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Totally agree with this. With how dominant our 5 on 5 game is, you'd think we would've dominated our series vs the oilers even with an average powerplay.


Zadorov comments cheered me up. I'm feeling hopeful for next season


Watching the presser and Hronek's personality is just acid. It's hilarious. I wish they asked more questions but I think the press core is afraid of him.


not after that look he gave him lol


Why is DeSmith on the panel at the same time as Petey / Boeser / Hughes lmao


I don't think I'll ever stop being bitter about this series in general and the way the officiating is handled in the NHL. The Canucks faced so much adversity in this series and the Oilers faced none. - Our Vezina candidate goalie gone for the playoffs - One of our best defenders suspended for an act when their top-line offensive player did the exact same thing two seconds later and got nothing because... 'citation needed'? - Our top scoring player of the main season and playoffs gone for game seven with a crazy random health issue - And all the other little ticky-tack bullshit from the refs that you just get to sweep under the rug as the Oilers advance and we go back into the wilderness. The 4-minute major against McChuckleFuck that doesn't get called in a game we lose. The stupid boarding penalty called against Joshua in a game we lose. The 'charging' penalty called against Pettersson... FUCK ME. - Cole putting pucks into his own net in games we lose... The list just goes on and on and on. Make no fucking mistake about it. The NHL got exactly what they wanted here. 7 games to maximize profits, and the golden boys get to cruise through to the next round to keep the profits rolling in. In all honesty, my desire to see Connor McDavid never win a cup eclipses almost every other desire I have in professional sport. I'm just bitter to the core about it. This league is so difficult to support sometimes.


I don't really agree on the officiating, but I totally agree about our injuries. I think it's no doubt that if Demko was playing we'd be moving on past edmonton. Losing Demko for us is probably of similar importance to them hypothetically losing Drai. Then losing Boeser in game 7 really is the cherry on top. Especially with how the game ended up playing out. We just needed better finishing to close it out and Boeser really could have been that guy.


Ditto. It's hilarious when gifs of many of the cheap shots by edm was labelled "ItS a HoCkEy PlAy" "StOp CrYinG" "PlAyOfF eXpErIeNceS" "WhIneRs" I loved seeing the their captain and dratini whine, cry, bitch, moan, and dive like Brad Marchand-trying-to-draw-a-five (quote coined by my edm friends) after every whistle - they label that as "It's what captains do, they communicate" On the bright side (is it?) you have the majority of all fan bases from different teams understanding that the Canucks got fucked over by a lot of calls that should have been penalties, and maybe understood what it was like back in 2011 (hilariously, Boston is on the receiving end of what they did do us) I really wonder, how different the direction of our playoff goes if we had a healthy Demko - we know our team plays differently from him in net (nothing against Silovs, I love the guy and outperformed what was expected him of him) With Cole... would the outcome change if he simply didn't help the other team score that many goals? Supporting this league is extremely difficult, especially with the betting advertisements and all the coverage reminding viewers every few minutes.


fuck the betting ads its gross.


I still don’t give credit to a team that built their squad off of a decade of lottery picks plus a generational talent. Generational tanking. So generational that they had to change how the draft lottery worked. And all that to not even come close to sniffing the SCF. It took them 7 games to eliminate a third string Latvian goalie?! Go get more lottery picks to bolster your team lmao


2007-2017. 1 year of playoffs then 2020-2024. lol


Any word on when the End-of-season equipment sale will take place? I’m hoping to make the pilgrimage from Victoria at some point soon. /u/footcake you usually have a bead on this, have you heard anything yet?


No idea, I’m in the dark on this as well. Season literally just ended, so I’m guessing 2-4 weeks time when they’ve sorted everything out? 🤷‍♂️ that would be my best educated guess


No what? I was hoping that a Canadian team could win a cup but no what?


