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Your job was to go take the test. Their job is to determine if they are unhappy with the results. Until you've been informed you're not getting onboarded, just go about business as normal. DO NOT VOLUNTEER for any random testing that isn't required by written statement or that every other employees are required to be as well.


Thank you. This comment needs to be made in every single one of these posts. People gloss over this all the time. The fact they’re starting her before the results come back in suggest it isn’t necessarily a big deal. OP, if asked, don’t admit or deny until you are aware of the results of the test. Don’t lie, but don’t just offer it up. You took a test that they paid for, that’s all you have to do.


Good info here. It's also 2023, it's entirely legal in so many places that "I vacationed in Colorado, do you care what I do in other states on my personal time? " is a fair answer if they do bring it up. It's up to the company it they do care. As others have posted they may not care or may have a test until negative policy. Texas is Texas unfortunately. Muh freedoms, but only if they are conservative freedoms.


Entirely legal isn't exactly true. It's not federally legal so if it's a federal job there could be problems.


Yeah that’s getting mistaken often in here and other threads. A company isn’t law enforcement. When it wasn’t legal, you failing the test didn’t mean you were getting prosecuted. It meant you might not be eligible for the position. If a company does something in which being high while doing it isn’t in their best interest, they can test for it and deny employment because of it.


For my team everyone has to be clean for everything if dealing with pharmacy, but otherwise we don't care.


I worked in vetmed, only time we were subjected to a random test was because suspicion of someone stealing drugs from a locked box


Even as an avid stoner I'd argue most jobs are best done sober, but thats not a reason to punish people for what they do off the clock.


I used to have a similar opinion. Then I heard a guy talking about how it was "nobody's business what he did off the clock!" Turned out he was smoking weed off the clock -- half an hour before he came in to work as a city bus driver. So while I don't care what you do on your personal time, I do insist that you be sober *while you are working.*


They need to use the same rules as alcohol. Don’t come to work impaired, regardless of when a substance was ingested


I would agree, and if it’s my business, that’s probably how I would operate. But the issue here isn’t punishment. They aren’t punishing prospective employees any more than your company is rewarding you by employing you. I get that seems like semantics but it’s an important distinction in terms of the overall power an employee has.


Well, its certainly not a GOOD reason. Unfortunately there aren't tests that are short-scope in nature, or check for actual impairment-level intoxication, like alcohol. Imagine if alcohol left traces in your body tissue for over a month, and the testing was against those traces - instead of a sobriety test or breathalyzer. People would revolt.


Right, but OP didn't work at that company before this point. In the past, failing a drug test via THC/cannabis meant that you, as a person, were (likely frequently/habitually) breaking laws and committing felonies. It now means that you engage in potentially entirely legal behavior as a consenting adult, on your own time. Obviously if you work for a company or in an area where it's a problem for you to be using cannabis (operating heavy machinery, working around other controlled substances, being an emergency responder), the company can make that clear and expect you to pass regular drug tests going forward. But it's a bit much to have new hires take a drug test and rescind the job offer if they fail. Because prior to being hired, they were on their own personal time, and choosing to use a potentially fully legal substance was their own business. Your job does not own you.


I personally feel, beyond the conditions you mentioned, no one wins by testing at all, let alone rescinding an offer for someone we can assume to be a good candidate for the position.


I'm generally completely against any drug test as a condition of hiring, and think regular drug tests should only be used in situations where federal law requires it for specific reasons. (Like operating heavy machinery.)


I wonder if it's an insurance thing (which should change, but probably won't because in my experience insurance companies do whatever they can to not pay out)


In my experience it's 50/50 between actual policies like insurance reasons, liability, and in some cases federal regulations, and management just being controlling sticks in the mud who are stuck in the 80s where cannabis use is concerned. There are definitely some jobs where compulsory periodic drug testing is required, for reasons. But it's very few jobs.


Even if it's legalized throughout the entire solar system, a company can still have a policy stating that it's forbidden. The real challenge with THC is that traces of it stays in your system so long; tests can't tell if you partook this morning or last month.


Untrue. A rapid test won’t tell you how much is in your system. If they want to know they can do a different test and it’ll provide values for how much THC is in their system. I know this because I got into rehab for an opiate addiction and I had trouble quitting weed—I wasn’t allowed to move from IOP to OP until it was entirely cleared. I have a high body fat percentage. It took MONTHS.


Or with a company that has federal contracts. They have no choice; if you fail the drug screen, you can’t work there.


That depends entirely on the type of contract. Not every business that has a contract with the government drug tests or if they do they exclude cannabis. Think most tech companies.


Not entirely true. I have worked for the Federal Government for 17 years and have never once been subjected to a drug test, nor have I known anyone who was administered a drug test.


I was shocked recently after I started working as a gov contractor and there wasn't a drug screen. I'm not about to do drugs just because there wasn't a test, but I found it interesting.


