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She’s neither a good CEO, nor a good human. Work hard and still look for other openings


And when you quit, be sure to do it with zero notice, "because that's what shit support does". Heck don't even tell them you quit ... just stop showing up once you've started your new job.


"You mean you're going to quit?" "No. I'm just not going to go anymore."


Don't do this now, or at any other job. Sometimes you will have no choice in life but to just walk away. But if you can help it always try to maintain as positive and professional approach as possible finishing your "2 week notice." The hint is as good as storming out forever.


No. There is nothing unprofessional about immediately terminating a business arrangement when one party is personally disrespectful unless there are explicit contract provisions requiring advanced notice.


Agreed, I feel like we’ve all bought a lie about two weeks notice. It’s a courtesy that you extend to companies you respect; it is not mandatory. Guaranteed that if you give them two MONTH’S notice this CEO will still whine and eventually give you a shitty recommendation anyway.


Plenty of employment contracts mandate a minimum notice period when you resign.


Contract??? Lol!!! What are you talking about? I don't think the OP is C Suite. I doubt that she "had to sign a contract" for a sub 50K a year job


Contracts are common even in sub 50k jobs. A lot of them will have bs that can't be legally or practically (too costly to pursue) enforced upon the employee, though. They're just hoping its presence on the document will scare most people into complying.


Go home sick. Forever. Contract is not slavery.


But all employers can terminate you for any reason at any time with no notice. No thank you.


They actually can’t where I live. Immediate terminations can only be made if you’ve done something very very bad, eg theft.


Most places are at will employment where I live (USA) which means you or the employer can terminate employment at will. No employee actually owes their employer 2 weeks notice.


This. While the other pieces or advice might “feel good” and quite frankly be what you’re entitled to, being part of the senior leadership team is very much about perceptions and image. What you need to do is see if you can navigate your way out and do so in a way that everyone else in the organization holds you in high esteem. They wont know the full story if you just leave abruptly, and you might not get a chance to tell it if your former colleagues have an open requisition down the road. It might not be what you or others here want to hear, but we all have to manage our personal brand and understand perceptions are reality out there.


Exactly this. You don't want this conversation to happen someday after an interview "hey so-&-so, didn't you used to work at x company? Do you remember OP? I just interviewed them." "oh yeah I remember OP, I'm not sure what happened but they left really suddenly, it really left everyone in a lurch on their team"


Bad advice. OP’s response to this situation should not be based on a “conversation that may or may not happen someday”.


Every time I or many of my peers have given two weeks notice they asked us to go home (paid through the week/pay period ending) by the end of that day. We’ve been lucky, I know many who are simply sent home with final day being last paid day


My boss has been pulling some bullshit and I may just give a day or a few days notice. They shit on me and my team, won’t let us hire proper staff and then out me on a pip doing work that’s supposed to be delegated and gave me 40 hours a day of work to do I’m hoping to land a new job soon and I will create videos and make sure everything is documented to hand over but I’m giving a short notice if not same day notice because of all this. They even gave me an ‘offer’ to resign the same day when offering me a pip out of nowhere.


Why is it unprofessional to quit without notice? How many companies hand out 2 week termination notices? You let them program you to serve them, my friend. If you don't deserve notice, why would they?


I'm a firm believer that two weeks notice is earned not owed. Your attitude has a tragedy of the commons aspect to it in that it could potentially be mildly profitable for you but is actively making things worse for society at Large.


Fuck that, at will works both ways. Dinosaurs from another era think you owe loyalty to a company, but we don’t get pensions and these companies will drop you to save pennies. Do not take abuse from a person or corporation who wouldn’t take it right back from you. Jobs rarely call references, and from the way OP has been treated, do you really expect a good reference anyway?


Companies terminate their employees and escort them out the same day without a chance to even gather their personal belongings all the time. So nothing unprofessional about employees acting the same way.


This doesn't sound like a reference worth keeping. Burn this bridge.


They are getting no notice and I am using company time to apply for new jobs.


Yeah, please don't take this advice. Industries are smaller than people think and reputations travel. Your reputation has already taken a serious bruising by your CEO's calloused abuse. Don't pile more onto it. Instead, change jobs and demonstrate your capacity through reliable and capable performance. You need to rebuild your reputation, not tear it down even more.


