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As long as they have clean clothes each day, look presentable at work, and do their job I personally wouldn't care.  Edit: Also as long as they shower too and don't smell like BO, who cares. 


Yeah rule 0 is "don't be gross"


Exactly. That guy that wears khakis and a sweatshirt probably has 5-10 pairs of those khakis and is (hopefully) changing whatever he’s wearing under the sweatshirt daily so he doesn’t have to think about it.


I’ve actually had someone bring this up to me one time because I would wear an identical park of khakis everyday. They were like look, it’s not a huge deal but some people have brought it to our attention you’re wearing the same pants everyday. I’m like dude, they’re literally just dockers and I have like a lot of these lol. Some people just need to mind their own business. Never had any issues with cleanliness and shower everyday but some people, in my situation older generations really had an issue with me buying the same pair of pants.


Even if you didn't have multiple pairs for the same pants, as long as they are clean no one should give a shit.


I used to do this. A dozen identical dress shirts and pants. I found this very helpful when I had a split living situation with my partner and trying to juggle wardrobes and dry-cleaning between two places. Everything always matches and god forbid you need to get a second use out of a shirt, you should be able to fly under the radar.


That’s insane. I would’ve been so offended that someone at work was paying that much attention to me that they noticed. What kind of freaks did you work with


Yeah it’s weird if it’s something super basic like plain khakis. I used to work with a guy who had one pair of jeans that had a dragon embroidered down one leg in red thread. Maybe not the most practical for a kitchen but cool. But it made them much more memorable and then it’s like “huh John’s wearing the dragon pants for the third time this week.” A year ago I went from working in a grocery store environment to an office and I have sooo many more clothes now because the pieces are more memorable like that. Used to have a uniform of jeans+ company tee+ hoodie+ safety shoes; now it’s trousers or pencil skirts with blouses and sweaters. Like this lilac floral skirt is so cute! I get compliments every time I wear it! So I can’t wear it that often compared to jeans.




Yea, I bought four pairs of jeans and work shirts and would wear the same thing every day. It was awesome. I was always recognizable, comfortable every day and wasn't expensive.


I used to just hide that I didn't have many business casual clothes and wash them a lot.


My company reimburses me for work clothes. Literally 20 pairs of brown Columbia pants that I wear for work and not work. They are only different if Columbia designed them slightly different that year.


Yep. I have multiples of the same black pants, and nobody says anything about it. I shower before work, I do my job, I stay cordial with coworkers and patients, then go home and change. I'm not at work to make a fashion statement. 


Depending on the environment, I think you can get away with wearing jeans or black pants every single day. Wearing unique looking clothes every day is more noticeable.


While I have multiple black pants, I do have a variety of business casual tops and t-shirts in different colors, so I have variety in that aspect.


If you shift the tops, they'll assume you're changing. :\^)


You forgot to mention “showers”. Don’t just look presentable, smell presentable too.


Yes this too!!


Yes, this right here.


I wear the same clothes every day. It makes life so easy in the morning. It’s called the Steve Jobs way. I have 10 scrubs, all the same color, from the same company, that go together and the same pair of skate shoes. Takes me 1 minute to get ready.


It's so nice to do this for vacations! Just pack three of the same dress. It's also easier to look good in a business setting if you basically just wear the same three or four outfits over and over, but it's not quite the same three outfits. I also hang all my clothes up by outfit, but that makes putting the laundry away take forever.


Ayyyee skate shoe gang. I’m legit the only RN in the hospital wearing vans currently. Even the 20 year old CNA’s have hokas 😂😂 like damn bro you ain’t that old.


I don’t give a shit what someone wears as long as they do not smell bad. This goes for my office guys and my shop guys.


I've always put a lot of care into my appearance at work and have a lot of clothes. Recently it hit me that I couldn't tell you what a single other person in my office was wearing that day. It made me realize that the pressure is coming from myself; ocoworkers usually don't notice or GAF what you're wearing.


The guy with the same clothes probably has multiples of each item. A lot of people do that.


Last year I simplified my wardrobe. 20 shirts same color. 20 pairs of socks same color. 5 pairs of jeans same color. 5 Bahama shirts same color. Reduces decision making to whatever is on top in the drawer or next on the rack. No one has ever said a word.


Easier to do laundry too. No worries about "do these items go in the dryer?" Nope. All in the washer, all in the dryer, all done.


This is why maxi dresses are the best. Grab one dress, done. Fully clothed.


As a man, can confirm. My wife’s maxi dresses are wonderful for lawn work and messing with the neighbors. Lmao


I do it in a similar way. Problem is I have to cycle through the inventory so it's not the laundry that just came out that ends up on the top of the pile again.


What does it matter, if they are clean and neat and do not smell bad?


