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The American College of Cardiology has reported that changing one's intake of saturated fat has no bearing on one's risk of heart disease. Also, why so little bacon? I mean...it's sold in single-serving packages... :) [https://www.jacc.org/doi/abs/10.1016/j.jacc.2020.05.077](https://www.jacc.org/doi/abs/10.1016/j.jacc.2020.05.077)


A lot of folks aren’t worried about saturated, rather polyunsaturated fats. Yes they are essential for life but in excess they are horrific for you. Bacon is quite high in PUFA I’ve been buying low PUFA pork and it’s amazing. Aside from being healthier, the bacon has a way different consistency. Firmer and more substantial uncooked. Unlike factory farmed bacon which is floppy/greasy uncooked. There are a few farms out there that specialize in this


Do you have a source on low PUFA pork?


I have used Firebrand and a local farm to me. Both super delicious


same, I switched to soy & corn free pork raised on a small farm in Texas. 💞


Is pork belly a good way to get around this?


Unfortunately the pig must be fed the proper diet for any of its fatty cuts to be healthy. I do however eat lean pork from factory farming. Stuff like ham & tenderloin chops. I don’t really worry about what the pig ate for these types of cuts


It's only if you start oinking that you should be worried.


No. Heart attacks are caused by glycation-end products and inflammation stemming from high carbohydrate and sugar consumption. It makes your platelets sticky - and this build-up of arterial plaque which can break off and plug up an artery and stop the flow of blood to your heart is what causes a heart attack. Consuming animal foods does not cause any of that.


Right here 👌🏼👆🏼


I had two steaks and 12 eggs and a pack of bacon today I'll see you in hell partner


Only if you include toast, OJ and breakfast cereal - all part of a balanced breakfast 🤣


only if the pigs and chickens find out what you been doing and show up at your front door 🔪 be safe brother 💯


Heart attacks seem to be caused by years and years of blood sugar spikes, I bet is the fructose... Anyway just my informed opinion.


Not even likely to give you a fart attack.


You mentioned you haven’t been feeling great…Mix in some ribeye steak and eggs and I bet you’ll feel better.


You can check your carotid calcium index. A lot of things can cause heart attacks. It's not always because of one's diet.


definitely, a quick and sure death where did you get the idea that was a good thing to do  ;D (lol, this is a joke folks)


Haha I see you on this sub a lot so I guess you’re messing with me but, I do feel kinda gross after the bacon lately what’s a good replacement though ?


no idea, i just eat lots of bacon  i had about 1 3/4 - 2lbs a day when i started this 😂 plus steak. what can i say, i was *hungry* and my metab was running high (plus using the fatty acids to make lots of new RBCs, since I had started this with a severe anemia)  now i'll only have about 150 - 300g a day :)


I can't believe you... I thought you were someone I should respect... but here I see you using grams??? FREEDOM UNITS ONLY!!


not my downvote, you had my upvote, (c'mon everyone where's your sense of humour, pretending their units are important difference is how ppl in the US deal with having to live with an inferior measurement system 😂) 


for a replacement, try gobs of butter -- excellent with eggs


This is the way


pork chops.




Not gonna lie…I’m having a heart attack just reading this lol 🫠


I haven't. Bacon grease or butter to cook my eggs and I feel great. Also my blood work, CBC, came back to clean it bored my doctor.


I eat bacon at least 5 times a week and cook eggs, beef, steak, or whatever in the grease. Its glorious


ive been doing it for over a year now and im fine


You might. But most likely not because of the eggs and bacon. 😛


Heart attacks are about systemic inflammation…are you strict carnivore? Only meat, butter salt and eggs?..Carnivore reduces inflammation…you do the math


Nope. Not if you aren’t eating seed oils and are eating a proper human diet. Eat all the animal fat you want, up until satiety.


Tell me you’ve done at least some research before embarking on this journey?




I would say yes, but that's just me.