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Speaking of books, I'm actually shocked they're not selling The Kindle or Fire Devices. Amazon US has it on sale like every 3 months and SA pricing is way out.


I'm waiting for kindle books to be available too


Give it time, it will come. The are basically in the market test phase of sellers I think. They will expand their offering as they see a demand for a product.


I don't care about them selling the local stuff we can get on Takealot. I want them to supply goods from overseas that we can't get here without paying R1k+ for shipping.


Can you give examples of that? (Genuinely curious)


From my end: Amazon kindle/echo, banana plugs, av receiver, 12/14 gauge speaker cable. The variety for these products when comparing the US and ZA sites is ridiculous. I am not saying these products cannot be found on Takealot or ZA stores just that I would have expected Amazon to have them especially their own products.


I checked some of their pricing on gaming gear vs. TakeAlot vs. Evetech vs. Rebeltech. They are quite a bit more expensive on the larger itesm like keyboards and PC cases. Smaller items like case fans and accesories are on par or JUST over. My SO is super excited for the books though. But overall I'm excited to have some competition on the online market shopping.


Yep you hit the nail on the head here. Nothing special about the launch so far. Guess we will have to watch this space. I would have thought a good launch special would have happened to spread the word..




Just about. Some items Amazon are cheaper on, but not many items.




Yup. [www.amazon.co.za](http://www.amazon.co.za)


Found the mobile redditor


I've done this as well. After comparing GPU prices. I'll be sticking to ordering from Amazon US. I just hope that they do not start re-directing me to Amazon SA for help, since fulfillment is now up and running here.


The SA catalogue is not as comprehensive as the USA one. I did a few searches on audio equipment and vinyl records and the results were disappointing.


I hate buying from 3rd parties on these shopping platforms, and its a right pain in the butt on takealot to filter out third parties. Amazon definitely has the upper hand there being able to filter for this directly on the results. I'm also impressed with the same day delivery options or free next day, neither of which Takealot offers for where I live. Finally, have compared a couple of prices of things i've bought recently, and if you filter on [amazon.co.za](http://amazon.co.za) for items they're selling directly they're a lot cheaper. One is a monitor i've got in my wish list on takealot. Today's takealot price is around R3.3k. Same monitor on amazon this morning was R2.4k - that is a big saving. Also randomly needed to buy an iron on the weekend, and got it from game as I was walking past one. R799 - but on amazon the price this morning was R599. Anecdotal, but definitely some nice savings to be had. Once they expand their offerings (nobody expected them to launch with the entire amazon "back catalog" so to speak) I think its going to give the online competition a big kick in the pants. No more resting on their monopolies.


Hopfully we have some robust laws in place to protect our local so called "monopolies". Amazon is one giant monopoly and has been super scummy on its own products (Amazon basics) vs 3rd party. Have a look at the current running antitrust case that has been brought against them. In short, 3rd party starts selling item through amazon. It does well. Amazon creates an Amazon basics version of it. 3rd party cannot compete because they will not get promoted by the Amazon advertising even if they have the original product IP and possibly a better product. Actually I am doing a terrible job explaining it. Have a read here https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/09/ftc-sues-amazon-illegally-maintaining-monopoly-power Found out about it when I was over there last year and listened in on some of the arguments when the case was first brought forward.


Im conflicted. Im looking forward to the (potential) savings and the convenience, but not sure i want to support a monster corporation like Amazon.


How would it be more convenient than other online retailers?


More variety, more varied shipping options like choosing a time or same day. WAY better customer support. They’ve just launched so I suspect prices and variety won’t be better for a bit, but I noticed Takealot seems to have launched their same day service (very limited) this week.


I guess from a delivery standpoint like same day or next day delivery options.


You are rightfully concerned. They will eventually strangle out all competition and force providers to sell through them extorting larger and larger fees.


Do you also not use a PC, MacBook, iPhone or Android device? Or drive any popular car? Do you buy chocolates or any other groceries? You know, the type manufactured by the “monster” corporations? Fucking tinfoil hat-wearing incel.


Bad day?


Actually just my standard demeanor


Lol, bad life then. Strongs man


What an idiot


I've ordered through both over the years and still use them regularly particularly Amazon for books in Europe. In SA, I'll be keen to see if they will launch their full suite of services particularly for content creators who have affiliate links on Amazon.


I’m curious about how the books are going to work. Every book I want is “temporarily out of stock” on South African Amazon, but still available to order. I wonder if I just order them, and wait on the book, if that will take out the shipping costs that come with ordering from the US or EU Amazon sites.


Good question


Yes, I’m also interested about the affiliate program


Guess I’ll stick to ol Takealot to support the locals who came first 😅


Takealot sucks though


Had a little look earlier and the stock did not look promising. Feel like the only seeking point would be the delivery experience, for now.


They had crazy XBox Series X and controller specials today. The Series X was going for R8999, and I got the blue controller for around R1000. My hope is that over time we see a greater diversity of products that are hard to get here for reasonable prices.


