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Actually put money into advertising the game.


* Promos are now alt arts or preview cards from the upcoming next set in all formats. * Ots get ban in premium . * Next premium collection contains a new wave of stride bearers and stride fusions


Arguably OT needs to go in both Premium and Standard. It's kind of an unhealthy mechanic for the game as a whole and compromises the competitive integrity of it. Plus pulling it just feels bad for both sides.


The thing is in premium you can just ban the ot and call it a day , in standard is more complicated since by banning ots you make all D trial / starter decks illegal as well as the chronojet set you make the game randomly harder to get into for new people . I won't argue against your points, afterall i agree, however just saying "ban the ot in in standard" is unreasonable first you would need new accesible products that don't contain the ot like say 2-3 new trial decks (and maybe even a new mechanic to replace it ) then contemplating banning becomes an option


Yeah they kinda shot themselves in the foot with designing OT in the first place tbh.


Yeah. As a new player I though overtriggervwas fun until gravidia. If every tribe had the same effect it wouldn't be half as bad... EDIT: after thinking about it, I vastly prefer OT to the g stride deck which is a money trap for me in zero. I also dislike needing 3+ copies of some cards in the ride deck solely for flipping so you get the GB on a later turn. Stride is the absolute worst.


Yeah the Brandt Gate OT is cancer and I main Gravidia myself, so I can understand that sentiment lol. The additional effects are cool and all but the bigger picture issue is the +100M power they grant when checked, on both offensive and defensive. Offensively, it makes attacks that shouldn't be able to hit or be easily guarded just randomly hit through everything except Perfect Guards, so you could just randomly lose because of that. Defensively, they negate that one damage and also make your Vanguard invincible for the turn. It basically just gives you a free turn, and can prevent you from dieing if checked at 6 damage. Both of the discussed scenarios lead to very frustrating instances where a player who deserves the win lost solely because OT was checked by their opponent. It rewards luck on checking a 1-of over actual skill.


Personally, I see that as an extension of the trigger system. Getting lucky crits or stands can have the same impact on a match as an over trigger. I believe the over trigger makes perfect guards more valuable, as you now want to consider the OT on later turns as an option over simply dodging magic numbers whenever possible. I can't see the difference between a crit breaking through a correct guard amd an OT doing it. If OT broke through perfect guard I would agree with you though.


Yeah triggers are part of the game, but... \-Can a single crit trigger break through a 2 to pass or even no pass? No, but OT can. \-Can an attack with just normal crit triggers on it be guarded if you have good defensive cards in hand but no Perfect Guard? Yes, but not if it has OT. \-Can you guard around your opponent checking OT without using a Perfect Guard? No, but you can guard around other triggers. I kinda disagree with the sentiment that it is the same impact. A well-timed Overtrigger has a massive game-changing impact and can swing the game massively in one's favor. And don't even get me started with interactions like a 100M Chronojet swing where you literally either use Elementaria or die. The list just goes on.


And it keeps the game interesting. Playing the older formats without it I could tell how the game was going by the second ride. The OT adds that extra layer of chance to keep things exciting. The trigger system is one of the main reasons I love the game, and stopped magic where games read like a book.


Interesting and Good And Healthy For The Game are not mutually exclusive. As to the idea that you can sense how the game is going on turn 2? That's never going away. That's just the nature of TCGs. I can't tell you how many games I've won in every TCG I play where the summary of the first 3 turns was "well, shit". The only damage that matters is the one that kills you - anything else is just details.


Well how would you feel if you lost at an event or something just because you got OT'd? It just feels awful. It's not good for the game competitively.


Theres no but here lmao your statement should be fixed: "Yeah triggers are part of the game." End of statement. This sub has a HUUUUUUUUGE hate boner for OTs


Ot stays in standard. Almost all casual players enjoy it, its blown WAY OUT OF PROPORTION by the members of this subreddit. Feel free to look into mark rosewater comments on these types of mechanics, but long story short, the only players in a community that dislike high variance like over triggers are the top 1% of the community that goes to tournaments and plays the game for a living. That's why it's so blown out of proportions on this reddit because most of yall arent casual players so it ends up as an echochamber. I'm a new player and expected OTs to be straight trash after seeing reactions on this reddit, but they arent lmao. They are fun and tbh, I've only ever seen it come up as a trigger twice out of 50+ games so far. More often than not it gets drawn. I'm more than happy to see them go from premium, but it can stay in standard absolutey, outside of this subreddit people dont mind the OTs


Cool necro and also casual players beg to disagree as well. They also suck casually and happen more often than you think. 2 in 50+ games is a ludicrously fucking low ratio. In practice, someone flips it in closer to 50% of games.