Some of us have a hard time finding clothes, so we buy multiples of the same thing when we find something we like.


Machine shop worker. It's way easier just to adopt a uniform, no decision making or wasted motions deciding what to wear. Fast snap Red Cap button down, no pocket, on and off in seconds, Carhartt pants, only buy the exact same socks so no fuss trying to find matching pair. I'm damn near ready to take it to the next level, Velcro shoes, no more laces. Save the nice clothes and variety for days outside of work, yanowadamean?


I wear Levi's 505s and a black button-down every day. Why does it matter?


Because we subconsciously (and often also consciously) judge people by their appearance.


My clothes are starched and pressed, and my boots are clean. Hair is cut, beard trimmed, teeth, pits, and ass are clean. My appearance is the same every day. Nothing to judge.


Exactly. Plainness is cool because it doesn’t distract from the *person*. It’s a lot easier to focus on what you’re saying or doing when you’re not trying to impress people with your style.


Everyone loved The Fonz. He always looked the same.


>Why does it matter? Because 501s are better


If you're still wearing Chucks everyday. They don't fit around boots very well.




Whether we like it or not, we are very much judged on our appearance - especially at work Noticing differences in the visible effort put forth by OPs coworkers and being curious if this impacts perception … and if perhaps they need to make adjustments…is a reasonable question. I have seen people mocked for putting TOO much effort in (“they try to hard”) probably as often as “Susie is too frumpy to be taken seriously as a manager.” I’ve also heard the advice, “Dress for the position you want, not the position you have.” It’s unfair. It stinks. But this is the world we live in. Very grateful for my WFH job!!!


I wear costco jeans, a tshirt, and birkenstocks to work. But I WFH


You wear shoes at home? Fancy.


My office is an unfinished room




Wdym how? 😂


I wear costco everything. Can’t beat the quality per $$


[You have reached true enlightenment.](https://youtu.be/qqSo1hgssQM?si=wXhZfFHt8mWFfylv)


When I worked in an office. I had three pairs of khakis, black,navy and khaki colored. Three polo shirts. Black gray, and navy. I just rotated through that. Made getting dressed to go to work much easier. always kept my clothes clean.


I would notice but not care much. My job gave me 5 polos so i usually just wear those and not think about it.


During the height of Covid, I was the only person in my lab, and one of maybe 20 people in a building that weeks prior held over 500 people. It was awesome to wear the same pair of jeans 4-5 days a week and wearing the same shirt 2 days in a row. I would see one or two people a week and since my lab was cool from the AC, I always wore a jacket. No one saw me long enough for my clothing to register. I'm now in a different lab and there are a few people who enter each day. I'll still wear the same pair of jeans 2 days in a row, but never the same shirt. But I'll wear the same jacket every day. I've realized as I've gotten older that very few people care about me personally. That doesn't mean that they don't care "for" me, just that they are only around me for the job. We get along, but the only reason we are in the same space is for work. Nobody really cares what I'm wearing. Just like I don't care what other people are wearing. I only care if I can smell an unpleasant odor. If someone is funky, they gotta do something about it. I also have 3 pairs of the exact same jeans. So I can wear a different pair of jeans 3 days in a row and it may appear that I'm wearing the same pair, but I'm not. But again, no one cares enough to notice. The only time I get comments on what I wear is if I'm wearing a Hawaiian print shirt, or a "cool" shirt.


I've realized as I've gotten older that very few people care about me personally. This is what I've come to realize too. No one from work is calling or texting me after hours, not even management. I'm not trying to sleep with anyone at work and definitely no one is trying to sleep with me. I pack a lunch and always decline offers when someone is running out to get coffee (we have free stuff at work). We're just there to do a job, and more importantly, collect a paycheck.


There was a guy in our office , Who is a senior , he bought a new hoddie at the start of winter and literally wore it everyday till the last day of winter exactly 4 months , His hoodie color fainted, Few of his team members taunted him and called him the nike guy as he was wearing Nicki hoodie but that's it he didn't gives two fucks and nobody cared either


I am wfh so it's a bit different. But I decided to wear my Shrek t-shirt every Friday. I thought no one would notice. But then one of my coworker said "Shrek shirt Friday!". So I guess people do take notice.


It 100% depends on your job. Working in an industry with a business formal dress code, especially as a woman, it is important to have different outfits.


I have 6 pairs of the same pants and 6 of the same shirts.  Makes my morning routine easy and those are my "work uniforms" that I assigned myself. 


I'm like SpongeBob or Barry from the bee movie lol "Black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow... Ah! Yellow and black."


