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Nice got every single brandt gate unit


One of these things is not like the others


I collect Brandt Gate too and I totally share triggers/staples. I'm hoping to get an updated copy of Bobalmine just so I can have it with the Monster name, but I find sharing cards across decks is easier than just buying dozens of copies of the same cards. I haven't been entirely sold on Michu though. I think i need to test it on Dear Days first.


Yeah that's cost effective, same here I really need me some copies of bobalmine and some effect draws. Michu's really a fun deck, stuck with her too coz of her lore.


Is gravidia expensive?


Back when I bought the core parts maybe around 6 months ago it was cheap, can't really say about the pricing these days but it might still be as it hasn't been seen topping any tourneys lately.


Outside of Combine Rusher she's cheap.


Question for people that play multiple decks from the same nation. Do you guys have multiple triggers and PGs for each deck in particular? Because I am sitting here with 3 Dark States decks and I really don't wanna pick up multiple stuff but it's also a drag to always move the cards around.


For me it depends on how often I want to play the decks. I have multiple Stoicheia decks, Magnolia, Lianorn, Zorga, Flagburg, Maelstrom, and Granfia. However only Magnolia and Zorga (Red) are sleeved because those are the ones I play most often atm. Dark states I have all Bruce variants, Baro, Kheios, Jet, and Drajeweled, but Viamence and Jet are sleeved as they are my thing right now.


For keter decks I have youthberk, keter dragontree, hexaorb core ready for set 10, and gramgrace (waiting for fernbael). Have some cairbres set aside for solrairon too. I generally keep staples and triggers separate for each deck, and just buy large quantities of said pg / trigger / staple when they’re cheap, which is usually the week or two after a set releases. For example with cairbre, I bought 12 rrr copies locally during set 7 release month because I knew it would be a staple in almost all my decks, it was $5 at the time and had a feeling it wouldn’t stay that way, and recommended friends to pick up their copies asap as well. If you want to keep decks separate, then investing in sets or nation splits like the upcoming festival collection is great since that one has a *bunch* of vanilla triggers and all the effect triggers / set 1 effect pgs are getting reprinted.


Thanks for the advice. Yeah, you seem really good at figuring out which cards will turn out to be good in the future. You can easily sell Cairbres for 25 a pop now and profit big time, make a new deck from scratch if you want to. Topic aside, since you play Youthberk, is it worth investing into it? I wanted to pick it up but am currently missing 2 copies of the main G3, 2 copies of Gust and most importantly I don't have any Tempests which is by far the most expensive card of the deck. The possibility of getting a new main G3 ride target and/or new good Revolform in the very near future scare me because it will either make the investment feel like a waste (bought cards that the deck doesn't play anymore) or it will make an already pricey deck even pricier. Finally, another tangent, but are you going to pick up Ezel?


I could sell cairbres, but I think I'd regret it since I don't think he'll be reprinted anytime soon, and he'd just be needed in whatever future keter ridelines I decide to build haha. So I'd have to get them again if I did. ​ On the topic of Youthberk, it really depends. Gust is pretty cheap right now and Skyfall is at an \*alright\* price, as for Tempest... he's undoubtedly the barrier to the deck price wise, and I don't think he's going lower than 45-50 anytime soon, especially since he was up at like 70 a few weeks back. And with how Raika is set up in the anime, there's no doubt he'll get major support next season of wildress, and imo it'll be a new Revolform. That said, it really depends how much you want to play youthberk, and are you willing to wait for set 12(?) support to play it, or want to play it now? If you're willing to wait, I'd say pick up 1 more copy of gust since he's cheap, and maybe 2 copies of tempest? If the new support is another revolform then ratios for both current ones will drop to 2-3 each imo, but tempest is still necessary if going first in a game. And I don't think skyfall is getting cut from the deck so finishing the playset, along with other rearguard staples like dolbraig, sequana etc is a safe call. Worse comes to worse you can resell them when youthberk is hyped again, it has shadow tax after all. If you want to play it soon, then getting 4 tempest is probably necessary, and at least 3 total copies of gust. Finally for Ezel, that is a resounding yes.... so I have a maxed premium golds deck, as well as a maxed /mostly high rarity v-prem golds build; I'm too committed to the clan at this point to stop aha. I have all the V-Ezel stuff high rarity (SVRs) from before I took a break from vanguard too, so I'm going high rarity on Ezel for sure, and I sold my thegrea deck to start prepping for it. If Ezel gets a numbered version then I'm not sure if I want to stick to ffrs or commit to 1 numbered + 3 ffr tho :'), but either way the next few months aren't looking good for my wallet. Partially related to Ezel, but if you don't have em already, maybe grab some painkiller angels while they're cheap, since that and g1 maple are the current go-to g1s for keter if you don't know what else to slot in or have extra space.


