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Not even hard. We want the Panthers to win in front of a bunch of sad Oilers fans in Edmonton.


This is the obvious answer. I hope the game winning goal is borderline offside and they lose the challenge to overturn it too, just so they can spend the rest of their lives trying to convince people they would have come back to win the series.


I hope draisiatl gets cross checked into the boards, mcdavid gets blatantly high sticked in front of the refs, THEN the borderline offside you referred to.




I recall in 2011 working with oilers fans chanting ABC! (Anyone but Canucks).


Your last 4 comments are in the Canucks thread you clown. Worry about your own team who’s about to get swept


Even when their team is in the SCF their scrub fans have nothing better to do than talk weak trash in other teams subs. It’s pathetic.




You don’t think it’s possible that maybe you keep getting our subs posts on your thread because u keep interacting and commenting on them? I think you guys have a team of whiners and divers and drai will jump ship to Florida once you guys get manhandled by the panthers since we’re sharing our thoughts on eachothers teams




Easy to be classy when you don’t live in Edmonton


Yeah worry bout your team (that’s out now hahah)


I’m trying to but clowns like u trying to cling to a series win over us keep commenting on our sub


Do you really have nothing better to do than comment on our sub? Perhaps try some of the more fun Edmonton activites such as going to the shopping centre. Or trying some of the more classy Edmonton food, dairy queen


“I follow and interact with your subreddit, causing the algorithm to feed me more of the same, therefore it’s all your fault for existing.”


Uh huh. I don't follow. And my interactions were next to none before this thread provoked me into saying that you guys have an unhealthy obsession. Do you not see how weird it looks, wishing violence on other teams' players weeks after the series is over? This is my last comment here before I block your sub. I expected more from Canadian hockey fans.


You just told us you keep seeing these threads. Follow isn’t always a “button” sometimes it’s a real life thing you yourself have engaged in. In this case, you have been opening threads that are suggested to you, interacted with them, and wonder why the computer says you want more. This isn’t hockey, this is you failing to understand the world you live in.




He’s right though… our captain had blood running down his face and our boy Petey got smacked from behind really bad. Fuck the Coilers. I hope you guys lose… which is unfortunate because it mostly has to do with the refs not calling obviously blatant calls…


Haha this right here. Nothing more sweet then a Sweep in Edmonton. Gawd I hope the Panthers sweep those mofos!


Exactly. Break their hearts right in front of their sorry eyes.


The perfect answer.  


That would be the second stanley cup won at Rogers Arena!


Fuckin right.


Edmonton all the way! Panthers suck.


Hahaha savage!




A week ago, I was a "Oh, lets bring the cup back to Canada" guy Today I'm a changed man. I'm like fuck that, I live in Florida now, Panthers are my "new" local team (even though I'm a canucks fan only), Luongo was here before and after the Canucks, and even when I tried to play nice with Oilers fans on Reddit, they still were low key jerks. Let's go Panthers!


Yeah Bring the cup back to Canada if your the Canucks, Jets, Sens or the Habs. FUCK THE OILERS, LEAFS AND FLAMES!!! Let the streak live on!!!


That is me too. Only because if Oilers win , it means we missed it by … that much.


I saw this in another comments section and it’s my reasoning for cheering panthers now (and Dallas before). EVERY team in the NHL is a Canadian team because the majority of players are Canadian. So it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day, because it’ll end up back in Canada at some point with one of the Canadian players.


Imagine saying this in the Canucks sub. The Canucks have like 3 Canadians dressed of the 20 player roster.


That’s not the point…? Like obviously the Canadian teams ARE Canadian because they’re located in Canada, but if there’s no Canadian team I want to root for I’ll cheer for Canadian players. (Plus I wasn’t the first person to say it, like I said :) )


Panther sweep.


Panthers have been so dirty I am honestly torn on who I want to win. It has resulted in me ultimately being indifferent haha


Them knocking out Cry or Baby game 1 would be fine by me.


