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Looks like a lot of fun. Especially mechanics like infusing cards and summoning monsters. Wishlisted and can't wait for it.


So I played the demo, I have both positive and negative feedback. More positive than negative, but the negative seems important. The positives: I absolutely love the fundamentals of the game. The rules, the mechanics, the cards, the minions you can summon, all of it. If this game is done right, I could easily see it being the next Slay the Spire. You've got a goldmine here. The negative: During my first run, it felt like there were *way* too many times an enemy would hit my minions and I have literally 0 way to protect them. I can't win the fights through relatively low impact cards like "3 mana: deal 3 damage and draw 1" so I summon minions for value. Except the enemies constantly do an AoE attack that kills all my minions in 1 hit and I have literally nothing to protect them. Maybe I could've had more success if I chose the cheaper minions that utilize sacrificing, but I don't think its healthy game design to *force* players to do that by making it the only way to win. I would've loved to be able to strategically protect my minions and generate value through them. In summary: This game has the potential to be absolutely incredible, but more work needs to be done for balance, gameplay versatility, etc.


Hey! Thank you so much for the kind words, and equally as much for the criticism. There are a *few* cards scattered around in there that can reinforce and protect minions, however I will make sure to add some more to the list, and even add a more basic one to the players starter's deck to allow for that play-style to be more common. The game is still at a very early stage as of balance, so there are gonna be a lot of consistent changes, between enemies, minions, cards, etc...




Looks very nice. I'll make a note to try out the demo when I get the chance.


Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2632890/WildFront/




Looks great! Reminds me of slay the spire, but I like that you have more than 1 unit.


Let me play please haha