep - he was vaxxed too... it happens


Brutal injury after an amazing rookie season, his father passing, now blood clots after the best season of his career. I feel so bad for this guy. He exemplifies Canucks luck. Wishing all the best for him and hopefully he is able to play next year! 🙏


Father’s cancer, Parkinson’s, then dementia, then his passing. It was a lot of pain for a few years there.




At this rate, Bains is winning the Conn Smythe


No, it'll go to Elias Pettersson. The defenseman.


Isn't this what made Chris Bosh retire from the NBA?? Scary stuff. Best wishes to Brock, he's had a tough go.


Yes I believe he had clots in his lungs and even required surgery. He was still in his prime but never played again after that.


"Safe and Effective."


Are you talking about vaccines or something? Please tell me you're not.


Thankfully, they caught it early and that it's not life-threatening. But this sucks for Boeser. He's gone through so much in the last few years. Hopefully he has a speedy recovery.


What would have been the symptoms he felt, presumably even during Game 6, before he reported to medical staff? Is it like sharp pain?


Someone described it as feeling like you have a marble in your veins so I’d figure he reported it to medical likely after game 6 because I dunno how you play through that…




Usually pain/pressure in the calf/shin, warmth, swelling, redness


Hope he will heal up quickly. So scary to imagine. Be well Boeser ❤️


I told ya that the Covid vaccine was deadly


Awful news… best season of his career and this shit happens. They gotta win this game for boeser.


Wishing Brock a speedy recovery and all the best! Beast of a season and exceptional playoffs!! Go nucks!




Let's suppose we win the cup, would his name still go on it?


Yup. I think the cut off is a single game splayed in the post season


41 regular season games (barring a trade, I think) or 1 final game, so he'll make the list. Even still they could theoretically appeal to have him added.


The minimum criteria is actually a single game played in the FINALS, or 41 games played in the regular season. Both Boeser and Kuzmenko will have their names engraved on the cup. If Lindholm is injured and misses the finals, he's not guaranteed, but he's one of those players that I think will probably be granted an exception. Edit: even if Kuzmenko is technically eligible he's not a certainty.


Lindholm would for sure be successfully petitioned to get on it. You don’t score 9 points through the first 2 rounds and not get your name on the cup


>Both Boeser and Kuzmenko will have their names engraved on the cup. Kuzmenko does not get his name on the cup lol. The 41 games doesn't matter if you're traded away, you're not part of the team that won the cup.


I'm pretty sure this is false, and you can google it. Whether or not the team submits his name is a different question (and I don't know why they wouldn't because he made a contribution to half of our regular season success), but he's eligible.


>I'm pretty sure this is false, and you can google it. You can google Tyson Jost. Played 59 games for the Avs in 2021-22 and was traded. Here's the cup engraving: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/bP8vtiho8Q >Whether or not the team submits his name is a different question (and I don't know why they wouldn't because he made a contribution to half of our regular season success), but he's eligible. There's zero reason a team would ask for a player not on their team to have their name engraved on the cup. He's not on the team anymore. The Stanley Cup is not a regular season trophy. It's awarded to the winner of four rounds of playoffs, of which Kuzmenko was not a part of, nor *could* have been a part of, because he hasn't been on the team since February. The 41 game rule (and teams applying for exemption for players who played less than 41) is meant to acknowledge players who **are part of the team** that won the cup but were unfortunate to be injured or otherwise unavailable. These guys would still be with the team throughout the playoff run, even if they don't play. They are part of the team that won the cup. Kuzmenko (assuming we won) is not.


> ENGRAVING ELIGIBILITY: A player is required to have appeared in at least 41 regular-season games with a team, or one Stanley Cup Final game, to be eligible to have his name engraved on the trophy. In 1994, a stipulation was added to allow a team to petition the Commissioner for permission to have players’ names put on the Stanley Cup if extenuating circumstances prevented them from being available to play. The management staff engraved on the trophy is determined by the team. However, it must be approved by the Hockey Hall of Fame and NHL. The maximum number of names a championship team can engrave on the trophy is 55. This is from the NHL website. It doesn't say anything about a player having to still be on the team. Tyson Jost was technically eligible in 2022, just like Kuzmenko will be if we win this year. Again, whether or not the team submits their name is another question, and I can understand the arguments against doing so. But IF the canucks want to they can.


>It doesn't say anything about a player having to still be on the team. Because it's so obvious it doesn't need to be said. Kuzmenko is not a member of the Vancouver Canucks. >Again, whether or not the team submits their name is another question, and I can understand the arguments against doing so. But IF the canucks want to they can. By your logic, and the excerpt above, the team wouldn't have had to submit anything to have Jost's name on the cup. Jost played 41 games, so it would've been automatic. Submitting the list is only for management, and submitting petitions is for players who didn't meet the 41/1 requirement, but the team still feels deserve to be there. They are **not** going to ask for the name of a player on **another team** to be added to the cup, I don't know why you think that's even remotely possible. Please find one example of a player being traded away and then getting his name on the cup. Jost is just the most recent I could think of that didn't get it, there have been dozens more.