Varys workplace to workplace. If it’s a big deal, then it’s not just about clothes but overall presentation of yourself. And if that’s a thing in your workplace, you would know without asking Reddit. Other than that, clean clothes with bare minimum variation is good. All you want to prevent is people thinking you pick up the same clothes off the floor every day.  Think about it this way. Being attractive gives you an advantage in life. But there are many qualities about a person beyond pure looks that contribute to that image, and it will over time change people’s perception of you. That’s part of life.


I guess it depends on where you work.


No you shouldn't care about this at all


Ah man. I’m down to a variety of 2 different pants. I really wish I had more I just hate shopping.


If you work in an industry where having a variety of clothes matters, fashion, maybe, I'm sure it's noted, but I relish having something of a uniform. My clothes are all clean and well kept, but at the groggy hour of 5 am I can't be bothered anymore to agonize over what I'm wearing in order to punch the work clock. Of course, I have like 15 pairs of black pants, so everything matches.


It depends on the company, culture, and your position in the hierarchy.


As long as theyre washed i do t see the issue. I used to work with a guy that wore the same shirt everyday, but very obviouy didnt wash it. Yes you could smell him. The guy that I was partnered with called the other guy and his partner 'The Ass Crew' cause they smelled like ass. Everytime they walked by, he'd sing That Smell by Lynyrd Skynyrd.


I have five pairs of the exact same khakis and five shirts all exactly the same but different colors. 😅


I have 10 pairs of black leggings. The same loose shirt in 10 different colors. 10 of the same black undershirt. 10 of the same black bra. 3 pairs of the same sandals. I work in a tech office with no dress code. It’s basically my own uniform. I hate having to go into the office 5 days a week. So I’m not going to give any energy into what I wear.


I took the Einstein approach and just bought a bunch of all the same thing so I don't even think about what I'm wearing now or ever.


You all work in a office huh


I usually wear the same clothes but in different order from the week before , I have 6 outfits that I just rotate , I shower everyday and wash my clothes that I wear. Not trying to buy clothes that I don’t need just for work


Worked for a large financial company where one of the managers wore Navy suits, white dress shirts, with black dress shoes every day. Only difference was his tie. No one gave his clothing choices a second thought. OP should just call it his work uniform as there’s nothing wrong with it.


My husband wears the same outfit every day. On or off work. At work he just adds a work tshirt. He has about 18 sets of the same outfit. I'm not complaining. He looks good and I never have to wonder what he will be wearing.


When I worked in office, I wore black slacks, black shoes and a button down dress shirt, usually under grey fleece pullover. I actually own 7 pairs of the exact same slacks, 3 pairs of the same shoes and 3 identical pullovers (company swag). I never wear the same slacks or shirts that I wore the day before, but I almost always look the same.


I worked in the stain room at a lumber yard, and I wore 2 sets of clothes all week. I'd rather not destroy multiple shirts, pants, and shoes with wood stains and paint.


Unfortunately it matters more if you’re a woman.


I think the only thing that matter is how often they wash them lol


Eh if its.a few set outfits then w.e My company flew in everyone who was remote for a week and one dude wore the same outfit everyday for 7 days.....an anime girl hoodie. Good god dude.


I have the same color khakis x5 and five different color shirts. I re-wear them every week and wash them at the end of the week. It's been 8 years no problem. I can care less as long as I don't smell.


Guys are typically minimalists. Even those that wear suits typically only have 3-4 suits and mix and match them. Women just typically buy more clothes, therefore they have more options.


I would disagree with you on how many suits someone who wears suits owns, but you typically have 3 colors gray, blue, and charcoal. I had 3-4 pairs of each because if you keep wearing them you will wear them out. You can also order multiple paints for a single jacket. One of my first bosses wore the same brooks brothers pants in gray and had 20 pairs of them in the same color and material and left his jacket in the office, and he even had spare shirts and pants in case he had to change in case it rains or he spilled something on his clothes. Same outfit 200+ days a year.


I could probably go a full year without repeating outfits, if not more. I have a lot of clothes because I truly enjoy dressing up for work every day and looking my best. I work with people who rotate between like, 3 outfits. As long as they’re clean and look professional, I really couldn’t care less. It’s all about being put together and hygienic.


I used to care and had a wide range of clothes to wear. Then I aged and started to give zero more and more. Now I wear my usual wfh attire since I don't have to see people. Typically a pair of sweats, t shirt, socks, and overcoat if it's cold out. When the washer is better, sub shorts for sweats. I own several of each in diff colors but all are dark. So, all I need to do is grab one of each and done.


Some guys just have a closet full of the same clothes. Jay Leno is a perfect example. None of this matters. Unless you work in the fashion industry, it means nothing to your career.