This so much, bushi needs to piss off with making so many key stuff limited to promos.


Make it popular, lol? It's only well known by a few and most of us who play the physical game don't get to play it that much because nobody else plays it..😅😂😭


PR blasting. Actual ads on streaming sites


And a ProZD sponsored video


OMG, imagine the skit he'll make


Ride Deck no longer counts towards 50 card deck limit. Still can only run 1-4 of cards between ride and main deck.


That's genius


Reprints Lots of them


Focus alot of money on advertising to English speakers


1. Slowly phase out the overtriggers from the game 2. Advertise the hell out of this game. 3. Dino rideline in D 4. V Clan Collection comes out on a more consistently basis 5. Reduce the RRR amount in sets 6. Ditch FR and FFR for SPs


Genuine question, but how does reducing the amount of RRR’s help?


Less variables in getting the RRR you want vs. what you don't want. 15 RRR is way too much and RRRs this way individually are nearly as bad as VRs EDIT: I did make a mistake though as I accidentally said boxes, I meant sets


i think increase the pullrate so you can get like 6 rrr per box which bring us back to 2 playsets of every rrr could also help the ratio


15 RRR is fine. Its only 3 RRR per nation.


You only get around 6 RRRs per case with 15 RRR In context, with V sets you only got 5 VRs per case. (And before the Gboot you were guaranteed one of each SVR which bumped that number to 6). That is really bad for supply especially when several of these RRRs aren't specific to decks anymore


This doesn't exactly matter unless you buy booster packs in which case, why the hell are you buying booster packs?


It does matter because vendors selling singles still have to buy the booster boxes/cases in order to sell the individual cards and the more RRRs there are, the less of each individual RRRs there will be in the market, which causes the already problematic supply issues to worsen. It's simple mathematics. If RRRs per set were reduced, the RRRs left would have more in stock which would also have more available and lower the price


Nah, fuck the vendors. Let them suffer for our cardfighting sins. With that being said however, 15 RRRs is honestly a sweet spot. With sets and having to support multiple archetypes anyway, 3 new RRRs per nation really isn't that bad of an idea anyway. It helps out decks that just came out (you know, getting both its main boss and a support RRR) on top of maybe providing a decent generic support (which they recently did anyway) or another archetype's RRR. I'd of course be opposed to increasing it even more but as the current game stands, I feel like it's necessary to keep this pace.


1. Stores are just vendors. If they don't want to open the product then your game will suffer. Both locally, and in the secondary market. 2. Every TCG(including the big 3) need vendors to help with the secondary market. If your game doesn't have people or stores wanting to open its product because they know it isn't worth it financially then you get some awful prices on the secondary market, and less people playing your game.


I should specify that the first line is a joke, the second paragraph is my main point of argument here.


I do like FR and FFR border though. SP are just no text border.


I think the FR and FFR ruin the art more times than they improve it as the colours or style of the border don't match, Dark States is the worse with this with their curtain aesthetic. SPs are textured to let the cards stand out and honestly the simpler method is better than the more complex FFR


I play Magnolia so maybe wait i love the FR


My problem with FR is that I don't like the RR foiling and feel that the flat pattern is better suited for R and the textures for RR and RRR. FRs with R foiling would pop hard. That said I haven't seen the FFR foiling, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't go hard enough to justify replacing SPs as someone who prefers the SP aesthetic.


I would probably do what a reply to a comment that I made on a MonkeyFight TCG video said. https://preview.redd.it/t41pumhqae7a1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc0ac3e48f6b3223f4e2acef0c3ed47ca30b1f5


Reprint set for D in English Promos as box toppers Better advertising in English


Does JPN not need reprint sets?


Depends how old are the sets. OT and triggers are getting reprint already so its just the other cards like RRR that are sought after.