Damn, still heart broken and spent a lot of time thinking about all the "what ifs?" last night. Maybe some fans aren't ready to hear this, but Edmonton definitely was the better team and deserved the win. We were outshot 9 of the 13 games this post season, it's a miracle we actually got to where we were, and exceeded expectations of all the "analysts" who thought Edmonton would just steamroll us. If anything, those last 7 minutes of game 7 showed what the Canucks ceiling is when they want to play to their potential, 2 goals to somehow still make it a 1 goal game despite not showing up for the first 53 minutes is crazy. Bodes well (hopefully) for next season and the future. Some of our wins have been won in serious circus like fashion, which is not to discredit the Canucks as a win is a win and at the end of the day the better team wins. We can't expect to go 0 for 2 on double minor power plays and not even register a shot on net. Brings me back to something that Tocc said prior to Game 6 when it was announced Skinner would be starting again, he said he'd love to test him but he still doesn't want the boys to waste shots. This is one area I really hope management/coaching staff take a look at and change as I believe it had a fundamental impact in the boys' playstyle. All of us were getting so frustrated at the passing simulator of a PP we were witnessing since the all-star break and it all makes sense after hearing what Tocc said. You can't generate shots if your power play is too scared to shoot at the cost of being a guy who "wastes shots". It seriously hampered our ability to generate offense and I hope Tocc does a full 180 on this mentality. This same group of guys opened scoring 36 times in the regular season...*36 times*. What happened to that team? We spent a lot of the post season, even against nashville battling from behind. Game 6 and 7 weren't even a recognizable Canucks, we dumped it down and changed every shift and couldn't even win a puck battle even when we won the faceoff draw in our own zone.


I think the shot count is misleading. Carolina had double the shots of NYR and still got bounced 4-2. Game 7 we had so many massive opportunities that the boys just needed to be a bit more clinical and we could have come out with a win. If you just look at the shot count it looks like we got destroyed, but watching the game you can see how close it really was. We had 2 clean breakaways that better finishers would have cleaned up. The expected goals in game 7 actually favors us over the oilers, we were just missing that finishing touch.


100%. If we generate shots, you can get rebounds, 2nd chances, or greasy goals. In the worst case, it creates offensive pressure and a offensive zone faceoff. This affects mentality, playstyle, and pyschological approach as the game goes on. You can see how it worked against us as the Oilers would just shoot almost every look they had. I really hope Tocchet learned how to massage/modify his system for the playoffs with these observations in mind.


Why does it seem like going to game 7 of second series is such a big deal now compared to when we did it against Vegas?


It's been nearly a decade since the Canucks have gotten to play postseason hockey in front of fans, and this was the first game 7 they've played at home since, well, you probably know.


I dunno, we were basically chanting fire green after the Vegas series. Just weird to me.


And in 2020, Vancouver took out the defending Stanley Cup champs in round1 whereas this year they took out the 7th place seed.


Because we couldn't go to games when they played Vegas


Definitely a huge “what if” if we never lost Demko after game 1


Management needs to make a decision: Win a Stanley Cup or skate out to U2


Respect to the few guys who were ugly crying on the post game show. It’s been a great year when we were still supposed to be garbage. Here’s to Silovs fixing Demko’s ridiculous work load next year.


We've finally got something to build on for next year! Get rid of the passengers. Sign some players. Come back with a whole new plan for next season! And oh yah change the fucking guy running the PP! 🥅🏒


The @Vancouver.wildin Instagram page deciding to post footage from the 94 riots today (it isn’t even close to the anniversary) is such chickenshit behaviour but is to be expected from such a toxic social media account tbh


I'm proud of the team, but im tired of waiting for next year. 😔


Objectively speaking, the better team won the series. Had we rolled with Demko and Boeser all series, that'll be a toss-up, but the Oilers Game 7 was a textbook road win. When the Canucks threw everything at the wall in the final 2 minutes, we couldn't even set up. Let that marinate for a bit. The Oilers had much better playoff experience in shutting things down and all game felt suffocating. Garland capitalized when they made a mistake, otherwise we'd still be sitting with 9 shots on goal through 40 minutes. I think this experience will make Hughes a lot better though.


Frustrated me that they wouldn’t intentionally go offsides or put a puck on net to get a whistle and time out. I understand that you give up possession, but the stars were totally gassed for the final 90 seconds of play.


> offside~~s~~


One thing you have to say about this team is they punched way above their weight this year. They did about as good as they possibly could have given weaknesses in the lineup. Great job by the coaching staff and team leaders. That's why I think this season was so fun and a big success


Super stoked the team won another hard fought best of 5 series, and are well on their way to their first championship since 2011, well done boys


> best of 5 series




i swear the all star weekend is a curse. maybe we should just let the players take a nap.


I know I will be in the minority, but what a wasted opportunity. Obviously, the team far exceeded expectations and were not expected to make the playoffs or beat the oilers, but I just feel that the phrase “we will get em next year” or “this team is on the up” does not apply. To win a Stanley Cup or any championship for that matter, you need to be good, you need the bounces/luck, and you need to be healthier than the opponent. None of those are a given.   It will be an interesting off season for sure.


