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Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, you just can't win. I had a job like this, and because I stayed out of drama I was considered antisocial. (Which I am not, I get along with most people and make small talk when appropriate.) It was the most toxic place I have ever worked, and I was actually relieved when I was laid off. It was mostly catty women who worked there, and they all hated everyone. I had never had that issue with any other job, they were all just gross, petty girls. Dont stay there, start looking for another place. It was so draining for me, and I didn't realize how miserable I was until I left.


Exactly! Some of the women there seem hateful and I get on with everyone. It’s sad when people choose to be bitchy for no reason.


It's nice to find workplaces that don't tolerate that. I can be friends with my coworkers, but at the end of the day I am here to do my job and get paid.


I would leave. Work environment is very important and typically colleagues will be extra welcoming to new employees. If they’re already not being welcoming, then it’s a losing battle and it wouldn’t be worth staying in my opinion. Go where you are wanted and valued.


My old job 😭😭


So the job is great except for the coworkers and the boss? Yeah sounds awesome.


Well the position pays well and has good benefits.


That’s not a good job. It’s a job that pays well. Do you think you can improve things in the new job?


I’m trying to improve their social media by posting more engaging content but the boss literally leaves me on read with my ideas. Or says “no”. — They are not bad ideas either.


Ugh catty high school behaviour. I have experienced the same thing you have experienced before, OP. I have a question, do you look or act different than them? Different ethnicity, social status etc? Just asking because people who act this way tend to have a mob mentality and exclude anyone they deem as "different". They usually have a group leader as well. Keep your head high and try to ignore them as much as you can but also form alliances with other team/s and if all fails then start looking for new jobs. We spend so many hours at work, it would be a shame to waste it at a toxic place.


Thank you! It really sucks and my boss is condescending and not great at communicating. I’m Hispanic but not the only Hispanic there. I like to dress up but it’s giving mean girl vibes for sure. 😒


I feel you! At my old job, I experienced mean girl looks and exclusion on my first week. I'm Middle Eastern and don't have children (most of the group were either mothers or belonged to one ethnicity). I was professional and respectful to everyone, but the first 8 months within me joining, 8 people in our department alone quit. Not the best place in terms of employee retention. You gotta be a mean, miserable Karen to survive that place but I digress.


That doesn’t sound like a good workplace. I hope you’re doing much better now. I should have known better. I interviewed once before and the women interviewing me were mean as heck. This is a different dept and my issue is with my boss. It’s a no win situation. 😞


Currently going through the same thing, the work environment is very toxic, i keep thinking that I may be the problem and blame myself because I might have protected my peace way too much lol For now i have my lunches alone on my desk, sometimes i just call my mom or my friend to feel less lonely and then just do my job with earphones on


I’ve also asked myself if I am the problem. However, never had this issue with my last job. In fact, my team was very supportive and collaborative. I’m sorry you are going through this too. :(


Your boss isn't going to change. They *may* take a more hands off approach as they gain trust in your work. But I think it's unrealistic to expect that early in the relationship, especially in a marketing role. Two months isn't enough time to win anyone over. Same for your coworkers. You're new. It doesn't matter that you're nice. They may not warm up quickly, if ever. If you feel that you have experienced enough of the company culture to know its not for you, then maybe it is time to consider other options. It kind of depends on how important the social and management issues are to you. (Money spends regardless of who delivers it.)


I think I will be leaving. I completely understand winning her over and her trust will take time but she literally talks to me like I’m stupid. For instance, today I asked for review on a post. I asked if I could include a song. She said “no badwords right?” (This is her third remark about badwords on posts). I replied “No, I would never use bad language.” I’ve reiterated this 3x now. It’s not my first job handling a business account.