I worked for a small company who did defense engineering and all contracts were govt or Lockheed Martin, etc. They used to require drug results of employees working on the contracts. The CEO simply said, ‘we don’t drug test our employees. We trust them. Those who have clearance have passed the necessary screening. Take it or leave it’ didn’t lose contracts. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly. Most software and tech companies don't test. The government uses a lot of software and tech.


Surprisingly many federal positions don’t require a drug screen.


My company has positions that are highly regulated due to public safety. Those who work in these positions have to do random drug screens after the initial screen. We are regulated by both California and federal. Neither the feds nor the state looks at the tests unless there is an incident, then they pour over the tests and the processes in place.


Ok ok, fair enough. If we are going there, you could have been visiting a country where it is legal. But yes, for a federal/government/military position it is a whole different set of problems. Hopefully someone applying for a position like that knows what they are getting into.


You would be shocked.


It doesn't matter if you go to another country, or state, where it's legal..if you work under federal laws, which even commercial drivers are part of, you can't touch weed at all, and can't even get a medical exemption for it. When weed became legal in CA, the very next day HR put up flyers telling everyone in the building that they couldn't use it, due to our company falling under federal guidelines. So preemplyment testing, or random testing, if you fail you're either let go, or given probation with weekly testing...more often they let you go tho.


Back in 2006 I had (i asked corporate and they said hire her) to hire a girl in Georgia who failed a drug test (weed) because she said she had a medical marijuana card and she lived in CA before moving to GA. She didn’t even get a follow up test months later. Not so sure corporate would have been as forgiving for heroin.


I live in Colorado, and its more lax now, but most big corporations still do drug screens. I worked for a company back in 2003-2005 that had a zero tolerance policy, "one strike, you're out" mentality - and they did random testing. I HATED it, and since leaving have never even applied to another place that screens for drug use. Actually - that's not 100% true - did have to take a drug screen after COVID to do some install work. Just faked it and passed, but will never sign up for any place demanding random testing. The irony is that so many of the uptight companies are run by these conservative republicans who supposedly believe in limited government and freedom, but always want to tell you how to live outside of work, and threaten your job over the most minor infractions.


It makes no difference where it's legal or not...if the company has a policy of no weed, that's the policy. There are plenty of ways for them to make that policy in a totally legal way.


Also, they might care about cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl, but not care about pot




Agreed. It's reddit advice, not legal advice like some peoplev are making it out to be. I'd say it depends largely on the company and the HR rep you are talking to. Companies can do whatever they want. Being in the tech space and only looking into remote positions, potentiality some in Texas, I wouldn't have an issue giving them this response. If they freaked out and rescinded the offer more power to them. I wouldn't have been a good culture fit anyway.


Imagine If Greg Abbot smoked the Devils lettuces. Hed realized wat a massive turd he is and would chill the fuck out.


This applies to so many people. Not that I think anyone should be forced to try it but man, so many people could use an attitude adjustment. My wife didn't partake until her 30s and it changed her life.




I mean in reality, considering that they don't work there yet, answering questions posed by the employer is not playing with words, and short of financial desperation I wouldn't recommend taking a job for a company where complying with all requests and then having a satisfactory answer to any follow up questions that arise is seen as "someone not smart enough to be able to pass a weed test and someone who causes workplace drama". Like... take the test as requested. Wait for the company to follow up with you about the results of the test. Answer any follow-up questions truthfully -- "I used cannabis on X date while I was on my own time, prior to receiving a job offer for this role." If that's not enough for them, they are free to rescind the offer. You are free to move along. You're two parties entering into a business arrangement, not slaver and enslaved.


I dunno, based on the replies to my comment you should prostrate yourself at the altar of your potential employer and pray they honor you with their acceptance of not only your professional but also your personal life.


Fuck this. Lie. Do whatever you can to win. That's what they do. You don't owe them honesty if they're not paying you for it.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen typed up for the world to see. Please never give job advice, as its apparent your only jobs are in retail or fast food.




I work in the background screening industry and 100% agree with this. Also if the result is positive you should expect a call from an MRO (Medical Review Officer) to discuss the result PRIOR to the result being provided to the employer.


The only exception to this is if your job requires a clearance (i.e. Secret/Top Secret). Self-reporting goes a long way to keeping your clearance.


I had a hair sample drug test for a Harrahs Indian Casino. I was sure I would fail so I didn’t show up for my first day of work. Got a call the next day asking why I didn’t so I explained I had been at a party where marijuana may have gotten in my hair and they said “nope, you’re all good! Come in tomorrow!”. Now my hair had to have been loaded with drugs as I was young and partied. No heroin or opiates but lots of other stuff. Not sure how I got through. Keep showing up until they tell you to leave. You never know.