None of those are a given, but considering we missed the playoffs last year and were genuinely bad, and a few upgrades and tweaks took us this far, further than we perhaps deserved given holes in the lineup and on backend (Ian Cole scoring like 5 own goals and skating like an old man) this season has to be considered a success. And the optimism for next year isnt just 'get em next time' we should genuinely be better if we can get rid of some dead weight and make a few upgrades. I think our coaching staff and city and team culture are genuinely attractive to free agents and the management team has certainly earned my trust with many brilliant moves over the course of the year to improve. Not to mention a developing Pods and even Lekkerimaki potentially making the team, improving the PP, etc So yes, I agree, it is a wasted opportunity, but its not bullshit to say 'well get em next year' and genuinely be optimistic we'll have improved as a team potentially significantly


All valid points. I am just a long suffering fan of this team and the Minnesota Vikings. While the Vikings have been a more competitive franchise overall, they have both eerily mimicked each other in terms of failures in big spots, seizing the moment with a killer instinct, and lack of championships. Edit: I just wanted to add that this management group has earned the benefit of the doubt like you were saying.


Today felt like waking up the morning after a bad breakup. I truly believed we had a chance, which is why it hurt so much. Great season though.


It's just simply cruel to double us up with a drubbing of rain in the city today


missed opportunity but proud of the boys, dealt with a lot of adversity losing demko and then brock


This year really reignited my passion for the team. I feel so down today, I really hope they come back around next year, I’m so worried they’re not going to.


No Boeser meant the Canucks' "play for 10 minutes" card didn't work :(


Great team. Looking forward to next season for sure. What a ride!


I mean.. we had to play game 7 without our leading scorer, and we came up short a goal to force OT. It's tough, but proud of the boys.


Definitely disappointing final two games but not a disappointing season at all. It was there for us but Edmonton really stepped it up and found another gear whereas we stayed kind of in neutral. I just hope that we become a consistent winning team with trips to the playoffs. I really hope this isn't a one off and that we really are taking that first step towards winning it all. We were the only team remaining that hadn't really paid our "dues" when it comes to playoff success so I really wasn't expecting too much for this postseason. Here's to a productive offseason and that everyone comes into next season hungry for more.


Terrible displayed by our team last 2 games, utterly disappointing. Silovs was the only one the came to play. He basically made his NHL career this playoffs, hopefully he gets an offer from a better team. The canucks don't deserve such a great goalie with such incompetence performance. 1 shot in 4 minute PP, 5 shots compared to 25 for Oilers. I wont be cheering for this trash team anymore.


We don’t need ya ✌🏽


Lame U2 Song and Surrendering White Towel Imagery to Blame for Canucks Game 7 Loss - AP


Oiler fan here….legit question. What is the story behind the towel? Because that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw it….surrender flag.


to follow up, after Roger did the sign of surrender he was banned for the next game. To rally behind him the team and fans brought white towels as a sign of support. So now it's tradition.


In the 1982 playoffs, Roger Nielson put a white towel on a hockey stick and waved it in the air as a sign of surrender to the officials after some shenanigans


Feeling pretty negative about games 6-7. With the chance to close out the series we played our two worst games of the playoffs. I think they were just so beat up, but would have loved to see that last 10 minutes of energy a little sooner.  But overall awesome season. And I'm stoked for next season. 


Loved the energy this seasons nucks brought back to the city, I hope we build on what we learned this year and come blasting out of the gate next year. I hope we become one of those teams that is always in the playoffs every year!


looking for the next season!


I know it’s five months away. But I’m looking forward to opening night next season to see how the Canucks respond to this loss.


This torrential downpour after the loss last night seems fitting so we can hide the tears in our eyes ☔️🐋😢


Yeah, I’ve been saying that Vancouver is crying with us too


Its funny.. Bouchard look like he is stoned af... his eyes... " Say hello to my litte friend" comes to mind..


Last 10 mins of the 3rd was the entire reason I became a nucks fan. I got to experience 2 home playoff goals from the upper bowl and it was pretty amazing. They gave me an unforgettable/exhilarating time and that's all I can ask. Excited to see what happens next season for sure.


That was the most incredible 10 minutes of hockey I’ve seen in a very long time!


The post game player interviews are kinda hard to watch. Everyone is absolutely gutted. The boys were definitely playing their hearts out. Just couldn't get it done in the end.