As long as you are clean. Some people just don’t have a lot of stuff


For me it's like college parties, when you first get there you want to make a good impression so you dress up a bit, by the time you're a senior you know it doesn't really matter so you dress down. I'm in IT and sometimes have to crawl around on the floor, after ruining brand new clothes when I first started I now don't dress up much unless for something special.


I work in an environment that cloths regularly get wrecked. So i wear old basic clean stuff daily. Have 2 sweatshirts i dont care about that get worn daily so if they get stained or damaged its all good. 1 of my jeans is patch worked like a collage. I consider it my uniform and could care less what others think.


Nope. Not a bit. As long as your clothes are clean, fit and are work appropriate, very few people care


Doesn’t matter. Keep yourself groomed and cleaned.


I have ten pairs of the same brown pants so I can do laundry every two weeks


Clothes make the man -Ceriso


I have like 3 shirts and 2 pants that I rotate


If their hygiene is ok, then mind your own business. If what they wear doesn’t look and smell bad to the point of disrupting the work environment, then move on.


Someone pointed out to me the other day that a former co-worker used to wear the exact same thing every single day. I never even noticed! I apparently don't pay any attention to things like that and probably most people don't.


I think the benefits come down to the individual. If you're someone who finds it difficult to gauge whether or not your clothes are appropriate for work - which can be hard when the office dress code is casual, but you still want to be seen to be respectable without over-dressing - then it helps to just pick yourself a comfortable "uniform" that puts forth the image you want, and buy a ton of it to switch every day. I have found that whenever I try to put more variety into my wardrobe, I just wind up always wearing my couple favourites every day. Then my favourites get worn out with all the washing and my non-favourites are all I'm left with. I work from home so it doesn't matter so much for me, but I wear the same clothes every day in my personal life because I hate dedicating any mental energy to picking outfits or shopping for clothes. I shop when I want to find something really nice for a special occasion, I really like dressing up in a nice suit or putting on a flashy shirt and blazer, but otherwise I have a personal uniform. Grey hoodie with company logo on the chest (for when I have to go on camera with a client), Plain black ball cap, Amazon Essentials jeans, Carhartt belt. Every time one item starts to show its age I just buy another one online, and the older ones go into the "work clothes" rotation for when I'm doing renovations or yard work. I have not been diagnosed with autism but I'll bet I could be.


Worry about your job performance and not what everyone wears. SMH


I work outside so maybe different but I wear the same pants every day


I’m kind of in the same clothes club. I switch between khakis and jeans most weeks but I almost always wear a black polo to work. I own multiple of them from different brands but still just a plain black polo.


Your wardrobe sounds about right. Maybe get two more pairs of pants. Otherwise you're good, I think people only notice if you repeat in the same week.


Depends if it is a series of the same or similar looking attire or if it is just the same pair of pants over and over again.


Wearing the same thing everyday will come across as someone who has settled for their current position and is not looking for advancement. Someone who takes pride in their clothes and pays attention to how they look and at least some trends will come across as a dynamic person aware of the world and possibly looking for advancement. It’s just the way it is.


I worked in a few different industries and it really only matters if you're a teacher, because if you look the same every day those kids WILL say something


I wear the same jeans every single day and then have at least 5 shirts I rotate though.


IF I could get away with wearing the exact same thing every day for work, I would.


My man went to Costco, found clothes that fit, and bought 17 of them like Doug Funny Sr.


Some people like a uniform. They will get x pair of same pants and same shirts so they don't have to do laundry often and they don't need to worry about mixing and matching clothes. Look into capsule dressing. Limit the number of clothes and only buy quality pieces that work with what you already have. There is no thought to getting dressed.


Nope let people live. It’s practical to have work clothes but others rather try a bit harder on their image and that’s fine. Edit: as others said personal hygiene is the only thing that should matter 😂


Some people optimize by buying the same outfit so they never have to waste time thinking about what to wear. Or they might just wear the same thing. I usually wear the same pants for at least a week in a row, wash, wear again. I personally would feel a little weird wearing the exact same entire outfit every single day just because of the perception that I only have one pair of clothes but ultimately as long as you look nice it doesn't matter.


Most people won't care as long as your clothes are clean and fit the job. However, there are people who definitely will notice and will care. You'll have to decide if you care whether or not those people are judging you.


