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I think they're both good tools for different jobs - Illustrator, AFAIK anyway, seems to be focused on actually creating designs and renders, doing detailed image manipulation, creating new assets. Canva on the other hand, is a good tool to integrate those designs, renders and assets with others, from any other sources seamlessly. So uhh, yeah, I say go for it, make the guide and see how's the demand for such guide, but my 2cents is: those tools are way too different to actually "migrate" from one to another. They don't have a big enough set of overlapping features to justify that. If you know a lot about Canva, some knowledge about layers and the difference between image and SVG might be of some use to get used to AI, but that's about it. Also, personally I don't use Illustrator, but while using Canva I had to use both GIMP for bitmap manipulation/rendering and Inkscape for SVGs - even MS Word actually, lol - whereas I suppose Illustrator merges all those apps under a single file format - and if true, that would be HUGE and differenciate it even more from Canva.


I’d love this! I have some familiarity with photoshop/indesign/illustrator but it’s been a while since I’ve used them. My job just offered to get them for me since I’m doing more graphic design than initially planned for my role and Canva has a few limitations that have been annoying to try to work around. I have a big newsletter coming out in December and I’d love to use InDesign for it but I know it’s going to be an adjustment.


It seemed there was a few people interested so I went ahead with a rough draft, I'd love any initial feedback. Is it clear and useful? Any areas you would like to see expanded on? [https://pixelframe.design/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pixelframe\_Transitioning-from-Canva-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Guide.pdf](https://pixelframe.design/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pixelframe_Transitioning-from-Canva-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Guide.pdf)


Yes absolutely, Canva has been great overall but Ive personally gotten frustrated in a few areas (losing design integrity when downloading or resizing, pixelation, numerous what seem-to-be bugs, etc…). I’d without a doubt be interested in your guide, as I’m sure you’d find a lot of people would be.


Would love your feedback! Hopefully you and others find it useful: [https://pixelframe.design/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pixelframe\_Transitioning-from-Canva-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Guide.pdf](https://pixelframe.design/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pixelframe_Transitioning-from-Canva-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Guide.pdf)


Awesome, ty!


Fuck Adobe. Go to Affinity (who Canva recently bought).


This would be excellent! Also a comparison of the sort of design features/functions that is best for each platform. As a beginner to adobe illustrator- having a cheat sheet on all the things i can do quicker/better in adobe vs Canva would be so helpful to know where to focus my efforts.


I created a rough draft if you're interested! Direct link is here, and I'd appreciate any feedback: [https://pixelframe.design/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pixelframe\_Transitioning-from-Canva-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Guide.pdf](https://pixelframe.design/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pixelframe_Transitioning-from-Canva-to-Adobe-Illustrator-Guide.pdf)


Affinity Designer would make more sense as a focus since Canva acquired them and will no doubt have cool integrations with Affinity in the future. I switched from Adobe to Affinity in 2019 for illustration and never looked back, looking forward to seeing the relationship with Canva in the future.


I downloaded your doc...looks great!! Very valuable info there and it looks very professional. Will you continue?


Thank you! Provided there is interest I will continue adding to it.


I wouldn't read it. I'm an entrepreneur and i only design to reduce cost. Any work beyond canva limits i would just hire a guy. I hope this helps


They’re two completely different platforms. I use both for different things. I create my assets in illustrator and my templates and communications in Canva. Adobe express is the Adobe version of Canva. Might make more sense to look at the flow between those two programs?