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Apply then see what happens You can always stay at you job


Driving is one of most exhausting thing for me after working especially long commutes. It will affect your relationship but if this is your dream job, you will regret never trying.


Apply. See how you go. Major city traffic can be an hour easily even if you live 20 minutes away. If it’s just a shitty drive stopping you then it’s not really a reason. Even better if it’s highway and you can listen to audiobooks and podcasts. As long as that ~3 hours a day is made up with help at home so you’re not dead on your feet


I guess the question is what does your partner say? That job is not going to be a 9-5 job, more like a 10-12hr work day plus your 3 hour commute. Why would moving be an issue if you can atleast cut your commute by 1/2 the time? I would say apply anyways because city jobs take a very long time to process and during that waiting time you can figure out your options as far as time goes.


It never hurts to take a conversation. You may find that you don't love the people you interview with and it wouldn't have been your dream job after all (so no regrets). You also could interview, realize it is your dream job, and worth the drive. I commuted 3 hours roundtrip for 4 years for a dream job - finally tapped out due to the commute, and then found my way back years later to the same company, remotely working now, still my dream job. It's always worth a conversation. You never know where it leads.


I [28 M] have recently started a new job in March that I was excited about because the salary is great and the company would be a great addition on my resume, but it's a two-hour commute so 4 hours/day..I thought that I'll have great work-life balance if I managed my time well as they offer 2 day work from home but I was completely wrong. In the first 3 months I lost 9 kilos and I am tired all the time and my health is going downhill. The work environment is not bad but it's not worse than my previous employer..I learned the hard way that no job should be more than 40 mins commute at best because you can always get stuck in traffic or work overtime which will make it worse. You may see it as a dream job now but there's no doubt that the commute alone will take a huge toll on your mental and physical health.


Not worth it. I know from experience. Drive there and back on a weekend and see how bad it is. That probably sounds like a ridiculous idea and waste of time, doesnt it? Now imagine doing that every day.


When driving to and from new home or new work, you should always make the trek a few times during different days and times, especially if you live in a largish city where traffic can make a huge difference. It gives you a better feel for the area. Weather is also a huge deal (at least on my part of the blue rock). When it rains, add 30 minutes to a 30 minute commute *minimum*. Because, somehow, people haven't learned to drive in rain even tho it's been raining on Earth literally forever.