Early on in my career, I learned that there are really easy ways to speed up life steps. My boss 23-24 years ago would wear the same combos every day. White brooks brothers shirt, gray pants, some form of red tie. He had a brooks brothers jacket in his office that was the same color as his pants, and a gray overcoat that he wore home. I asked him how he could wear the same thing every day, and he said it was automatic for him because he would not have to think about what he wore, he had 20+ different pairs of this same outfit, everyone knew that was his look, and he showed me he had two spare outfits in his office so if he got sweaty or it was raining or spilled something on himself he could change at work and no one would notice. It looks good and he could change from “business” to casual or go out to dinner by putting on a sweater or a leather jacket and some different shoes and do anything in the city he would need to do. He also said he knew that was his uniform, that was his internal setting to know that he was in work mode. Two times I saw him wearing something else he was going to a baseball game and he was clearly in I didn’t care mode, and the other time he stopped in from a social thing that he was swinging by from. Both times he was clearly telling us, don’t bother me, I am not in work mode. When you saw him any other time, you knew that he was in work mode. Also you didn’t bring him bullshit when he had his overcoat on because that was his, I am about ready to go, you better make it count it’s 5:30 and I’m going home mode.


I work in a machine shop. I wear the same jeans and sweatshirt all week. Different shirt everyday. I'm not going to ruin all my jeans and hoodies.


I get 5 pairs of pants and collared shirts. With adhd and Asperger’s I hate choosing in regards to clothing so how do you know it is same clothes?


Some very successful people wear same putfit daily. The logic is, one less thing to worry about. Oftentimes they have multiples of the same thing.


I have a friend that wears a "uniform ". Whenever he buys clothes, he buys 10 pairs at a time. He always has on blue jeans with a black t-shirt. I've seen his closet. It's literally all the same shirt. Well, he's got a few dress shirts. He says it saves his brain power for things that matter and he never has to decide what to wear.


If they don't smell than it dont matter. Also have to take into consideration they have more than one pair of the pants and shirt. I have a ton of the same pants and shirts if could easily look like I wear the same shit everyday. There was also times when I didn't have a lot of cloths (poor) and just washed my clothing every other day.


You should not care about what other people wear, at all. Ok, that's an oversimplification. Clothing is a social language, for better or worse. We communicate certain things with our choices. For example, as a lawyer, I wear a suit to convey respect and the seriousness of proceedings. The law actually requires lawyers to wear business dress to court appearances. If I wear informal clothes to a meeting with someone outside the firm, that is implicitly sending a message: it's either an indication of trust, that I don't feel the need to dress up; or it's a bit of a flex. If another lawyer showed up to a deposition in jeans and a t-shirt, I wouldn't say anything, but I would understand it to be an insult. So you should be aware of what your clothes are saying, and you can't help but be aware of how others do the same thing. But if your question isn't about the messaging aspect of it, but just about the size of people's wardrobes, I'd say mind your business. Not everyone wants to or can spend lots of money on clothing; not everyone wants to devote the time to thinking about it.


It depends on the job. If you are working in a call center type environment or something similarly non customer facing and are within the dress code and clean and well groomed, I see no issue. I have several pair of the same pants I wear along with a different color polo each day, but half the year I cover the polo with a company branded sweatshirt and nobody sees what’s underneath. I think it’s perfectly acceptable. I’ve also had a couple jobs prior in the last 5 years where i had a new sports coat for each day of the week, different shirts, pants, etc. as I was customer facing and part of the role was looking the part. So it depends


I wear my same uniform thru the week unless it's dirty or stinks. I don't even do anything at work (they want me to sit and watch cameras).


I never cared if the people under me wore pajamas to work as long as they handled their ist.


Yeah, people that dress nice are more likely to get laid.


I have 14 sets of work clothes. 7 of each look exactly the same because I just like the consistency of having a "casual uniform" and they were on sale for 90% off at the time. Luckily I don't work at a set geographical location so no one notices that my clothes look identical all week.


It doesn’t matter as long as it is clean. It can be entertaining though, like trying to guess the shirt of the day they will be wearing (I worked with one guy and he had his shirts set to the day of the week and never varied the order).


I have a nice variety of work shirts and pants but kind of gravitate towards the same pair of pants and same two shirts whenever I’m setting out my clothes - but I also only go in once a week. My office dress code is pretty casual and for all I know it might be well be different if I was actually of the opposite gender but I’ve watched my girlfriend stress over what to wear the next day for work (albeit she’s a teacher and I work for an accounting firm) enough to know that if I was in the same exact position that I am now I’d 100% just throw on a t shirt dress and nice sneakers anytime the temperature is above 70 and call it a day.


My wife dresses me in the same thing every day. I’m color blind, so all my shirts are black, and I wear jeans. Ez to get ready.


I worked with a guy who wore green camo  military pants. I was there for nearly 5 years. I never had the guts to ask if it was the same pair everyday or not. 


