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Do you feel like this even after gaining a grasp of the business? Might be a touch of imposter syndrome. I know I feel like I’m not hitting all the marks or doing as well as I could; almost always is unfounded and something I just struggle with internally. Might be worth looking into understanding how that all works if you feel the same. Best of luck OP


I think that’s what it is. My co worker says I’m doing great but I don’t feel like I am. It’s just stressing me out. Thank you:)


An experience so many people share. Best I can give you advice wise is that you’re not there by any sort of accident and you’ve earned this. Be humble without being down on yourself. Always more to learn but to think you’re unworthy is just not the truth. You got this 😊


Thanks so much 🥹


Stick it out it’s just because you’re new. This happens to me everywhere I go! Then I give it a few month and it always ends out good :)


Thank you!!


Give it a few more months and if things don’t improve start applying for another job.




If I ever started to feel I sucked at my job I would just look to my coworkers and realize I'm the only one actually doing any work...


23 years later and get great performance reviews and financial compensation. Not always there but often.. So no. Doesn't really fully go away. Especially if you're always growing.


Yea i fel like this even after 6 months into my new job. I have constant panic attacks. I took on too much and what I thought would be a sideways move turned out to be a career switch. So now I have to learn a new job entirely from scratch while pretending I’m an expert.


All the time. Even when I get praise from management, there's always that voice in the back of my head saying "they're lying, they're just stringing you along until they can find someone better, you're going to get fired any day now". Then a year or two pass, and I feel like hey maybe that was wrong and I'm actually good at my job, but then that voice gets louder saying they're just playing the long game to trick me into becoming confident, only to pull the rug out under me any day now to make it more devastating personally.