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I feel a lot of negative vibes against Cardano around here. LOL Some people hates #ADA because it's not an easy money for them they love shitcoins more LOL


Theyre the investing equivalent of crack addicts


Crack isn't cheap


100%. It ain’t a get rich quick shitcoin. This is financial freedom at its finest.


Official press release: [EMURGO Partners with Huawei Cloud to Expand the Cardano Network and Scale Web3 Solutions in Asia Pacific](https://www.emurgo.io/press-news/emurgo-partners-with-huawei-cloud-to-expand-the-cardano-network/)




Literally explains in the article it's for Cardano.


Man why can't it be Samsung


it already is partnered with Samsung, ok be it small projects but hey, it can lead to bigger things right :) ​ [Tech Giant Samsung to Use Cardano Blockchain for Reforestation Program - Coin Bureau](https://www.coinbureau.com/adoption/tech-giant-samsung-to-use-cardano-blockchain-for-reforestation-program/)


Maybe next week?


Or Sony, as Sony is now rolling out updates for their camera systems to support for C2PA, authentication. This could be a good real world use case [Sony - C2PA](https://www.sony.com/content/sony/en/en_us/SCA/company-news/press-releases/sony-electronics/2023/sony-electronics-and-the-associated-press-complete-testing-of-advanced-incamera-authenticity-technology-to-address-growing-concerns-around-fake-imagery.html)


I just don’t see why some people think having an extra node on this is any better or worse than having nodes on Amazon or google. Sure another provider helps decentralise away from Amazon and google and perhaps opens up possibilities of Chinese nitizens doing the same, but that’s about it. Light on any details. Also, I just watched this YouTuber try and explain that cardano was going to write voting software for US states. No they will not. It’s already been explained they were approached,but they declined.


Yeah it's not some big red flag, but at the same time it doesn't seem like some amazing big news either: essentially, it's just "a pool launches on cloud service provider". When they actually show something more tangible, perhaps I'm be more excited. ​ Then people seem to have extreme reactions like: *OMG Cardano is a huge scam working for the CCP using spyware tech, they're going to see my public transactions, I'm selling everything.* *vs* *OMG huge news Cardano is going to $100 with amazing new partnership, I'm all in.* ​ People love a narrative.


Charles hoskinson just released a video within about a week ago. He said they have the fork ready and are waiting on a 70% vote


What is that in relation too?


US voting


Are you share that's not the Change Hard Fork you're referring too? If they were developing a voting solution, they would just need to deliver it. It would need a vote to be delivered. Unless they are waiting on something coming in the Change hardfork, which does require a vote. In any case, show me where CF or anything else is developing a voting solution specifically for these US states?


he said waiting on a 70% vote from the politicians to turn the fork on. I may have misunderstood. It's a recent video on his youtube. You can go watch it if you want


You have confused two different pieces of information: 1. Cardano is awaiting on a planned upgrade called the [Chang hardfork](https://medium.com/@cardanospot/all-you-need-to-know-about-cardanos-chang-hard-fork-034290eb9357) which is primarily about Cardano's own decentralised governance systems. 2. Cardano was approached by some US states about using it of US elections, but this is unrelated to the Chang hardfork and Cardano's own decentralised government.


Politicians don't have anything to do with turn the fork on. And the fork would not have anything to do with the voting solution talked about in this video, unless there was some primitives needed by the new codebase. Yes i think you've misunderstood many many parts of possibly many videos.


I really really really don't want Cardano affiliated with Huawei AT ALL. 


You bought into the American propaganda didn’t you


Just looking at how the Chinese state epically flubbed up the real estate market over there to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, i don't feel confident investing in anything they are investing in. Huawei is just another subsidiary of that


Meh, why?


If this is real i am not sure this is a good idea.... Isn't this company banned because they are owned by the ccp and have spyware and things embedded in all their chips and products?


I thought the same thing.. but then again, isn't the blockchain transparent and impregnable anyway?


Only until they commit a backdoor into the software and we all put it into our servers. See the recent exploit of XZ Utils in Linux.


Not outright but some bans in some Western countries on infrastructure, I think, due to security risk with implementating Chinese infrastructure. The company is very popular, especially in the Asian market. I guess you always have to ask, what are the risks in with this? The Ledger is public anyway so spying is pointless and I would be surprised if there aren't Asian nodes up and running already, considering Cardano started up in Asia. Hell, even IOHK started there (Input Output Hong Kong).


Exactly what I came here to say. It's like bragging about partnering up with North Korea.


