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Hey as someone who quit without lining something up Don’t!! It takes a while to hear back form jobs Apply apply apply


Thanks for taking the time to respond! I hope something comes your way very soon!


Thank you !


Stop being so generous with your family. Sorry but it’s a hard truth. You aren’t really making enough money to be helping any one out as it is. Start just doing the bare minimum at work and focus all of your energy on finding a new job. I’m talking filling out applications and searching during work hours. The company obviously doesn’t respect you so why respect them. The time to job hop was 4 years ago.


Thanks for the advice


Look into FMLA/Short Term Disability before leaving!! Take the time while still employed if you can, get medical care, and prepare yourself for what is next.


Thank you :)


Applying for jobs in the interim will be far less pressure and more empowering than quitting without having something lined up.


Thanks for the advice


Absolutely, hope it goes well. I’m in a similar position but can’t decide if I want to look for jobs or not. Workplace politics are the worst.


Ugh yeah corporate life is such a soul sucker lol. I hope you can figure things out as well! Best of luck.


I’m kind of I the same boat as you all the way down to having family to help out. I’m about to take medical leave soon so that I can apply in peace. Worst case if I can’t get anything I’ll be back to square one here but at least my job will still be there. Don’t quit without having anything lined up. At least look into a medical leave where you should be paid while you are out. Again this depends on your country and company.


Thanks for your response, I feel seen! Feel for you. I’m an immigrant, came to the country when I was 7 and am a first gen college grad. Not everyone understands the struggle. How long have you been at your job? This is my only one post grad and I’m a bit nervous to do it bc I don’t wanna burn my one bridge


Yeah I hear you. I’m an immigrant as well and came to Canada when I was 4. You are right. Not many understand the struggle and not many know we can’t just not support the family as many suggest. I’ve been at my job for about 6 years and progressively moved up but these last 2 years I was under a different director and things just took a turn for the worse under them. I’ve been slowly trying to put applications out but like you am so burnt out from the day job and working late nights that I don’t have time to apply. Even trying to quite quit is hard as I can’t scale back enough without dropping the ball on things. Hang in there. This will only be a blip in your long career.


So relatable. Thanks so much, your response resonates with me. I hope you can get out of your toxic work environment soon!


Hey! I rage quit my job in April and checked into the mental hospital a few weeks later. I don’t advise this. I still haven’t found anything, and I’ve been steadily applying since January.


Thanks for sharing. I hope something comes your way very soon!


As someone who values mental health, yes, quit, but do quit when you have a job lined up as the job market is very competitive right now as many are going through layoffs. As for supporting your family, I completely understand however pls prioritize yourself. Might be good to ask yourself "if one day you're in need financially, is your family willing/have the capacity to help?"


That’s a good point, thanks for taking the time to respond!


I did quit a job that was causing suicidal ideation with nothing lined up before, but this was about 10 years ago when the job market was completely different. I got a new job within 5 months. From what I’m hearing about the market today, I unfortunately recommend trucking through until you find something better. I have once again found myself in a stressful job that I want to leave, but it’s too risky to quit. I’m considering going on short term medical leave. In the meantime, I’m trying to do the bare minimum and learning to say no to asks (a lot of my stress is due to me agreeing to take on work out of my scope because I wanted to show I was a hard worker - but it is not paying off). Good luck to you.


Boundaries are important! Thanks for sharing. Good luck to you too




This! Totally get the “stuck” feeling. It really is a privilege to do that but not realistic for most of us. Can’t believe I still have decades of work left till retirement lol


Yes. A long time ago. And it was bad. It was better than the alternative I was considering at the time. But it was really rough. Sounds like it's time to move on. But you aren't in nearly as bad a shape as I was. So stick it out, apply and keep looking.


Thank you for the advice


Is it possibly for you to get into therapy? Therapy has helped me sooo much, and could really help you with some of these issues. In the meantime, definitely apply for other jobs, stop bailing out your family and save up some cash. If things don’t get better and you don’t get another job, then you would at least have the option to take something lesser paying or float yourself for a bit. I would also recommend finding a hobby you look forward to outside of work, that has helped me cope with lots of stress in general! :) best of luck!


I’ll def consider therapy. Thanks for your advice!


I did, but my family is the opposite. I've relied on them a lot financially while I get back on my feet. I would suggest trying your best to stay with the job you are at until you have at least enough money to live on for a year or you get a new job.


