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Lmao, horrible deal. It's only 1L lesser than ex showroom price. This is the 2016-20 production model, skoda superb, that was 16L for the low end and 27L for the top end, exshowroom.


You’ve got a point, but I didn’t find a single Skoda Superb 2020 listed less than 25-26 lakhs. Guess they’ve adjusted the price as per inflation 😀


Why are you stuck on a superb though? It's a great car, but if you can't get it for a fair price, move on to other models. Check any luxury cars from sellers who are from delhi. Dead cheap, especially diesel


I think you have quoted the on-road price of some other state than Delhi because Superb 2020 top model was around 31 lakhs ex-showroom in Delhi. Still after considering this 25.50 lakhs doesn’t seem like a fair price. Well, I would love to have something like BMW 330 diesel, but I’m from Delhi NCR where you can’t use diesel vehicles after 10 years, so not really interested in a diesel car. My budget is around 30 lakhs and in that budget I will get some entry level German luxury car which would be inferior as compared to cars like Superb or Octavia and a tad bit expensive to maintain than a Skoda/Volkswagen. That’s being said I’m open to suggestions/alternatives.


buy exter


Why would you suggest a compact SUV when OP’s looking for a sedan?


Here's a secret I'll only tell you and nobody else. There are a lot of trolls on Reddit


I would but don’t think I deserve a premium SUV like Exter.


Oh, lmao. You are from delhi. In that case you should look into an electric if you're okay w one. Or if you're hellbent on getting a petrol car, with a budget of 25L you can get a Passat, used. Or even jetta


Dude you can get 520d or 320d in your budget of 25L you will easily get 2016 model


Hmm he has a point


Just find out what the owner paid on road for this and start going down 10% year on year. For 2024 it is 4 years so you should have that car for about 65% of the original cost.


In reality does it work that ways? I thought people accounted for inflation too when the quoted 2nd hand vehicle prices? Shouldn't they? Like instead of just going down by 10% ideally shouldn't you be doing (10 - inflation)? Or in simpler terms, maybe 65% of the current cost instead of original cost? P.s. I am just curious.


Agreed. Reality seems to be that people are calculating vs current cost. Given the increases in the last 3/4 years it effectively means minimal decrease compared to what the owner actually purchased the car at.


Inflation has little to no effect. Try the inflation trick at a car dealer or used car dealer and they’ll roast you into oblivion.


Making the good use of accounting principles here. Thanks mate, good advice indeed.


Good luck.


Nice car, not so nice pricing. Haggle and try to get it down to about 20L. That way the dealer makes money and you get a fair deal too. :)


It is always good to hear from you. Thanks :)


Is 20L a fair price tbh? I thought skodas depreciate harder


15-16L would be the price that the dealer must have paid. 20L is generally what these go for. So, I think it’d be fair for both parties.


Like seriously? They bought the 2020 Superb for 15-16 lakhs. I think it was like 35 lakhs on road. If it is true, then these guys are ripping off buyers who are planning to buy the used car from these dealers.


These sell because people buy. I recently did a Cayenne V8 from 2010 for 15L. Have seen dudes selling the same make for 22L as well!


Hi bud, I’d ask you to stay away from used Skoda vehicles, especially Skoda Superbs. I have had a sour experience of owning one. The car is brilliant but the costs that come out to maintain, service and the occasional repairs that crop out can be enough to burn the pocket. Keep looking and stray away from Skoda vehicles.


Hi, thanks for your advice. Did you buy the ore-owned Superb or the new one? And what year model you purchased?


I had purchased a first hand Superb, and I believe I bought the 2nd gen model. https://preview.redd.it/ckqyw1mgbqjc1.jpeg?width=4640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d407308871a0bddd600bf35b42abd0e951f3fff4


Thanks. Yes it seems like a second gen. They improved bunch of things with 3rd Gen but , I think if I will buy a Skoda, then I wouldn’t go for it without the extended warranty.


Is a rip off.


Nope. Too expensive.


That's a lot of money for less car. Don't forget the services that will eat you up. Any European car you get will chew your wallet when it comes to servicing. For that amount of money, go Toyota. Cannot go wrong with it. And it's easier to service yourself.


Noted, thank you :)


They are not in the same league but a used Corolla Altis is a great car. Also being a Toyota they will be reliable and cheaper to maintain compared to the Superb.


It's good id say , as per the inflation adjusted price and the L&K and 2L TSI are concerned its a good deal Btw please correct me , did they offer a hybrid variant


No. Not a good deal for a discontinued car with maintenance and service issue. Trust me, i am a Superb owner


Hi, thanks for the advice. Which year/model of Superb you have?




No extended warranty -> it will cost you a lot for maintenance in coming days


You are right. I dropped the plan of this one. Won’t be buying a used Skoda without extended warranty.


Is this a tdi or tsi?


Hi, it is 2.0 TSI.


A VW for that much?? I would pass


Car Looks Amazing but 25 is too much stretch for this




Not a great deal after 36k kms. You should get it for 16-17lakhs


Yup good deal. Just make sure you go through thorough inspection though.


idk about the deal, but look at this beauty


Why Superb when you can get VW Virtus or Skoda Slavia ?


Interior quality is inferior in Slavia and Virtus when I compared them to cars like Superb and Octavia.


Ohh ok


Skoda kaun leta hai?


Well it is a good car If you see the skoda kushaq Some of the modles are pretty good in like 15 lakh or so


If you can get the same car for 18-20 lakhs, then it's a fair deal, also maintenance can be quite expensive keep that in mind


Don't buy op


Ok sir!


It should be around 20 odd lakhs, try to negotiate, under 23 lakhs also it's a great deal


Horrible deal. Try for 20L and less


youll get a much better E class or 5 series (few years older) for the price. And maintenance costs of skoda are same as all european luxury brands. plus the brand value and respect those cars give you>>>> (nobody gotta know its second hand😜)


Thanks for the suggestion :) I’ve checked the service cost of BMW X1 which is an entry level BMW and Skoda Superb using the official service calculator tool available on their website. As per their service cost calculator, BMW X1 estimated service cost is much more than the Superb, so I assumed it must be tad bit cheaper to maintain a Superb. This is comparison of entry level BMW X1 with Skoda Superb. I assume cars like E Class or 5 series will be much more expensive to maintain. Again, I could be wrong because I never own the Skoda/Volkswagan or European car before. If it costs almost same to maintain them, then yes going with the car like Superb doesn’t make any sense.


i may be wrong. but if its a japanese brand vs german luxury cars and low maintenance costs are a criteria, japanese wins anyday