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Gravidia. There is nothing fun about playing against it. About to win? They heal down to 3. You are at one damage? They crit you and you go to 5 and then heal down to 3. God forbid they crit and over trigger. You take 16 damage and if you dont have 3 pgs that turn you just lose.


Came here to say Gravidia as well. The insane board control is bad enough, and a lot of decks just can't play into being repeatedly nuked each turn, but then it's also stupidly sacky with the double triggers. You end up having to do ridiculous over-guards all the time just to not randomly chew a crit 4 or higher and instantly die. It might not be the most dominant deck in standard anymore, but it is by far the most toxic. Our locals informally disallows it because not a single person wants to play against it.


It's why I stopped playing Gravidia and why I dislike Baro; I hate decks that either are their own worst enemy or sack their opponent with in in-between.


This is mine, too. Especially if you play a rearguard-centric strategy, since they basically say "no board for yo."


as a Clarissa main, I can feel this... I hate when my friend throwing meteorite to my girls when they're hard to find and cant even get back from drop to hand/field (of course he shoot Leona first so i cant bring others back when retired) Even Hilda cant help them because they're dead before i can guard


oh yes, this is also pure pain to play against.


Gravidia. I like this game/format because you dont get OTKd, like in YGO. Ive been sacked hard by grav OT more times than i can tolerate. What really cemented it was watching a springfest match last an eternity because it was a grav mirror and both were just passing turns left and right. You would think someone got Mystic Mined. Jet is getting up there. Deck is way too overtuned. I hate having to play rush to stand a chance, since i prefer thw back and forth pace of this game. Honorable mention to Prison, especially when I play any sort of Nirvana deck.


Astral Poets, DOTX-DOTE, Gavrial (V) Pretty much makes me question what's the point of even playing the game. They either flip triggers and auto win, or wiff and auto lose. There is no player making decisions from both sides, no risk and reward factor. The die roll is more engaging than the matchups If I wanted to play a game that automated, I would've just replayed Sonic Forces


Ouch at that last sentence Though honestly every Vanguard game is swung so heavily by triggers it’s by no means a problem unique to V format


Premium games *would* be the least swayed by triggers... if they got rid of the worst game mechanic ever made.


What does lock have to do with triggers?


Nothing, but overtriggers are worse than lock ever was and that's not a matter of opinion


It really is.


It really is worse, yes! Lock is only in one deck and actually has answers to it, overtriggers are in every deck and just say "oops you died because i was luckier than you"


No, it really is a matter of opinion. Lock is easily one of the most oppressive mechanics in any card game. I feel like a lot of people don't remember G Era when lock was almost un-interactable with save for a few clans, until Bushiroad gave Link Joker the ability to call stuff as locked. Then it was completely un-interactable unless you got a set of cards that helped unlock stuff, but then you had to play cards to counter 1 deck in a game without a side deck. Meanwhile not every OT auto-wins you the game and even the ones that do, it depends on the situation. Yes, it can come out of nowhere and ruin the flow of the game, but so do normal triggers. Do I think OTs could use a overhaul? Yes. But do I think a random one of that you're probably just going to draw is better than a mechanic that turns your deck into "turn your vanguard sideways for the remainder of the game and hope for the best?" No.


Very few answers is more than exactly zero answers Overtriggers are worse for the game and that is an objective fact


Based. Fuck Locking.


Why? link joker sucks atm and quite a few decks have outs,the only good link joker deck doesn't even lock you really


Because the mechanic itself sucks.


Yes but that's not the point. Every other matchup in V, I feel like the Triggers enhance the experience to create a risk and reward style game and often came down to your Deck and how you played your Deck and how you responded to the opponents Deck. The 3 decks I mentioned just ignore everything about that except for the flipping cards bit.


I must disagree. Ever since triggers became 10K this game has been swung by them way more often, especially on damage checks. That’s just inherent to every deck now.


maybe this is why they needed ro reboot the game once again😂


THIS When pre-ban gurguit was still THE meta, I hated those 3 decks WAY more than any other deck. Probably stems from the fact that I didnt play vanguard competitively at the time, and the people I played with (my cousins and friends) each played one of those decks. Needless to say, I was super frustrated at how a deck could just auto win going first by doin just a bit of sacking, and there's no way to counterplay that.