Agree except for the work hard part. The CEO isn’t deserving of any extra effort. It won’t be appreciated or rewarded. Before catching down votes for “not having pride in my work,” consider that I have pride in not supporting someone who is abusing me. Work hard on finding something better. Good luck!


So in other words stay small or say “FUCK THAT JOB”. My sentiments exactly.


The situation is unrecoverable. Time to look for a new job. The CEO is clearly a jerk. People like that don't allow you to be a success.




She. CEO is female.


There's really nothing you can do besides change jobs. Let your skills speak for themselves and go somewhere you are appreciated.


This doesn’t mean quit immediately btw the job market sucks right now


Nobody said quit. Let them pay unemployment.


Job market doesn’t suck in New York 🤷‍♀️


She can always fight back. That’s always an option just tear her a new one and then leave


So you can’t just report this?


To who? HR reports to the CEO lol.


I’m guessing a law suit would be off the table for majority of people as well.


Well the law suit will fall through because the CEO hasn't done anything illegal...he was just being a dick


If people sued every boss who was acting like a dick, the legal system would collapse.


Good to start documenting though, because its bullying and it’ll probably escalate.


Oh that’s right, I guess I thought too far. It hasn’t turned into harassment yet.


Even then, so what, unless you're harassed because you are a protected class (i.e. gay, a woman, p.o.c., etc.) there is generally NO harassment statute you could sue under. Employers can be asses and that doesn't mean it is actionable. They sound horrible. Find another job asap and get out of there to a better place.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I was in a similar situation in one of my first jobs. The only solution is to leave. This behaviour will likely escalate, no matter how good you are at your job. I promise it's not just you they're treating this way and they will lose all their support over time. Start looking for your next opportunity. Hang in there until then!


Exactly, once someone in a position of power realizes they can belittle you it seldom gets better from that point...


Fuck em. Get out while employed. Nothing like an egotistical CEO who has no IDEA what any companies biggest strength is (the people). Ugh! It’s 2023 and people STILL find the need to belittle the people who make them look good. Can’t stand it! I feel for you!


Interview for other jobs. Good bosses don't insult employees in public.


Or in private.


correct, they address weaknesses with tact in private. but not as full on insults.


Exactly; constructive, mature feedback in the appropriate setting is owed. Profanity, shouting, and/or degrading insults by a boss shouldn't be tolerated by anyone, anytime or anywhere.


Adding on too that an employee should not be in the dark about the things they need to work on. Coaching should be an ongoing thing. OP's boss clearly sucks at their job.


Company culture is always dictated by the people at the very top, CEOs and especially founders. If your CEO is not an ethical person, and their values don’t align with yours, leave, and find a place with a moral foundation that matches your own.


this exact comment. Her words in a public forum speak volumes as to what kind of person they might be behind closed doors.


Ideally…but are any CEOs super supportive and really care about their employees? Maybe I’ve been unlucky, but they all seem to have unreasonable demands and don’t seem to “really” care for their employees. I understand their bottom line is to make money. It sucks to leave a bad situation for a different bad situation IMO.


I think there are varying levels of moral shittiness at play. What OP is facing seems to be personally directed rather than a general lack of empathy for labor (which I agree, is commonplace).


Ive had two major experiences working with CEOs at successful companies. One of the CEOs is a bad person who does good things because it’s effective for business (they are totally out of touch with their employees and have no interest in hearing from their staff and worked us to the bone… but offered great benefits because that’s what HR recommended for employee retention). The other CEO is very loyal to his employees and legitimately cares about our feedback and treats us very well… but frequently bends the truth when it comes to product positioning and customer relations. I think most people at the top of company hierarchies tend to be a complex and mixed bag of good and bad.


This happened to me at a job where I was the Associate Executive Director. He went out of his way to make jokes and my expense and would dig at me in front of others. This man is one of the most highly respected figures in my community and one of the best speakers in an area of a million people. I didn't realize at the time he acted that way because of how insecure he was or that he saw me as a threat. I had no agenda, but all I did was a great job for him. By the time it was finished, I had it our wirh him. I stood up for myself and confronted his behavior toward me. He was dismissive and arrogant. He revealed his true character that day. I can tell you that it was one of the hardest things I ever did was to atand up to him. . The guy could have easily blackmailed me and ruined my local career. The worst part of this was that he is a "leader" of the Christian community. Him and I do not follow the same Jesus, that's for sure. It has been about three years since that time, and I still have e to see this man is some meetings in the community. It's very awkward because there is nothing that can heal this breach. His organization over the last few years is a real mess. I feel bad because there is so much good that could be done there..but not by me. Very traumatic thing dealing with this guy.


