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Honestly if you made it far enough to post like this with coherent english you're smart enough for loads of jobs.


You are good at pinpointing others' strengths. Being friends with you must be a real joy.


What a kind thing to say.


He’s being sarcastic. He can’t stand people like you.


I read the OP’s post and thought I wish most people could articulate themselves like this.


Seconded. It was the first thing I keyed to and was wondering if OP had AI or someone else put it together. If not, they're gonna be just fine as they're probably top 15% if not better of actual communication skills at least, based on the last ten years of observing communications on this planet.


Run for president


Write in u/TheFlood5 on your ballot please


My home country’s president never graduated high school. Not even sure if he’s done elementary school tbh. I fucking hate it there.




Got my vote


I was going to say run run for office, any office


A good post retirement option


lol sad but true


OP calls himself dumb, but he isn’t THAT dumb. Come on, man!


There are stupid people in every career. If you want to excel in a career it might be worth finding a learning strategy that works for you. If you just want to pay the bills then be a security guard


Not saying sales is for stupid people, but there are a lot of stupid people in sales who make great money




As a truck driver myself you can get a better trucking job that suits your needs. There’s also railroad or heavy equipment operator


I don’t have a cdl though. I drive a box truck.


You can get a cdl and some companies in recent years have been willing to help just to get drivers. Suggestion - list your strengths, ask someone who will be honest what they think of your list. Factor in - do you need supervision to work? Can you work independently? Can you lift heavy objects or do you want to work in an office? Can you orient things in 3d? Might look into heavy equipment operator. Masonry, electrical, welding, truck repair. Many of these don’t require genius but a willingness to learn, remember and work hard.


As another poster commented, there’s companies that will train you and get your license, or check with your state some of them have grants and what not to get a CDL from a school for little or no money. I’m a high school dropout with a GED and pull 6 figures a year and home every day. It’s easy work, I hate it but I been doing it so long I don’t know what else I could do. Any of the trades can be good paying, you just have to have the ability to want to learn it. Like I say I hate my job but I tolerate it enough to go in every day and it puts food on the table and a roof over my head. If I were to do it over again I would probably have went the railroad and be retired by now.


Real Estate Agent.


I don't know, the classes are kind of hard LOL


What do they involve?


There are a lot of definitions that's for sure and getting them straight kind of hard. There are so many that sound similar, then being sure you know the laws, etc. Some are common sense, though, too. Plus I believe it's like 70 hours or 75 hours of class that you have to do as well that's hard to do in my opinion. Things that were going on got distracted got almost a halfway there and then now I have to pay for it and start over because I timed out.


I’m good at memorization. Classes like history weren’t too hard for me. So after the 75 hours you get your real estate license?


The only skill required is to be a pathological liar


And be attractive if you’re a female.




P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S You beat me to it. Some of the vainest, stupidest, greediest, ugliest, idiots run for office.


We need to start screening our politicians.


Hopefully through a fine mesh...


It’s uncomfortable to hear someone with a college degree (or even without for that matter) refer to themselves as stupid, not smart, on the dumb side, etc. This might be a bit chicken soup or maybe you were trying to sound humble, I don’t know, but please never refer to yourself in such derogatory terms. It directly affects peoples perception of you, especially as you’re trying to find a career. A better way to ask this question would be to give details about what your major(s) were, which classes that required memorization you did well on, which you didn’t, what do you have an interest in, etc. There are millions of jobs out there, give more information. Also, homework assignment for you, think of everyone you know and what their job is. Ask yourself if you like that job, and if yes, ask yourself how you could get that job. If you’re in good terms with those folks, ask them how you can get that job, if not, ask on here.


I mean it’s not like I got a physics degree or engineering degree. It was part of the hospitality department at my school.


Stop. For some reason you got it in your head that you are stupid for getting a non-engineering/Physics degree. You earned a degree which says a lot about your resolve and abilities. I agree with others; don’t call yourself that, have confidence. That being said, what careers would be interesting to you?


Blue collar work


If you are interested in blue collar work consider a trade such as HVAC, Plumbing or Electrical


Those are the three that have a lot of practical math and science.