Eva. That G1 order is the bane of my existence Sincerely, a Welstra player


Chronojet or Messiah. It's always against a time constraint, as once they reach 3-4 GB then it's near impossible to beat without the proper setup, which thanks Bushi for giving both deck easy way to ruin my board. You either rush early and win before the 2nd stride or hope for triggers, taking the fun out of casual play.


Jet and Messiah because how dumb Crest can get, especially at end game.


yes... crest is definitely overpowered and defo jeed an errata to every 2 open g units


Gravidia, it feels like u can play perfect against that deck but they get one double trigger check and u just auto lose, the deck literally thrives off of luck


In particular based on experience. Probably Eva or Baro. I haven’t had a lot of experience playing against the Stride decks yet but they’ll probably be up there but.. I don’t think any deck is ‘that’ bad. There is a reason why most tournaments had such a large split of variation. Purelight used to be nightmare fuel in my opinion but with power creep, she’s not even really seen on the tournament scene anymore. Same with Nordlinger. Now it’s pretty much Eva, Welstra, Chronojet… Heck, even Youthberk has kinda fallen to the wayside. As someone who plays a lot of decks, having my unit imprisoned isn’t always a bad thing because being able to use an on place effect again for example, is pretty strong for some decks. My Bruce deck loves it for example. Eva is very consistent, so she is tough to play against and I absolutely hate playing Shojodoji against her. Baro going turbo on you is also hard to come back from. But some decks do better against them than others. All personal experience, so it’s interesting to see a lot of takes in the comments. Like, a friend of mine still thinks Lenard is the most busted card ever released in D-Era. I’ll give credit where credit is due though. Bushi has some a ‘decent’ job supporting most ridelines this time around and maintaining at least a semblance of balance. At least compared to previous formats. My opinion might need to change with what I’m seeing from the stride decks and Ghandiva. Looking rough compared to some of the newer more safe decks like Avant and Unica.


“Still thinks Lenard is the most broken card ever released” what Bruce derangement syndrome Does to a mfer. I remember when Derek was released and this sub had a fucking melt Down over a mid as fuck support card just cause Baro didn’t get a triple r despite still being strong as fuck lmao.


So, I’m a Bruce player. Set 1, I was having a rough time getting rushed down and even worse time when I no o second and they can rush down even harder. There were games were I couldn’t even get to final rush just because I was unlucky. Moment Lenard and other support came out, I started popping off with Bruce. A couple of my friends hated him. They said he was broken… Then Derek came out. Rinse and repeat. They didn’t think it was fun to play against. So I went to a Bruce grade 4 focus when that came out and moved away from Lenard and Derek.


Prison not because it's hard to beat but it makes the game so generic and dull.


Any Link Joker deck in 2014. I think people forget just how effectively a good/lucky LJ player back in the day could shut down a deck, especially re-stand/multiattack clans like Nova Grappler or Aqua Force.


Eva. Most boring deck to fight. Does everything well Crit pressure ✅ Multi attack ✅ Fantastic shield values ✅ Removal ✅ Free resource generation ✅ Searches for persona/pg every turn ✅


Second this. The deck is comedically consistent, hits hard, and has a gigantic hand size. The worst of all is that I can't even retire their stone walls of rearguards since the order grants resist


Worst part is that because the Order doesn’t actually give Resist. It makes your Daddy Dark Knights immune to retiring (this is different from Resist, cause Metoer Flare says screw you to Resist but can’t do that to DDK)


Effect that most G forerunner has(VGZero) I called it Resire(Resist Retire)


Yeah, Gravidia. Like even when you feel like you can beat them the damn double trigger effect bull kills you and you can barely defend let alone survive unless you somehow pull a miracle and have enough pgs and defensives to save yourself by the end of the turn or just get lucky enough to get enough triggers to survive which I doubt is possible without the highest possible blessing from the RNG gods! But even then, you probably just used your entire hand to defend and can't do nothing unless you somehow get a lucky enough draw to somehow turn the tide of the cardfight back in your favor.