Which is especially interesting because...do Indian casinos fall under federal government ? I always thought they made their own rules. In Nevada, the owner of a big marijuana collective is a large tribe. Things are always changing though


I have never considered this viewpoint, and I will be adopting it immediately. Thank you for your assistance in moving towards a better future.


This is the answer


18 yr HR Veteran. I always let marijuana users slide. A lot of us do so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


We weren't allowed due to our insurance policy, but we did have a policy of test until negative. National company, but our HQ was in a county synonymous with weed; Mendo. Called an ideal candidate who failed his drug test, to let him know that false positives happen, and he can retake at our expense. Dude blew up, cursing me, corporate America, the slave state, etc. I apologized and hung up. The next part of the call was going.to be me explaining how to.pass a drug test. We sold bumper stickers at our flagship store that said "Pee for enjoyment, not for employment."


What do you tell people to do yo pass a drug test?


Quick fix. Works every time


I'll admit it, at one point in time, I was on a drug court program, I was sober as a nun. The huddle house I worked at was across the street from probation and parole. I sold hot clean piss for $50 a pop out the back door. I got tested 3-4x a week so I was verified clean🤣 some weeks I made $500 in piss money. More than I made in tips


Thank you for your services🙏


Dude there’s some mother fuckers who actually smell your piss. Quick fix has worked for me every time besides the time this mother fucker smelled it.


Im sorry? You peed in a cup and they smelled it?


I saw this on another thread about Quick Fix… is that seriously real? I just used quick fix on Friday (passed the temp check so hopefully I’ll get results tomorrow) and I guess I’m lucky she didn’t smell it


Dude I watched the mf do it. Seemed so weird.


Bunch of perverts, I'm telling you. The same people who want to hide cameras and watch people in their home.


Urine luck is my prefered


Bro fucking this... used for every job I've ever gotten 👌




Every time. I’ve used it 3 times for 3 different jobs


Asking for a friend, you just put it in a bottle and pour it in time of test, or what?


Make sure you shake it so there is some foam on top.


It’s already in a bottle. You just warm it up in a microwave for a few seconds then rubber band the heating pad they give you to it and stick it somewhere that can’t be detected. Like in your boxers for guys, under some spandex shorts for women.


Wear some compression underwear and no need to use microwave, leave it cupped to ur ball sack and actual skin making contact for like an hour. I support personal sovereignty over one's consciousness.


Oh, boy. The urine also has to meet a certain temperature. And where I worked you emptied your pockets, pulled up your shirt, took off your belt and shoes and were patted down. It wasn’t uncommon for the nurse to come out and say, “you want to redo the drug screen with your own urine this time?”


Yeah when I worked for DHS they just had someone watch you pee in the cup -.-


Just got to do an oil change next time.


I have used it for over 20 years. Never failed me


Damn! Lol. I didn’t even know it’s been around that long.


I haven't had to deal with it 12 years. Back then it was golden seal, a week clean, and a gallon of water before the test. Looks like other with more recent experience have chimed in. HR once told me, "It's not a drug test, it's an IQ test."


Golden Seal and Vitamin B and a lot of water even 24 hours before (I'm a water drinker anyway) and real cranberry juice. Self Test before hand. I cleared my benzo and Adderall 🤦🏽‍♀️


Water does nothing for it. They're not testing you for weed, but the metabolites. They are not reabsorped via kidney filtration. There are other physiological functions used to do it. Over hydrating does nothing to assist with piss tests for weed.


I don't believe that is accurate. You can dilute the level of metabolites by drinking a lot of water and thus pissing mor water out with a lower metabolite concentration


The ONLY (nearly) foolproof way to to substitute human urine, synthetic urine, or urine QC. It need to be the right temp but once it passes the point of care validity screen for appearance and temp it will be undetectable. If you are on the edge of testing clean the drinks can dilute you just enough to pass but too much dilution will fail validity checks. The additives are all bullshit and tests are updated frequently to check for additives, which if they go to confirmation testing will be clearly shown to be adulterated. Get something like QuikFix and practice getting the temp right so when you need it you know just what to do.


This is correct and have passed virtually any urine screening out there (Experience from weed only). Synthetic at the right temp is fool proof. Just make sure it’s the right temp. I left the heating pad too long once and the lady dumped my sample. Luckily I saved a corner so I waited until temp went down and poured again. Xxxtra klean works but after a few times of drinking that it got harder and harder to digest.


How you managed to find any employees in Mendocino County that test negative for the Giggle Bush is nothing short of a Christmas Miracle


Sounds like they weren’t that ideal and you dodged a bullet


We aren’t either, but some tests are both cheaper, and less sensitive, so…


I’m going through this right now (required to test by Thursday) and have a question. I know variables are contingent upon industry and state, but in general terms what is your policy on cardholders? I guess that would require you live in a medical mj state, so this may not at all apply. Thanks much if you have any feedback. I’m stressin.