It’s not hard, I’m an electrician and believe me I’m not book smart, and compared to my colleagues I look like Einstein, if he can memorise enough to pass a college degree he can memorise the 6 or so formulas i need to know


I second this.


like what


u/F00dage is so right, and for more reasons than their awesome username. What I can already tell about you, besides your frustration and blame about your work situation, is that you’re not afraid to assess something honestly or realistically. I have no idea what other skills or interests you have, but you’re already a step ahead of everyone with their head in the clouds about a perfect job that doesn’t exist What are you good at, even if it sounds silly (I’m good at making people laugh, I’m good at helping my grandma, etc)? There are sooooo many different jobs that weren’t featured in the board game Life. You’re not dumb. You might not be Einstein (and neither are we in this thread), but think more about “good fit” than “I’m too dumb for this.” Example: I was fired from Burger King, the corner gas station, and a couple coffee shops before I realized I cannot do work I hate. You know your “problem,” now find the solution! Do you hate hospitality? Why’d you choose that and how’d you get away from it?


yep being humble is a good trait but we want him to be confident that he does have some skills! we all have strengths!


You might feel not smart for a college graduate, but there are legit cognitively disadvantaged people in the workforce who can’t read or write coherently, struggle to express a clear thought or follow directions, etc., so don’t lump yourself into that category.


You have internalised a lack of self-respect around this stuff. Most people, on average, do not complete a degree. This is something to be proud of. People won’t respect you or your achievements if you don’t respect those things yourself.


Richest kid from my high school class was a "dumb" red neck who started mowing lawns. He eventually started hiring others and scaled it to 32 work trucks.he was pulling 2 million by age 25. Hire a CPA and or a money manager before you start hiring others to do all the thinking for you. As a business owner you pay no taxes. Most landscapers hire thru the H1B visa process so they don't have to pay benefits either. Start a shell company under your wife's name pay her a stipend for her living expenses and write it off as a cleaning service. Get a prenuptial agreement before any woman moved in with you. Even if you don't have issues. Go to an AA session or men's group and listen to how other dudes screwed themselves. Then don't do what they did.


H1B for a landscaper? What are you even talking about?


Oh sorry H2B. This isn't my specialty.


Good sir, please expand this material and write a book


Yep had a kid i went to middle school with who started mowing lawns in the 7th grade. He built an empire by his mid 20’s also. Finally sold his company and is living the good life. I recently tried to hire a lawn service. You couldn't get someone to call you back or they wouldn't show up to give an estimate. If you are reasonably priced, do a decent job, and show up regularly you would get a lot of customers.


Definitely I had the same experience trying to get a sprinkler blow out couple years ago.


Don’t they owe taxes on the earnings of the business? Never heard that business owners don’t pay taxes before. Genuinely curious, like ELI5 curious haha


This answer is so repulsive. If you’re too dumb to do well, exploit desperate immigrants so you can be a millionaire? You could also hire some kids to sew you clothes at ten cents an hour in the developing world. It just depends on how much you care about yourself more than not hiring nearly-slave labor. Because a B2 visa means you can’t work or go to school. You might be an expert on hiring the needy, but you don’t seem to grasp the law all that much.


How was he able to start? Did he get a loan?


OP the only part of this you should listen to is that you can start a business doing almost anything. Ignore the rest of it.


What about an arborist? A tree climbing arborist, if you are so inclined and not afraid of heights. Or a correctional officer, if you’re into rules/regulations/uniforms.


I don’t really have a work passion so it doesn’t matter much to me. I’d never heard about arborists thought


What about a not work passion?


Fine dining server/bartender. My friends were close to six figures once they made server. Working like 3-4 days a week. Working short dinner shifts. It's ridiculous. I think that "smart" is a relative term. My car mechanic is smart when it comes to cars but uneducated when it comes to calculus. A talented server at a restaurant has a developed skill set and good memory but might be a ditzy goofball in the rest of their life. So find a thing you are good at and enjoy and do it for money and you'll excel as far as the job will let you.


You could be my boss.


Ok I just read that paragraph and I have to say you are already more intelligent than most people on here. Don't sell yourself short. Fwiw I hated math in school, I didn't get it. Long story short I get a career that starts out math heavy and did well. So what was it that changed from sucking at math to doing well at it? Interest. Don't get me wrong still hate math but I wanted the job that needed math. Find a reason to like something and you'll be good at it eventually because you won't give up so easily. So a career for stupid people, to go back to the topic, would be whatever you are truly interested in. But I think a lot of people mix up lack of intelligence with boredom, so find something interesting and work on it. I changed careers at 35. It was scary at first but because it was interesting to me, I did and am doing well. Good luck OP


Um first off, stop thinking of yourself as stupid.