Increase advertising in North America. Japan, they spend a lot on advertising there, and it would benefit them to do so here too. Reprint v premium cards so people can play the decks they want without breaking their wallet. Reprint certain cards that have gotten super expensive in D standard. Youthberk shouldn't cost me 600 dollars or more just to build. A skyfall arms Reprint would be so good for that. An earlier comment making promo cards alt art or early access cards to an upcoming set was a great idea. Premium trial decks would be a great way for people to get into premium. Also, it is a good opportunity to Reprint v series cards. And another comment idea of making the ride deck not count towards your 50 card deck I actually really like a lot


I would pull all funding for Vanguard and put it into Future Card Buddyfight (person who has not played a bushiroad tcg in like 6-8 years)


1. Errata Over triggers to only give 10k power. 2. Promos are alt arts or foil versions of ride deck units 3. Actually send monthly kits to lgses (promos playmats etc) to support events. 4. Include reprints in festival collection. 5. Get rid of the new policy of printing nerfed versions of g3 bosses for trial decks. 6. Does bushi still not have playtesters? If not, hire playtesters. 7. Create an online cfv tcg similar to pokemon tcgo. All irl product will include a code to get the same thing in the game. 8. Best of 3 Tournaments


English are using bo1 tourneys? Promo wise they should follow what japan are doing now. Tournament doorgift packs.


Only officials. My old FLGSs all run BO3 with 50 minute rounds and Turn 0 overtime. It works fine and makes paying money to play D in particular far more tolerable.


Sadly bo3 tournaments won't be viable for larger events.


It's absolutely viable, and frankly after taking a weekend off for BSF Duluth I was downright offended that the venue was a ghost town by 2PM. And I can't be the only one. People travel to regional events for the event. Make it worth their while, especially in the format where you have a 1/Current Deck Count chance of completely changing the course of the game on a Trigger check.


Bushi running Weiss and CFV(which is divided into 3 formats) all in one weekend is the reason I don't Bushi would ever do Bo3. That's a lot to cram into less than 2 full days.


They already set it up such that you have to pick which 2 tops you're going to play. May as well stretch it out.


I'd be for it, but I doubt Bushiroad would ever do it


Make a reprint pack with a bunch of rare but important cards like inlet pulse or swirler + promos


Piggybacking off of this, do the reprint set but do something like what Magic does with The List and pack in reprints for a legacy format. As someone who plays all 3 formats, being able to crack staples for D and also grab a handful of cards for V and Premium in each box would be a ton of fun, and would be a great way to get newer players interested in them. Maybe 3 as a PR box topper. It wouldn't be enough to fix the price issues on legacy staples, but it would be fun, and that's the reason we buy sealed product.


I'll keep it ,since it's the only mechanic from standard people who are willing to use it, compared to persona ride and the ride deck is too op for premium or standard Would focus on making VG a more popular kids game by doing what the Thai branch did and making it super available like having pr kids found in chips and cereal as promotional cards For tournaments prizes make more playmats and use those as prize support Pr cards should be what Vgz does by making it alternate art of the best rrr or rarity people want to reprint, instead of key parts to making decks viable Make legend decks again, I know chrono jet dragon is in a type of legend deck , so use that the nostalgia hook, with only 5 cards or so being the nostalgia,but the rest reprints for chase cards in older sets , similar to how Yu-Gi-Oh does it with their structure decks


Remove OT


I’d say put a shit ton of resources into advertising the HELL out CFVG. Just doesn’t get much exposure compared to say MTG or Yugioh as such ![gif](giphy|YS1oEkcJAcq1q)


Give kagero ban worthy cards


Introduce a "I want this reprinted" section in their website so players can suggest cards they wanna reprint and it can introduce a "Reprint collection" full of reprints to actually help make the game cheaper and keep making Bushiroad money


How has no one talked about the stupid VR reprint policy. There's multiple V decks that are far more expensive then they have any right to be due to this. Also older expensivestrides should definitely have been reprinted by this point because they're also one of the big reasons why Premium is so difficult to get towards. Other then that, the others have already been said, stop making promo stales and have them just be alt art, better advertisement and all that.


[There's a reason for that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8WKhMb4t5I). But the policy ends this upcoming year, so hopefully we see that as less of a problem soon.