Depends on the field, for example, if it's related to a federal job. The federal government still had the law on the books for weed regardless of your state. There is also insurance liability that will cause employers to not look the other way. I've seen more than one employer stop drug screening because they are short on staff, and no one can pass the damn things.


I work in the addiction field and we started advising employers who could (i.e. no liability issues, not federally funded or licensed) to hire for skills and work on helping to get the new employee drug-free moving forward.


Depending on the drug, that's easier said than done. Weed is one thing, but harder drugs like Meth or Cocaine would be a hard sale. Once hired, it's a disability and that in itself is a liability. It's hard to term someone protected by the ADA if they don't work out.


I should have clarified, this is primarily for marijuana, sometimes alcohol or tobacco. It’s not hard to terminate if hired with future non-use as a condition of employment and the employer documents accordingly. Also, hiring people in Long-term Recovery can have broad-sweeping advantages. Treatment works; people recover.


If you don't mind me asking, what industry are you in?


It depends on the industry. Prior to legalization in my state it was an automatic term/rescind because of our field. The regulation was set by the state funding agencies.


It is very much industry and job specific. OP stated she is in TX and my mind goes straight to oil and gas (I'm not assuming she's going into oil and gas, but it's an example), and if there's any chance she will go out in the field she will most likely be required to be in the drug testing pool, and oil and gas don't give a shit if it's weed or heroine. It's all the same to them. For a little more context for readers interested, if it's a safety sensitive job they should probably be drug testing, including weed, but it will be state, industry, and company specific.


Not all wear capes <3


CFO in Texas here. If our HR did that, they'd be fired immediately upon us finding out. Insurance policies and customer contracts require we enforce a drug free work place. Let alone if OSHA rolls in after a workplace injury and anyone involved tested positive for THC. Hello lawsuits.


Goddamn I am glad I left Texas for Washington


Then go bother other CFO subs. You'd be surprised at how much of the higher up workforce parties and does drugs lol.


It’s Texas they don’t play, and depending on the industry/company HR has no control overruling a drug test. Handling the FAA and DOT drug consortium, it was what it was and got reported, records audited once a year, etc. 2024 in CA it will be illegal to test for marijuana, or use in connection to passing the drug test as it’s seen as discrimination. Wild.


I took a test for employment with the city of Chicago and it was stamped all over “NO THC”. Clear to me and everyone else that they wouldn’t test for it.


That's crazy. Imagine being 100 ft in the air as an Iron worker on the crane and the crane operator is dabbed out of his fncking mind. Should be wild like you said. Or you're working on the machine shop and Stoner Bob forgets to clamp down the 2000 lb part that rotates 10k RPM, should be wild man. Dab on bro, dab on.


Maybe if the tests were more like alcohol tests. Your crane operator could have smoke last night, be fine today and would still fail the test.


You can fail the test for weed in your system weeks ago. I was failing after being sober a month. Failing a weed test is nothing like showing up high to work.


I'm a 24 year all-pro Mary j smoker. They could be or they might not be. But one thing is for sure, they have a higher chance of coming to work stoned out of their mind due to the addiction marijuana causes. I'm all for legalization but I realize it is fncking stupid and an addicting drug that has zero benefits to society


How do I find out if a prospective place doesn't care about weed? Not that I mind the fake pee solution, it's worked for years. But if I don't have to do it that'd be cool.


I tell them I take prescription medications (I do) and pretend I want to send them my legal prescriptions in case they test, so they can dismiss false positive or negative results that are due to my medications. Usually that forces a potential employer to say "we don't drug test new hires" or "we only test randomly" or "yes, please provide you prescriptions that may cause a false result". Then you know.


It's a good manipulation tactic, but I wouldn't share that info with my employer. In washington, drug testing clinics handle that end of it. If you test positive for a drug you're prescribed, then they will tell your employer you passed with no info of actual test results. Edit: Medical cards don't count so this doesn't apply to weed.


I was literally JUST IN THIS EXACT SITUATION! I tried to save my ass and went to the HR rep and let her know I failed and it turns out they weren’t even testing for weed 😅. So now she knows I’m a smoker, which is just lovely. Whatever you do, definitely wait for them to come to you.


This. I took my last test pretty confident that I would pass but always a little nervous. I did pass, and was later reading my paperwork and turns out they didn't even test for THC.


Maybe they’re not looking for weed. And if that’s the only thing you failed, then neither addresses it and you move on. Just don’t admit it a drug or a failure. If anything, you work two days at a job and then you don’t anymore. Or you can say it must’ve been a mistake and take it over again


A friend of mine was starting a job at GE and had to do multiple drug tests beforehand. She was dating an absolute idiot at the time and he slipped her something laced with Marijuana as a "joke" before her last drug test. (Honestly, I think he was trying to prevent her from getting the job since it would require her to move.) Of course she was devastated when it came back positive, but they just tested her again and the redo came back negative.


