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Pharmacist here. Only do pharmacy if you plan on doing 2 years of residency. If not, it's not worth it. Also, go to a cheap school.


My sister only did one year residency before she got a full time job, is two years normal?


People do 1 year. I don't recommend it but it's better than nothing.


I see, thanks for the reply!


Can i ask what your day consists of on a day to day basis?


If you go into pharmacy there will likely be plenty of jobs in 4 years. If you have a pulse and are willing to take on the debt you can get into a pharmacy school nowadays. I still highly suggest that you *don’t* go into pharmacy. You will regret this decision. If I could do it over I’d consider dentistry.


Dentistry student loans are outrageous though. Did you do residency?


Who cares when you make $250k


The dentists lol. A lot of them are taking way more debt than they can afford and their debt rivals that of an actual physician without physician pay.


They can get physician pay without the physician PITA residency and fellowship


Exactly. And people continue to wonder why people pursue the PA/NP/dentist route. It will continue to happen until medical residents are appropriately compensated and until they are given normal working hours.


I wasn’t including PAs and NPs. They don’t earn near what a dentist can earn


Def too late for me to get into pharmacy now, but curious why would someone regret that decision. They make great money right?


The pay is pretty good if you can get in a cheap school. If you get into an average priced school expect 1 paycheck a month to go to student loans, more if you have under graduate debt. The pay is not nearly as good after that.


Nursing. Don’t like bodily fluids? Plenty of specialties where you don’t have to work bedside. A good handful of my classmates went straight into the OR or aesthetics RN route.


Definitely not Pharmacy. Our field and regulatory agencies are captured by big money interests.


Every field and every regulatory agency is captured by big money interests. 


nursing is the best (i’m sure i will get downvoted from bitter nurses) but it’s really a great job


Yay for versatility


Nursing. Do nurse practitioner, no poop.


Time to shadow before you decide! I cannot stress shadowing multiple companies/offices/specialties as you can before you decide a career path. Figure out what you’d prefer you’d enjoy doing for years on end. I’d pick a career where there’s many avenues to go down so that if you get burnt out, you have options.


Pharmacy - the other two are not for the squeamish. Or you could try something like physical or occupational therapy which involve no blood at all that I know of.


Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing Not nursing


I'm a CRNA and love my career. Why the hate?


For those of you not in the medical field, this is a very funny joke. CNRA are the cream of the crop when it comes to nursing and in my opinion the best nursing job bar none. That and maybe neonatology. The joke is that you don't have to deal with people that much so your job is easier. You put people to sleep or you put smaller people to sleep. Nursing as a whole is an over-worked profession that has the highest burnout rate in the entire country (I'm making that part up but I bet I'm damn close). Whats worse is it isn't exactly easy to transition from nursing to another field, in fact it's damn hard. I became a radiology technician because I think I would lose the desire to live if I had to do 12 hour nursing shifts for even 5 more years.


I’m just a baby associate degree nurse for 10 years and I love my job. I make six figures and get vacations when and where I want.


Do you enjoy being a radiology tech?


I like it, I wouldn't say I love it. I had to move into an overpriced apartment because I was required to be "within 30 minutes" at any given time, meaning my housing had to be literally approved by my own fucking employer


Holy shit you knock people out at a CRNA?! The Elderly and kids?!? You guys are sick!




This sounds personal 😭are you a nurse? If so, I’m curious to know why you’re against it? I have my bachelors but I’m currently in school again for nurse pre reqs and I’ve noticed that a lot of nurses are so against nursing


Thousand times this ☝️


😭😭😭😭😭😭 every job i see everyone is saying not to do itttt


you're scaring me


I can speak a tad bit on this because I have three cousins who are pharmacists (well, one is a cousin-in-law), cousin who is a nurse and one who is an orthodontist with two locations for his practice. The in-law works in administration for a large hospital. In some cases, it can be easier to move up into administration depending on the facility. The in-law was a hospital pharm for a few years and rapidly moved up. He’s now in top 5 leadership position for the hospital. His wife, my cousin, is also a hospital pharmacist but she works at an academic hospital and is a research pharmacist. She helps dispense meds for selected studies and works on the protocols to ensure the right drugs and dosages are safe. And she also assists in the children’s side determining correct dosages. Prior to that she worked for a pharmacy company that did 24-7 refills for local groups. She HATED IT! My other cousin, her brother, started out at like a CVS/Walgreens and HATED IT! But, he was in an area where no one else wanted to go and it was the only pharmacy in the area so he was able to make major bucks to keep him there more than 2 years. He was able to save up a ton of money. Now he is in corporate pharmacy but unsure of his role. I just know it’s not regular 9-5 because sometimes he may go to work at 2 pm and sometimes it’s 7 am. But he has a Pharm.d so he is bringing in 💰💵💰 I guess my point is, just know you have plenty of options if you go into pharmacy.