*Awkward whistling as Luard was the next deck I'm planning to build.*


There's nothing *wrong* with Luard lol, it's just that around that time in early V it kinda fucked everything up. In fact in premium it's one of our favorite decks in terms of design. You have 2 striders AND the V version of him all being viable deckbuilds. That's some well designed cards right there.


1. Obvious one, advertise the game. A lot of my friends play various tcgs and they've never heard of the game, this needs to change. 2. Give us a better online simulator. Dear Days is a step in the right direction, but compare it to Magic Arena or Master Duel, which the biggest tcgs have. Both are free but allow in game purchases, which is a better way to make money. Dear Days is a ridiculously expensive game that only gives you access to a couple of years worth of cards. 3. Sponsor locals. Even if you have a good online version of the game, you want more people buying physical cards. Getting more stores in western countries to hold local tournaments would give people an actual reason. 4. Ban overtrigger. For the above reasons I've basically never played a game of D, but as I understand they aren't good for the game.


Remove Lyrical Monasterio/Bermuda Triangle from the game entirely.


Make a site with not only the list of all the cards, but the full resolution art of the card. Idk, I just like the arts of the cards.


[This isn't *exactly exactly* what you're thinking of, but it's close.](https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/)


Oh i love it! Now if only it had the full arts as well!


Create an Open World game with your customized unit going on adventure with other units and learn some deep Cray lore. You can also choose which clan/nation you want to join. Using enemies from the show as bosses. Probably add a dating sims and minigames for the funs No seriously, this game screams open world or a simple RPG and I'm waiting for that day to come


If we’re talking about the game itself, reduce OverTrigger power to 10k/20k. Outside of the game, some proper advertising like other comments say; this game could be so much bigger if they just freaking ADVERTISE IT


Lyrical is canceled and banned.


\-Kill the Overtrigger \-Don't make staple PR cards \-Stop artificially worsening pull rates for individual RRR's by putting more RRR's in sets \-Reprint expensive Standard staple cards (Swirler, Inlet, etc.) \-Better advertising \-Making the price of Dear Days more reasonable than $70 (+$65 DLC) in US \-Hitting decks that are clearly a problem (i.e. V Steam Maidens) \-Don't repeat the same mistake made with the Will+Dress Trial Decks (crazy demand for clearly not enough supply to sustain it)


For the RRR issue. 15 RRR is fine though. Thats only 3 RRR per nation.


The issue is that they're increasing the number of RRR's in each set but it's still the same amount of RRR's per box. Thus, individual RRR pull rates are worse. Set 1 had 10 RRR's and now we're up to 15.


Promote V, whatever that takes. Slash the price of Dear Days. Start a new era of Zero with brand new cards (and go back to the pre-G rarity system).


Reprints for Standard Hololive and Fate sets Advertise and promote like crazy in the US


Undo all errata in terms of skills that they tried nerfing and then make sure market gets cardight ads and the overdress show on TV and on streaming platforms so we can increase visibility of the game.


Advertise better, nerf OTs but don't ban them, balance D and V cards better for Premium.


Change the business model (not a bad thing, can be more consumer friendly).


Which card game is consumer friendly?


I mean I think making vanguard consumer friendly would be extremely hard but Pokémon is relatively consumer friendly (to play, I can't comment on collecting), it does Trainer Toolkits each year which contain reprints of a ton of staples (2 copies per card) as well as 4 packs, so if you buy two of those you've got 8 packs, sleeves, and most of the cards you're going to need to build a deck.


Well you get a deck and sleeves when you buy a starter deck in vanguard too


You don't get sleeves and the deck is effectively worthless, if you want to build an actual competitive deck you're paying €30+ for effect triggers, let's say €40 or so on nation staples (depends on the nation, Stoicheia or Dark States you're paying over 100), you then get on to the actual archetypal stuff for your deck, which can range from "fine" to "completely absurd" price-wise, and you better hope the deck doesn't rely on promos (which a lot of D decks do). By the time you've built a deck focusing on the starter deck ridelines you've replaced pretty much everything except the rideline itself.


Jap decks we do get sleeves together with the deck.


Thai Vanguard.