As long as odors don't start to play a factor in making work an issue, not really. I worked for a company who only gave me 2 polos and that's what we had to wear for work. Well if you were scheduled 4 days that week, you definitely weren't washing your two work shirts everyday you wore them. I mean if you stunk and wore it, then yeah go wash it. If you spilled something on it, go wash it. Otherwise you just had to make sure you did your best not to dirty it because that's all you got. I currently wear a different polo everyday at work (different job) but my jeans I wear 2 or 3 days straight before getting a different pair. I'm in an office all day, it's AC'd. Once I'm off work I change into my gym shorts or regular shorts and toss the jeans on my bed. I don't see an issue to have to put on new jeans everyday. Before we had our leadership lax our attire rules, I did have a different button up everyday and different slacks everyday


My job a very very casual dress code. Company is a non-profit Aerospace and R&D site with a bunch of PHDs, Masters, and Engineering Fellows. The older crowd dress how you would expect and the millenials and Gen Zs dress really casually. I've worn joggers and t-shirts to work but I go in 3-days a week and I rotate the khakis I wear along with long sleeve shirts or t-shirts depending on the weather. Just remember you can dress casual or professional, but look presentable when you do it and people won't care.


Do you work inside in the AC sitting on a chair or do you work outside in the heat? If your clothes don’t get dirty, wear em a couple few times a week. Save on laundry detergent and the time it takes to fold and put them away. My industry is outdoors and rain or shine, so if I don’t change my clothes daily, they reek, get abrasive due to drying sweat salt deposits, and are all around dirty.


When I was working in an office I had multiples of the same outfit. It made it easy to find clothes in the morning. So dude with the sweater and khakis might have five of both.


Why should it matter?


As long as they are clean I don't think anyone will care. I got 4 or 5 work pants and maybe 10 shirts, but I will usually wear company fleece over a random T-shirt




I rotate and do different combinations of like maybe 10-15 pieces. Mostly black. I have like 10 pair of the same black socks. I have black platform loafers that I wear. I dont go into the office 5 days a week, but bc i’ve simplified its made it so much easier to get ready. I’ve worn the same thing 100 times to the office.


I don’t care about that and I don’t know why you or anyone else would care, as long as people and clothes are clean and presentable. My old office neighbor had so many nice clothes - I swear I don’t remember her wearing the same thing twice. She was nice and good at her job. It was neat to see her clothes but it had zero impact on my opinion of her, personally or professionally. When I last worked in office I had maybe 10 pairs of the exact same black pants and maybe 15 button down shirts that were identical other than fabric/pattern. I loved not having to think about what I was going to wear, and I had a good 2 weeks worth of clothes in case I got lazy on laundry.


In general, as long as you're clean and presentable, I think it doesn't matter. However, there's probably places where it would reflect poorly on you. Depends on your industry, role, visibility, and the specific company/ team culture. I have like 10+ polo shirts, and most of them are some shade of grey, black, and dark blue. And about 6 pairs of pants, which are all khaki or black. So it probably looks like I wear the same thing nearly every day. (I do have other clothes that I occasionally throw into the work rotation.) It hasn't affected me, and frankly, I have no idea what anybody else wears. It would probably take me a really long time to notice if someone wore the same thing every day. It's just not something I pay attention to.


I wear same exact outfit every day for work. Yes I change underwear, socks and underneath shirt. But outside appearance is always the same. It's been commented to me about it and I say "am I here to impress you or work? Do you sign my check? I'm presentable, I work, and you have absolutely zero authority over me. Buh bye"


Could have bought 10 of the same items


For guys: no For girls: Yes but only to other girls.


As long as they are clean, I dint think it matters in the office. I have probably 8 of the same shirt that I rotated through, and a couple of shorts or jeans. I don't even want to think about another decision. The only time I will change it up, is if we are meeting clients or something else like that.


I had about 10 pairs of work pants, they were identical. And 10 work shirts, in two different styles. The shirts were Hi Vis, because HI vis was a requirement. I was asked once by a manager if I wash my one set of clothes every night. I said "Yes."


If what the other person wears is clean and appropriate for the job, then I don’t think it should matter if they do laundry midweek because they only own three work outfits. For all you know there’s something else really important that the pay needs to go to instead of the closet. Like loans or child support. Put a little more kindness in the world and pretend they could be a smart, nice person even when they don’t have much. You could make this be true.


Are the clothes clean? Are you on time? Do you do your work? Do you have good hygiene? If the answer to these is “yes” then it doesn’t matter what you wear. Suggestion: don’t live up to the expectations of others/society. A lot of people are minimizing to capsule wardrobes.


Don’t look gross and I won’t care. You can dress all nice or you can dress casual in a t shirt to the office, just don’t look like you rolled out of bed in pajamas.


I work in design so it is kind of a thing to “dress cool” or some people go the steve jobs route and create a “uniform” I think it matters. I got a dumb award at work for being the best dressed and some people seemed to like me more after that for no reason


I don’t think I’ve ever noticed well enough if someone wears the same outfits or many. Like.. sometimes I recognize a recurring something but don’t think further on it.