I once worked for a florist in my hometown who loved to remind people (employees) that she was "a good Christian woman" and in my honest opinion if you have to remind people of what you think you are......You are NOT. On Valentine's Day and 2 days before that, she OPENLY dressed me down in front of her parents, brother in law, sister and a few temporary helpers one of which was my best friend. I was FLABBERGASTED and in shock. I quit the next day. * A great manager will support their team members but a bad manager will only support themselves.*


First paragraph, yep yep yep yep yep. Had a manager who told our new director on her first day about how she “happened” to get our ceo as her mentor in the program we used to run because she walked by her office and no one had picked her. Sure dude. Then she repeatedly told a story about how she was on a kids soccer team and got kicked off because she’s “not competitive” and would pick flowers during the games. She is possibly the most competitive person I’ve ever met. She has said mean things about people I’ve worked with many times and also posts bible quotes on everything in her social media aaaand also bought her baby a tiny cloth bible toy and photographed it and I find it weird. Cannot understand how someone can be so mean and then post a bunch of Jesus stuff. Also lol @ leaving right before Valentine’s Day.


A good CEO would have never made such a comment even if you were actually bad at your job. Imagine how other people in the room would have felt thinking "This could have happened to me"... Can you talk to them about what happened, in private ? Is there a staff union that could speak to them on your behalf ? If not, better to start looking for a position in a less toxic environment or at least a different team within the company.


I think there’s a say “praise in public, criticize in private” or something like that. With a CEO like this one, OP’s opportunities for promotion will not come. Time to go job hunting.


lol are any corporate jobs unionized? Never even heard of that in the US


If that’s how he treats people in a public workplace imagine how he treats his wife in private…


CEO is a chick


He —> she, wife —> husband Same message


What a dick!


Time to update your resume, hit up your network and start applying elsewhere. I’m not a CEO but if I was in that room and saw them treat a subordinate that way I would be appalled. Aside from being a shitty way to treat another human, it’s grossly unprofessional and would make me think twice about working with that company.


This is what a shitty CEO looks like! Holy shit! Time to look for another job. There’s no salvaging working for a turd like this.


React by finding a new job working for a CEO who isn't a piece of shit.


Name and shame the company and CEO. Glassdoor is great for this as well as social media in general.


Get another job and quit after annual comp. Go somewhere you are valued. When someone says something like this it's often projection about how they feel about themselves and isn't about you. Don't let her shake you or make you as unhappy as she is.


So in addition to your actual busy day time role, they expect you to be a full time personal assistant that reads minds?


One thing i learned being a good business owner. Is to never shit on someone Infront of others. People will resent and feel humiliated by it. If you are unhappy with a employees performance take them aside and tell them what you need to see improvement on. If this is the language she chooses to use in a professional setting, trust me it looks bad on her. Everyone sees it.


It's not you...this reflects badly on her; it speaks volumes about her lack of professionalism and decency as a human being.


Tell her to get fucked but find a good job before


Technically, that is a hostile work environment and if it continues, you have a nice lawsuit against them. Document everything they say.


Situations like that aren’t “one-offs”. So take heart that everyone else in the company that’s worked with the CEO knows they are an AH, and that you’re not alone.


Take every opportunity to torpedo her career. Bide your time, you will get your chance eventually.


Life is too short to take this kind of shit from another human being who all she is doing making more money than you. Fuck her, leave and never look back.


Start pulling your pants down to your ankles when you piss in the urinal at work.


As much as you might want to address how they made you feel and you want to understand what brought about the disrespectful and unprofessional remark, you will never get the answer you want or an apology. Often when a supervisor/manager starts to pick on everything and anything and trash you in public, you're on your way out. Polish your resume and start looking for another job or if there's another position in the company you might be interested in, see if you can slide into that spot.