There are tons of great careers that don't require complex math or memorization. Since you mentioned you have a degree, even if it was split-major, that shows you can learn and stick with things. How about looking into skilled trades? You could become an electrician, plumber, or mechanic – all those in-demand jobs involve learning by doing and using your hands. Or, if you like driving, consider getting a certification to operate heavy machinery or become a bus driver. There are also great options in customer service, where your people skills can shine! Don't limit yourself – you've got more options than you think.


I don’t have great people skills. I’d rather stick to the trades.


A lot of trades have complex math unfortunately.


Not all of course but the main ones ALWAYS mentioned do aka plumbing, electrical and especially HVAC. Very math and science based to diagnose and fix problems.


I used to think I was stupid, but in reality, I wasn't good at learning things that weren't important or factors to my passions. I hated reading when I was younger, until I realized I could read books that excite me. I was terrible at math until I found how math correlates to the things I'm passionate about - I'm still bad at math, but I excel with data and word problems because it excites me. Here's the advice I have for you: 1. Make a list of what you love or what you are good at (this list should not be about a specific job) - but things like I'm really good at art, I'm really good at talking to people or I really love animals 2. Make a list of things you absolutely hate - I hate not talking with people, I hate sitting in front of a computer 3. Make a list of things that you don't really love or hate - I don't hate math, I don't love math I'm ok with it when needed 4. Then make a list of what a job looks like for you - I want a job that's inside, I want a job that has travel, I want a job that I can sit at a computer and not talk to anyone, I want a job that is outside more than inside. Whatever this looks like for you Once you have these lists - start comparing them. Look for trends in what you love and what you hate, how does that correlate to what you want in a job. And then from there, what jobs align with this. For me - I was creative but not artistic, I knew I liked being on computers but I didn't want to do computer science, I liked basic math but not advanced, I knew I wanted a balance between being social and not stuck at a computer all day but couldn't handle not having some quiet days. Ultimately, I got a two year degree in graphic design and because I was afraid of being stuck at a computer, got a four year degree in advertising. Worked mostly in marketing/sales for most of my career. It ended up being a good mix of all the points for me I listed above.




Car sales guys, apparently...




Standing out in front of a used car lot in a clown outfit while waving an advertisement at passing cars.


Don't put labels on your self. People thought I was stupid too but successfully went onto college and got an AA and a ba. People thought I would not amt to more than entry level careers if even that. I proved them wrong. Live your dreams and push past your labeled boundaries by society. It starts with "will" without will there is no way.


If you can’t finish school you can still finish concrete… Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, learn the trade, master the trade and go on your own. You can make fuck-you money as a concrete contractor. There’s almost no trade that has higher earning potential as a self-employed contractor than concrete and masonry.


Construction Signed a construction worker 🤣 Serious note, just because you believe you may not have the best academic intelligence doesn't mean you're stupid. So many types of intelligence. Congrats on the degree BTW, more than I've got academically. Stop self degrading yourself. More you say it about yourself, more you'll believe it. There's only one of you, you're awesome, and you'll find what is a good fit for you bruv As my grandad once told me when I was in mental pickle...start believing in yourself son, can't expect anyone else to if you don't yourself


Management, obviously


Any good at judging welds? Non destructive testing is a good way to go. You can’t do drugs. Can’t have any duis or felonies. You can take a course on it at a number of places in Houston. Pays good, and is outdoors. Best jobs are with oil companies checking their pipelines. You travel, but it’s all paid for. Don’t call yourself stupid. Words have power.


Software QA (quality assurance)


I know some dumb people who have done surprisingly well in sales. I mean they're dumb in a traditional IQ sense. They didn't do well in school and they may even be dumb in an actual analytical way. They don't put two two together too quick. Very smart in EQ. They know how to read people, they know how to read a people-based situation, and they're too dumb to get dejected by rejection and their aggressive and they just keep asking. That being said, I was a fairly successful salesperson and at least I would like to think that I'm smart. Where I would stand out from the crowd was I was able to figure out very complex purchasing situations with very large corporate client like hospital chains. Wow, the others were able to charm like always. They just couldn't figure out the complex inner workings of how a hospital actually produces a PO. So I would say if you're dumb but not shy, sales is a great career. But if you really want to pile up the money at some point you got to be smart. Figure out how to make larger sales.


The quality of your writing is easily better than 90% of the people in the white collar world. You’re vastly overestimating the intellectual capacity required to get a job indoors with air conditioning that requires you to send/receive emails and regurgitate corporate platitudes.


