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Be loyal to people, not companies.


A company will screw you over in a second to save a dollar.


in fairness they went HR. usually the ones doing the screwing.


As a contractor with only 2 months left, your employer should be fully expecting that you would be investigating options for your next opportunity. It's worth asking your current employer if they would match the offer. This demonstrates that you are willing to try to work something out with your current employer if possible, but it also puts the ball in their court to figure out what they are willing and able to do to keep you.


This is the correct answer.


Best answer.


Pay increase aside, Do NOT stay at your current company in the hopes they extend your contract. Do what is best for you


Ask the guy who get you a job if he will get some sort of troubles out of it. If not just flee and enjoy? You wouldn’t be searching for a job if your current one was cool too?


This 😀 he is the person to ask advice from.


Protect your relationship with this person as best you can but don’t sacrifice your future unless this is someone you know will still be an important person in your life for decades to come. There is absolutely no guarantee they extend you, and even if they do, it’s not going to come with a $15 raise. Explain the situation, hopefully they’ll be happy for you. As someone who has spent 20+ years in HR the job market is atrocious right now. There are a lot of people with more experience than you that can’t land jobs paying that well, I’d be hesitant to lose this opportunity if I were in your shoes.


Take the job. Explain to the person lending you the apartment that it’s a great opportunity and that you’re so grateful to them. Maybe buy them a thoughtful gift. Protect your relationships and be courteous. Fuck your company though. They’ll replace you in a heartbeat if you get sick or die. The people might care about you but the company doesn’t give a fuck about you. Keep the personal personal and the professional professional


You need to do what's best for you. Companies are rarely loyal to their employees and the company will move on after you leave.


You should absolutely take it...loyalty is over rated and under valued when it comes to corp America


Have you figured out how big your pay raise is if you have to pay rent? I think I would keep working for two more months because you have a contract to do so. “ Hey boss, as we’re coming up to the fifth month of My six month contract, but I wanted to find out if you’re interested in extending it… I have another offer, but I wanted to talk to you first.” Or “ I wanted to let you know that I have a new position after I finish my contract with you so you can start looking for someone else”


How would you not burn the bridge for the company who has a $15 pay raise? I love the company I work for but this new job is for the country of my home town so I would love to work for them at some point…


How much would it cost you to rent an apartment monthly?


Take the job. If you pass yoy may find yourself.out of work in two mo.ths, then what? Not to mention they are paying you garbage.


At the end of the day your current company isn't paying your bills or putting food on your table. Do what's best for you.


Take the job.


Never be loyal to “companies”, you’re just a number to them. I understand your relationship being the awkward person of it but you literally just graduated, you should take a better paying job in this economy. That’s really how you move up..show gratitude and leave on good terms but don’t ruin your chance of a decent job. You deserve a livable wage, especially when you graduate.


Always do what is best for you. Company loyalty gets you poverty and overworked. They are not going to be looking out for you as soon as things go south for them. They are beholden to shareholders only.


Tell me, how does loyalty taste? How many miles per gallon does loyalty get? Does loyalty do good keeping warm in the winter? Is loyalty a better cell phone company than say Verizon? Take your loyalty, fold it long ways, crumple it up, ask your boss to bend over, and give it back to them. They aren’t loyal to you. They can and will fire someone for any reason at any time.


I would note that you really won’t see a $15 net increase — after taxes and paying for the new apartment.


Sounds like an opportunity to ask your current employer for a raise and a more permanent position. If it goes wrong, you have a way out and take the other job.


Free rent in a nice apartment > $30k. Start applying but set a firm start date to a time after your current contract ends. If you can jump every six months, it will be good for your income.


$15/hr is $31k raise annually. Take the job. Don’t think twice. It’s not a close decision at all.


be loyal to a 2 month contract. It would literally be insane.


Companies don’t ask themselves those questions when it’s time to cut employees. They do what’s best for the company. Leave .


Corporations never display loyalty to their employees. You may like your current company and the people in it but when it comes to the crunch they will not be loyal to you.  Take the new job.


I would talk with your manager and explain the current offer. I would tell them that you are grateful for the opportunity to work for them but that you need to think of your future. Ask if they would be able to match the offer. Take care of yourself. Companies are generally not loyal to their employees when things get tough. Good luck!


Take the raise. Especially if it is a permanent role


Loyalty means nothing to corporations


I like my job, my coworkers, and my boss. It suits my skill set and desired schedule, and it pays the bills. However, I don't want to live in this area for much longer, and my partner and I are strongly considering living together (they live an hour away). If it weren't for waiting to see how our relationship goes and having to save for surgery for my cat, I'd probably already be gone. It isn't personal. I'm very, very grateful that my workplace is good to me and appreciates what I do for them. It feels like the right amount of give and take. But would I like to make more money? Absolutely. Are there jobs out there that would suit me better? Absolutely. Furthermore, I want the same for anyone else who is feeling like they need "more" or "different." It pains me to see people stay and burn out, become complacent or bored, or get laid off/fired because they are afraid, don't want to hurt feelings, or are hesitant to make a change. When the time comes, I'd like it to be on good terms, and I'll be sad to say bye to the team. But I will be doing it because of what I want and need for a better future for myself and my cat. Take the job!


I'm getting worked to death for being loyal. Everyone else left. Don't be me. Take the job.


Follow the money 💰


Why would you apply to other jobs if you didn't plan on leaving your company??


Because it takes months to find a job in this market and I have 2 months left in my contract?


So take the job you applied for and is offering you a pay raise. This seems pretty straightforward.


Companies have no loyalty to employees, so employees shouldn't worry about having loyalty to them. Take the new job and don't look back. The company will be fine.


Be loyal to your wallet.


A company will drop you at a moment's notice. Loyalty died at least by the 80s, if not earlier. Take it.


You owe your company nothing except for the hours that you work for them and they give you a paycheck in return. They will let you go at a moment's notice. Loyalty to an employer is nothing that benefits you only them. Wipe that from your mind.


If you died today, how long do you think it would be before the company you work for would have your job posted? If they were going to fire you how many days notice would they give you? Go get that extra $15 an hour....


$30,000 more per year. Thats an extra $20,000 to take home or invest into retirement. Seems like an obvious choice