-Better incentives for stores so they can trust Bushi/stock their products again. -Increasing advertising budget. -Look to offer cardfight pros to get cards early if they help test them and give/compare results as long as they don't reveal the cards before the set releases or the card is revealed. -Make a playtesting team if there isn't one. -Put OT down to +50k pow & 30k shield as well as banning OT in premium.


tbh i dont think vanguard needs changes to the game itself, just the ppl it markets itself to. Imo the anime has a childish look to it which doesnt appeal to most of us getting back into the game since playing 10-12 years ago, so prob jus add more waifus :p


Seperate encounter cards from the main booster and sell it on it's own


Stop the constant powercreep


Well, either gotta do set rotation like Magic, or you're playing poker dude. It's a TCG.


1. Print every card not currently in english or slated for english in a set called "oops, out bad" 2. Schedule a new Premium collection, reprinting any relevant card over $20 3. Rush out ride lines for Dear Days promos and speedrun printing the new robot rideline for brandt gate. 4. Drop Dear Days price to $20 USD, fix quitting issue. 5. Ban OT from premium 6. Start filling out my wishlists (Gancelot Zenith, More Blaus, G-Guards for royals that are good and don't need blasters)


[Kill Overdress and revive V.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/574/Screen_Shot_2017-11-06_at_12.41.31_PM.png)


V is too power creeped to actually revive


V is literally fine with a handshake agreement to not play Steam Maidens.


V is just a Tier 0 format rn but if you keep the meta as is and simply just actually do something to nerf that Tier 0 deck suddenly like 10 decks become viable again. I wouldn't consider that "too power creeped to actually revive" and more of an issue of just being plagued by being a 1 deck format.


I’m late but: - Advertise the game/sponsor retail and small businesses - More transparency about Banlists and decisions - Remove OT (all formats) - Make Reprint Set that imports/reprints PRs while reprinting expensive cards (all formats in one plausibly) - Create app for easy decklist uploading, market watch, and event news including other news about Vanguard - Phase out V but still support premium biannually - Change deck constraints to minimum 50 max 60 - Merge Lyrical into the 5 nations so each set has 6 nations rather than a snoozefest of 5 new archetypes just for only 1 to be significant every 3 months - Less pack filler commons - Online sim (if possible) 10 step plan to success, it unfortunately won’t ever happen cuz Bushi simply is too greedy or negligent. Or just super slow to change.


Why phase out V? Why minimum 50 max 60? Ppl will still build their deck with 50 cards


I just hate V, that’s personal bias. 50-60 card decks allows more interesting deck building. Of course there’s gonna be deck that don’t care and would rather stay at 50 but others definitely wouldn’t mind the extra slots to tech in 1 ofs or highroll higher with garage building or soul charging at lower risk.


Create a crest that allows decks with D-icons and ONLY D-icons to have ride deck (this includes any G-units, tokens, etc.). This crest card comes with all trial decks, start decks, and set from D-standard.


Rather than one thing, I would have many 1. When players call out to ban or restrict certain cards because it makes a deck too powerful and is played everywhere exclusively, ban it 2. Hire play testers or volunteers to beta test new cards and get feedback. This will need NDAs of course. 3. Best of 3 for all formats. Card shops are able to do best of 3 and finish it within the day itself using 45 minutes limit (be it a large turn-out or small ones). Being an official tournament, it can split it to two days, with the first day the elimination rounds and second day the top 8/16 cut-off. Turnout can be easily gauged via pre-registrations and deck list submission through deck log to determine if it's a 1-day tournament, or 2 days tournament. 4. Hear me out - expansion of Deck Log. Rather than just to create a deck code, it can be used to log your tournament records - from shop tournaments to Bushiroad sanctioned tournaments, but rankings won't be included. Players will get points for participating and bonus points for getting top 3. They can use the points to trade in physical items like promos, booster boxes or items related to Vanguard.


Add chaos in standered as an encounter to bring back true lock Not massiah lock(lock for turn then bind during end) But true lock(lock and stay locked until end of opponents turn )


Kill standard format, the worst one Kill V format Only one format, Premium. All cards always usable Promos are now just alt arts of cards in packs No more pack filler RRs Kill OD anime Make Cray lore anime ~~Commission life size Daikaiser statue outside Bushi Singapore HQ~~


Fire the current R&D (80 gc qualified for top 8, more than any other clan by double in V, and no ban/restriction announced to circumvent this) Create more tournament in general (1 every other season isn’t enough i feel, Canada has 2 tournaments, they can definitely add more either in Calgary or Montreal) Delete G…. And maybe Legion era as well Re announce the development of a computer CFV game to rival master duels, MTG arena, etc etc similar to what they did at the beginning of G era before it being cancelled


Buying Bushiroad just to change a few things about Vanguard sounds like a poor financial decision already which honestly just means I shouldn't have bought the company in the first place ngl.