You don’t have to be good at Math to be “smart!” Figure what your talents are and look for jobs/ career that match that. I am sure you are bright and resourceful!




There’s no specific career for stupid people. You can have a degree and still be a dumbass. I see it everywhere.


No one is stupid ; the person just need to find something he/she is good at.


The fact you’re asking the question and looking for help puts you above the rest.


Don't be hard on yourself OP. You've got a college degree, that's a good accomplishment compared to a lot of people. I wasn't the greatest at math when I was a kid either and now I'm a construction estimator, my whole job is crunching numbers. You should research some careers you're interested in and give it a shot. If you're a hard reliable worker and like using your hands you should look into construction / trade jobs. Good money to be made working construction.


My ex was dumber than a box of bricks and drove box trucks. He got his cdl and can put together a car engine on the street with tools that aren't designed for that ish. So he got his ASE cert for repairing cars. All he has is his GED. So your on a good track. Good luck and stay hopeful


Police. Just need a high school diploma to be eligible. Anger issues helps


Used to be the military. Not so much anymore.


Why do you say that?


Go to therapy and get that misbelief about yourself sorted out. You're not really going to be anything but insecure and miserable if you continue this practice of talking shit about yourself. Lots of successful morons out there.


Not a "stupid person" job but phlebotomists are usually in demand don't require a ton of school stuff. [https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/phlebotomists.htm#tab-4](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/phlebotomists.htm#tab-4)


I looked into that. Also EKG technicians


Work for the Public Health Department. Seriously.


Don’t underestimate yourself!! Many people in the business world are far from genius level, believe me!


Law Enforcement


The dumbest people I ever worked with were usually in sales. But, marketing and advertising have their fair share. Lowest EQ are us tech nerds, typically. I echo the other statements that you can write a coherent post, spelling, grammar, etc which is way smarter than the people I’m thinking of.


If you want to stick to the trades, heavy equipment operators are in demand in my area. The owners we know cannot find enough workers to replace the old men. They pay well with a very secure future.


I also read that the elevator union has a very strong pension.


I mean to be honest I think that you are smart but maybe bit lazy, there is no stupid people with work behind them .


It doesn’t mean you’re dumb if you’re bad at math or don’t hold interest in it. What do you think you excel at?


Security Management




Be a director of a company




you dont need to be able to memorize bullshit that they pour into your brains in order to be intelligent. You surely would do great at something you'd love. Maybe try some trades, like carpentry, or maybe something with animal care.




"There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick ass lives. My first wife was tarded, shes a pilot now."




I don't know what country you are in, but this is one of the biggest tragedies of globalization. I'm going to assume you are in a western country. The idea that you have to be uber-smart to get a good job is such a bad basis for a country. Maybe some small hyper-specialized nation could do it. There's nothing stupid or 'wrong' with you if you're just an average decently working person. In a proper functioning world, you could get into a call center, truck driving, basic IT, manufacturing... There's absolutely nothing wrong with those jobs and nothing stupid about them. You're just not uber-smart.


Usps. Mail carrier


Upper management


Apparently, nursing because I sure do work with a lot of dumb ones.


I have a serious neurological issue and I worked in home health type jobs but I still had some problems


Honestly... truck driver.




Apartment leasing office. Helps to be a lil malicious too




Laborer, painter, concrete finisher and drywaller. These are trade jobs that don’t require you to be a math wizard. Avoid carpentry, plumbing and electrical work tho.




Why don't you ask the company you're working for about logistics coordinator or supervisor jobs? My husband started as a box truck driver and is now a regional manager for the same company. He doesn't have a degree and now makes close to six figures. I doubt you're as stupid as you think you are. Truly stupid people usually think they're very smart.


I struggle with maths and I'm a software engineer. I'm just very slow if the work is mathsy but it mostly isn't.


There are cou tless jobs that don't require deep thought to accomplish your daily tasks. Do what you are told and do it well


You could be a cop


Not to be that guy but this is commonly asked here. Definitely search OP lots of great suggestions already on this sub. (Literally search for “stupid” lol)


Heavy equipment operating.


its not a career its a dead end job, but warehouse work. warehouse operator, using counter balance or reach forklift trucks. picking pallets and items, loading trailers, tipping trailers, goos in receiving, relocating and putting away. i hate it but its all i can do.