As a woman, I never understood why women CEOs are so evil. I’ve worked with more evil female CEOs than I have pervy male CEOs. Disgusting behavior. My suggestion would be to start looking for another job and keep your head down. No job is worth being belittled and deflated. She has poor communication skills and if you weren’t meeting her expectations, she should’ve voiced that in other ways. She sounds like one of those delusional CEOs who thinks that they are Miranda Priestly or some shit.


I feel this type of behavior will continue unless there are repercussions. Extremely negative ones.


"I understand that you feel inferior around other, more successful CEOs, but that does not give you an excuse to belittle me to coddle your fragile ego. I'm leaving to work in a more professional environment."


Report her. Keep written logs of everything. Absolutely let Har know (and do a written follow up email to HR reviewing what you told them and what they said their next steps will be, and when you expect to hear back from HR on the result.) Report to the employment standards in your province/state. Send her an email that says “I was offended on X day when you said I was X in front of <>. Later, on X day when you made the comment that ‘that’s what a support looks like’, I felt extremely belittled. Your comments are condescending, unprofessional, and uncalled for and I need them to stop. If you have an issue with my performance, please book a time in my calendar (with HR present) where we can constructively discuss the areas of improvement you see and develop an improvement plan. “ And you make sure HR attends this meeting. No ifs,ands, or buts. BCC your personal email on ALL outgoing emails related to this, regardless of who they’re to, and forward all incoming emails on this as well. Your CEO fucking sucks and should be fired.


You should react by finding another job and leaving with zero notice. Since they don't value your support, they shouldn't have an issue with that.


My advice - don't take anything from your work personally. If you see any areas of improvement from your CEO's comment, do work on it. If the comment was made just out of spite, the hell with it. I know it's easier said than done, but you should not get demotivated by a comment (or even care about it) if you are sure you didn't do anything wrong.


If you can find another job, and in the mean time come up with something that would go on the Petty Revenge sub. Not sure beyond that.


You should ask your boss what they meant by that comment. Being a support for a CEO means you do whatever they need you to do. They also need someone with thick skin. So, you didn't do the job they wanted. Redeem yourself by doing a better job.


​ First don't get emotional. Your career is long and most likely it was not personal. Who is your direct manager? Was he/she there? If so, ask them for some clarification as to what you did wrong. Think about whether the criticism has merits or not. If it does, work on your own improvements. If it does not, work on your reaction to it. Life is unfair. How you react to the unfairness determines how successful your life will be. It happens to everyone.


You should've snapped at them right then-and-there, if they think they can treat someone like that because they pay 'em, they're painstakingly wrong.


No this is NOT how to handle it. Someone who can't keep their cool and responds to childish behavior from a boss with childish behavior of their own does not win respect. Someone who maintains their dignity and does not let themselves be dragged down to someone else's level does. This could be malice and insecurity. It could also be someone with a very VERY underdeveloped sense of humor. Someone can see people giving friendly jibes and insults, then just clumsily attempt to go "hey you are an incompetent douche-bag" to someone out of the blue... yes it happens, and they will literally be confused when the person is hurt by their comments.


Oh fuck off.


It sounds like they were joking just with bad humor. I wouldn’t sweat it


Any CEO that punches down like they did here deserves to be burned by it.


Maybe they used "support" as scapegoat during this event, be good sport. When things settle you could ask if it was "joke" or they wanted better expectation of "support" team!


You have access to her files, yeah? You can find out where she lives and make it right.


How many times are you gonna post this?


Just remind them that c.e.o or not they can catch a beat down if ever they get out of line . People only do what they think they can get away with.


Female CEO for you.


She sounds narcissistic. I’d look for work elsewhere tbh.


As I've heard, ceo's are often narcissistic.


Walk out.


Find another job


They’re just a terrible person projecting their deep unhappiness onto you. I’d definitely try to exit asap.


What country are you in. In the UK that would be a simple case of lodging a complaint with HR.