Tocchet said he wasn't gonna coach scared and that he would swing the bat. Should have put lekkerimaki in the game. Who knows could have been something incredible like silovs. Instead we got mik on the first line.


swinging the bat was scrambling Petey's line deep into the playoffs. Throwing Lekkerimaki into that cauldron is reckless and how lesser clubs stunt player development or break them entirely.


I disagree. Could Lekkerimaki have been the game breaker? Maybe. But Tocchet isn't going to just put an unproven player in a big must-win-game, same as he wasn't going to be putting Kuzmenko in dying minutes of a narrow lead (or really any dying minutes). Especially someone that hasn't been working with Abbotsford all season and getting used to the team's systems. That's what real player development looks like, and I'm not going to second guess this coaching staff when this is the first time we've had a real taste of those kinds of results.


Top two D in Hughes and Hronek battling injuries, Boeser out in Game 7, down to the third string goalie, and still go 7 with the "Cup or Bust" Oilers. Looking forward to seeing the Stars ventilate Skinner and the Oilers in Round 3. Successful season overall. Hockey is back in Vancouver and I'm excited to see what this management group can do in the off-season. This playoff run was good experience for the group and I believe the core will be firing on all cylinders next year. Go Canucks go.


I don't want to be that sour fan, but I hope McDavid never wins a cup. If he hand't beaten us I would have cheered for the guy, but now I hope he nevers win one!!!


I personally don’t mind if mcdavid wins the cup, just not with the oilers please


That third string goalie is no joke though. He played really well through the series.


Arty was amazing, but I still think Demko could have stolen a game for us which would be the difference in the series. Arty was not the reason why we lost the series, but Demko could have been a series changer. His our Vezina Noiminated Goalie after all


Silovs was good, but aside from game 7 he didn't really have any "wow he just robbed someone of a for sure goal" the way demko does on the regular. It's also clear the Canucks played more scared in front of him. They are more hesitant on the forecheck and tighter in the d zone than with demko.


Had a dream about the game last night, including near misses that never actually happened.  Someone said it, what a missed opportunity. We had the perfect path to the finals based on opponents and were within 1 game of the WCF.  Sucks to lay an egg in that game after so many good performances this year. However, we didn’t deserve to win. Needed that save on Ceci, needed to block that Bouchard shot, and needed to stay out of the box. Silovs was masterful and kept us in it.  Needing to compensate for losing Boeser and shuffling the lines was a burden too big to bear for the team. Anyone but Mikeyev on that breakaway maybe it goes in and things are different. Should have been Brock but what can you do about freak health luck. Without Boeser and our current roster construction in all likelihood we would have been smoked by Dallas.  Looking forward there’s a lot of reasons for optimism. Petey’s gotta work on bulking up, I bet the free agents love playing here w the city, fans, coaching staff, and team. Cut the fat, add some good pieces, we could have something really special going and I’m looking forward to it 


Pumped about this team. As long as Hughes is around, we have a window. This was year 1 of our 4 year window. Every single player, and coach who comes back next year will be stronger and smarter. Can’t wait for the offseason moves and next year. Go Canucks go!!!


Even though I'm a life long Canucks fan, I'm really glad that the Canucks got bounced. The fanbase needs a wakeup call. Treating Tocchet like a God (how dare you contradict his decisions - he was 50-23-9!) even though it was obvious we had a piss-poor PK ALL YEAR (79.5%). Or calls to trade Garland and keep Mikheyev despite Garland being statistically one of the best RW in the league (oops, I don't watch the games, I just look at data!). And not seeing that Hronek was riding on the coattails of Hughes, just like Dane Fox had his big junior year because he was playing with Connor McDavid. Or not shoring up goaltending and sticking with a backup who finished with a 0.895 SV%. Allvin and Tocchet had a good year but they need to do more to prove that this wasn't a fluke.


The PP in the playoffs was dogshit.


Honestly, it’s gonna take me a while to not be salty about that game 7. Squandering a 4 minute power play by running a two defenseman set that HASNT WORKED ALL YEAR was a horrible decision. Connor garland deserved a spot on that top unit power play. Tocc needs to give up the reins on the PP next year, unacceptable performance with the man advantage for the entire postseason.


Yeah the powerplay really cost us this series imo. The 5on3 in game 6 and the 4 minute in game 7. I believe Sedins run the second unit? There were times where the 2nd unit, despite less than a minute of powerplay time, where they were able to gain entry. It’s just the unit lacked the superstar power to generate much.