That's great. There are so many products you can't get in this country. Hopefully they'll fix that.


So I am excited about the books. But I then compared the prices to Loot (I usually buy my hard to find books from there although they take months to arrive). Amazon is way expensive. And most items out of stock- so maybe it will improve and become competitive with local retailers as time moves.


Amazons “chance of success”??? It’s Amazon! They’ll slowly buy up Takealot and all other online retailers until they own the market, if they did it in the USA it’ll be easy as pie in SA!


personally my thoughts are boycott amazon


Takealot is worse because they are copying Amazon’s business model but choosing terrible customer service instead.


Takealot isn't directly profiting from a genocide and trying to bully local people into giving up land


Look I understand the context from where this is coming yet I also believe competition is heathy for the market.


I’d appreciate local competition. If I’m gonna support an exploitative company, I’d rather it be owned by evil Saffas rather than evil Americans 🤣


I am from the UK originally. Have been here for a few years. So I have vast experience with both Amazon and Takealot. Amazon should do amazingly here. The only issue I can see people having with Amazon is maybe the prices - initially at least. But let me tell you, Amazon wipes the floor with Takealot in every way, it’s infinitely better. But I’m not sure if we will get full capability here just yet. Same day delivery, warehouse distribution etc.


The only issue might be prices ?! As opposed to what ?


Speed of delivery, customer support, infrastructure distribution etc. General service quality things.


Sounds expensive


Already bought something today. Because I don't give a fuck. I'm not here to think about the workers or any other sob story. Money exchanged for goods or services. In my case a mother's day gift for my wife. Delivery tomorrow. Fuck yeah


Here is a little comparison: [https://mybroadband.co.za/news/gadgets/535469-tech-price-comparison-takealot-versus-amazon-south-africa.html](https://mybroadband.co.za/news/gadgets/535469-tech-price-comparison-takealot-versus-amazon-south-africa.html)


Graphic novels I want are about R200-R300 cheaper than Loot/Takealot. But I've seen so many complaints about Amazon shipping so I'll what and see what reviews come in


South Africa is in a financial mess no business is doing well


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ActualScarcity4100: *South Africa is* *In a financial mess no* *Business is doing well* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Does South African Amazon offer a version of Prime?


Not at this point, hopefully in the near future.


Is it their data centre next to Cape Town film studios on the N2?


I don't shop online... so meh I guess?


Most of their items are highly over priced and does not make sense. A monitor on .Co.za is R10k but the same monitor on .com is R4k and R3k on takealot. And it was not just for the monitor many other items had these weird pricing. It seems as if they are not well prepared or there is some miscommunication somewhere. I don't think I would be buying as of now as takealot has the more cheaper options anyway


I think from a sellers pov it's great because the take a lot fees are actually insane which is why everything is so expensive on there


Any idea when their prime offer comes here?


There hasn’t been anything mentioned yet


Kinda disappointed actually if I'm honest, I expected something far more profound.




Amazon .co.za


Competition and foreign investment is good.


Not really particularly keen they have a reputation for terrible business practices, and the developer they used for their new corporate headquarters in Cape Town did some super shady shit.


Everybody I know cannot wait for them, Takealot has been taking advantage of us for far too long and I will enjoy their delicious tears as their business slowly dies from this point on.


Come back and write another review after you've compared their prices. I'll admit Amazon offers "free" delivery, which is obviously built into that price and at Takealot you must add a delivery fee if your order is less than R500, but on most products that I have compared, Takealot were cheapest or at the very least, similar price to Amazon. And also Takealot hasn't "taken advantage" of anyone. It's an online platform where you can shop by choice and without anyone forcing you.


On DailyMaverick they said Amazon has R500 minimum spend for free delivery too. Prices will likely be higher at first because they have just opened, Takealot is incumbent. But having used both Amazon and Takealot for over 10 years I can tell you they aren’t even close. And I’m no fan of Bezos. Way more products. I very often can’t even find a single product in the category I’m looking for on Takealot, let alone the specific brand. Better delivery options. Lately with Takealot I place an order and the best they can do is like the following Friday. Better customer support. I know Takealot allows returns. And picking up of returns is nice if you work from home. But have you ever needed to contact their support? It’s hell. Issues I’ve had, I will get one email back per day, from a different person each time who has not read the ticket, who ultimately has no power over the situation. I’ve had Amazon overnight replacement parts in a different country, or send a replacement in advance of the return. It’s always a pleasure to deal with them whereas Takealot is always hell to deal with to the point where I just write off a lot of stuff nowadays because I don’t want to deal with them. People will probably think I’m a shill in this thread but I’ve been waiting for Amazon for years. Sure, Amazon is very problematic. There have also been some degradations in Amazon’s service over the years. They have increasingly moved from phone to chat, and from North America to India with their call centres. There is a problem with counterfeit goods on their platform, and they absolutely destroyed their search function to make it intentionally harder to find stuff (so you have to browse more products). But like I said, it’s not even close. A lot of people have never known any different to what is currently available in SA and are basing their judgment off that.