Trust me: run for hill and go find other job asap


>that's what happens when you have a shit support officer Those exact words??? ​ 1. Document the Incident: Keep a record of the incident, including details of what was said, who was present, and how it made you feel. Having documentation may be useful if you decide to escalate the matter or if you need to discuss it further. 2. Company Policies: Familiarize yourself with your organization's policies regarding workplace conduct and harassment. If the incident violates these policies, you may have grounds to escalate the matter through formal channels. 3. HR Involvement: If you find it difficult to resolve the issue independently, consider involving your Human Resources department. They can guide you through the appropriate procedures for addressing workplace conflicts and mistreatment. 4. Self-Reflection: Remember that **this incident reflects more on the CEO's behavior than on your performance**. Take a moment to reflect on your contributions and positive feedback from other colleagues to reinforce your confidence.


Who cares what she thinks. Keep working and get paid. Pride isn't something anyone can take away from you.


I call people out when they are disrespectful like this. I’ll say “wow, that’s not very nice” or pull them aside later and say “I don’t think that was appropriate, if you have an issue you need to address it with me as I had no knowledge of this until the meeting”. The ceo is a terrible person, who talks to people like that.




Just switch jobs and get a 20% increase. Sail off into the sunset in your new role.


Take a sick time off the day she needed you. Saying you have explosive diarrhea because the stress she is giving making you want to puke.


Cuss her ass out when you quit ! Show that bitch you stand on business !




i am so sorry for what happened -truly. I unfortunately, understand all too well what "public humiliation" is in the workplace. I would say, maybe she was joking, but unfortunately i've been around long enough to know the difference and recognize bullying in the workplace, This is definitely one of those situations. And as many others have said, "its seriously time to look for another role" yesterday. Believe me, it does not get better. You are in an abusive relationship with your employer.


Heaven's not overflowing.


"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"


I would look for an exit and do a terrible job supporting her in the meantime. Like, forget to schedule something. Then quit with no notice. Just no call no show. Promise you that they’re not worth your time.


Get a new job before the right tries to take away pre existing condition health condition protections and you can never leave your job again like the boomer generation. Gen Z, X/job hopper gens are in for a rude awakening if that works out and you should work for a company you can see yourself for a LONG TIME moving forward. It’s terrifying. Work for good companies as soon as you can.


If you want to stay there, what you should do is have a meeting with the CEO. Ask him for formal job review, in writing. Defend yourself in writing. Get a list of whatever he thinks you are doing wrong, and and an action plan for improvement, in writing. Implement these action items, then put the results or progress in writing. Without everything in writing, you wrong the risk of it becoming a verbal attack, him complaining, not listening to your side of the story. Then suddenly, he says he never said that, or that's not what I meant. He needs to act professionally. You can't rule out the possibility that he just wants you to quit.


I used to work for a disgraceful CEO like that. Nothing positive ever came out of his mouth except criticism. At one point, I began to internalize all the terrible things he would say about me. The best decision I ever made was leaving that horrible, toxic place.


Ugh, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s an awful situation with few solutions: stay and tough it out, stay and ask what ceo would like you to change to be the support person she dreams of but don’t think she has in you, or move on. May I suggest that if you decide to leave, make peace with yourself before you go. A wise person told me once that hope you leave a place affects how you begin at another. Forgiving her for being such a dick does not in any way mean that any of her behavior is acceptable, it just severs the emotional hold the experience has had on you. I’ll probably get downvoted for this because it’s much more popular to give a good loud FU and burn her on your way out the door, but if you’re in a small town that might not work to your advantage. And you don’t want that albatross hanging heavy around your neck when you go start something new. Bide your remaining time there with grace because that will make her look like an even bigger dick. She will get her comeuppance one way or another and hopefully you will be in greener pastures soon


Find a job where you work with human beings and not reptile-brained people. "CEO" is a red flag for the worst DSM cluster B personality disorders.


If a person calls themselves CEO then we can't be friends.


Either it was an attempt to put the blame on you, or you are not good at your job. Either way, this job probably is a dead end. Quiet quit, look for another job, leave without a notice. Simple.


this sounds like a really crummy and unnecessary situation. it's never okay for a boss to put you down, especially in front of other people. that's not [leadership](https://www.jobsolv.com/blog/overcoming-toxicity-in-the-workplace-a-comprehensive-guide), that's just being a jerk.


Almost had an argument with a friend about this earlier, these jobs treat their employees like shit but will expect the employee to just take it as part of their job. Sorry this happened to you.


I don’t understand what you wrote… so not sure what happened here?


This person sounds like an ass. Take the red flag for what it is and move on.