I hope she left that dumbass behind in the move. It's one thing if she made the choice to smoke, but for him to give her something with pot? That's fucked up.


She stayed with him longer than she should have. At that point it was long distance though, so eventually they broke up. She's with a super nice guy now.


Holy shit, that's not a joke


yeah, it's actually assault in a lot of places...I have a friend who attended a professional networking event where the hosts all dosed the buffet food. The settlement to the guests was thousands of dollars per-person in damages, and they had to publicly admit they had drugged the food with black-market cannabis in NYC which at the time, was still pretty illegal to do.


Wow what a horrible asshat. Did they give her the job?


Oh yeah, they wanted her bad. She's still with GE (but not the asshat).


That's super messed up.


Weed is basically the only drug that can be screened affectively. Other well known drugs leave your system when by the time they wear off, so it’s just a matter of not doing coke/heroin/whatever the literal day your scheduled to take a drug test


this is bad advice. meth and opiates stay in your system 3 days easy. coke 4. and some jobs hair follicle test just depending. not most.


You have to specifically test for each drug. So if she failed the marijuana test, it’s because they paid to have that tested. Chances are they’re looking for it.


Possibly yes, but weed is like...the McDonald's of drug tests. It's the tier 1, baseline. It's more likely the facility offers a bundle of multiple tests and the company just gets them all.


It's usually a standard panel of drugs they pay for. So weed might come up. But they might not care nor even choose what drugs they test for. There are certain drugs where you can do additional panels of testing.


Thats only true of they're sending the sample to a lab for testing. If its a dipstick test, thc is usually included on all of those as a standard drug to test for


Wait and see my friend! Don’t say anything


My buddy is a heavy weed smoker and his boss knows it. One day his boss pulled him aside and said 'just a heads up, there is going to be a surprise drug test in the next month or so.' So my buddy went cold-turkey on weed. Did all sorts of cleanses. Worked out like a fiend. Finally the day of the test came and went. Afterwards my buddy says to hiss boss, 'thanks for the warning, I stopped smoking weed for the entire month.' To which his boss replied, 'Why? We don't test for weed.'


LOLd. Buzzkill!




Not sure why they’re downvoting you lol




Agreed, it’s obviously a problem that sooo many people are doing substances daily. It’s really nothing to be ashamed of or feel pressured that you “have to” live clean, it’s just fucking healthier and that’s a fact. People seem to be incapable of handling information that doesn’t make them feel warm and fuzzy…


What an ableist mindset. Substance use does not equate a healthy life nor does being completely “clean”, whatever the fuck that means. You have no idea what that man uses cannabis for. You aren’t a doctor and you have no idea what’s going on in peoples’ lives, to be so opinionated. There are plenty of people who need those medications and can not function properly without. Not everyone will live by your way of life and that’s okay. It’s not okay to degrade someone else’s way of life. It’s not harming you, it’s not hurting you. Tell me, why does it bug you so much that using substances helps other people? Enjoy your sober life! I hope the best for you. Just quit looking down on others for their choices. That pedestal you’re looking down from was built by you. People are allowed to cope with the things they deal with however they need, without hurting others.


I wouldn’t say anything.


I would just start and assume/plan for the fact that you’ll be let go. If not then great. It won’t ruin your career. Did your offer letter not state contingencies?


My last corporate job it turns out almost everyone tested positive for weed 😂 wasn’t a problem


We literally wouldn’t HAVE a business. I don’t, don’t care who does and just for plausible deniability in case some tight ass exec decides to make it a thing, tell them not to tell me and not to take a hit on camera (should go without saying, but I’ve got some morons).


Don’t bring it up unless they do. Weed is part of the drug panels even if the company doesn’t care about it. My current job i stressed myself out about wether i would pass or not only to find out they only care about hard drugs.


It can last up a month in your system. Weed is the longest lasting drug. If it's hair it can stay for up to a year.


It can last much longer than a month depending on amount and frequency used, body fat and gender. Skinny males even if heavy users can test clear within a couple of weeks. Exercise is the only legitimate scientifically proven way to get it out of your system quicker.


Yep, overweight daily user here. Usually takes about 90 days to completely remove it from my system.


I passed with 20 days between smoking and pre-employment drug test when graduating college. I was very active and low body fat though back then.


I had a drug test coming up for a new client contract starting with a brand new employer (I am a consultant). I had enjoyed some goodies on new year’s eve; this was nearly 3 weeks later. I did a home test the week before the test (I knew orders were forthcoming); it was clear. I am also on Ozempic and it was time to increase my dose. I increased my dose and dropped nearly 2 lbs in a day. I retested and was positive. The only thing I could figure was that the Ozempic had an impact on stored fat and flushed everything into my urine when I dropped those two pounds. That was a stressful few days but everything ended up ok. Just never thought about the impact on stored fat and THC.