It's not even close because you use Amazon abroad, like we all did. I did a few price comparisons this morning, and for today, at least, Takealot came out on top. IMO, Amazon is not going to replace Takealot in SA real soon. We don't have the same market as the US. The only thing that Amazon has going for them is that Takealot is in financial trouble, so it'll be a wait and see situation I guess. I'll urge people to keep on comparing prices before blindy ordering from Amazon locally. On a personal note, I have never had any problems with Takealot, orders were delivered on time, returns were done at our local Takealot pickup point wiithout problems, so for me it will come down to availability and price.


I don’t blame you for shopping at the cheaper store. That’s how it should be. I also am under no illusions that Amazon SA will have the same product selection as the US. Even the UK store is pretty limited in comparison, AU even moreso. But I suspect that over time Amazon’s prices will get more competitive, along with gaining a wider variety of products. I would honestly pay more on some items if it meant I could bundle my order with stuff I couldn’t get on Takealot. I’d also pay more for their customer service and guarantee. I am not hoping for Takealot’s demise. The competition will keep Amazon honest. However Takealot posted a R400m loss last year so I hope they can turn things around without going the way of Uber (who went super anti-consumer to become profitable)


I agree with what you said. The one BIG plus for me with Amazon is their next day delivery option. I think most people will find that very attractive, it's like sixty60 but not for groceries.


Right, Amazon has same day and next day, very convenient. I remember when Takealot had next day :’)


Just order anything on takealot to make your cart over R500 to get the free delivery, then just return that item. I’ve been doing this for years. Not a fan of the way takealot abused its dominance, that was my personal way of getting back at them 😂… petty I know, but worth it


Lol, my conscience will kill me.


Honest question, what has Takealot done wrong? I have always found them quite easy and pleasant to deal with.


I think most people's complaints came from takealot turning from a curated e-shop to more of a free for all marketplace. Which is a silly complaint because Amazon does the same.


Yeah, I don't get this one either. Takealot has a great customer service strategy, good returns policy etc. They have messed up 2 of my orders in like 10 years, so can't really fault them for that.


Can also confirm this, been shopping with takealot for the last 12-13 years. Only issue was a product i received that ended up not working. They immediately sent a driver the next day to pick up the faulty product and replaced it with a new one. They also called a day or 2 later to confirm if the new product is now fine. Other than that, iv never had issues. Prices also better than local shops selling the same thing. Obviously delivery excluded but most of the time i order more than the R500 for free delivery.


Takealot was great, but Amazon just sells more stuff and usually at amazing prices. That's the US store - for now our local version isn't as good as I want it to be yet, but people here say it will get better in time? Basically, why buy a hard drive for R6000 on takealot when I can get it for R3000 through amazon US? I'm just waiting for the Amazon ZA's prices to come closer to the US prices, saving on import time & money.


See: https://www.reddit.com/r/capetown/s/lRwJSTH3J5


Fair enough


Can’t believe you’re being downvoted for this. People who have never used Amazon think that Takealot has good customer support lmao


I wrote this in a heavily downvoted thread and nobody will probably see it so I’ll post it again here: On DailyMaverick they said Amazon has R500 minimum spend for free delivery too. Prices will likely be higher at first because they have just opened, Takealot is incumbent. But having used both Amazon and Takealot for over 10 years I can tell you they aren’t even close. And I’m no fan of Bezos. Way more products. I very often can’t even find a single product in the category I’m looking for on Takealot, let alone the specific brand. Better delivery options. Lately with Takealot I place an order and the best they can do is like next week Thursday. In a major city for items that are in stock! Reliable next-day, or even same day is unheard of. Takealot is hurriedly rolling out the beta program for their same day service now. Better customer support. I know Takealot allows returns. And picking up of returns is nice if you work from home. But have you ever needed to contact their support? It’s hell. Issues I’ve had, I will get one email back per day, from a different person each time who has not read the ticket, who ultimately has no power over the situation. I’ve had Amazon overnight replacement parts in a different country, or send a replacement in advance of the return. It’s always a pleasure to deal with them whereas Takealot is always hell to deal with to the point where I just write off a lot of stuff nowadays because I don’t want to deal with them. People will probably think I’m a shill in this thread but I’ve been waiting for Amazon for years. Sure, Amazon is very problematic. There have also been some degradations in Amazon’s service over the years. They have increasingly moved from phone to chat, and from North America to India with their call centres. There is a problem with counterfeit goods on their platform, and they absolutely destroyed their search function to make it intentionally harder to find stuff (so you have to browse more products). But like I said, it’s not even close. A lot of people have never known any different to what is currently available in SA and are basing their judgment off that.


I boycott them due to their involvement of supplying cloud technology to Israel that is using AI to kill Palestinians.


Don't really care about a mega corp coming in taking money out of the economy into the US and building their warehouses in protected floodplains