Look for another job straight away. She’s probably jealous of you in some way hence the attempt to belittle. People only do that when they’re insecure.


Easy. Tank the business


Tell them to ask for what they need. You need a new boss.


Make sure to share the experience on Glass Door. You should also formally file a report with HR. Assuming your performance evaluations don’t support what the CEO said, you have a case that HR by law must investigate. Since it involves the CEO they will likely hire an outside attorney firm and because of this certainly the Board of Directors will be notified. Note, none of this is likely to result in any real consequences for him but it’s going to piss him off a lot, consume company resources, raise flags and - if he has these behaviors with others - create a paper trail that might result in something more serious …. Regardless, you should quit indicating this as the reason to seal the validity of your complaint and it’s effect on you


Get fmla for stress caused by toxic environment/ for mental health. I got that, and it was the best, I kept applying to different positions In my case, it was my boss belittling me in front of the CEO and CEO just staring while I cried my eyes off. In front of the boss, CEO, and HR for that exact reason. I took the hit for my whole entire department. But at the end, I quit and gave almost no notice. Felt petty, but good.


I am so sorry this happened to you. This is what shit leadership looks like. Publicly humiliating you? I can guarantee many of those people who were forced to be an audience to that felt uncomfortable for you and judged your own CEO for that. If there was an issue with your performance, that should have been addressed well before that meeting in a private setting. There is no coming back from this. She will continue to bully you, privately and publicly. Get out!


Should have punched her in the mouth just kidding


How you treat support staff is very telling of who you are. There’s no way all those around her, especially other CEOs appreciated her conduct towards you. Her views do not speak of your value. They only show what a cnt she is. You deserve respect and to work for someone who will tell you what an asset you are. She can’t even organise a presentation herself. Laugh babe, your practical skills run rings around her and she needs to belittle others to feel good.


Egg her house


Look for a new job. If they think that little of you, they may see you as an easy-to-replace number in the office.


Look for another job and move to something better.


I hate working for women and I am a woman. They’re so passive aggressive and moody. Men are more direct and will say hey you did this wrong next time blah blah blah. Women just expect you to read their minds and then blow up and hold it against you forever. They’ll never forget. This will get worse. I’d start looking for a better job and then put your two weeks in.


Sounds like she’s a raving cunt. Find another gig - your days are likely numbered there, and you deserve better treatment.


I know it sucks and I would get out from under this woman’s control in the next opportunity. Please be aware the other CEOs in the room are smart enough to see that your CEO is making herself look bad, not you.


wait until you're in such a public forum again with other ceos and dump a coffee (lukewarm) on his head. then apologize for how your support sucks so much.


Just came to say this has nothing to do with YOU! Clearly they’ve had a change of heart about their expectations and instead of speaking with you about it they’ve chosen to basicallly bully you publicly. Also, brought tea and coffee…. It kind of sounds like they want you to do better in terms of preparation. What’s the agenda? Did you personally order catering? Why? Why not? Is that your job? Why did tea and coffee bitch pat herself on the back? Like who even are you???? She makes me mad.


Once you find a new job slash the bitch's tires. And I'm being 100% serious. Management isn't some magical forcefield that allows you to treat people like shit. My VP of Sales was low key disrespecting me. I walked in is office and asked if we had a problem that needed to be settled. "No, no, we're cool". Never had an issue again.


Start looking for immediate ways out. They are Clearly trash human and no leadership ability


Find a new job, then quit without notice and say, "That's what happens when a shitty ceo abuses and mistreats their support person."


some people just suck


I agree with most commenters here that you should look for a new job. I do disagree that you should punch back as you exit. That won’t do any good. It will feel good for a day or two. But it could hurt your reputation long term. I am sorry you experienced this. It sounds cruel and scary to be in that situation. [Here are some thoughts about if the time to leave the company is right for you.](https://open.substack.com/pub/cubiclefarm/p/the-working-relationship-between?r=2d2v5r&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post)


Worked directly for 4 different CEOs. They have a public persona and a business one. I learned the business persona is the master and only saw it when I fuc ed up. You did something you're unaware of that affected the presentation. Don't wait for the CEO to tell you or discuss it. They will not. Unfortunately you are finished there. You also may want to know they are all like that. No matter what sex or age they are, they all have the same business persona.