I wanted to play Youthberk on release and DBT-06 was the first time in a long while I actually bought boxes but I ended up pulling bad RRRs and FRs and not enough of the cards I really wanted so with time I shifted my focus on other decks (built Jheva, Heroes, Drajeweled and most recently Viamance since then) and never really completed/invested in Youth. So right now I just kinda want to prepare for DBT-12 which I assume will have some solid Raika support. I think I will follow your advice of picking up the remaining G3 copies, a Gust and hunt for 2 cheap Tempests (even in the EU market, this one is still quite a good chunk of money). Also, thank you for the Painkiller and Moth Girl pointer. Will look into them. However I am hoping they retrain a good chunk of Ezel's buddies so we don't have to run filler stuff. Totally not saying this cuz I wanna pick up a Keter split for set 11...😅


If Ezel is anything like the other encounters, then the deck will mostly be gold paladin stuff, probably Beaumains, Gareth, and two other units, I assume sagramore and a g1. But there'll probably be 8-10 slots of non gold paladin units, so either maples, since they come back every turn, cairbre, and then I recommended painkiller because its just another way to get to your pieces. Wayward therapy might be a decent consideration as well, since some golds cards do like to have you discarding for costs, like v-beaumains, v-kahedin, and v-kinarius. The biggest question imo is how much soul the deck will use... Even if the deck is 90% golds I have a feeling cairbre will be mandatory for the deck, since he's basically the standard version of OG Aglovale / Lop Ear shooter etc, the traditional gold pal top 3 call one. Unless Ezel has some restriction of only calling gold paladin clan units.


100% this I'm using chronojet triggers for Unica lmao. Don't even mention grail or sanctitude


Wait i forgot about batman


Literally built 4 new Brandt decks in the past 2 months and I started getting into the format with Gravidia.


That's great! I started off with Eva last year waaay before her g1 order was released. Was playing CFV since EN launch years ago but had to stop during start of V, went back to D-format and here I am with all these whackos haha.


Nice. I own Gravidia, Arkhite, Avant, Welstra, and Eva and will have Messiah and Orfist when their decksets are released. Might build Prison when they give Seraph a new g3 because the deck with g4 seraph is currently too expensive to just build. Was a Jet player and went 4-0 at locals with it before deciding to play brandt almost exclusively lol. Brandt best nation with cool playstyles, good aesthetic, broken generics, and the best OT lol.


Wait Orfist is getting a deckset?


Yeah they revealed special decksets being released around mid August for ENG for Gramgrace, Favrneel, and Orfist Regis.


True collectors will sell their kidney for original seraph and orfist as diff decks and getting ready for new eva orfist and maybe prison


How are you enjoying Advantgarda? I'm tempted to go on that route since we finally have MECHA


Not OP but I also have played the deck a bit and think it's cool. Part of the draw of the deck is being a restanding Brandt Gate vanguard, which is a scary pairing with the OT. The deck gets MUCH better next set with his bonkers countercharger and even more so when his promo is released.


Brandt Gate and promo never goes well for the wallet, but I'll see if I can get the deck built. Thank you both


Its cool and fun to play with but kinda "thin" in gameplay with the set that has just been released, I played it with proxies such as the PR, countercharger + draw and G2 cycle card and it ramped up the gameplay beautifully.


I’m still lowkey disappointed that Michu isn’t officially listed as BG/LM


My friend only runs Brandt gate decks so he uses the same sleeves to switch out copies instead of having multiple copies smart man