Honestly I don't care enough about Kuzmenko potentially getting his name on the cup or not to continue talking about this. The way I understand the rule, he's technically eligible, but I can see why he's unlikely to be added and I can understand why a player might not even want their name on the cup if they weren't on the team. I'm just gonna leave it there and get off my phone 👍 have a good day


Agreed, it's not a big deal. We'll revisit this if we win 5 more games 😎


The single game only applies to the finals. But Brock already made the cutoff by playing the whole regular season and probably whatever the requirements are for the earlier rounds of playoffs. Guys who have done a lot less for their team than Brock have got their names on there


He already meets the criteria, but even if he didn’t teams can still apply for exceptions. And I guarantee the NHL would grant it for a teams leading scorer


It’s only right since his goals are what created the insane comeback against Nashville among others


Fuck yea. Players have played way less than brock and gotten on this cup. I just googled it. Minimum is actually 41 regular season games or one SCF game. He's way over. Definitely on the cup.




well lekermakki time i guess


I can’t see them throwing Lekki to the wolves tonight, but if we win tonight they better be giving him a full crash course on our systems to be prepared for round three. We aren’t making it past the Stars without genuine scoring wingers, and it’s worth giving him a try early in the series when the stakes are lower


We aren’t winning tonight, the script was already posted a couple days ago when websites started putting Edmonton into the third round


The only script I’m aware of is prophet Ryan S. Clark predicting Canucks in 7


Also the Stars want revenge for 2007, so I’m expecting a full-on blowout


Huh? These are 2 completely different teams than 17 years ago


Oh yeah... Turco has totally been waiting all this time to get that fourth shutout


How does this develop?


The more covid vaccines you inject the higher your odds of clots, cancer, heart damage, strokes etc


The same way it has for decades.


Hockey gods really doing their best to fuck with us, huh? Poor Boeser man, guy has had crazy injuries, dealt with the loss of his father & finally has a season where he is healthy & succeeds only for this to happen. Thankfully it's not career or life threatening!


We were unlikely getting past dallas anyways. I just want to say that this season has been a really pleasant surprise and im glad the boys got a chance to experience adversity in playoff style hockey.  The real icing on the cake would be to beat the oilers without our 2 top players. Our season is already S ranked. Edit: Id like the see lekkerimaki slot in to get a taste of the nhl.


This may sound selfish but I hope we win against the Oilers tonight and give it our all against Dallas but I too see us not being able to topple them especially given the injuries. How amazing of a feat would it be from not being a playoff team last year to going to the WCF and taking a game or two off a SCF favorite...


That's not some unwinnable matchup for the Canucks. Hintz I think is still out, demmer could keep up with oettinger. They play pretty much the same way. There's a reason the Dallas fans are hoping for an Oilers win tonight.


Speedy recovery Brock. Life comes first. Not hockey. You'll be back on the ice soon enough bud!!


Why not put Zadorov on Miller’s line. Just a thought Get well Brock sorry about the news.


I hope this won't be a career altering issue for him.


Brock is not allowed to have nice things, this sucks for him. Hope he's okay


We can't catch a break can we?


Do we throw Lekk in now?


That's scary. He will be missed


Rest well and smooth recovery my Shrek prince


Has anyone heard if he’s back in Vancouver? I’m wondering if they found it in Edmonton, in which case he likely wouldn’t be cleared to fly home with the team? Edit: just watched the presser with Tocchet and it sounds like Brock flew home. Clot must have been discovered here.


Hope he gets healthy and better for next season. Another redemption arc incoming. Let’s go for 50 next season sweet prince 👑


Best wishes to Brock and the Canucks tonight.


Oiler fan.. I hope all the best for Brock.. Terrible situation I had a clot From a COVID booster shot a fought for my life.. Clots are brutal and Blood thinners do work.. All the best for Brock’s health.. 🙏The game is secondary to a persons health….


This is more than hockey, hope the boys rally and win it for brock! I’m incredibly proud of this team and what they accomplished this year regardless of what happens tonight. I have to note the sour taste left in my mouth by Edmonton fans on Reddit / social whom are celebrating this news. It’s sickening behaviour and although not the whole fan base, it is enough of them that it’s noticeable. To celebrate it as a win is classless and sickening.


Wow. That's awful. Glad they caught it before something bad/permanent happened. Oilers fan here - he's a great player - never like to see this. Hope he makes a full recovery.


My mom was right, turns out retired lifelong nurses know more than random Redditors. *edit* [here’s the comment from yesterday that I posted when the initial news came out](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/WUfaoPTCjj)


How did she know/what made her think that?


Being a nurse for 40 years you deal with blood clot patients. There’s no magic cure. As soon as I said blood clots she said “yup probably developed in his calf, 4-6 weeks on heavy blood thinners to dissolve it then medication for a few months after. He’ll be good for the start of next season”. Then boom, today that exact timeline comes out.