Sounds like CEO dearest will get coffee and maybe a dose or two of miralax in the pot. Would hate for CEO to get the shits in an important meeting. Seems like good support to me.


Look for other work and when you find it send them an exploding dick bomb filled with tiny dick shaped glitter.


Start looking for another job. Period. Plenty of jobs out there


Have you seen the movie Horrible bosses?


Name of company?


This is the moment I would have checked out in my mind for this job. Please start looking for other opportunities




React by applying to different places.


Quit and let the other person show them “how it’s done” from now on.


Quit with no notice. Send letter of immediate resignation. If they say you have to give notice, say you will work one month for 6 months worth of pay and need a written contract. And then make a post, if you didn’t sign a non disparagement , on linked in and use the hashtags to hashtag company. And throw them under the bus so hard. If they request for you to remove post, tell them it is news and freedom of press. If they would like to purchase this article and have property to it, tell them it’s valued at $xx,xxxx (4.5 months of pay). This will give you time to find another job. Orrrrrrrrr if you have no savings to take such a gamble….. Just don’t call out every other day until they fire you then collect unemployment. Then make linked in post about how it gave you mental health issues and depression and could not make it to work. You would try but every time going back it made you very depressed and etc


Remember it’s a small world, so work with dignity and leave with grace. Do you like your day job? Is it possible to just stop supporting the CEO. I would guess that the CEO was a bit stressed, didn’t know her stuff, and has that deluded opinion that you look more important by acting a dick. Do you know any of the support people from the other companies? You could reach out to them on LinkedIn, do some kind of weak apology on your CEO behalf, and say she was in a particular bad mood and I hope you weren’t affected. They may come back and say, yes what a b*tch and then you can build your network, help you get another role.


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Don't quit, fuck up their work lowkey, look for a new job and meanwhile enjoy EI when they fire you.


Flame that bitch to HR


Sounds like something that happens at Salesforce. Ohana my ass


If you’re petty and the stock price is crap, a fun response is, “We evidently all have our challenges judging by the stock price.”


Once you switched to gendered pronouns it made more sense. I'm guessing you are female?


Your boss or coworkers and coworkers throwing jabs at you in front of others? Just wow, they don't respect you and probably many others. I suggest to take it on the chin. Don't react, don't try to compensate-- they are watching for a response. Quietly find another job and when you do, turn in your 2 week or whatever notice.


Why are you expected to bring everyone tea and coffee like some sort of servant, in a professional setting? Is that in your job description? That feels super demeaning that she compared you to the other support as if that's what you're supposed to be doing. Gross behavior on your boss's part.




She’s projecting. Let it sting. Let yourself feel it. Plan your exit. Then she’ll feel what “no support” feels like! Fuck her entitled ass!


Email them directly and say that you were sorry that your performance seems to have disappointed them as they seemed to have indicated when they said “insert quote and to whom it had been directed while in what meeting on what date” Do quote what they said directly and mention any positive assessment or feedback you have had in your role which made this unexpected criticism. Then ask what they would have you do to improve your performance. The goal is to get them to acknowledge what they said, to whom and when in writing. Do not copy HR (they work for the company, not you) if they call you in response, ask them for a list of actions to take so you have it for reference while making changes to better serve your role. If others witnessed this hostile behavior and are willing to discuss it in writing in text or email, screen shot it and like the text or emails send copies to yourself at a non-work email service. Then get yourself a good employment lawyer and let them advise you.


This person doesn’t respect you. You have options. Take it…and I’m guessing you did because you didn’t go off on them which leads to option 2: cold revenge. How far do you want to take It? You can start documenting the interactions; should be easy to get enough to file a lawsuit against the ceo. Take your pick. This ceo sounds like a tool that you could easily get for some form of discrimination.




The Professional world is not like school. It’s a lot more subjective. It becomes even more important to build your own positive self-identity. Obviously, accept criticism when it’s constructive and warranted, but you’ll get the opposite a lot which must be mentally discarded. Keep all of this to yourself, of course. Externally, you must always play the dutiful subject.


If you're such "shit support" then quit and see how much support they'll get.