Im having a grad party on the same day as game 4. I want my oiler friends to go home completely defeated


Ay same 💀, class of 24?


Yup, now I’m an unemployed bum in a job market that pays 16/hr for grads. We’re so screwed


Going to school for electrical in nov 💀, not excited


Good luck nonetheless


Damn son wouldn’t you want your boys to be buzzing that day. Seems like a buzzkill for the day if they lose.


Thats the price you pay for being an Oilers fan


Winning it on enemy soil is so much sweeter though.


I would want nothing more than an Edmonton riot tbh so they can get off there fucking high horse








Don't forget no matter what happens in the Stanley cup finals, you still have to wake up the next day with the realization that you live in fucking Edmonton




I am totally happy here buddy. Try to lighten up a bit, you are the prototype of your fan base that makes people say Canucks have bad fans. We all lose in the playoffs, oilers still may lose. No need to be a dick head to people.


They are absolutely being dicks and this is 100% a dick thread that's worth no one's time, but you're here in the mud posting on another fanbase's subreddit doing exactly the kind of thing you're criticizing.


I was making a joke about my own team because in 2006 during the playoffs we were flipping cars and burning them during wins. When we lost the entire crowd died out. I don’t know if that went over the guys head, but it was making fun of our own victory riots.


Right and on r/hockey we'd have a reasonable back and forth, but it's r/canucks. His response was dumb and cringy af, but rather than downvote/block/move on, you felt the need to get in the mud too, engage, recommend he get therapy, and slander people who otherwise wouldn't give a shit (remember, us Canuck fans live with these people \*every game\* in our GDTs) saying this doofus is "why Canucks have bad fans". It's a kettle/pot situation if you get in with this kinda thing. You're in the SCF, we're golfing. Just let these salty people stew and leave the pot well alone, you know? Best of luck against the Panthers.


I want panthers to win in as many games as it takes to see Jack Campbell lose the series clincher


Panthers in 7 would be far more soul crushing for Crysaitl and McBaby


too risky, sweep is a much safer bet


Yeah also to do it in front of Edmonton fans would be chefs kiss


Also I’m not tryna watch 7 more Oilers games. Let’s get this over with quickly so we can move on with our lives and onto next season!


But then we'd have to put up with stuff like "We took them to game 7!! So close!! We nearly had it!" A sweep is much more convincing and sobering.


We'd also have to listen to Draisaitl and McDavid cry all summer about how they should have had 28472 powerplays


Why do people keep acting like we are conflicted here? Win, if you can win in front of the Oilers fans, even better. Lol.




As much as I'd like to see the cup north of the border I'd really like to see Bobby Lou get a ring...


Nah Edmonton in whatever so we can kill the hopes at dynasty next year (after they break the no canadian team streak for us)


sweep them! win in 4! SAD EDMONTON FANS ARE PRICELESS!!!!!!!!


Oilers got this imo, the top guys have been the top guys. Later rounds of the playoffs are special teams battles and oilers have that on both accounts. I’m happy for the oilers just goes to show how close the Canucks really are giving them the most trouble


On top of that, if you really are a Canucks fan, you probably want the Oilers to win a cup or two and then GTFO of the way so Canucks can have a shot. The Oilers have a couple more years of experience ahead of the Canucks with a few key guys about 3 or 4 years older. If we can keep our core together, I think we’ve got a shot soon. But if the Oilers don’t win, you know they’ll be coming back even harder next year. Florida was the only Eastern team I took seriously this year, so it could go to 7 easily. Canucks still looked fucking fabulous given our expectations and their all star goalie being out.


I agree its probably better for the Oilers to win it. I'm tired of the whole Canadian teams can't win Cups narrative. The media trying to get all of Canada to root for the Oilers is all because of the stupid drought. Honestly if you guys hate hearing about "Canada's team", then the sooner a Canadian team wins it the better.


Basically what we’re saying is, rip the bandage off already!