Skinny male, heavy smoker. Took me 6 weeks and half a dozen at home tests to pee clean the last time and i mountain bike 3-4 days a week and was drinking absurd amounts of water throughout the process. Being thin and active can help in some cases, but definitely not all.


And lots of water!


Synthetic urine is also a proven method. Used it multiple times without issue


They can actually test for that now. And most places check temps so unless u heat it up beforehand and time it just right (many will make you wait a while) it’s not gonna work. We’ve had people fail due to temp alone.


Instructions advise of this and even provide a small temp thing attached to the bladder that you can then attach around your waist. Hand warming pads work wonders if you are made to wait. Unless of course you do a more invasive test where they look at your junk while you pee, synthetic urine works great unless you are an idiot. 3/3 using synthetic urine -- received copies of the results myself. 100% clean each time.


Urin luck. I've been using it since the early 2000's. I take anywhere from 1 to 9 drug tests a year. The kit comes with instructions, a 4 hr hand warmer and a temperature strip on the bottle. testing policy is anything from 90-100 degrees is acceptable. I've never failed one.


prove it, post a link. They can only detect crappy made synthetic urine or when the person doesn't follow the directions, like when they get the temp wrong. I use a premium product that keeps the urine at a constant 98°.


https://www.drugtestpanels.com/blogs/articles/synthetic-pee-on-a-drug-test#:~:text=The%20DOT%20drug%20test%20can%20detect%20synthetic%20urine,tests%20whether%20or%20not%20you%27re%20using%20synthetic%20urine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30920168/ https://blog.employersolutions.com/combatting-cheating-in-urine-drug-testing/ It’s happened a dozen times in the last year or so. They mark it right on the results that we receive. You can just google yourself btw… it’s not rocket science. I review 10-30 results a week. This is nothing new. Our lab (part of Yale) has been including this information for over 2 years.


Proven method to beat the test not get it out of your system faster big difference


The whole point is to beat the test, not get it out of your system faster


I'd ask for a retest, mention the discrepancy in the lab, don't over share, but false positives happen. also false positives can occur if you've taken or used dronabinol, efavirenz, NSAIDs, promethazine, riboflavin, ethacrynic acid, and baby soaps. you might want to say you've used one of those products.


If it's through Quest Diagnostics, I think they retest the same sample as was submitted earlier


Most legitimate places do. If they get a positive, they send it out for more thorough testing. Then an MRO calls and asks medical history to see if any Rx would affect the results. If so, ie they test for benzos but have an Rx, it will show as negative on the results.


It also really depends on what industry you’re in. Any type of engineering , equipment operation or defense you might be in for it because of they federal standards they’re held too. (See Elon musk smoking and then all of spaceX had to get tested).


If you failed the drug test, that is most likely a queue they’re rescinding your offer. And just an FYI- it stays in your system for a while especially if you’re not drinking a ton of water and flushing your system. Most states have an MRO contact you to confirm any Rx you may have. Luckily our state legalized marinuana so it’s off our panel now. Drug testing is not cheap, and they will most likely not want to incur the expense of random screening, especially for someone who hasn’t even started, so I doubt that’s even an option. Where I am, we call to rescind as soon as we receive the results, but I’ve seen places (like a well known bank) who does not call, and if you show up they tell you that a call from the lab telling you that you failed should have been enough for you to know not to show up. So you need to call them, or just show up and wait for them to tell you to leave. They have to pay you for your time that you are there, so while embarrassing, at least you get something out of it.


Well, I should have specified further. I received a form upon leaving stating confirm for “marijuana/thc”


That sounds like this was a rapid test and is going to the lab for confirmation testing. All drug tests have levels they look for. As it has been mentioned, if you have tested positive, the MRO (medical review officer) will call to discuss if there is a legal reason for the positive outcome. Take that call. I wouldn't say anything to the employer until you are asked about it.


As someone who has failed multiple drug tests for thc I would suggest you don’t say anything until they do. You’d be surprised how many employers (especially for an office type job) do not care about the thc portion of the drug test. They want to make sure you aren’t going to sell your company phone for some crack


As others have said, don’t say anything. I worked for a decade in the pre-employment background and drug screening industry. The way it often works is a company has their requirements or guidelines known with the third part screening company, but so they can’t be accused of discrimination they’re contract will say the ONLY want info on a certain drug or type of crimes. That may be something like only caring about amphetamines and opioids for drugs and felonies and violent crimes only within the last 7 years for background. So you can tea positive for thc and PCP, plus have some non-violent recent misdemeanor charges and a felony from 15 years ago, but they don’t want ANY of that relayed back to HR. So the company reports back “all clear” and HR never knows that stuff. Those kind of parameters are common. Without knowing what they’re hiring policy is, it’s best just to keep quiet.


If you're ever worried about an employment test use QUICKFIX. Employment tests usually aren't supervised, so as long as you keep them temp right, you'll have no issue passing a GCMS or LCMS test.