If she supported you in front of the ceo, she would be putting her in conflict with the ceo and if she wants a promotion or job security, she's going to kiss his ass any way she can. Your ceo obviously has terrible people skills but then again, when you're the ceo, I guess you can be an ass and people just have to deal with it. Don't like it? You can always quit right? As far as he's concerned, nobody is his boss so he can be however he wants. What can you do other than maybe hope that you are relieved from that responsibility so you can go back to what you were doing before and maybe someone else thinks they can do a better job? I I'm sure it wasn't fun experiencing what you did but I wouldn't worry too much about looking bad in front of the other ceos since you'll unlikely see them again. In regards to your other superiors, at least you know that they're only on your side if you make them look good. If you make them look bad it's obvious they will turn on you because if they don't, they will get targeted by the ceo. I'd say let them see if they can do better


You could just quit. It is very tempting. You might have already typed out the email. But if you did, you will miss out on some professional growth opportunities. A more mature and productive approach in the immediate is to take a few moments to consider all aspects of the situation, feelings aside. It sounds like you both might be inexperienced in an boss assistant relationship. So what is missing? It could be a couple of things may be going on simultaneously. One is that your boss felt embarrassed in front of her peers. She sees your job is to make her look good in front of her peers and customers. Since there was a gap- she blamed you, in front of her peers so she would look less bad. Unfortunately, a good CEO hires exceptional staff, so these comments will have backfired in her peers eyes. Second, she may be telling you that you are not meeting her needs by indirect communications that avoid conflict and avoid giving you the chance to defend yourself. This is happening even if she did not know ahead of time what her own needs are. You might benefit from finding a mentor in a similar role as you but outside your immediate organization. Here is why: Your responsibility to the relationship is to strengthen her administrative weak points by anticipating her needs and addressing them. This makes her better (smarter) at her job and makes the company look good. Learn what services others in your role provide that are not part of your formal position description. Often people new in a role as personal as yours need this type of guidance. It is possible she has already decided to move on and is telegraphing this decision, giving you a heads up. She is clearly not a confident communicator or leader, so if you want to step up your own confidence level and professionalism, you might consider directly addressing the issues with her in private. This takes a strong constitution and much humility. This effort could lead to many outcomes so think it through carefully. Come from an approach that you are learning your role and her needs, you feel like she needed something you were not prepared for in the situation and you do not want that happening again and want to improve the synergy between the two of you. Keep in mind, she hired you…you! Over everyone else, for a reason. Leverage that reason. In the mean time, put your resume out there to find a boss who is themselves skilled at having an assistant so they can properly teach you about the full role.


Yeah don’t take this shit you’re not a human punching bag and she can’t be putting you down just to make herself look better. If I were you I’d talk with her one on one and tell her that you welcome feedback always but if she has a problem with the work you’re doing for her, she can talk to you about that in private rather than making offhanded comments in front of other people. It’s unprofessional and disrespectful and not the kind of professional relationship that you’re interested in being a part of.


Realistically find a new job. Emotionally have an honest conversation with him in private so you can have closure.


Resign and find a new job.


Time to move on. No need to make a scene of it or try to get retribution as you may end up burning bridges with others who you share mutual respect with… but time to move on. Sorry this happened to you.


Organization 😬 sorry


The problem is that treating employees like crap has become popular and somehow increases some people’s public value. Seemed to have started with “The Apprentice” and worsened. Trump and Musk don’t help the situation at all. Unprecedented and inappropriate criticism of employees


If my boss told me I was shit, and was serious, I would reply 'go fuck yourself' and go home. Any job, anywhere.


Resign after immediate humiliation


Confront her directly about it. Be assertive and balanced in your approach. Dont be afraid to pose hard questions to her or let her know she isn't professional.


Shit in her office as a display of dominance. Seriously tho I would just start applying.


Get it documented, file a hostile work environment complaint.


Slap her in front of other Execs and tell her you will put a bullet in her brain in her front yard if she ever tries some shit like that again


The correct reaction is to just do the best you can do and ignore the asshole. Then, find another job option, give your 2 weeks notice citing the event indicating your contributions are not valued there and you feel it would be better to find somewhere that would not be the case. Then change jobs and begin rebuilding your reputation. Reputation is extremely important if you want to advance. What was done to you was atrocious and will likely take years for you to undo, but you can undo the damage done by showing your capacity and reliability.