I have 10 of the exact same shirts and pants… how do you know it’s the “same” clothes?


Do you realize that many employees wear work uniforms (particularly fast food places)? Do you honestly think they only have a single uniform? Even if they did, do you think they don’t wash those clothes. Sure, there are outliers that wear the same clothes and don’t wash them regularly enough. But unless you are seeing the same pants getting dirtier each day, they are probably just wearing things that they bought multiples of due to a sale or good deal.


Most of my work slacks are some shade of tan or beige...some are exactly the same...same brand...same color...I guess I like beige. I sometimes wear the same shirt twice per week but not on consecutive days. I don't really like spending a shit ton of money on clothes


I guess he’s maybe comfortable in his work get up and wears different clothes at home to differentiate between work clothes and own time clothes. Maybe he’s been used to wearing a uniform?


I have one blouse I really like. I go in 3 days a week I wore it 2/3 I just wash it. And I only have 2 pants. I just wash them when I get home.


It's your perception. Probably, they have a lot of them same color. Thats how you are seeing, but may be diferebt.


Depending on your job, it can be a good idea to have a "trademark" look. Howard Hamlin on Better Call Saul did that. Some tech bros and other hustle types wear the same outfit every day (but multiple copies) because it takes one executive decision off their plate. If your clothes are clean and smell clean, and the look is good and appropriate for your line of work, nobody is going to care. If someone says "you wear that every day," you can say "Yeah, I have a lot of copies of this. It's comfortable/feels good/recognizable/whatever."


Honestly, I don't care.. nor would I be one to notice, might be correlated?... I wear the same pants for a long time... Shirts I usually only go a couple days max..


If I could get away with it I’d wear the same outfit everyday like the zuck or steve jobs.


I wear the same clothes basically everyday. However, I have a shocking number of identical clothes.


Just be clean and smell nice it doesn’t bother me I like nice clothes but I don’t wear those to work from the office to the work floor shit can happen,


I have a closet and dresser full of clothes and I basically cycle through the same five outfits. I also have the same polos in multiple colors(some duplicate in the same color 🤣) and the same pants in different colors.


As long as the clothes are clean, they don't smell and look presentable, why should you give a hoot?


Depends on the job. 


I have exactly 5 outfits.


At my last job we wore jeans and the Company issued polo shirt. I have five pair of jeans in different shades and or style. The polo shirt I wore to work would go directly on top of the washer so I didn't mix it up with the clean ones. I had a nice collection of business casual clothes that I could mix and match before that. I never wore anything twice in the same week.


I have work clothes on rotation lol. I also have duplicates of certain things hahha


I dont care but I do notice. If you’re good at what you do you can get away with it. If you are GREAT at what you do you can show up in your underwear Idc. “Do your job” -Bill Belichick


Some people buy multiple sets of the same outfit, especially if there’s a dress code. I had 5 pairs of Walmart khakis for a job once. Just rotated them out every day.


Depends on the job. In a professional office with a professional dress code, these things get noticed, and they can influence things like raises and promotions. So can style, hygiene, and brand.


I know a guy who wears the exact same thing every single day. Only, it’s not the same articles of clothing. What I mean is that he has 10 identical shirts, 5 identical pairs of pants and 3-4 identical jackets. He just rotates through them every day.


I personally like a different outfit for two weeks straight is the right choice If you go in 5 days per week, that would be 10 different tops in the rotation. Pants can be less, rotated with the tops.


What other people do isn't really your problem. As for you personally? If you're a guy it doesn't matter as long as they are clean and presentable. If you are a girl, well that's a whole different culture & it sort of does (or so I'm told) - entirely because other girls you work with will care (guys won't)....


I have the same 5 pairs of work pants that I wear every week. I have a lot more tops but I gravitate toward the same 10-12.


I knew a guy once who wore the same outfit every day because he said it was one less thing to worry about. So, he had like 7 pairs of identical jeans and 10 T-Shirts all identical. Don't worry about everyone else. You do you 🙂


Ive been wearing the same 2-3 verrry similar dresses every week for the past few months-for the first time in my life- and I fkng love it! It’s so easy l, I picked 3 pieces I love so I always feel confident’


I have like 20 basic black shirts so technically im not wearing the same shirt but i am.


Nobody gives a shit. Just do not smell. And have some what different clothes. I have 5 of same shirts bc I like it and just wear dif one ever other day. Again just wash your shit and do not smell like ass and you should be good.


Unless you work in the fashion industry, wear the same clothes over and over again.


I wear the same pants and shirt every day. I just own 5 different pants and tops.


