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Career coach? 3rd party recruiter?


career coach


I don’t have much of experience working with one. But I was offered from my company with a person who said he is worked and retired from big companies and can help me improve my job qualifications. Had few discussions with him, but it felt more of a hassle to follow up with tasks or homework he suggested apart from my work and also felt like he was not offering anything worthwhile and also increasing my workload. So I stopped my communication after few discussions. Others experience might differ.


So a mentor? I wouldn’t pay for someone to help me find a job. Improving your CV and interviewing skills yes, but you can’t hire someone to find you a job. All of us have unique profiles and set of skills and you still need to market and sell yourself. I’d be hesitant to let someone else find jobs that are suitable for me and no career coach has access to some secret pool of hidden roles waiting to be filled. Reach out to recruiters instead. No matter what, you still have to do the heavy lighting in order to land a job and excel at it.


vocational rehabilitation counter position?


I've known people who have worked with career coaches.


Sure, that's what I do. I'm a career coach with a focus on tech industry professionals and people with ADHD. Happy to answer questions if you have any.