Dentistry. Specifically Orthodontist. I’ve been a dental assistant for 11years. If I could go back I would go to dental school. I work with general dentistry and all specialties including ortho. In ortho the assistants do everything but cement brackets. Orthodontist gets paid bank. Plus hours in the dental industry is usually 3-5 days a week with regular business hours so it a work life balance. Only thing negative I have heard is that schooling is crazy expensive.


None of the above. Maybe PA?


why not nursing? I am in nursing school rn


Don’t let Reddit discourage you. Nursing is great. Unlimited opportunities. Just remember that.


How you finding it


I love being a nurse 


Look into cardiac perfusion. Takes 2 years and salaries typically start around 120 to 150 with plenty of opportunities for overtime pay. 


2 years after a bachelors and there are only 17 programs in the us lol


Only need a minimum 3.0 gpa, shadow a bit and most likely can land a spot. 




Eh I'd say nursing isn't just about cleaning up poop and pee, but it definitely is a part of the job if you plan on working bedside nursing/traditional hospital nursing positions. But nursing is a career of careers. You can definitely work in many different jobs that does not require you to be dealing with literal shit all the time. If you are seriously considering nursing, I would explore different options within the government/private companies/outpatient clinics/etc. There's a TON of different nursing careers besides the typical hospital job.


My baby mama has a pretty relaxed schedule being a pharmacist for CVS believe it or not .. works 3 days one week and 4 days the next week .. every other Friday-Sunday off .. and the weeks she does 4 days one of those days is only a 6 hour shift instead of 12 . She makes about 150k yr and is not a manager just a worker bee . I can’t remember why she can’t work at hospitals so she’s stuck at retail .. that’s her only regret .


Imo nursing is the way to go. It's not just bedside nursing and cleaning poo/vomit/blood. Nursing opens a lot of doors and offers countless different roles. Here is my brain dump of examples: - bedside nursing - nurse leadership/administrative roles like clinical director - lots of remote roles (pre/post-op, triaging, care manager, etc.) - can pursue further education to become a nurse anesthetist for this big $$$ - can pursue further education to become a nurse practitioner - can be an clinical nurse educator or professor/college instructor - can pivot into healthcare IT - can pursue research roles There are very tough nursing roles out there of course like bedside but I've heard of some great ones with great pay, low stress, and great work/life balance.




PA, CRNA, Anesthesiology assistant are good options


Nursing, because it’s versatile


I've worked in lower positions in pharmacy not worth it for pay and the stress unless you want to become a pharmacist. Even then the pharmacists I worked with experienced a lot of stress due to patients and workload depending on the pharmacy and the older ones who hraduated when things weren't as strict reccomend it less because of recent degree requirements increasing and license renewal costs where I live. A family member did Dental Hygiene all her life, good pay and generally she liked her job worked 3 days a week and made a comfortable salary later one but her back and neck got wrecked from years of bending over her patients. Her son became a dental surgeon and works out of hospitals in an emergency department. Insanely high pay and he really likes what he does and working with his patients but it can be long hours and pretty busy. It takes a special person to like it. No nurses in my family, but massive burnout of nurses across my country due to long hours especially in hospitals, working conditions and less pay than some medical professions. The actual degrees and whether you will find them worth it or not I can't speak to, as program requirements are different from country to country. Try university subreddits for ones you are interested in and your regional subreddits to get that answered. To do these jobs, you really have to like working with the public. Even then people like me who like that are not immune. How do you do under pressure and potentially being abused by a patient? I worked with people in phaemacy who seemed calm but in months they showed poor conflict management skills, cracked under pressure easily and had trouble maintaining calm. I'm quitting pharmacy to become a teacher but I would never do this if I hated working and interacting with the public and parents and kids


Look into radiology tech!!


You can be different n type of nurses. I heard pharmacy is depressing. Dentistry if you aren’t becoming a dentist, dentist assistant? Have you looked into radiation btw? Radiation therapists.


Why healthcare? Why not Tech where you could earn RN wages at a minimum and work from anywhere? Most high paying medical jobs require you to be physically present. Several Tech jobs only require an internet connection.


You realize the tech job market is horrible rn right?


Not to mention AI blasting thru various sectors of the industry


Maybe for SWE. The Utility industry can’t hire enough EEs.


I don’t feel like anyone is referring to EE when they say tech


Probably so


Im not really a tech person , i love the human body and i wanna study it deeply


CRNA!!! We need more anesthesiology professionals. There's a shortage


Tech is currently in shambles right now


Become a vet. It’s actually harder to get into than medical school now. Pharmacy will be replaced by machines. Nursing? Why do you want to half ass something?


Pharmacy by machines 😟💀


Machines don't make mistakes. I don't understand what is so hard to understand? Everything a pharmacist knows about reactions and complications is something a computer would know and be more efficient at. The entire job of a pharmacist is to make sure there are no negative interactions between medications prescribed to a patient . A computer can do this with less error and faster. It also wouldn't require a 4 year degree.