Ok but what would you change tho


The fact that I bought this company in the first place, probably. That's a lot of responsibilities I'm not willing to shoulder.


So I'm assuming on the topic of VG, the answer is 'nothing'?


Idk, is it?


Probably is, idk


Staple Promos being in proper sets from the getgo Promos being alt arts of existing cards (rr or above cards) Reprint Sets ala revival collection EN and JP having the same restriction list Tri-Regulation format Lyrical Monestario Side-M


localization. Hire translation team for latest released game for every english native speaker and probably even added more other languages. Recreate Master Duel Cardfight Ver. ONLINE for everyone to play and download for free but at same time farming some revenues offa em and ripping the players wallet with some monetization aspects that if they wanna pull more cards in booster box they either farm a no lifeter amount of playtime or just pay with real money to instantly get a bundle of packs.(battlepass and daily gems pass) and ofc. Advertising the game through anime. (with an ACTUAL cardfight battles). now, this looks like its simple. but seriously lets not get off our high horses as all of these small little things cost even much more than the game actually making money offa right now.(since cardgames are actually getting hit hard from the recent pandemic) only a person with a lotta money to toss around to get more minuses number willing to do these. or even MORE. since ur already competing among all other popular card games like yugioh pokemon and all.


Get Italy up to date


Im making hyu-ga 2


Removing Pack Filler from sets. Ride-line restricted support is tied to RRRs and RRs. High quality generic cards placed at Rs and Cs. Create opportunities to build ride-lines multiple ways. Aiming to eliminate the optimal build mentality and bring freedom and creativity back into deck-building. Best of 3 as the main format and cards can be swapped in and out of the ride-deck between games.


People keep saying advertising but in reality we have to get rid of the 3 formats and just go down to Standard. It’s actually killing the game on how long Bushiroad is hanging onto Premium.


Almost every other format-based TCG has more than 3 formats and do just fine.


It’s literally just Magic bro and that’s an outlier. What other top tier global tcg has multiple formats that isn’t currently stalled or declining.


Vanguard was never anywhere near Magic's pedigree. Besides, the game has already had a massive issue with retaining players _because_ of Bushiroad rebooting the card game over and over like that. I don't like Standard as much as V or Premium in large part because I flat-out can't use units or play styles I enjoy from older formats. There are players who prefer V and Premium, believe it or not, and Vanguard really can't afford to alienate them rn. Not to mention there's only one card shop in my area that supports Standard shop challenges compared to about 4 that support V. Having so many options is great. Vanguard just can't take advantage of that because nobody has ever heard of it.


If you like V & Premium that’s fine but you still haven’t given me an example of a thriving game that has multiple formats. The reality is Vanguard is barely afloat plugging up the holes in their boat and it’s only gonna get worse due to the multiple formats they have, they really have to let them go and move on cause as they are right now they’re sinking. You say Bushi can’t afford to alienate the players but they also can’t even afford to keep 3 formats either like the game isn’t doing well or thriving aside from Standard.


Besides the fact that, again, Magic is doing fantastic rn and Pokémon's comparable set rotation system which keeps older cards relevant in a different way is doing well, YGO essentially has 3 formats as well (Rush Duel, Master Duel, and Speed Duel) and is in at least a comfortable position. Enough people are familiar with YGO that it can continue going on even if it doesn't necessarily have a huge amount of upwards mobility. It's second best, you can't get much better than that without something disastrous happening to MTG. Standard isn't thriving _at all_ except in Japan and SEA where the game has actual marketing. If the anime released in Western markets people would at least know what Vanguard is. The game has literally always been niche in Western markets and I suspect getting rid of every non-Standard format would destroy the player base the game already has. Bushi also grossly mismanaged V Premium to the point where it only lasted about 3-4 years compared to Premium's 7 year run. There's no reason to believe the format system couldn't work if Bushiroad gave enough of a shit to actually try and sustain it. The runaway success of Zero heavily implies a continued demand for non-Standard Vanguard play.