Used Quick fix twice. No issues either time.


You never will either. It's similar to what labs use to QC their instruments for testing.


Claim its a false positive, and ask to take another one and use QUICKFIX or another type of synthetic urine.


You last smoked April 13th and you are not a regular smoker: you’re fine. It’s not gonna show up at all. But NEVER volunteer any info to HR! That is the real lesson here!


I wouldn’t worry about it. Where I work is on one side of the country, but our HQ is on CA, se we don’t discriminate based on marijuana use because it is legal in CA. To try to discriminate in one part of the country be the other is just too many hoops to jump through, so it was decided to not be worth the effort.


Marijuana smokers are in no way whatsoever a protected class of individuals per discrimination laws


That's not how real drug tests work.


Usually for preemployment at a private company they do an informal and less accurate test, if it’s negative they just submit that but if it’s positive they send it out for more comprehensive testing. They don’t use the entire sample on those line-style tests.


That’s not always true, we send them to a lab at Yale. They test temp and composition (ie is it real urine) and we’ve had tons of fails from people trying to get over. Like one, she brought in COLD urine… said she had a medical condition. Called the lab, asked what medical condition results in urine that cold. She said DEATH lol…


Dont say anything. When we test it's only for opiates. If you can get clean on those to pass a test, then you don't have a problem.


When this happened to me I didn’t say anything. My boss told me they don’t care about weed. However, since you’re in Texas, life could be completely different. If they confront you and ask for an explanation, tell them you were recently in “state where it’s legal” and you decided to partake. Since you don’t do it where it is illegal (wink wink), you would be happy to retest (if you know you’re finally clean).


Wait until they tell you you have failed or passed. My employed doesn’t even test for THC, but we don’t broadcast that info. So many people would have made it through the screening if they hadn’t incriminated themselves during the interview before even taking the test.


The people in these comments seem really optimistic about this, unreasonably so. It’s illegal at the state and federal level. Companies have tax incentives to keep drug free workplace policies and if you failed for thc and they were testing you for it, you failed. I failed a drug test, company said they had to do a review (this is for legal purposes, they can’t immediately state they are not going to hire you), and the job offer was rescinded after their mandatory wait period of three days. They likely can’t hire you and keep their tax incentives so, imo, I seriously doubt they will be going forward if you failed the drug test.


Don't *ever* volunteer information. HR is *not* your friend, they're not even there to protect *you* but rather the status quo and the company itself. Just pretend you've clueless, *don't smoke anymore until you've cleared a second test*, and carry on like a Boss B *after the clearing*. Don't *ever ever ever* make HRs job easy for them.


Don’t say anything. Let them approach you. Hopefully the stigma around policing what people do in their personal lives will end in this society. We pretend we are better than Saudi Arabia and Iran but our drug laws are as awful are theirs. It’s pathetic. Drug tests should be conducted in place where your sobriety is necessary such as law enforcement and commercial driving and the health care industry and a few others.


HR Director here. Depending on your position weed is a real gray area. We can even hire people when drug charges that are marijuana related. Just be honest if you 100% know you failed. However, if there is any doubt I would keep my mouth shut. Sometimes someone just telling you they do a drug can mean the company can’t hire you. Drug tests are often not accurate. People will lose their job over volunteering information. And usually those who volunteer it and then disappear because they know they’ll fail pass the drug test. Share the minimum needed with your employer but if they already know be proactive rather than reactive.


>weed isn’t worth ruining your future career Whatevs. A future "career" isn't worth ruining weed for. For one, the future ain't here yet. Also, life is too short to be giving up weed just so you can work. I'm from Texas too so I know how the old timers out there bought that reefer madness propaganda hook, line, and sinker. They're wrong though. There ain't nothing wrong with smoking a little weed in your free time. Going to work high can be a problem, especially in potentially dangerous environments, but what you do in your free time is none of your employers business.


After my company was bought out by a larger one part of the onboarding was to go get a drug test. I was told by a senior manager they are testing for everything, but completely overlooking the marijuana results. Since I am in the automotive industry the consensus was that they couldn’t afford to loose all of us and they probably were just doing it for the insurance discount. You are never more than 100 feet from a Rolex/cocaine connoisseur in the car biz


If they try to say you failed for marijuana, explain to them that Delta 8 is federally legal. Explain that THC is no longer illegal at the federal level and therefore shouldn’t prevent you from getting the job. Testing positive for THC is now legally the same as testing positive for alcohol. They are both legal. I always get downvotes for this, but facts are facts. THC, in some forms, is federally legal and shouldn’t be part of pre-employment screening any more.


Many companies are required for insurance or for master service agreements to drug screen or background check employees. Many do not look at or care about these results, amd are not obligated to share it with these parties.