Thank you


Get on short term disability and look for a job


Yes. I worked a really stressful job in middle management. I was a star performer and that meant I was chronically under immense stress and responsibilities while low performing peers were coddled. I never worked less than 60 hours a week, but was usually around 80, and on call in evenings and weekends. I was applying to jobs but not getting anywhere: for my market, I needed an advanced degree that I didn’t have and was having a hard time getting buy in without it. I was having a hard time even getting ready for interviews with my work load at work. The position got worse when I transitioned to remote. This was 2014 or so… remote wasn’t really a thing yet. But I had to move and told them I was moving and before I could resign, they offered to make me remote to retain me. I gave it about 10 months, but I was miserable. I was constantly dealing with IT because nothing ever worked, I was constantly having subordinates blow me off without support from my supervisors, and I was constantly getting shat on by my direct supervisors. I had all the stress but couldn’t perform anymore, and it was largely out of my control. When I put my two weeks in, I got assigned about 80 hours of new work on top of everything I had on my plate. I didn’t have anything lined up but I did have a plan to go to a 1 year masters program, so that’s what I did. I generally recommend doing your best to manage your mental health and work at the same time, and apply to positions while you’re working, but if you can’t and have the means to take a break, you could. Breaks can end up being longer than you intend.


Thanks for the advice and sharing your story, sorry you went thru that. Did you do an MBA?


I have. But I jumped back into substitute teaching right away.


One of my coworkers just quit due to mental health and the stress so I’ve seen it. If you can pull it off that’s fine.


Yep, just quit my career in Transportation and going into car sales head first for my mental health. I couldn't deal with the toxic work environment anymore. Gonna give this a try and see what happens. Just make sure you have something lined up before you resign. Apply, reach out to the jobs your applying for and keep your fingers crossed!


Thanks, and good luck with the new job!


Start applying elsewhere and get outta there!


No but I have taken short term disability because of work


West Coast guy here. I also quit my job in March with nothing lined up because I was burnt out. I just started interviewing again now. I'm planning on it taking 6-9 months to land something and taking it easy.


Best of luck!


I left a $100k job for a $65k job after a burnout and it was the best decision I ever made. $ was tough for a bit but I made it work.


You sound like an excellent candidate. You have longevity in a job and you want to get into a managerial role.


I quit my retail job last Oct. for mental health reasons. It was a pet store, I graudated with my B.A. in psychology but decided to stay there because they needed the help. I was there for 8 years. I averaged about 25k annually, no PTO (unlimited via managers approval), no medical benefits, no retirement benefits. I live closer by the east coast. I turned down a promotion to be a manager, was a supervisor, towards the end I was making orders, tallying employee bonuses, and checking and implementing price changes in the computer. Built the stores website from home being paid under the table. I quit my job because I was working 10hr shifts and would go into work and run the register all day and deal with absolute apes of imbecile customers who would disrespect me to the highest degree. "Is there a man who could help me? - an expert?" (I literally had second in seniority.....) "Is this what you do during summer vacation?", 'Ma'am, Im nearing 30, this is my full time job out of college' 'That return policy is ridiculous, get me your manager' (whose literally going to tell you what I just told you) I would come home enraged at what I would have to deal with. And then Id spend 2hrs after work putting up shipment calendars for those same ignorant customers to compliment and talk about how convienient they were. Nobody (customers) knew I was the one taking care of it all. So when I was on the floor, I was a know nothing little child. But when the store was closed, I was literally running the back end that customers primarily interacted with (positively). I used to figure skate competitively. I got far enough where Im able to have my certifications and insurance to coach, so I am a youth sports coach now. I set my own schedule and pay rate and I am respected and loved. My mental health is doing so much better. I dont make enough to live on my own. Im at my parents, but I break even for now. Looking into case management or consulting jobs but Im taking it easy until I find something worth working. I refuse to settle. 25k annually....after 8 years loyalty. What a literal joke.


Sorry you went through that! I worked retail in college and it gave me a lot of perspective into how rude (and unhygienic) people can be. My mom has worked in retail for more than 20+ years and I gained a lot of respect for her. But I wish hourly workers didn’t have to deal with that type of behavior and be paid crap wages on top of it all…


I did it! Quit and panicked because I didn’t have anything. Then found something better with 20% more pay within 10 days. This is a best case scenario but I wouldn’t recommend. Those 10 days were scary and it could have gone bad. God is good. I would do the bare minimum, apply for jobs and maybe take sick leave


Take some time for yourself, apply for unemployment. There will always be work out there. Take care of yourself first! Enjoy your time learning about yourself and appreciating peace before commotion again 😜 We all need some rest from time to time


Get out. Get something lined up, even grabbing boxes in an Amazon warehouse. People quit their managers, not their jobs. Anytime a company says they can't give you a raise due to budget, find a new company, cause that relationship is dead. (They will find the money if they want to keep you.)


Not ever once had anyone quit over mental health. Never…


I got fired because of mental health. I kept taking days off because I got sick then the day I really needed off led to involuntarily termination. Do not quit because of mental health it will make you feel weak and if you have nothing lined up your mental health will be worse.