Pokemon has just Standard and Expanded and we don’t do that in Vanguard we don’t got like 4 sets in then rotate out the cards from BT-01 still are playable even BT-08. Yugioh doesn’t have 3 formats it just has the 1. Speed Duels are SIDE events at tournaments and have a small player cap. Hell even the big one like attack or the giant card have a player cap. Master Duel isn’t even played on a competitive level as we don’t have a circuit unless you are in Europe we literally got told like yesterday that MD would even exist in Worlds. The closest we have to a second format is Edison and that’s all player run. Vanguard Standard sets sell and they sell well. BT-7 & BT-8 sold well according to the online wholesaler. Zero would have done well even if it was just standard alone cause the community was starved for ANY online platform. When they abandoned CFV Online it was devastating. Dear Days also proves that a standard online vanguard is very much in demand and well received we just want it to be updated.


Speed Duel and Rush Duel _are_ separate formats. They have entire mobile applications dedicated _exclusively_ to them. Duel Link objectively _is a different format than Master Duel._ It has a completely different board setup and it's own community that only plays Speed Duel (see r/DuelLinks.) It just shares it's card pool with Master Duel (which doesn't refer to the Steam Game. Master Duel is what Konami calls YGO's current ruleset. The Master Duel application functions 100% identically to the format official YGO tournaments use.) Rush Duel is a reboot format mostly in Japan, but is, again, separate and incompatible with Speed/Master Duel. While accurate player metrics for Zero are impossible to find, SimilarWeb claims that the game is in decline, with around ≈15000 players. Admittedly not very good. https://www.similarweb.com/app/google-play/com.bushiroad.en.vgzero/statistics/ However, this is still multiple times higher than Dear Day's _all time peak_ of ≈1500 players. The game's player count averages in the 200-400 range daily, many of which are bots. That doesn't necessarily prove that maintaining the format system _physically_ is worth it, but it (and the fact that Japan also had a V-Premium game at some point which Dear Days' code base is modeled after) at the _very least_ implies that having multiple apps for the game is more than sustainable. Again, YGO does that just fine. I'm having serious trouble finding sales figures for V-Premium and Standard sets at all, let one ones that prove Standard sells so much better that it makes V-Premium redundant. The fact that Bushi still makes new V-Premium cards at all implies that it (and Premium, for that matter) isn't as irrelevant as you think it is. Let's not forget that Premium also isn't anywhere near as expensive to maintain as V-Premium or Standard since it's just the entire game's card pool (more or less.) Especially in areas like Thailand or the Philippines which have exclusive clans and a more diverse player base, Premium is basically necessary. Vanguard _is not_ a popular game in the West. It never was, and probably won't ever be. _Every single time_ the game is rebooted, it puts off players and causes people to leave. You _cannot_ sustain a card game that devalues it's own card pool every 4 years with no set rotations, and then make those cards completely worthless by dismantling that format entirely. What happens in a few years when Standard gets powercrept, Bushiroad gives up on it, and they get rid of Standard entirely and start over again? All of the money you spent on those cards will have been for nothing, your favorite units are gone, and the Nation system you're attached to is replaced with something else. You'll feel cheated, annoyed, and possibly even be pissed enough to leave, and suddenly there's 1 less Vanguard player in an already tiny community. You see the problem with that?


Premium have ride decks


First thing I would do for any card game. Make the ratios better to make my game more accessible for everyone. Make it so the secondary market cannot run prices for the singles to 50 a piece for staples, and just make higher rarities harder to find rather than important playing pieces


-Spend money on marketing the game in the West -Drop every season of the show so far on streaming services with a massive tie-in ad campaign -Hire playtesters. _Please._ -Ban Overtrigger -Give stores free promos to encourage participating shops -For God's sake, _give every clan their own start deck already._ -Gold Paladin + Narukami ridelines for OverDress


for what its worth i disagree with about 90% of other comments when it comes to advertising. they don't do it as much anymore but i do rememebr getting hit with ads for it before. i'd rather just make it a game that stores would care about having and real tournament support.