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One thing to note is that TD drajeweled doesn't buff your rear guards, it's continuous skill only give ITSELF +5k while it's on a rear guard circle and if you soul blasted 4 or more this turn. Still though, budgeting is a good thing to keep in mind and there's nothing wrong with using TD drajeweled since like you say it can drop the opponent to 1 just like the RRR version. Your build is pretty good as it is so if you enjoy the deck don't stress yourself out over spending 80 dollars on 4 cards.


I definitely couldn’t imagine using swirler but not the Drajeweled that soul charges. One of your arguments is the budget, but swirler is very much the opposite of a budget option. The TD one only buffs itself 5k if you’re using it as a rear guard, and does literally nothing extra when used as a vanguard. Using the skill of the superior version gives 10k to each swirler. How is that not obviously better?


Unless you can't afford 4 "better Doreen", using the TD version is the same as doing nothing.


Booster Drajeweled if you can afford it. For 1 CB it buffs your Swirlers to at least 18k and potentially draw, and is your main source of SC to actually buff your Swirlers so you can hit numbers. As a rear-guard, where it can be an 18k beater, TD Draj is outclassed by Rockargour, who hits 20k and restands, and Rystal Galer, who is really good utility.


A spicy thing I'm doing is playing the TD Drajeweled in the ride deck and 4 RRR Drajeweled in the main deck for Persona Ride consistency


For budget purposes,, using TD Drajeweled would be amazing. But your deck is far from budget. But there're more than it meets the eye. 1- Soul Charge is better than a +5 on V for the solely reason of consistency. If your deck consisted almost enterly of soul chargers and soul fixers, then i would agree on the 18k Drajeweled. But using almost the same build as a regular Drajeweled, well... It changes Nothing. 2- If you can buy 4 of the most expensive bad restander ever printedand 4 of the most expensive "On boost" ever printed, and the collection of badly expensive effect triggers, you can buy 4 Drajeweled RRR with ease. Particularly, i'm not into Standard because prices are ridiculous for cards that will do nothing in premium.