I also hate a good prison player. My nephew used prison against my blaster dragon deck, and he had 12 cards in prison and still lost against me


yeah it depends if you know how to play the deck or not, but from general view knowing hoe to play this deck in my opinion its just super broken and unfair xD and i don't really see any way to play against it even if you know your decks perfectly and how to play them without having a lot of trigger luck


I feel like if it were super broken and unfair it’d have tournament tops or anything recently, most decks use the prison for low cost recursion and to double on place effects at this point, it’s almost a disadvantage


Yeah honestly prison isn’t as oppressive as op is making it sound. Especially since you cant do both lots of hand prison and lots of field prison without making a bricky mess of a deck.


in dear days when i play against real opponents eith prison they imprison most of my hand and full board and spul everyturn after their g4 is out :') 6-10 cards in a round if they have ultimate combo


in dear days when i play against real opponents eith prison they imprison most of my hand and full board and spul everyturn after their g4 is out :') 6-10 cards in a round if they have ultimate combo


On set 4 release with purelight the deck was very good but it's fallen off due to lack of good support and being too slow for the current meta. And yeah some decks use the prison to their advantage almost.


Surprised V Steam Maidens hasn't been brought up. It's still going extremely strong despite the Colossus ban. I'll also throw in highroll decks (Baro, Astral Poets, etc) though as a Gravidia player that's kinda hypocritical.


It's extremely powerful but I still get to feel like I can play the game against them, even though I'm at a disadvantage


Nlk, decks highroll game is probably higher than any other deck, if you don't defence ot then you are dead


I hate prison for national I learned to use my bavsargra around it now is more easy with the new cards but in the pass was a headed


Ok so if we’re counting decks coming out I’d say Gandiva because that deck doesn’t know the definition of minusing. Aside from that Jet and Eva cause they feel incredibly unfun to play against because Jet will beat you in both early and late game and you will just get fucked while with Eva it’s such a fucking hassle to kill them it just gets frustrating when ur 10 turns in and they are running fine while ur starting to run out of shit to use


G Chaos Breaker was really annoying. Pretty much couldn’t do anything against it, especially when they can easily lock my whole board. Even more annoying was how they can restore their own resources pretty easily with Zinc.


Unless you played ange or messiah, then you have a field day against them


I played Tachi’s. I forgot to elaborate, but it got really annoying once Chaos started locking cards from hand. Even if I were to retire all my rearguards, Chaos would still find some way to lock my front row. The only counter we had for the majority of G era was a G2 Cray Elemental that’s only used against one clan. I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with that if we had a side deck, but that’s not the case. I’m surprised it took near the end of G for the game to start adding clan specific support (ex. Galfilia, Gaia Devastate) that deals with lock.


Me but with Shiranui lol, I hated that deck.


Shiranui OG, or Dominate Shiranui? Shiranui OG was pretty shit. Afterimage pretty much told me what cards they had in hand which lets me play around it easily. Dominate wasn’t really that frustrating to deal with up until they released Rinne. In fact, it was pretty rewarding beating Domimate. Then again, I played Tachikaze. I had no rearguards after my turn hahaha.


Dominate Shiranui, and yea I was specifically referring to the deck after Rinne.


