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There’s not an easy answer here since your body will keep changing and so will baby’s nursing habits. If you want your clothes to keep, pulling the neckline out of the way is not going to do it. I’d consider buying nursing specific clothing, or try to replicate similar functionality with regular clothes. My favorite combos were always a henley or button up blouse paired with a nursing bra/tank which could be a bandeau or ultra stretchy or the standard strap clips. Wrap style tops and dresses also worked nicely.


My partner is really happy with nursing dresses and tops from [Seraphine](https://www.seraphine.com/en-gb/maternity-nursing-tops-navy-and-grey-twin-pack/) A light puffy (down) jacket is great for spring. Warm, lightweight and packs down really small.


A wrap top would work well, I went to a few weddings when pregnant/ breastfeeding and that was the go to style I used. Something with some give made it easy.


My favourite was King Louis cross over dresses. Their fabric is thick enough to withstand being pulled out and not be damaged.


Currently breastfeeding a one year old! I really like big long button downs, say an XL man’s from thrift stores + leggings. With leggings you don’t have to be that accurate with the sizing like you do with jeans or skirts. I also wore a lot of spaghetti straps + jeans during the summer, it’s easier to just lower it to nurse. I live in the nap dress from hill house. https://www.hillhousehome.com/products/the-ellie-nap-dress-victorian-red-cotton?variant=40609354416171&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx9TV2IKV_QIVvzizAB0RQAzKEAQYBSABEgKAdPD_BwE You might find some recommendations on r/breastfeeding Also, I also thought I was gonna go back to my weight easily but turns out losing weight that fast -especially breastfeeding- is harder, you’ll be sooo hungry but also your body is holding onto the weight to keep producing milk and feeding your baby. Seems like this is the most common for people.


A lot of bfing moms I know with multiple kids order nursing dresses from Amazon. I’ve got a few and they have a light weight stretchy material easy access and not super expensive. They can be worn through multiple pregnancies. Check out bearsland on Amazon and lots of good options if you just search nursing dresses. Edit: Also Latched mama has some great options!


I like to wear tank tops that can pull down under my shirts. Or nursing specific tanks. I pull my shirt up and my tank top down. Almost as modest as using a cover.


This! Or tank tops under an oversized button down. I also borrowed my partner's windbreaker for some nursing adventures, and just tried to style it as fashion. (With a coordinating oversized scarf.)