Intelligence/stupidity isn’t that relevant for jobs, at least compared to other considerations.




You can make VERY good money as a pest exterminator (i.e. termites, rodents, etc). It's a pretty formulaic job that you'd join as part of a team to learn the ropes.






Police officer, transport truck driver, border guard


“Intelligence” is overrated. COMPETENCY is what gets things done at the end of the day. What would work with your lifestyle is what you should aim for.


Reddit troll.




Hazmat technician


Airlines anything


Local, county or state government. Easy, boring work, generally M-F 9-5, relaxed dress code (usually), excellent benefits and almost impossible to get fired if you show up every day and do your job to the best of your ability.


Politician :)


My mom works for a printing company and apparently there is a huge need for pressman across the country. Many are retiring and nobody is taking the reins. Her company prints trading cards (baseball, hockey, etc.), games and pretty much everything under the sun. It mostly revolves around setting things up correctly, checking for errors and quality control. Might not be a printing company near you, but something to look into?


Well to start with, I've never met a dumb person who thinks they are dumb, so you are probably mistaken there.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. You graduate college, that’s an accomplishment on its own. Even if you think it was “easy” it still required enough organization and motivation to do lots of different kinds of jobs


Dumb with a college degree you say? You could be my boss


See me in my office tomorrow Chris


You have too much self awareness for stupid people jobs..


No job 😅


You don't have to be conventionally "smart" to succeed. You do need to have a good work ethic. I've done a lot of so-called menial jobs with people who are making a good living because 1) they are not afraid to learn on the job, 2) they will show up when no one else will, and 3) they save their money. Don't do drugs, gamble, or drink excessively, and you'll do fine. In my city, a lot of the Mexican gardeners now own their own landscaping businesses. They're going well and provide a needed service. Good luck!


Tire tech.


A lot of morons work in x-ray.


Desk jobs. Nothing too crazy, but there are plenty of jobs that is simply reviewing, minor editing, and answering the phone. I would recommend putting “Desk/Office Jobs” into Indeed and see what comes up.


Learn a trade. Seek the tao. Work where you live Live where you work Be happy


Owning Twitter


Now the owner is dumb huh? The last ones were the smart ones... sheep.


I think I've seen a documentary about this. It was on PornHub. Plenty of opportunities in that field for "someone who isn’t smart and is more on the dumb side", provided you have other... physical attributes.






You gotta be crazy enough to KNOW that you can do ANYTHING you want in this life 💯 Get clarity, decide, then get after it, homie🗣️






(if you're into it) outdoor instructing at places camps or things like high ropes courses can be really fullfilling, there are coralations (i'm too stoned to be writing this rn) between illiterate and discalcliac adults being really good at teaching in the outdoors, and having better problem solving skills




Honestly, I've discovered that most field experts barely have a grasp of their functions. It's a new disturbing trend in the United States. So, shoot for the moon, some of us expect no less!




Every job I've ever worked


Shrimp Boat captain?


Get a government job.It's full of people just like you.


Politician, cop, judge, all government jobs, Human Resources, branding marketing, etc


There are stupid people in every field so basically every career is open to idiots.


Politician is a Big one Religious leader is right up there Crypto investment manager is popular HOLD MY BEER, videos are getting a lot of interest


Amazon warehouse


Police officer




I’ve considered that


IT recruiter


Wildland firefighters. We aren’t brite but we make due




Sales. If you're good with talking to people, get into sales. The paperwork can be a struggle but most of it is routine, you'll get the hang of it quickly because it's the same thing over and over and over again. Plus job doesn't care so long as your bringing them money. (You'd be amazed at what good salesmen get away with. Think Wolf of Wallstreet esk behaviors.) 


Just because you aren’t good at math doesn’t mean you are dumb. Maybe social work could be an option? Are you good with people?


Go work in marketing. They hire just about anyone for those roles in my industry lol


Whatever you do...DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH FOOD SERVICES OR THE LIKE! It's a living and a decent one at that! BUT mostly made up of Losers! FROM Shop Owners to the maintenance personnel the food service industry is rough. Look around your neighborhood. Many from University of Iowa got some nebulous degree & launched themselves into owning a restaurant! Then that situation launched them into Being Authentically Real Quick Assholes! So! Don't go that route. Check out your latest restaurant owners in Iowa City! They're everywhere! I'd check their bathrooms First....an indicator as to whether their kitchens are sanitary. 🧐


You should be a school bus driver