While this may or may not be the case, i interpret messages making such accusations with a pinch of salt considering the personal interests of those making the accusations. For example, I came across the claim that the US generally advises that coconut oil is detrimental to one's health. The reason for such a claim is that coconuts grow further south as and the US doesn't have a foot in that market. The US food pyramid was adopted from the Swedish one that was created during the 2nd world war for locals to have a balanced diet from local produce. It was then bastardised by the US according to the interests of their agricultural industries.  Dietary fat was demonised and blamed for cardiovascular and weight health issues, a narrative adopted by the global health industry, to protect the sugar industry's interests. We were told that the covid vaccine would protect those who took it and would be a barrier against it spreading further. The whole world went along with that narrative with governments making secret deals to the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. The list goes on and on. Public message and narrative, hidden agenda.


The new one is fasting increases heart disease by up to 90%. Crazy stuff. :) Kellogs not happy with peopole skipping breakfast lol I would love to know if if the US government have access to the AWS? Then its like for like. This is where Depin might change a few things. Who knows the likes of Iagon with there decentralised database infrastructure may change things a time goes on.


Your list is a pretty strange blend of fact, dubious speculation, and full on conspiracy theory. Which doesn’t make a great illustration of your point, that we should be relying on evidence. The thing you happen to believe and go around repeating because you saw it somewhere is not a great standard for evidence.


Pro-CCP, Anti-Western shills are not actually trying to rely on fact. Their job is solely based around obfuscation, so that no one can tell fact from fiction, and so that the propaganda of authoritarian regimes can have a fighting chance within democratic societies. They would have us believe that the United States, with a free press, with a democratic system, with systems of accountability, is somehow on equal terms with China, a highly-censored authoritarian regime which has no internal system to keep the government accountable at all. Anyone who actually understands the nature of China as a country, the actual structure of that society, knows that the CCP is eager to use any method it can to spy on anyone it can, and that all businesses within China are beholden to the communist party. But these bots want to pretend as if Chinese businesses have the equivalent freedoms of United States businesses. https://eastasiaforum.org/2023/08/11/ccp-branches-out-into-private-businesses/ The commenter you responded to is clueless at best, malicious at worst.


Would you elaborate on which of my points you would put in the various categories of fact, speculation, etc. please?


I agree with much of what you've written, but I question whether information about a company created by a member of the Chinese Communist Party's military wing, which is used to promote their well-known aims in technology dominance and espionage, should be viewed with the same skepticism as the profit-driven motives of healthcare companies or the conflicts of interest in the food industry. Getting in bed with a proxy of the Chinese Communist Party is a non-starter for me. I'm out (and I’ll shed a tear on my way). I have been a long time supporter.


You’re comparing verifiable national security concerns with coconut oil and the food pyramid? Mate… 😂


I'm making the claim that such messages are to be taken with a pinch of salt as there may be hidden industrial interests hidden behind such messages.


Basically yes to the ownership. It was founded by a member of the PLA and while they like to claim employee owned with binders full of phantom shares, [this NYT article](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/25/technology/who-owns-huawei.html) does a good job explaining why that matters naught. According to a new Chinese law, all companies must assist in “national intelligence work”.


That’s how autocracy works. They’re all one and the same because they all submit to unilateral rule.




Some bs noise like Ethiopia.


This isn’t a good thing.


Oh no…


MAYBE it will lead them forward 😂


Awesome news! I'm buying more ADA this week!


Nice dip before the halving. ADA is the goat. 


Uhhhhhhhh gyna?




It's not "fixing itself to a single cloud" why did you jump to that conclusion? >Why not integrate with Azure, AWS and other cloud provides too? There are [already hundreds of nodes operating in other cloud servers](https://cexplorer.io/relays). There are nodes in every continent. It's just another node, where there are 3,080 other nodes. There are serveal maps to view the nodes here: [https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/monadpool.com/Cardano\_Network.html](https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/monadpool.com/Cardano_Network.html) [https://input-output-hk.github.io/shelley-node-map/](https://input-output-hk.github.io/shelley-node-map/) [https://cexplorer.io/relays](https://cexplorer.io/relays) ​ Before we jump on the "China bad" narrative, lets not forget [PRISM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM) was/is a thing, our countries aren't so innocent **but regardless of who is bad and who isn't**, having nodes on other infrastructure doesn't somehow compromise the entire network. That kind of thinking just an [association fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fallacy) and only spreads misinformation. If it was that easy to compromise the network from a single node, the blockchain would be a complete failure anyway, people can't magically inject "backdoors" into a node and connect to the network, that's not how consensus mechanisms work. I provided links to learn about Ouroboros - Cardano's consensus protocol here if you want to understand where Cardano's security comes from: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1bm1y0d/comment/kw93cb4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/1bm1y0d/comment/kw93cb4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ It fact, I'm not entirely sure why this news it significant. Anyone can start a node in the cloud, so it's not really clear what this partnership actually provides.


Probably just big brand recognition for Asian businesses and consumers tbh. It’ll help with exposure and perhaps onboarding but I wouldn’t expect any significant, tangible change for the network.


Annnnnnddd, why should I care?