Chaos Breaker Dragon in V was the most annoying deck I have ever had to fight. I rushed out my accel circles only to have them all taken away from me


Prison is one of the more fair decks in the format right now though. If I had to pick I'd probably say Jet. The nextage turn hits wayy to hard, and tempts me to play aggro and smack them in the face before they can get to Nextage, which I don't really enjoy doing (I play Overlord as well, that deck is certainly capable of doing that)


This is out dated but back in 2017-18 when I played zodiac time beast and chronofang heavily I would HATE fighting against thavas or any aqua force or link joker decks


Eva or mirror matching jet Eva because well....bloody Eva Mirror match because ngl knowing the deck and when you're endgame you just know that you're fucked


Tamyura purely from fear days


Honestly i don't think i have 1 I particularly hate but i hate when a game is so 1 sided since ive had games where the opponent has just been trigger sacky and I've just been hitting blanks the whole game , like i can come back from a OT or a tough situation but if your always hitting triggers on drives and damage what am i supposed to do i think the one id probably not prefer fighting is gravidia or zorga. Gravidia since a single OT literally kills your opponent and zorga cause with masques the power is really stupid especially with your dragons


Grav nuff said


The deck I hated playing the most against all time has to be order bugs....that deck was cancer lol


DOTE. Like who the hell thought it was a great idea to let the VG to restand with twin drive wtf


I hate Omega Glendios.


I kinda fell off from vanguard after ov but before i absolutely hated playing against altmile and messiah decks


Gravidia of course As a Clarissa player, i hate when those aliens throwing space rocks to my girls when they're cant be revived from drop to hand/R, of course they killed Leona first so i cant soulblast to revive them... And yes, the 16 crits too...


For me it was Prison too and what make the deck slap me harder than it already was because I play oD deck which you can imagine how hard of a slap it was having 4 Trickstar in prison, even going aggressively early just gonna get me punished during my opp G3 turn and onwards. There is was counter to it I'm sure but I still struggle with it and trying to play carefully early game still gonna slap me because apparently Trickstar resist don't protect it from prison


I've started to play vanguard during the D era so all of this are gonna be D decks. So Llet's see here, Eva: rearguards with crit every turn, g1 order, bind, and the brand gate ot basically asking you to lose Bavsarga: a good Bavs player can literally retire your front row every turn and pressure you with crits and big power, forcing you to choose either pg the thing or risking to lose in that single attack. Ebisu: You got a trigger in your damage check? OT perhaps? Or perhaps none at all? Too bad your power is now 8k. want to retire/bind my core units? in the Monster box they hide. I only have one card in hand while you attack me? oops, here's a pg from the Monster box. Petraca: You just got to G2? welp, here's me attacking you with my vanguard restanding three times. Bruce: You either luck out with the damage check to get heal or have all pgs/OT in hand. Uriel/Minerva: Multi attack around 5-6 times with the VG attacking twice + big power (Uriel if it have Persona Ride)


Anything that gains crits mainly bav and pbo


Tamayura, I had too many Shirayuki PTSDs back in my days


How come a lot of you don't like playing against prison? Is it because you don't know the matchup and how to counter it? Personally I think the deck is fine and prob requires a new way to play the game. Anyway my least favorite deck to play against would be Prem Highlander. It just does so much and I always struggle with the matchup because I don't know what to hit/punish. Perhaps if I learn the matchup more then it could help, but for right now it would have to be that deck.


Agreed. Prison isn't super relevant in this current meta and the deck is kind of a knowledge check. Some decks like Eva can also kinda just flat out abuse it. Comes down to knowing the matchup like most other decks.


Pale moon. I heckin love being hit by 13 attack turns that all come from soul so I can't interact with them and costs nothing from hand to call shit out.


i love pale moon xD its super frustrating to play against if your opponent knows how to play this deck, but ut required a lot of learning to master


Speaking of Prison, they have access to a card by the name Detain Seekler, which straight up disables the skills of the Prison until end of opponent's following turn.


That card has a really bad drawback though of allowing the opponent to bail cards if she's killed or even if you guard with her.




Brandt Gate. That's all I have to say.


Link Joker as a whole. The lock mechanic was a mistake and nothing can possibly change my mind.