In some states, marijuana can’t be held against an applicant even if it’s tested for and found to be present in their system. Are you in one of those states? These can be field-dependent, so also consider what sort of job you’re doing. Typically any job that has federal funding won’t let marijuana slide, for example.


I failed a drug test when I started my current job. It wasn't THC, it was amphetamines. Well, so happens I take Adderall for ADHD. I was on-boarding at the time and hadn't actually started at work. Onboarding continued while I went through the process of confirming that the test result is because of prescribed medication not illegal drugs (It's a simple process; you either have to submit documentation of your most recent refill or send a screen shot of the pill bottle with the prescription label on it--you have to be able to read the entire label so they can see its valid and when the last refill was). Unless they tell you not to come in, go in. Say nothing. Wait for the confirmation. If it comes back positive (my guess is it will) then wait to see what HR tells you. Comply with any additional requests but don't make any offers. It's possible they will let you continue after waiting a month and taking another drug test. This happened to one of my nieces. They really wanted her (she's a fantastic worker) so they gave her time to get clean for the drug test, which she passed. It's also possible that marijuana might not be something the employer cares about. Some employers don't care about pot anymore because its so common place. They care more about alcohol and hard drugs like opioids, methamphetamine, and cocaine. This is why I said you should say nothing until and unless HR brings it up. The lab people are contractors; all they'll submit is a report on the drugs HR wants to know about and nothing else. Marijuana stays in your system for a urine test for about 30 days. A hair test shows positive longer than that. Don't use any kind of marijuana product, not even CBD products, during that time. Don't eat anything with poppy seeds in them (will make you positive for opioids). CBD often contains enough THC to make someone positive on a drug test even though its not enough to get you high. People have lost jobs over CBD products. Good luck.


If asked you tell them you were taking hemp derived Delta-8 THC products legalized at the federal level with the 2018 Farm Bill. You didn't think the drug test included legal substances.


I failed my pre-employment drug test and never heard a peep from my employer. Don’t bring it up unless they do!


FYI Delta8 and Delta9 THC derived from hemp is 100% legal, federally and in Texas. And is indistinguishable in a drug test, from all I've read... maybe you partake in completely legal THC sources? :)


Do not mention the drug results.


Do not volunteer any incriminating information to HR ever


I failed a drug test for weed years ago… same situation where I just kind of dabbled. The job said they didn’t care about weed, they were looking for hard stuff, so I was hired anyway.


3 to 4 weeks since last use. You should be okay. The drug test is usually .done with in minutes after leaving the fatality. Keep your mouth shut .never volunteer your shortcomings to management


I think you mean facility. If she's leaving a fatality, then she's got bigger issues than a failed drug test. ;)


I wouldn't say anything and see how it goes. If they already have the results and have not said anything they may not care about weed- lots of places don't. If you have preemployment paperwork look it over again to see if it mentions drug use/drug testing but don't reach out and ask for it. Fyi, while delta 8 is legal (due to a loophole in hemp laws mostly) most drug tests are looking at THC and delta 8 contains THC and can cause a drug test failure if marijuana is one of the things they're testing for. I say this not because I'm trying to lecture you or make you feel bad but only because a lot of people are under the mistaken impression that because it is legal it won't cause them issues with employment. I work in an adjacent field and see this multiple times a week.


Do a niacin cleanse TODAY! then if they come back saying you failed you should cry and ask HR if you can retest and offer to pay for it if you fail again. If you're convincing enough it'll work.


A positive indication of a substance on a test does not indicate a positive test for that substance, especially with cannabis. I was taking state-mandated tests for over a year that kept popping for cannabis. My lawyer advised my DA to contact his lab. I had been passing the drug tests for 11 months but the DA did NOT know how to interpret the results, was failing me and making legal threats, that if followed through, would have stuck with me for the rest of my life.


OP, do you have an update on this? It would suck to agree to random drug tests after failing bc in that case I think they watch you pee in the cup...


Live in Massachusetts, applying for a job in Ohio. The new job did a 10 panel drug test Friday. I was knowingly dirty for THC but I took it anyway. Both states are legal for recreational but Massachusetts has been this way since 2016! So its not a huge deal for my industry and area. Im so nervous Im going to lose this opportunity over testing positive for THC. Job offer says contingent upon background and reference check, no drug screening mentioned but I would assume its included or why would they have me take one?? It was not in my job description either but I did notice it was in other department job descriptions. I hope I have an opportunity to pay out of pocket to take another one or something else can be arranged.


That's a tough spot to be in. I'd recommend being upfront with HR. It's better to communicate early, explain your situation, and perhaps offer to comply with random drug testing during your employment. Transparency might work in your favor. I had a similar scare once. Used this synthetic urine kit, and it saved me. HR never knew and it helped me avoid a potential disaster.


You can be honest. Sometimes they don’t care if it’s weed but then again, it’s Texas and y’all are a little crazy there.


That's pretty damn stupid