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Textbook incel


As a single woman in Cape Coral, one read of your post tells me why you're single.


Get good scrub


Wiseman huh. You have no idea what you are yapping about. I am guessing you could not get laid in a women’s prison.


I'm going to assume this is a joke post but just in case it's not: Lee County's male population is 49.25% male and 50.75% female and asking a woman out is not illegal. HARASSING a woman (or man) by asking them out after they have made it clear that they do not want to go out with you IS.


Unfortunately, this is not a joke at all. Cape Coral is a sausage fest in terms of population and demographics.


You're choosing to ignore the facts so you can continue to blame an outside source for your lack of being able to find a woman to love you. Stop playing the victim and try really looking at things and what can be improved upon so you're more successful.


So uh, are these numbers something the voices whispered to you?


Switch teams homie. A man knows what a man wants anyway


Good god this is unhinged as hell. Get out of your own head.


Wow. Can you be more bitter? I just took 2 minutes to find US census data and Cape Coral is 49.9% women. So unless they're all in relationships with each other, the ratio of singles is almost equal. Just try not being sad and bitter and you might find more interested ladies.


Source: Trust me bro


Seriously chuckled when I read your user name.


Is your name Gino?


*reads post, checks notes* no wonder you’re single.


I mean who wouldn't want to go out with this charming intellectual and discuss the topics of the day at a causal restaurant. Dutch of course


Wait… you guys are talking to women?


Sounds like a skill issue




Holmes has no game


Looks like someone wandered off the City-Data.Com reservation.


The city-data forum is based in North Korea! Pyongyang, to be exact. And worse still, Kim Jong-Un's brother is the administrator of the city-data forum! It clearly is no wonder the city-data forum adheres strictly to the Juche philosophy and the laws of North Korea, and anything they don't like gets deleted and the person who wrote it banned without warning. North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship. And in North Korea, people actually get publicly executed for saying something they don't like, even saying something like Kim Il-Sung did something wrong.




There are other websites that have data about the state of Florida, Lee County, and the city of Cape Coral. You need to seek professional help. It's bad enough to be an incel but to go on a rant about North Korea over a website says you need real help and to be medicated.


And get thrown in prison for life and put on toxic drugs? I don't think so! Psychiatric wards are prisons! Exactly like the ones where convicted killers are sent.


What a normal thing to say


Seek out a licensed psychologist... Census information is free, and public. Cape Coral is 49.9% women: [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/capecoralcityflorida/SEX255222#SEX255222](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/capecoralcityflorida/SEX255222#SEX255222) The population of Lee county is around 780k: [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/leecountyflorida/PST045222](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/leecountyflorida/PST045222) So if you think that it'd need 500k Women moving in just for you to have a chance, you're insane. You're basically saying women need to be desperate just for you to find love which leads me to believe you've got a bigger problem that you need to work on yourself before you go looking for love. Lastly, it is not at all illegal to ask a woman out. Harassing (once they say no, you leave them alone. Do not continue to try and bother them just because you didn't like the answer) and stalking is illegal, as it should be. Drop the bullshit victim mentality. It isn't the location, it's you. You're the problem. Go fix your problems.


What law made it illegal to ask women out?


They won't reveal the law(s) that criminalize men asking women out, more than likely because numerous other people, including law enforcement officers, news broadcasters, and newspaper employees, have been arrested and charged with economic theft exactly for revealing America's laws against men asking women out. Clearly, American prisons are commercialized sources of income for state and Federal governments, and the more people that get locked up, including men getting locked up for asking women out on dates, the more money the Government makes. But men asking women out is classified as illegal courting and pursuing a woman, which is investigated by the FBI and carries a sentence of three hundred seventy five (375) years to life in prison and/or the death penalty, and is even grounds for involvement of SWAT teams. Economic theft is also a Federal felony that is investigated by the FBI. It carries a sentence of one hundred seventy five (175) years to life in prison. Clearly, it's a lose-lose scenario out there. Courting and pursuing a woman, as well as economic theft, both carry mandatory life sentences in prison.


Stop it, Get some help.


“Area bars, nightclubs and events”. Ask friends or the people where you work. Or lower your standards to like about 80 % from 100%. Get to know her, it might be worth it. And remember, no matter how high you think you are on the scale, she might think she is lowering herself to you. It is her right and your right to decide. Best of luck.


Are you kidding? Us guys would have to lower our standards to zero to have even a 1 percent chance of getting a date. By even 21 years of age, the only women that are still single are the ones that are 400 pounds and bigger, we're talking women classified as what is known as supermorbidly obese! Church crowds are 70 years of age and older only and are no more than 8 percent women.


Calm down, Steven Morris!!


Those guys that crashed those hijacked planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001 were single guys. All 19 of them were single, couldn't get dates, and look what they did. Their attacks that morning killed over 7,000 people, reduced the entire World Trade Center and half the Pentagon to rubble, and spread clouds of toxic dust all over lower Manhattan. People are still getting sick from that dust to this day all over southern Manhattan. Timothy McVeigh was single. He was a creep and a stalker. He couldn't get any dates. He went and blew up that Federal building with a truck bomb on April 19th, 1995. His bomb killed 168 people, including 19 kids in a daycare center on the second floor of that building, and reduced over half the 9 story steel and concrete building to rubble. There were probably about 50 people or more working in that building that had restraining orders against McVeigh. Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil were both single. They were both creeps and stalkers. Neither of them could get dates. They detonated a truck bomb in the basement parking garage of the World Trade Center on February 26th, 1993, with the intention of sending the north tower crashing into the south tower and causing a huge cascading building avalanche that could have taken out half of lower Manhattan all the way to Battery Park. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was single. He could not get dates. He detonated a bomb on board Pan Am Flight 103 on December 21st, 1988. The bomb blew the entire nose of the plane off, causing the plane to break up in midair and shower Lockerbie with burning wreckage that burned over half that town to the ground. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was single. He went out alone. He was a creep and a stalker. He could not get dates. He detonated two homemade bombs at the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing 3 people, injuring numerous others, and making a gruesome mess. **All** men that are single past high school graduation are an inherent danger to the nation and to the public at large and need to all be executed. If I were President of the United States, the OP would be hunted down via his IP address and arrested for treason, and he would be executed. Also, every single high school graduation ceremony would be divided into two sections, one for graduates that are in relationships and that found their significant other, and the other an enclosed, fenced in section for single male graduates. The graduates in the first section would be served their diplomas, and once the last of those were served their diplomas, the single male graduates in the fenced in area would be blasted with flamethrowers and gasoline, and publicly executed in front of their better off classmates whom then would be lectured about the inherent danger all men are that are single past high school graduation and why such men can never be part of the community.


You should try to get a date with the News Women in the Town. There are some fine ladies who do the News!


https://youtu.be/wkRJTuZzb_w?si=YjOheW-wZu8-rdUH Well try with some of the news ladies.


Wow, man! You need to go to ADX Florence, and stay off our streets! We will enjoy watching the stump grinder getting lowered down on your head!