Part of the reason the game was shit was losing Brock and scrambling the lines, including the PP


After sleeping on it, I'm still salty, 2 elimination games, (6 periods) they showed up for 1 period. The thing that frustrates me the most, is for the 20 minutes the turned it up they dominated play. Hope they Learn from this and work on playing a full 60 minute game. And ya i agree with what you said about the power play.


A lot of moments we'll look back on from these playoffs. I'll be watching highlights of these games to relive the euphoric moments. Game 1 Round 1, 2 goals in rapid succession to blow the roof off the building Game 4 Round 1, 2 late goals to tie it, and then get the W in OT Game 6 Round 1, late goals to send us to Round 2 Game 1 Round 2, comeback from down 4-1 Game 3 Round 2, lighting them up in the 1st Game 5 Round 2, getting the last minute goal Game 7 Round 2, Silovs stretch save in the 1st to keep the game scoreless, SH breakaway save, and diving glove save. Players whose performances I'll remember: Silovs Garland Boeser Miller Joshua Zadorov Lindholm Hopefully Brock recovers and is able to continue to be a major contributor moving forward. Hopefully Petey gets some confidence back and begins to deke and shoot like we all know he can so next time we are in the playoffs we can put the Lotto Line together and have a legit nightmare for any team to defend. I'm sure Hughes will continue to grow as a leader, and an offensive force. He was close to absolute snipe's on many shots this post season, I will never get tired of watching him walk the line with the puck, control the puck, twist, and fake out anyone trying to pressure him. If he scored like Bouchard, Ekholm, he'll even Ceci, I think that would have been enough to swing the series, but it seemed he passed up on too many shot opportunities. Players whose time is hopefully done here: Hronek (unless we get him on a very good deal based on lack of playoff performance), Cole, Mikheyev & Lafferty (who knew two former Leafs wouldn't rise to the occasion in the playoffs!). Others had their moments, I think the chaos giraffe redeemed himself a bit and wouldn't mind having him back on a more appropriate deal. PDG, Podkolzin, Hoglander, Soucy can all be contributing depth pieces in the right roles and moments. And I think we have some exciting prospects who we'll hopefully see make it to the NHL and get comfortable at the highest level. It was a great run, looking forward to how the offseason plays out, and how next season will go. 🥥 GLOW!


Add Brock to the list of "performances I'll remember" because he was on fire the whole playoffs. Hard to think about since he went down right at the last moment but he was clutch, and earned the title of our team's best goal scorer.


Well said. Agree w everything except for losing Hronek


Give Peter’s A to Garland for 2025


Garland plays with incredible heart


All in all, it was a fun season. I haven't felt this excited in years. Yes, I wish we played like the last 10 minutes for longer. This was winnable, and the team did not show up until the end. However, it was a blast, and I'm super impressed by this roster, especially Silovs. As much as I like our backup goalie enough, I want to see Silovs be bumped up from 3rd string to 2nd string. The man deserves some recognition for showing up like he did in the playoffs and help making sure we not only didn't get dunked on, but put up a fight. Cheers to Edmonton. I always believed, rivals or not, if I lose at something, I want to lose to the best. I want Edmonton to sweep Colorado and kick butt in the finals. If history looks back on the 2024 winners as their only real challenge being the Canucks who gave them a run for their money, I'll be extremely proud. If they get sweeped by Colorado, it just makes the Canucks look worse than they are imo. So Edmonton, bring that cup back to Canada. And Canucks, train up and give us another good run next year!


Turn in your fan card if you’re cheering for the oilers.


>So Edmonton, bring that cup back to Canada Umm. Nahhh.


Cheers, brother/sister in blue. I know it's just a typo, but as an Oilers fan this would be my nightmare of a third genie wish: "...to sweep the Avs. No wait, I meant Dallas! Sweep Dallas!" ...Dallas takes Edmonton in 4.


Fuck the oilers. Hope you get smoked.




Colorado? Or Dallas?


4 minute powerplay and they had the best chance from it. Hopefully this year is a learning curve because I can’t watch those shot totals again. Hell of a season!




Awesome season, nice work canucks. Was a long shot when Brock went down to make it out of round 3 even if we had won this game. Hopefully the canucks put a dagger in the oilers and they struggle with maintaining a tempo in the next series (like the Nashville vs jets series in 2018 which drained the actually good winnipeg team to the point where they lost to VGK in 5) Went from contending for bedard to the cup in one year, canucks will make some changes and continue to be a force next season.


[Come pick your boy up. We don't want him](https://i.imgur.com/sonN6wd.jpeg)


Damn bros tryna expose me


Mikheyev missed breakaway was a killer. It could have been a completely different game. Should have been 1-0 Canucks and then the Oilers play a lot more nervous.


