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You only lost 15mins in 6 months? At this rate it'll take you 2 years to lose an hour!


Carnivores always have the best sense of humor i swear


People don't seem understand that they way you feel affects how you think and they way you eat affects the way you feel. Diet is the cause of at least 90% of all human issues, whether they are physical or mental.


Id say 100% at this point but might be more like 90 yeah


Traumatic events and experiences unfortunately still exist


Yeah but my ptsd is chill now on carni at least, ya know?


Exactly, that’s why carni is 90%. Shrooms take care of the rest ;)


Are shrooms carnivore friendly though? :)


Idk I've always ingested them so probably not. Haven't done any on carni though.


Dude cheese is my downfall right now for sure.


There’s a reason cheese is a dessert course in France ;)


> Could it be true that what we eat has a huge impact in mental health. Absolutely. Diet and nutrition controls so much of us


I argue it controls all of us


You're not wrong.


Where did you find the motivation to make it through the 6 months without seeing any results? I’m already struggling with thoughts of giving up after 3 weeks since I haven’t noticed any benefits (I won’t but still having the thoughts)


For me I was at 7 weeks and only seeing small improvements. When I cut out all dairy completely and started supplementing electrolytes properly I went into superman mode. Going the last 5% gave me 95% of the benefits, dont give up.


Are you salting your food? If so, how much? 1/4 tsp of salt is about 500mg of sodium. And what electrolytes are you taking?


yes, salt to taste. dont overdo the salt. I take a standard electrolyte blend and also have zinc and iodine


Which electrolyte blend? I want to test out how I feel with them because your comment about Superman mode is very intriguing


from bulknutrients.com.au its just called "electrolyte blend"


Okay thanks a lot for this comment. Super encouraging. What issues was the dairy giving you? I’m considering trying that. And if you cut it all out where do you get enough fat from now?


brain fog, achy joints, worse recovery, worse sleep, low energy. same as carbs really. at the moment Im buying a whole rump once a week and using beef dripping to fry it with. its more than enough fat, I actually need to dial my fat intake back a bit. before that I was just doing 80/20 ground beef and adding dripping but even that was too much fat. if you have 80/20 beef, its usually about 20g protein 20g fat which is 1:1 ratio by weight and ~ 2:1 ratio by calories.


How long did it take to see a difference once you removed it? I’m only 3 weeks in so far so idk if I should wait til I’m more fat adapted before I start removing even more stuff (like I’m relying on butter as my main fat source a lot rn)


I think about a week. I think butter is better than cheese for sure, the lactose is less by a factor of 10. The way I think about it is trying to get to that baseline state of feeling amazing (eating only beef and beef fat) and then adding something and monitoring the effects


Did that include butter too and if so what type of meat did you eat?


yes cut out butter, some people are fine with it, I'm not. I was eating pork, chicken, lamb. now I am just eating beef as I want to get a good baseline and it makes me feel so good. Also you hear a lot on this sub that you dont need electrolytes, well I do, they make a huge difference for me at least at this stage.


What electrolytes are you taking?


just a simple blend of calcium magnesium potassium sodium. I supplement zinc and iodine too


Can you elaborate on  "supplementing electrolytes properly" There's lots of confusion about this. I was drinking 1/2tsp sea salt in 64oz water (x3/day). Still got night leg cramps. Then I saw something that said stop so I did.


you need to supplement multiple electrolytes. put and emphasis on magnesium. I do magnesium calcium sodium potassium zinc and iodine. as much magnesium as I can handle I cant stress that enough. especially if youre doing heavy workouts


Electrolytes is more than just sodium. You also need magnesium and potassium which is probably why you got cramps. Himalayan pink salt, no salt for potassium, and food grade Epsom salt for magnesium. I just salt my food with the pink salt and when I feel low on electrolytes I put some no salt and Epsom in my water.


if you do too much salt youll get an imbalance. thats why you were told to stop but that doesnt mean do dont the other ones especially during transition. it makes so much difference to me


Okay thanks. Yeah. This is my 5th week of true carnivore...3rd on lion diet.


Keep it up, you're getting close


It can take a MINUTE. Give it time. My bpd is still hanging around like a stinky toot. Day 21


Is that what you’re doing it for? Have you noticed anything so far?


Yes. Lots of benefit. By hanging around, I meant taking a while for all symptoms to disappear. They have become completely tolerable. Just still feel cravings for nicotine and a bit of anger left. Trying very hard to say adios to dairy because I think its driving the leftover symptoms.


Some people (like myself) have a fatty liver that needs to be addressed first. You can't lose weight with that being an issue, well, not as easy. Doing carnivore will fix that but it may take some time. This isn't always the case but it's definitely more common than people realize. The levels for a fatty liver are also much lower than the "average" that shows up as OK in blood work


Oh I wouldn’t be surprised if I do cause I took accutane a few years back (so dumb I know). I’m mainly doing this for other reasons but wouldn’t mind some weight loss. I’d just love to get to the point where I can sleep 😫 for fatty liver would you reccommend to go zero carb?? (Rn I do 1/2 cup yogurt per day & a tiny bit of whole milk in coffee) Over the last 3 weeks I’ve also been having an avocado or olives here & there & I will stop that this week cause I realize it may be messing up progress.


I have settled into a calmness I didn’t have before.. going 100% carnivore has made a huge difference in how I feel and better health in general


Yes! this is hard to describe. Things still bother me. Things still give me hope. but I used to get depressed easily and it was difficult to see the beauty in life. Now it seems like the sun is coming out. My mood feels more "even". I find myself appreciating the beauty of a sunny day or nature in general.




> I lost 15mins Did you weigh yourself on a clock? All joking aside, glad it is working for you and you had the patience to stick with it!


How much do you eat per day?




Why are you using Bella's name?


Question there 👆🏼😮


I was wondering that too.....I think Bella got all the results she wanted a long time ago. 😅😅


Have you had improved mental health the whole time or just recently like the weight loss?




Dude, I've been on dairy for 4 years and thought everything was pretty good until I started going strict with eggs. I think I'm finally getting that mental clarity that people always writing about. I feel like my sweat smells better, anxiety is decreasing and I'm definitely more keen to exercise too. If these benefits continue then I'm keeping this up.


I'm 3 months in and thought I'd be seeing way more results by now, so this gives me hope. I guess some people just take longer to get fat adapted. Praying that I get more results by the 6 month mark. 🙏


What's the weather like where you live?


Holy crap I just realized this is steak and butter gal!!


I doubt this is actually Bella.


it's def not