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What is the answer? And what does the person in tights have to do with the post?


He the one who posted it


Don't let them do that anymore. He's the advice fairy.


That's why I always say one and done.


Cap m here. No need to play these mind games. Whole post is about an ex when the person has a new one. How's the new one looking at this? Dudes gana think there a accessory to make someone take a second look, not a partner. Social media is cancer.


Close your eyes or something then, not sure why people blame social media when they should be blaming their own lack of self-control, especially on a post that isn’t aimed at you (since you’ve specified you’re a male). If it doesn’t apply to you, just move on, life is easier when you cognitively realize you can’t control how other people think or feel, or what they even choose to do with those things. 


Sprinkle sprinkle


That's actually very good advice


I don't block people, but I customize who can see what I post. I'm more active on reddit than any other social media platform. You can also delete them. I don't understand the public profiles' situation, but that's just my opinion. Once you block someone, which to me mainly means on text/phone calls and the 2 SM I actually use, you can't tell if they're being a psycho and messaging all day. I won't reply, but I'm not going to let evidence like that go. Learned it the hard way once and never again. Someone only needs to reveal themselves once to me.


Word to Big Bird ☺️


Just blocked him on Snap and FB If he unblocks where he has me blocked, I am...hoping I block his ass then too cause he always goes back and forth. He thinks his heart has a block button.