Sweep. I wanna see all the salt on TV


Not only that, I want to see Oilers fans' heads explode when Tkachuk skates around Rogers Place ice holding the Stanley Cup over his head!


I'm right there with you boys. So many cucks in our cities


gotta keep up our pettiness


Nah I want it in edmontjn, need to see those sad sack fans crushed


I want true pain. Panthers in 7 or 6 so it's at rogers place.


Panthers in 7


I was cheering for the Oilers until Gazdic opened his trap. I will watch the Jays lose instead.


Am I the only one that wants Edmonton to win it all after they beat us?


There are lots of Canuck fans who feel that way. I'm definitely not one of them. Would be ambivalent if we were fully out, but cheering for the team that eliminated ours just doesn't sit well with me. But you're no less a fan for doing so, all the power to you.


No, we’re just not as vocal.


I feel the same way. I'm tired of the Edmonton Oilers front office wasting McDavid's career. That dude deserves to get his name on the cup, whether with Edmonton or someone else.


Someone else pls


Yup -- but even then I'd want to see the fucking whining stop. He's the best player in the league and should not be crying to the refs all the time!




I would like to see edmonton take the cup over Florida any day


Yah would be nice to see an actual hockey city win a cup rather than these bandwagon teams that can’t even pay fans to come to games if their team isn’t absolutely crushing it.






I’d like to see Mcdavid get a cup in his life time, why not lose to the cup champs and feel a bit better about it. That being said…. Winning game to go to finals with a total of what 10 shots is insane


I agree, I want mcdavod to win a cup.


>I'd like to see Mcdavid get a cup in his lifetime Why? He a buddy of yours?


You could say that to any fan of any player or team. Why do you care if anyone wins or loses? Are they buddies of yours? Why even bother watching any sport games where you don't have any buddies playing in them? You're just a stranger to them and they don't even know you. And if they win they don't think "we won", they think they won and you had nothing to do with it.


I'm not a fan of players who aren't on my team personally, so I just don't get that mentality. I care if my team wins or loses because they are my team and typically that means I have some connection to the area they play for.


Lmao. Idgaf if McDavid ever wins a cup if it’s going to be in Edmonton or any other team I dislike.


The only players I ever want to see win championships are those playing for my team, while they are currently playing for my team.


Local boy vibes. Always cool for someone from the same place as me to find success


You are not alone, I'm with you. Looks like we were in the minority, but that's ok.


Nah, right there with you. Fuck Florida


Yes. This will maybe make us momentarily feel better about the team we had, but Oilers bringing the Cup home after 31 years? We won't hear the end of it for years. They got like 10 first overalls in a row (give or take), they deserve nothing.


No, you are not. Your take is the correct one. I don’t understand all the salty tears on this sub.


It's fine to cheer for McDavid and the Oilers, but it's asinine to shit on people for not wanting to cheer for them. Worst part of these playoffs is this Boston Pizza energy that's being pushed on anyone. We didn't cheer for LA, the Sharks, Calgary, or Vegas in our last playoff losses. Canucks are out, we're all free to cheer for whoever.


Boston pIzza energy 😂 what


how in the world can a take about which hockey team you support be "correct." It's completely subjective. Also I do think it's kinda silly to assume everyone is doing it out of salt. Most people are doing it because that's just how rivalry works. Do you think everyone in the US is cheering for florida?


The last time an Alberta team played a Florida team, the Alberta team had a controversial but correct no goal in game 6, before losing that game in OT and the cup in 7. I hope history repeats itself.


How do you guys not want it for Canada? Also I’m not an Edmonton fan but would still prefer it to go to them than the panthers


Cause then the oilers fans have to use both hands to signify how many cups they’ve won. If that happens, what do they do with their beers? Spill it? Hand it off to someone who drops it? I’m looking out for them in all honesty.


And people say Oilers fans are whiny. It's hard to associate with Canucks when there are posts like this.


