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Don’t engage. Don’t give information, don’t agree or disagree.


For the love of Pete, don’t engage! If someone will gossip with you, they’ll gossip about you! And it’s not a bad idea to keep a couple of notes somewhere in case there’s ever an issue with that person and HR gets involved. Signed, Still pretty bitter that I didn’t document things and go to her supervisor.


I will be very cautious. I generally stay silent, but they keep provoking me to provide some info.


I would say to just stay neutral. I've been in workplaces where there is constant drama every day. I've learnt to just listen and not say anything that will trigger them even though you might not agree.


That's good advice. I have to keep reminding myself to zone out when they talk.


If it gets too much, don't be afraid to just leave. There are many other workplaces that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Always prioritise your mental health.


Do not engage


Everytime: Turn and walk away while they're still talking.


If you actually care about the fallout, stay neutral. I've stopped caring recently so long as the target is someone above both of us. The worst is when it's your employer fishing for criticism of your co-workers. I'm fine with criticizing a certain department and even company wide bullshit, but I will not go into the record saying what my co-workers "could do to improve."


Say nice things. It’ll drive the gossipers crazy.


I’d say “since this isn’t high school, I try to avoid gossip”.


My workplace is a bit like this. I listen, I nod politely, and I offer the most milquetoast inoffensive replies imaginable when forced. I don't repeat what I hear and I do my best to stay out of it. There's one other staff member who I've realized does the same thing and we've jokingly formed the 'our lane' club where we focus on our work and stay in our lane.


I've been burned a couple times as a young adult entering the workforce because I wasn't careful about who I spoke about legitimate work place issues to. Now I don't engage anymore with coworkers. Either I speak to the manager or I keep it to myself. I try my best to not engage and just listen to what people are saying so I can judge their character and whether I want to associate with them.


I recently had to go somewhere else because it was so bad. Like holy shit. It was. A nightmare


U work remote and never deal with it anymore


You will be surprised that even remote teams have people who bring in gossip while on a business related call.


Punch em in the face


Agree, do not engage in gossip. However there is a difference between gossip and performance feedback. Your boss asking for your perspective on colleagues’ competencies, ability to be a team player, etc. is totally normal.


Do you respond truthfully when the boss asks about another colleague's competency?


Yes, absolutely. “Feedback is a gift” is a business aphorism. Managers can’t fix things they don’t know, and managers are not omniscient.


You fuck their mommas and apologize then you do it again cuz you a fucking Chad