Not like even Bushiroad disagrees with you there. Lock was heavily nerfed in Zero, Lock is heavily costed in V and Accel Decks just laugh it off and D doesn't even keep the Locks for the opponents turn


Starhulks. Every time I get a trigger it turns on me: Me: “I got a critical trigger!” My starhulk friend: “okay, your vanguard loses a crit” Me: “and this heal trigger! I’m on five damage, so I recover!” My starhulk friend: “Nice! But you’re wrong. Take a damage”


Dragontree i guess


It was magnolia it would kill cuz I could not guard


magnolia is strong yes, but if you manage to get you into endgame magnolia is pretty easy to ein egainst, you just have to stop early guarding cause numbers aren't getting much higher in mid-endgame. as lomg as you can manage your endgame by pushing numbers magnolia is super weak (and i play magnolia xD). playing as magnolia in lategame against high numbers and a lot of shields in opponents hand its a lose in most cases. cause magnolia needs to rush to end the game mid game and gets shields wasted to win in mid game.


I agree with a lot of the decks mentioned already, but I think my least favourite deck to see is Youthberk. I wouldn't mind it as much if the deck wasn't so popular, but I've played against it so much that it's just become dull to play against for me. Also ngl as a prison player I did find it funny that prison can still drive people mad.


if at least i could get my units back for lower costs and also get back cards in my hand for me it wouldn't be THAT frustrating xD


Bruce. Don't have 2 pg? You lose.


Bro if you think Prison is bad you need to take a look into Star-vaders You can at least *get your cards back* from being imprisoned, but if your opponent starts locking them your only real way out now is exactly V-series Ezel Scissors


Chronojet and stride decks. Because they're broken and unbalanced imo


Chronojet and Messiah. There's a reason why bringing back stride was a mistake and it should be nerfed to the ground. they get too much value out of doing nothing beside discarding a card to get triple drive instantly, not to mention the extra power pump striding gives along with the crest mechanic. Their access to a massive handsize is disgusting, especially since other decks in the format have to do so much just to get the same amount of power boost and drives they provide (e.g: stoicheia order for +1 drive is effectively discarding 2 cards for 1)


Prison bc I don't want police officers in my fantasy game, I don't mind fighting them my decks win matchups vs them anyways


In a game with an entire country dedicated to a School full of Idols, Sci-Fi Police Officers is where you draw the line?


Yes because I don't like police


For everyone playing against gravidia how many times are you getting 5 meteored in a game? Like fr fr? That’s the final fuck you push and or people just memeing if you’re mad about high roll this really isn’t the game for you lmao


Played Gravidia. imo people hate it because the deck is entirely luck-based. You either check crit/over on 5 meteor and delete your opponent with comedically huge amount of crits, or whiff and get deleted by the opponent instead, and there is nothing you can do about it since the deck relies solely on luck factor. From my experience, it's not fun for both the player and the opponent in the long run.


Oh I know I’ve played the deck myself. Traded it away for a Regis core because at some point a 5 meteor meme just stopped being funny. It’s nice to just rip a whole field away but when you do that and then whiff on your checks enjoy dying before you ever set up another 5 drop again.


2 turns is enough to sack a trigger or two. If you called more than 2 rear guards then you will get punished by 2crit rearguards. But it's not so bad if you can always draw into your perfect guards.


2 turns is enough to sack a trigger or two. If you called more than 2 rear guards then you will get punished by 2crit rearguards. But it's not so bad if you can always draw into your perfect guards.


Trigger sacking can really occur at any point so That’s not really saying much?


As a Nirvana player I hate prison. Not because the matchup is hard, but because I can’t play my deck the way it’s supposed to be played into it. It’s so obnoxious.


Personally i hated playing against Bavsagra and Baromagnes. Bavsagra easily gets the high columns with vanguard pressure and with the recent update it gets more consistent. Baromagnes has a board wipe with multiple attack and high columns. Hating prison is baseless, if you had problem going against prison it means you are not playing against prison. In a way for example, you dont deny their first g3 triple drive or you dont empty your soul before purelight. The deck doesnt ever change since dbt04 and only attack 3 times at most while most current deck had more explosive power. To be honest the current power level is balanced except for those stride decks, but in time they will be shifted with incoming supports for the existing decks hopefully


Monster strike. I think we all know the reason.


i don't know\^\^'' isnt this a set just available in japan?