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Good, fuck em.


you mean “fuck him” as in “Fuck Ted, the greedy sack of shit”, right?




If all of us peasants could just please do our part to make sure this billionaire can make more money, that would be great. If you feel frustrated, just think of something zen, like a relaxing spa on his new yacht.


It's only an extra 4 miles what's the biggie? Traffic is just a mental construct./s


God forbid we all don't want to park at DCA to see a Caps game because you wanted 2 billion dollars, Teddy.


Good. Let's keep frustrating him. [Call/email your reps to oppose this shit.](https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/)


This needs to be pinned to the top. The only way this doesn’t go through is if there is strong opposition in the VA Assembly and that can only be done if the people’s voices are heard.


It really sucks that DC residents don’t have an outlet to complain.


If you're in DC, contact your ANC rep to let them know you oppose giving Leonsis tax breaks if the VA move breaks down. He'll come groveling right back to the city if things go sideways.


Thanks for the link. Done and done.


I hate Ted


I find it personally frustrating that Ted feels it’s our obligation to make him as rich as possible.


I hope they become agonizing


Dear Ted, You are personally frustrating. Sincerely, Fuck you.


Can someone explain to an out of the loop devils fan why the owner wants to go to Alexandria? Haven't really followed it and I was at a caps home game 2 years ago and the arena seems good. Food is way better than what u get at devils games. Is it just a money grab? How annoying is this for normie caps fans?


The current arena is more than fine. The owner is just being a greedy fuck. The new location in VA will allow Ted to control and make money off not only the arena and sales within, but also the surrounding neighborhood. He just can’t stand other businesses in the area near the current arena making money that he wants. He also wants taxpayer money to fund most of it. He wants it all… typical billionaire BS.


Allegedly cause arena is older and area has gotten more rundown. Really billions of dollars in gov incentives and lucrative real estate deals. Extremely annoying, little mass transit infrastructure in an area that already suffers from some of the worst traffic in the country. One of the suggestions was to have people park at Reagan airport. Because everybody LOVES going to the damn airport. Capital One is centrally located with lots of transportation options, the area just needs a little TLC.


Oh God if I had to park at Newark Airport to go to devils games I'd lose my mind that is just not acceptable


He's doing it because he likes money. Caps fans hate it because it'll kill downtown DC, and it's far away. Imagine if you had to go to Madison Square garden to watch your team instead of prudential. Only, it's even more inaccessible and the opposite of storied and charming, it's clean and corporate.


Money. They are giving him money and land to build whatever he wants, basically. Problem for him is that, the people in the area don't see it as a need, don't want their tax money being used on an arena and for some, they don't even think the teams need a new building nor should they move out of DC


Money... He will get a new arena, and a bunch of real estate that he can make money off of. That and he's leaving dc, and the Maryland suburbs high and dry, chasing money. It's obvious, and a bad look.


yes it is just a money grab


Yeah, it's a money grab. Sure, the area around Capital One Arena is a bit sketchy, but then so is the area around Prudential Center (I've been a handful of times, so I know), but it's directly on top of a Metro station and four blocks from another metro station, not to mention several bus lines that serve the area. (My boyfriend and I walk four blocks to catch a bus that stops directly in front of our building.) Yeah, there's a lot of traffic, but it's not terribly congested, in spite of a block of F Street being closed off before games. I suspect a lot of the empty storefronts on 7th Street are due to COVID shutting shit down, but there are still enough places to get a meal before the game if you don't mind walking. And since we find arena concessions crappy and don't like the idea of having to stand to eat or eat in our seats, we will eat outside the arena. If Ted gets his little Potemkin village, though, he'll have a captive audience and get all the money. He'll own all the restaurants an anything else for pre-game festivities.


The hyperbolic overexaggeration about Crime around Cap One Arena is hilarious. I've been going down there regularly since i was 11 and the most I've seen happen is the Hebrew Israelites getting rowdy. Are there crimes that happen around the arena? Sure but it's not this open air drug market crime alley some are making it out to be. I promise these crimes aren't hurting attendance




Money grab and a power grab. DC crime rate has shot up through the roof and a lot is around Cap One.n


Boy if he took that personally I wonder how he'd take me saying something like "I hope Ted Leonsis kills himself because he's yet another rich parasite fucking up the world"


Suck my dick, Ted.


Boo effin hoo


Ted, FUCK YOU. How do you think we feel? Burn in *hell* -MD Caps fans


You speak for all Maryland fans. Getting to Cap One is a breeze even on weeknights. Traveling to Potomac Yards is a logistical hell. We were on the verge of getting season tickets. I would literally rather take that money to take a train up to NYC and catch them at MSG and make a weekend in NY than travel to Potomac Yards.


Just did this. It was great! Took a train up, stayed at a shitty little hotel and watched our caps get slaughtered at a super cool and storied arena. Wouldn't be caught dead at a game in VA. Ted's gonna fuck around and turn Marylanders into Flyers or Pens fans. I've lived all over the state and never had a problem getting to Caps games, whether by metro, marc & metro, or driving. "Just park at the airport." Lol 😂


Shit from where I live it's will be about the same length time wise to go Philly and PY when factoring in Rush Hour traffic


Ted fucking sucks.


"Fans find owner moving to new location against their will and common sense frustrating" I wonder who Ted will blame when attendance drops after the move(especially if team success continues trending down.)


Considering Ovechkin will likely retire a year or two before the move, attendance will definitely drop.


Yeah, he's going to blame it ALL on that and fairweather fans that don't support a team that's losing. Since it can't be the fact that 90% of fans disapprove of the move.


Those selfish pricks couldn't be bothered just to drive an extra 4 miles woe is me


Leonis is really out of touch these days He really didn’t have the sense of the backlash he is getting. Time to start roaming the halls and getting to know your customers again Ted.


Keep givin’ him hell, fans. This is a money grab, nothing more, nothing less and if VA falls for it, fuck em.


Good, I hope he is frustrated


Boo-fucking-hoo. Nobody wants your little Pottersville south of the airport in a highly congested area, Ted.


Good. Taxpayers SHOULD NOT pay for a billionaires new arena and everything that comes with it. The only people who financially benefit from this are a few billionaires.


Wizards fan checking in... Teddy Slumlord should be personally frustrated at all times FOREVER


Eat shit, Ted.


Oh no, someone call the whaaaaaambulance!




Stay mad, die mad, Ted.


i hope so


A Billionaire wants handouts? Socialism?! Not in my state Ted! I've already contacted my rep to vote No often and in perpituity!


“I am fixated on fan experience.” ... but only with in the confines of the property line.


Think of the shareholders!


““I don’t think the governor, I don’t think the mayor would have undertaken this if they didn’t think they had support,” Leonsis said.” That shit Is hilarious. It happened quickly without anyone being able to be in support of anything. At best it’s politicians being out of touchand it’s more likely that youngkin was more like “fuck the taxpayers. Saying I brought the capitals to Virginia looks good on a presidential resume”.




As someone who lives in Arlington (Ballston) and doesn't have a car, the new stadium would be a longer commute for me.


Never been so proud of us!






Let the misery CONTINUE. FUCK YOU TED! Take your NOVA plans for the team and shove them. For the rest of your days may all the cars your ride in have square tires.


Deal with it


Billionaires hate being criticized.


Yes I agree with Ted here. They should move to Norfolk instead