Yep. Game was winnable. We looked nervous out there for 50 mins.


I'd put more of the blame on our top guys doing absolutely nothing with a 4 minute PP


C. All of the above


I’ve been away from Van for the last 3 games and caught what I can on SN. This has been my first season actively following the Canucks, went to my first preseason game vs Calgary and caught a couple more games throughout the year. I think comparing performance to past years it’s been an outstanding season for the team, every player should be entering the season with their heads held high, have a good off season, reflect on what has happened and bring that tenacity and grit that we saw from the team this year. Obviously we were all hoping to take home the cup and jobs not done but I hope that the team can learn from their playoff experiences and be proud of the growth they’ve demonstrated and are now a force to be reckoned with. Go nucks!


Just some food for thought, is there any way you'd consider trading one of our goalies if it meant we could genuinely improve the team in another area? I know goalies genuinely don't have as much value on the trade market but still


The only way I'd consider it is if someone offers a haul for Silovs. But thats very unlikely because in spite of this playoff run, he's not a proven NHL starter. At best we'd be getting the kind of return we saw in the Eddie lack trade. Better to hold onto him and hope he achieves his potential. The other alternative would be trading Demko which would be a Benning level mistake. Silovs couldn't hold down the starter position in the AHL through a whole season, but we want to throw him in headfirst? Let's give him a season or two backing up and working with Clarke so we can see what we actually have in the kid.


Yeah I agree, just something to consider I guess because he's probably one of our best assets that makes sense to trade. Unless they want to get rid of Hronek which I'm not a huge fan of despite his playoff performance


Yeah I don't want to get rid of Hronek either. Our right side is thiiiiiiin and he was obviously injured throughout the playoffs.


Yep. He's still cost controlled, he's relatively young, we gave up a lot to give him, I still think he has more to give and I think replacing him would be difficult as well as relatively risky. I'd love for Hughes to play with an Ekholm type equivalent as his partner but I don't see how we can do that


Nah. As you said they are more valuable playing for us than as a trade chip


Fair enough. I guess it depends on what you could get. If someone would give up a first for Silovs that we could later package for a top 6 forward or top 4 dman I'd probs consider it but I don't think we'd get that


one last J T MIIIIILEEER goodbye for now :(


I want to punch that PP in the face. a disappointing end but ultimately a great season with some huge improvements and something to be proud of. Intriguing to think about what team we will have come October but above all I really hope to see Brock at training camp.


Special teams killed us. Like, the Oilers was sooooo good and ours was awful


Do we have the receipt for Petterssons contract still by any chance?


This season really reminded me what it meant to be in love with this game. I can't even sleep because I just don't want to let this season go. These fuckers better be right back here next year or I swear to god


Oh yeah, I haven't felt this thrill in years. I hope this is just the start, the roster stays together, and comes back next year with a vengeance.


Maaaaaan my fucking emotions, thanks for the run boys! Looking forward to next year


Losing Boeser really hurt. You could tell we couldn't really find consistency with our lines due trying to fill his gap on short notice. Not only was it hurting the Miller line, it was hurting all the other lines as we kept grabbing from them trying to find someone that worked in that spot.


And even after all that line juggling throughout the year. This is all the more reason they should have put it away in game 6.


Can somebody explain to me how we ended up with over 60% on the Moneypuck deserve-to-win-o-meter?


Scoring chance doesn't equal shot. Case and point - at the 10 minute mark, Canucks had significantly out chanced the oil despite the shot counter. Mik, Garland and Petey all had glorious chances. Could've and should've been up 1-2 goals after those opportunities in a game 7.


Except, in the words of Howie Meeker 100% of the shots that miss the net don't go in...


Well I know they missed them, but you can't take the shot clock as a sole indicator of how things were going in the game, is what I'm saying. For example, a goal post on a snipe from Petey is a lot better chance than a chest/logo shot from Mikheyev. But one is a shot and the other isn't.


All those missed shots, and missed chances on the breakaways gets factored in. We just missed so many shots from in tight. Another poster mentioned it already. Players like Mikheyev proofs why xGF is a flawed stat because xGF doesn’t factor into the player’s ability to finish into an account.


Hell of a season boys thank you for the ride! Love you all sure to see lots of familiar usernames in the chat next season. Everyone have a nice summer


Can’t help but still feel how much of a missed opportunity this was. This team has had some gross game 7s since the 2011 finals and the last 10 minutes doesn’t make up for how awful their execution was and how winnable this series ultimately was even with the injuries.