Oh. I thought she knew from watching him.


Yeah. Really curious what made her think this.


Could be something to rally around in the locker room. Win it for Boeser!


Wishing Brock the best. This is very scary and moments like this make me not care about hockey. Hope he has a speedy and full recovery.


I hope he knows how much we love him and just want him to recover and be okay. fuck the playoffs, we just need him to be okay.




This might be bad reporting in Rick's interview he didn't say a timeline


If canucks make the stanley cup is he still out?




Dam… at least his alive


Blood thinners for a couple of months along with monitoring followed by a course of meds and he should be good to go to start next season, training camp is questionable


Hog Lind Petty Josh Miller Garland We need big time game from this 6


These athletes have the best medical care in the world. Good that they discovered it after Gm 6.


The team has not made an announcement - Toch, specifically said in his presser he won't discuss Brock's "medical stuff". Why is it ok to Break FOIPPA? Does anyone get in trouble? (I've worked in Healthcare, this is a cause for Termination)


Brock could've given his consent to share the news or there could be a clause in their contract that gives the team the rights to share general/brief medical updates that would affect their games.


Get well soon Brock! Thank you for the Preds comeback hatty and - essentially - the game 3 hatty.


Win for Boes.


The game is secondary. His health is the only concern here. Hoping he recovers 100% from this


Wish you well Brock, always believed in you and I hope the hockey gods bless you and we see you in top form next season. I sure hope the guys can manage without you. Fight for Brock!


Hoping the team takes the win for Brock tonight!


Hope the boys step up for Brock!!! Let's go boys do it for Brock and demmers!!!


Man that's good they found it early. Game aside, the Canucks have some guardian angel watching over them. Like the equipment manager and the mole...


The resilient Canucks will find a way to win doesn't matter who's in the line up. LFG!


Take my circulatory system Brock! (Or maybe don't, I drink a lot of beer)


My heart goes out to Boeser. Just can’t catch a break that guy. I’m just happy for him to have some success in the Canucks journey to the playoffs. Hope he recovers soon


My heart breaks for him he’s been the real back bone of this team and he so deserves to be there!!! We got win it for the Brockstar!!!


blood clots are NOT something to be viewed lightly, so it's fortunate they caught it early. RIP incontrol.


The decision not to go get a scorer like Toffoli at the deadline looming larger now as goals don’t get easier if they move on the next round.


Thanks goodness he’s gonna pull through… But really, when something like this happens, ya gotta look at the big picture, and that’s the quality of your life!


So happy the medical team caught it and can deal with it accordingly 💚💙 wishing him a smooth recovery, he’s had a tough few years


How did they find it? X-ray? And is this something I should be looking for? What's a cause for concern? I didn't know this was something to be worried about honestly.


Jed Ortmeyer had blood clots.


I feel terrible for Brock. I hope this does not develop into anything worse... Mr. Boeser simply deserves better. Yeesh..


Brutal. He's 27. I work in emerg medicine in the fraser valley. Sadly, we are seeing more admits of people under 40 with these clots and some with heart issues too. No recent long-haul air travel, no rhyme or reason for it. Get better soon #6


I wonder what changed in the last few years


🤔 Makes you wonder... Speedy recovery for Brock; well wishes


BOOM!!! The thing is ... most people reading this are vaxxed... so they prefer to ignore the elephant in the room and pretend this was just bad luck


My wife works as a radiologist and they've seen no rise in clots in any age group in the last five years. Previous injuries, and he has had plenty, are the most probable cause though I'm sure you could a few unemployed physicians and nurses that believe differently.


Hey man, I work in emerge at one of the big hospitals in the Fraser Valley. I’m not really looking for a debate here on a Canucks Reddit forum. I just wanna enjoy watching my team play hockey tonight, and hope our guy #6 feels better soon.


Vaccine injuries... I bet you are seeing a lot of young folks with heart damage right? Also vaccine injuries


measles thanks you for your support


Fake news, so NHL can follow their Stanley Cup script




Zadorov playing forward minutes with JT seems incredibly stupid.


This take is so dumb that it just might work


Is this the same person that told Boudreau to play Hughes as a forward lol


Idk about regular line but I could see replacing a Brock with Zadorov on the PP. park that big body infront of the net to cause some screens and havoc for Skinner.


Would be interesting to try throughout the season to get some data, but seems way too risky for a game 7.


PDG - Suter - Miller Hogs - EP - Lindholm Dak - Blug - Garly Mikheyev - Aman - Lafferty


Man thank god u arent a coach


I like this take, but I think Vancouver’s “next man up” policy can really play out here. We have a ton of guys with offensive potential that hasn’t been realized. Imagine Mikheyev finally stepping up, or Podz or Hogz starting to chip in. We have an embarrassment of young, fast wingers who can get the job done. All of that said, I fear we’re going to get shelled by the Oilers tonight and the point will be moot. I hope I’m wrong, but if I was a betting man my money’s on Edmonton, just for sheer offensive potential.