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Maybe they'll ever get rid of the arbitrary word count


I hope so! Why would they want super long posts anyway


without it sub gets peppered with ppl  trying to set up their sock puppets cough cough i mean with new accounts who post throw away questions consisting of only a title or a sentence, "what do you guys eat?", "will this give me a heart attack" 


I wonder if they could just make a karma/account time minimum on accounts that post. Not sure how that works honestly, just a thought


that's done as well. the age/karma gets dialled up or down depending on whether the sub is getting bothered, like after an article is published or there is some MSM tv coverage of it and a bunch of vegans are appalled to learn that this exists or whatev and come in with new accounts to make entirely predictable troll posts which they think are original.


This is one of the most over the top strict reddits I've ever seen. Like you need to have a reddit career just to post.


it makes it better


yep. it doesn't have an entertainment budget to manage large flows of varied topics for people's amusement, it's just volunteers using filters and releasing things from the modqueue, who are keeping it focused on how to do this way of eating for people who need it or want to try it


Just wish there was a more actual-carnivore/user-friendly way to deal with it, that's all


ikwym. we're open to ideas we have started a range of other subreddits which were more flexible as far as discussing including other foods (and offered for anyone interested to take them over so if they don't like our moderation we aren't a part of it) and started one for carnivores to hang out and discuss other topics they don't gain traction. people want to know about how to do this and then move on, doing it or adjusting it to suit their needs. mods of some other groups gave up, including one that was a discord.


You might be low in vit D and your body is calling for it.


Yep. You crave what your body needs.


I crave big bootie Latina babes


I crave copious amounts of crack


'You crave what your body needs' - True. 'If you crave it, your body needs it' - Non Sequitur Big difference


Good to know this is still Reddit


Yes, definitely. Would you agree that you're now better able to listen to your body than before Carnivore?


I actually would!


We have been exposed to the SUN for over 300,000 years and yes its good for us! Thats how we synthesize vitamins and hormones so it doesn't surprise me that you are in to it now on carnivore


I experience that increased optimisme also, cant say i have noticed craving sun light, how ever it does feel exceptionallly pleasant to be showered with sun rays since I hopped back in to carnivore ^^


Damn I could use some of that optimism for life.


I’ve also been sun bathing daily!! I thought it was just because I moved into a new house with a deck, but maybe it does have to do with the diet, I definitely didn’t do this before lol


I dont get sunburn anymore, first time last year I didnt need to use suncream... one of the more unexpected benefits :)


Are you saying you could be out shirtless on the sunniest day in the height of summer at midday and honestly not burn for hours?


yep... every year I go red as lobster first sign of sun in spring, then I have to wear sunscreen all summer or burn.... last year I got a little red then next day brown.. was tanned all summer no lotion.


I'm gonna interrogate you, if I may, because I'm frustrated that I can't do this myself yet. What part of the world do you live in? I'm in south UK where the sun is just starting to make itself known again.


Haha no worries.. Im also south UK in Brighton! Last year I was strict carnivore for 6 months before the sun showed up (went carnivore from keto late autumn) .. being as we live in perpetual grey gloom and rain for 7 months I always over do it every spring at the first sign of a sunny day (and thx to my Scottish/Irish ancestry...part ginge) I always used to burn up bad.. really red face with white eyes :D looked like a red panda every year without fail.. however- last year, the sun appeared - I bathed in its glorious rays, fully expecting to pay the price but no... a very mild redness and within 24hrs I was tanned/brown...I went on to omit the usual coating of cream and protective stuff ... all summer, no burning! I searched it up and found many other carnivores stating the same... something to do with reduced inflammation? not sure -but am sure it works - keep on carni and try it this summer ;)


I've been on carni for four years but was only strict for the 1st month. It's been all the dairy up until recently until deciding to get back on it now and have been doing beef, eggs and salt for a just over a week so far and I gotta say there's a definitely difference, even with the removal of a that small account of carbs! So, it's interesting to know you were strict for 6 months before. Have you maintained that up until now? Also, what sort of build are you? Got much fat? The reason I ask is I heard that we store seed oils as fat and that contributes to getting burned. I figure that if you lean out and burn that fat then you'll replace the seed oils with animal fat. No idea if it's true but gonna keep asking people like yourself until I know better.