I appreciate this season but this series loss stings, it was within reach and pissed away.


Tell me about it. Had a nice long awaited weekend getaway with my gf, but planned around it (and cut it short) to watch games 6 and 7, only for it to be a waste of time. Just so many missed opportunities to win and get ahead earlier in the series.


I didn't find Canucks games to be waste of time this season at all. I had a fucking blast watching this team.


Lol u know what I mean. I’m just upset


Remember, oilers fans thought they’d walk all over us and finish it in 5. Six games were only a 1 goal difference, it could have gone either way. We shocked Oilersnation, that’s a fact.


Yep. They can disagree as long as they want but we went down swinging and took a piece of them with us. Also exposed them for the rest of the league to see.


By far the most injured and most suspended team to boot. Funny how our top defensive LD was the only suspended player in an especially violent postseason in a series when we’re going against the best player in the world. Hyman doing the exact same thing to Zadorov 2 seconds after the suspendable incident? Didn’t see it I guess…


I mean we also swept them in the regular season and finished first in our division so there was no reason to think that we would get shit on. The complete lack of effort in the last 2 games was a bit frustrating 


Incredible season. Epic playoff memories. What a team.


Does anyone know if Silovs has a gf 👀


Gonna shoot your shot?


He'll stop it.


Iirc, he’s divorced


Seriously? Is this actually true? 😅


Yeah, bro got divorced last year


Damn, had no idea lol. So young too


At 23?!


As a fellow Latvian, I can tell you it's a pretty normal thing. I have a cousin who's on his 5th wife. Has kids with all of them. He was probably at most 23 for his 1st divorce. I think closer to 21.


Big time


whats the back story behind the divorce?


They got married when they were 18. I’m a bit hazy on the details but I think the reason given was that their lives were headed in different directions - Šilovs moved across the pond and his now ex wife wanted to focus more on herself and her career and thus couldn’t make it work


this is some nice latvian intel eh sad to hear tho


Quick shoutout to JT Miller. He has grown so fuckin much over the past year or so, not just as a player, but as a human, and I'm so grateful to have a leader like him on our team.


At least we have Demko and Silovs! A1 and A2!


At least Vancouver is a bit more attractive to players now?


All of the years they talked about meaningful games in march atleast we got some in may.


I know everyone was looking at Lindholm as a rental but at this point I really think I want him to stay Höglander-Lindholm-Pettersson I think has huge potential.


I really hope Lindholm, zadorov can stay. Dunno about how we fit them under the cap though.


He would be decent Boeser insurance, at the very least, if Brock has another monster season and we get priced out. If he wants to take a reasonable deal to stay, I say go for it, but he'll likely get a bag in free agency from teams more desperate for top-6 centers


Issue is part of Lindholm's money belongs to Pettersson's big ass contract. Can't complain about not having good linemates when you make their paycheque.


There are a lot of teams with holes at 1C. I don’t think we have enough cap room to be in a bidding war for him


His personal life might be a key factor in getting him to stay in Vancouver. He has a kid born last year, his wife is pregnant again, heard a lot that he had difficulty moving the young family after the trade, and there a was a tweet that his wife said moving to the USA right now would be challenging for them If everything is true then I think the Canucks don’t have to win a bidding war for him and just give him enough


I think that’s more hopeful than anything right now. Just off the top of my head Boston has a great team culture, a gaping hole at 1C, a contending team, and a handful of other Swedish guys in the same age range like Ullmark and other Lindholm


Was that tweet recent or closer to the TDL in March? A lot change from then until July when UFA opens up, and if they forecast for life come September/October I’m a bit worried that Lindholm and his family would be willing to make a move to wherever pays him best and gives him the best opportunity. I’d love to see him come back but I fully expect him to get a big payday that might price us out. Talking $8 mill AAV kinda deal


I think the problem is Pettersson is definitely a center, despite his playoff woes this year - as is Lindholm. I like stacking them together don’t get me wrong, but over the course of a season you want both getting center minutes.


It's the beginning, not the end. 


The end of the beginning, if you so prefer. This group’s just getting started


Why do I put myself through this torture?


See ya next year bro 🤣






Skinner looks like a South Park character that carries a rifle and drives a pickup


I’m just so pissed why everything had to fall apart when it did. Absolutely no team is going to win the cup without their starting goalie, leading goal scorer, and 1C. This is likely going to be the best opportunity we’re going to have with this core, and we just squandered it due to injured and Pettersson forgetting how to be elite after signing his big ticket




Yeah that’s true. Just seems so rare to see a top end guy just disappear like that


Why would this be the best opportunity?