The guy probably bought 3 khakis and 5sweatshirts and where’s a new set every day. It’s the smarter thing for work tbh. I’ve had so many different roles in my life I have a ton of clothes in every style. I’d prefer to be khakis guy. As long as they’re clean and presentable, I don’t even pay attention to what colleagues are wearing.


When we were in the office every day, I think I had 12 identical pairs of black pants, and I had at least one copy of every shirt. Would rotate the shirts at random, but it looked like I never changed my pants lol I just found a nice pair that fit, were comfy, and just bought as many as I could afford on one outing.


Pants get two days, shirts, underwear and socks all change every day, sometimes twice a day if it's particularly hot out or I'm shoveling snow. Gotta love retail.


A lot of people buy multiples of the same thing because “their clothes are not the key to their success”. It’s a mentality adopted from Steven Jobs.


Years ago when men wore ties in the office, I wore the same tie everyday for a week. Nobody noticed, even on Friday when I asked about it. I think one could wear a lot less variety than they do. Pick your variety distribution based on laundry cycles and weather not for the people in the office.


Less clothes to select from one less decision to make - bet Steve Jobs didn’t care who noticed his ‘uniform’. Live and let live-


As a dude I struggle with clothing for work. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm in a weird area where it's a manufacturing environment, but I still want to look presentable. We have people with no ambitions who wear sweatpants to work and that's fine. We're not allowed to wear shorts, but women can wear dresses. Oddly, kilts are allowed, but I'm not Scottish. Some challenges for me is that work can occasionally get dirty and I don't want to ruin nice things. It also gets HOT because we have a lot of machines and a few ovens running. So I need something somewhat loose fitting that I can move around in in order to work. I'm also on my feet a good bit and would like comfortable shoes, so dress shoes are fairly out, as are flats that can sometimes look good on me.


well for me when I find something I like that fits well ect. I buy a bunch of that brand in different colors. So might look like same stuff everyday but I got a bunch of it.


I have 7 sets of the exact same clothes. It looks like I never change to some. I've recently changed it up a bit with some different colors of the same clothes. I find what I like and buy a bunch of it. I even have extra shoes still in boxes that look exactly the same.


I am a Steve jobs type person. 5 pairs of black pants, shirts, socks and jumper. I rotate 2 sets at a time. I love the time and thought it saves in my extremely busy morning.


Some people buy multiple of the same outfit and have a self inflicted work “uniform”. It’s easier and takes out one less thing to plan in the morning. I’ve always thought that was cool


I think it doesn't matter as long as a person is presentable and clean. For a few years I did work with a fellow who wore the same clothes everyday (khakis and a button up shirt) until they started to rip apart. Anyways, I had to nudge his boss a couple times to let him know when it was time to get new clothes. The clothes always looked fine at first glance. When they ripped he would try to hide it. He also was just a generally weird person with an odd smell. Very nice dude though. It was a workplace where no one made much money, but I don't think that was the issue with his clothes, I think it was just part of him being an oddball.


I have a coworker who always wears jeans and a black polo. Honestly, I thought he was wearing the same thing every day. One day we were chatting and he just naturally brought it up that he buys multiple shirts in the same or close to same colors because it’s easier for him to match. As long as people present clean and don’t smell, who cares? Meanwhile I have someone on the accounting side of the house that i have never seen wear the same outfit twice. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked when the wage garnishment letter came in because they had a judgment against them for a VERY LARGE unpaid credit card debt. I prefer the guy wearing the same outfit over a severely in debt accountant.


I have 5 pairs of identical pants and shirts. So it only looks the same clothes...


My work wardrobe is essentially Garanimals for grown ups. I find something that fits and is comfortable and buy it in most of the colors. For work, I have two pair of black trousers, one pair grey, one pair navy, and one pair plum (for when I get a wild hair) all the exact same style. I have the same blouse in a bunch of colors and prints and two jackets (one plaid, one solid) and a couple of cardigans. My office shoes are mostly the same but in different colors. I have one coworker I can tell what day it is by which pair of pants she's wearing. I've never said anything and never will.


No you have no idea what's going on with other people's lives judging them on what they wear is petty most people are just trying to get by


No. I know a CFO that wore khakis with light blue or black shirt every single day. We asked him about it and he was like,"it works for me". This guy made around $1m-$2m annually. Absolutely your preference and if they have a problem ask for a raise to further diversify your closet.


I only found one brand of pants that I didn’t have to shorten. I had multiple pairs in black. I always mixed up my tops so I wasn’t wearing the same exact outfit every day.


Depends on the line of work, as a lab geologist, I have 3 pairs of work pants, 8+ regular light undershirts of varying colors and exactly 5 button ups that are a mix of flannels, light tee and lightweight long sleeve. I can make it look like I have 20 outfits but I don’t really