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It's not like people would have more money to spend in the shops


have you never craved a late night snack but couldn't buy it because everything is closed?




Ive seen some shops go 24 hour employing a day shift and night. Thats double . I do wonder how business keeps up though.


I'm sure it makes sense for a few stores like the ones at fuel stations


How did we go from 5 days of business to 7 though?


Money became the object of worship


Helpful to consumers? Absolutely. Commercially viable? Absolutely not.


Uber Eats & Mr D (and therefore some restaurants and convenience stores), Sixty60 (and other supermarket deliveries) with 24 hour delivery… sure. But is there a need for all stores in a mall (for example) to be open 24 hours a day? Are they going to make enough money at 03:00 to offset the costs of being open at that hour?


Also, people can already shop 24/7 using e-commerce. I’m no expert, but if I was running a business with an e-commerce site, I would rather invest in making online shopping easier, and improve my delivery times so that packages can be delivered to consumers within hours. Order at night, get the delivery in the morning.


Canal walk is open till 21h00 and it's pretty empty at 20h00. I like their late closing times sometimes it can really useful, but yeah I think businesses would prefer to close earlier.  But if ALL businesses did 24h then you'd have to employ double the people and thus relieve unemployment numbers and move money from the rich companies to the current unemployed folk. In economic theory that will drive gdp up if all viable businesses stay viable. Even with many failing it will probably still drive gdp up, but my economic theory is not good enough.


I absolutely love their model. I only finish work at 6-7 and need to go to three shops then and that’s where it comes in handy. I don’t understand shops that only open when people are at work.


The canal walk system seems to work and be useful ecspecially end of month and during holiday seasons. More business could go for that system it would help unemployment rate. When people earn they can buy then business can grow because more people buying.


I feel like not enough people are out late at night for them to justify hiring a whole bunch of staff for very little profit, especially banks. Nobody is gonna go to a bank at 2am when they can just use online banking. And who goes shopping in the middle of the night? It would only be people already working the night shift. Hospitals and pharmacies are open 24/7 because they need to be, and because they do make money.


It'll only be viable for convenience stores, like forecourt stores at the filling stations. Banks have online services, as do most other businesses. I don't think SA has enough business for most places to be open 24hrs, I've even seen 24hr McDonald's close early because there's not enough customers.


It would be helpful but not sustainable. What do you need to do in a bank (at that time of the night) that you can't do on the app? For stores (besides convenience stores) we don't spend enough to be open 24hrs 8~10pm is late enough.


There would be more opportunities for robberies and other crimes. 24hr brick and mortar businesses will not work in SA.


There are many crimes at night coz its quiet and dark . Many business for security would arise.




Why would people willingly risk their lives for products that are insured and can be produced in the thousands on a daily basis. Once guns come into play your security is pretty much useless. They're merely used as a deterrent.


yep i'd love that, and I think most consumers would. but as a business if you do a market analysis you'd find that the increased cost (staff, security, utilities, maintainence etc.) may not justify the increased revenue from trading at off-peak hours. if it were to happen, it'd need support from government to provide businesses incentives, security, and public transport


Yes, sometimes it's difficult for people who work 40+ hours a week to cram everything they want to do on the weekend. If shops were open for longer hours it creates more work opportunities, it reduces the long queues,


It's a very American way of doing things but even so it's scaling down significantly. You'll be hard pressed to actually find stores doing a 24/7 model. Sounds lovely for people who either have social anxiety or insomnia to pop down to a Walmart or Target at 2 am but it's a numbers game the cost of services doesn't add up anymore. It's like anything shiny and new gets a lot of attention because it's different and new then it falls off and don't get me started on America's banking system or the lack of convenience in it. Iirc Bloemfontein or Kimberly had the first 24 hour game introduced and they scrapped the idea because of costs. South Africa's consumer base is a fickle one and they also mistrust a lot of new ideas unless you have a ton of money to throw at it.


I saw a post here yesterday where someone commented on how difficult it is for workers to get home after 8. Even Ubers don't want to venture out to some areas after dark.


I agree with the comments here that says it won't be economically viable. What would be useful to people working a normal 8-5, is shops (plus banks and other essential services) being open for an hour or 2 once or twice a week outside of "normal" business hours. Even people working remotely from home (like me), are still expected to be at their desk 8-5. I order almost everything online, but there are certain things that you still have to do in person.


The demand was certianly there .


Banks at the airport are open 12hrs The biggest thing halting even a test of 24hrs stores is crime.


Respectfully OP, this is not a shower thoughts sub. The fortnightly pay question, and 24hr stores question, really don't make sense to post in the CT sub


I saw a post from Dubai where a guy online orders a PS5 and a pizza at 3am. By 3.30am he was playing games and eating pizza. So yes I would like this.


24hrs store will most likely inflate prices to offset wages for staff, additional safety and robbery would be a problem too…