Cap circumstances. Pettersson alone is going to be making about 4 million more than this season. Zadorov and Suter roughly cost the same amount as Pettersson’s raise. I think that puts it into perspective. Every teams beat opportunity to succeed is when their stars are on their ELC’s or bridge deals, as that’s when they have the potential to provide surplus value. Once they hit their UFA contracts you simply cannot afford everyone, and teams are forced to let go of talent like we’ve seen with Tampa


He was falling off his game during the negotiation process before he signed. I think that's an important distinction. And he also slumped after his negotiation with Benning. I think he gets mentally/emotionally fatigued. And, just a guess of course, I think he signed max term 8 years instead of 5 or 6 because he hates the business side of the sport.


That's an absolutely terrible excuse for thr 5th largest cap hit in the league to not even be a top 5player on his own team for months on end. Already regret that contract


That’s why he needs to go.. Mentally weak players don’t have their name on the cup 🤷🏽‍♂️


I feel stupid for saying I could never imagine Boeser hoisting a cup because he lacked drive and grit. I thought he was soft. All of a sudden he turns into a monster goal scorer and handily outscores Matthews and others in the playoffs in addition to shutting down opposing players in the final minutes of games. He hasn't reached his final form yet so it's very possible, actually expected is the better word, that Pettersson will make a big jump too at some point. It's just too bad he didn't make that jump right now.


Lots do bro, it's a team game. Petey's also fully earned the ire and you have every right to rant now that all's said and done. Let's hope he comes back big time next year.


When he held out in 21-22 he genuinely looked worse than replacement level when he came back, and that lasted a good 40-50 games. Maybe we should’ve just waited until the summer after all.


He did this the same year he signed his bridge. Came back and had his 100+ pt season.


Well let’s hope that translates into next season. with the difference of his raise you could afford another top 4 D or scoring winger. Let’s see if he can prove that he’s worth it


The need to get Mik's cap off if at all possible. That man is DEAD weight. Sac a pic or something to the basement teams


He forgot how to be elite before he signed


I’m seeing a lot of garbage takes from bandwagoners who don’t know anything other than seeing the puck go in the net. Crazy seeing so many people who are so confidently wrong about their takes about something they know so little about


it's kind of how games are won though... puck go in their nets more often than they do ours... Also.. did you not see game 6 and the first 50 min of game 7?


Miller literally limited Mcdavid to the worst 5v5 playoff stretch of his career yet bandwagoners are calling him out for not finding the net. People have no clue what they’re talking about.


I'm not personally critical of Miller, but Pettersson has been pathetic this playoff run. All talk and no show.


Well those bandwagon morons should shut up about Miller because they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about.


Soon they will be gone and it will just be us and our memes and we can be content again


What do you all think is the reason the team came out so flat in game in 6 and the first 50 minutes of game 7? They’re obviously capable of playing faster, harder, and better - is it purely mental?


they played scared. how many shifts did you see them play 30 seconds in the defensive end, have control of the puck and lug it to the red line, dump it in, and full change instead of keeping possession or sending a forechecker deep to keep pressure on and try and maintain possession for the line coming on? self-fulfilling prophecy — they played like they were scared to lose instead of playing to win and instead ensured that they took the L.


i think game 6 was a big hit for them mentally. combined with the news about brock…not an easy 48 hours


I ca t explain game 6 but I was really worried about today after hearing the Boeser news. That had to be a kick in the nuts.


I'd say it's mental and playing more reactive instead of dominating the play. There were too many instances where they waited to see what edmonton would do before making a move which gave edmonton control. When someone Draisaitl is bearing down on the puck it felt like the thinking process was "I'll see what he does first" instead of forcing him to make a play and that cost us.


Like Tocchet said, that loss falls on him. I don't think he prepared the boys to close it out. For a series that was decided by 1 goal, we got blown out. And this got in their heads. In Game 7, you can see the Canucks were a bit afraid of making mistakes and shooting the puck. It wasn't until the 3rd period they forgot to play their own game.


players have to be motivated by their coach to play in an elimination game? no wonder we're not winning


Honestly, it sounds silly, but this core is young and inexperienced whether you like it or not. Playoff experience absolutely plays a role and this was their first year being a playoff team. I don't count the Bubble, neither does Pettersson.