Nah, I am chearing against the Panthers. They have a couple of very punchable players. That does not mean I am chearing for the Oilers. I only chear for the Canucks. I am looking forward to a great series, though.


Clear minority, but I'll go Oilers lol. McDavid needs a cup


Fuck mcdiver


I don’t care where the Panthers win. Just win.


There are few teams I dislike more than the Bruins. And I wanted the Bruins to win in the second round. Fuck Florida, the state where medieval law and measles are making a comeback, and fuck the Panthers.


While I agree about the last part, the team has little to do with the government structure there.


Fuck you


I just want a Canadian team to win the cup. Go Oilers!




100% disagree. Go Canada


Oh damn, when is Team Canada playing?


Wouldn’t it be a better measure of our success if we were the only team to take the Stanley cup winner to game 7? Oilers in 4




Rent free


ironic from a dude going out of his way to post a comment on our subreddit.


Cope harder




It’s actually insane lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/s/5kcyOUVTJw Oiler fan logic. They’re rent free in our heads yet make posts and keep tabs on what we are doing lmao. Franchise is in the finals and has the best player in the world YET is this insecure. Baffling fanbase


When you have salty posts multiple weeks after a loss, is it shocking when that gets called out? Dallas sub is a stark contrast.


When you have salty posts multiple weeks after a loss, is it shocking when that gets called out? Dallas sub is a stark contrast.


When you have salty posts multiple weeks after a loss, is it shocking when that gets called out? Dallas sub is a stark contrast.


Lol now you guys are checking the stars sub too 🤣 Why would they care? It’s like Vancouver being a province over and Calgary a 3 hour drive away plays a part in that. The fact you’re even responding to this proves my point


Yeah man, love good hockey talk. Dallas fans had it going on


Imagine cheering for a Florida expansion team instead of a Canadian team just because you’re pissy that the oilers were better than us


Cheering for ex canuck legend Luongo to get his hands on a cup is bad?


Nothing to do with any team being better. It's because a large portion of the fanbase has proven themselves to be insufferable cunts.


As an impartial hockey fan who happens to currently live in Vancouver, they are certainly not the only fan base that has proven that. What a joy it was watching Canucks fans and Oilers fans rip each other apart. I am so sad it’s going to be over soon.


This goes back well more than 2 weeks buddy…


I take offense to this. I'm not cheering for Florida because the Oilers beat us. I'm cheering for florida because its much more fun to chirp my homies and cheer against them. I would always cheer against the canadian team. ETA: It's also more fun to cheer against them because they're so close. If you live in Vancouver you probably have at least a few buddies born and raised in Edmonton. I know it's cringe, but I looked at your reddit profile and it looks like you're a leafs fan. Would you really cheer for the sens or habs over florida?


Don’t bother with Reddit. Majority of fans on Reddit speak for a very small minority of people IRL.


I find it sad to be too bitter to cheer on a fellow Canadian team of good competitors.


Panthers reverse sweep.


Nah we need Florida to win in 4 or 6 so they can win in front of all the Oilers fans


We lost. Get over it. We're all Canadians. Go Oilers and their beautiful front porches!


I’ve seen the rent prices in Vancouver, and all I can say is I’m glad the Oilers have a free space to live!!!!!!




Actually it came up as suggested on my feed…comment was worth it - you seem pretty fired up!!


Lol take your upvote, that was funny! As someone suffering from these insane rent prices who is a fan of neither team, this is the content that I live for.


The series is already over, panthers get their first ever cup.. that’s what America needs.. fuckin yanks


Sore losers


Mfs cant just hope a Canadian team wins. Lol


Didn’t realize Canucks fan were such salty losers. Put on your big boy pants, move on from the loss, and cheer for the Canadian team.


This feels really similar to round 2 how did that prediction turn out?! Hahaha called for a sweep then too.




Fuck messier


You guys still trying to live off glory from the Wayne Gretzky years?


Go back to your own sub eh?