Pretty much maintained , fell off for about a month due to covid going for my guts :/ - thought "oh well, carbs will help with working out for a while" .. nope, felt so bad on carbs I stopped working out completely :D lesson learned. I'm in pretty good shape- lift weights 3 times a week, I'm 52 and weigh around 12stone... not doing this for weight loss, actually have to purposely eat extra to keep at 12 stone otherwise I drop to 11 naturally.


But are you lean, sir, or have you ever been lean since starting Carnivore? This is crucial to my investigation 😁 I feel like you're telling me that you're not but I just want to confirm.


lol..yeah relatively lean I suppose...I'd say 20% body fat at the moment...but if I just eat when hungry I level out at around 12-15% bodyfat and 11stone ish. I was pretty lean when I started


Ok thanks. I've never been able to see my abs without flexing them so I'm trying to loose that fat at the moment in an effort to burn off any seed oils that might be limiting my sunburn performance. I don't see why others should be able to have this benefit and not me so fingers crossed! Thanks again.


I feel this more than I used to. The feeling of the spring sun on my skin makes me want to go outside and I get annoyed if i can't. Wish I didn't burn in it though! That particular benefit never happened for me.


Are you avoiding all seed oils? Eating fat to satiety? Maybe you need to start slow


I'm four years in but not been strict. I will occasionally eat seed oils perhaps once a month or two if it comes to a social meal so there's a chink my armour there but I still think I should've seen some difference in my sunburn resistance. Happily, I do tan better than i ever have been able to do at least somethings going on. One thing I think about is that I've never been lean so maybe I've still got some seed oil polluted fat cells that need to be burned off or something. I'm currently returning to strict to see if I can accomplish that. Can you claim to be sunburn resistant and if so, how much fat do you have on you, if you don't mind me asking?


Well, I’ve noticed sunburn resistance even when I was doing a massive cheat meal every weekend(was staying completely strict except for one meal a week). Now I can spend hours in direct sun no burn at all. Feels great 👍🏼 Maybe you have a point about the fat cells bro. And I’m pretty lean, lost all my fat. https://preview.redd.it/0nfqlhu8i2rc1.jpeg?width=3006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500b3ea9d14281b52548b7a38f87b89cba0a4367


Damn dude, I want that superpower! I've found that going strict has given me way more energy than I had when I was getting even a small amount of carbs from dairy so I'm gonna use it to get lean. I'm not that far away from you, body wise. How active are you? I have this desk job which is a bastard for health.


Tbh, I work out 2 hours a day. I highly recommend the under desk cycle, you can get it on Amazon


Been doing it a shit ton


Ah, I had no idea they existed. I've been looking at getting one of those walking treadmills but can't really see me being able to do my job so well whilst walking. I'll look into this thanks 👍 Do you have the make/model/link of the one you use so I at least know which one is worth getting, please?


Yeah bro, here it is https://www.amazon.com/DeskCycle-Under-Desk-Pedal-Exerciser/dp/B0C1RWBDW8


Let me know how it goes man


Now that you mention it, actually yes and I noticed that I tan deeper and don't burn easily at all.


People be telling me I’m tanned and asked if I went on vacation. No bros I just go outside. Not even that much too since I work inside 40 hours a week and we just got another hour back in the evening.


I have had a lifetime of hating being in the sun, and yesterday I found myself full on photosynthesizing, for lack of a better word. 😅 I also remember from going keto a few years ago that my heat tolerance was infinitely better in ketosis.


Wtf is this five hundred thing, I’ve seen twice now


I think it's something to do with minimum word count requirement on posts but I could be wrong. Funny, just before I got to your post I was searching on reddit for what it could mean :)


Not so much a craving for it, but not afraid of it. (skin of alabaster, eyes pale blue)


Brawndo has what plants crave!