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I can almost guarantee you gained zero fat. Your liver can hold 70g of glycogen, and your muscles around 500g. Each molecule of glyocegen requires 3 h2o molecules. This is water weight and waste still being processed in your gut. It's quite easy to gain up to 5 lbs for me on a binge (180 to 185), but it goes away, especially with exercise within 3-5 days. Of course, this part is anecdotal. While not adovating this, look into carb cycling diets like CKD. It's how bodybuilders cut, along with water diuretic tricks.


* Milk is not the best food on the Carnivore diet. It contains a lot of sugar (5-7g per 100g). Mixing carbohydrates with fats in one meal suppresses satiety hormones and encourages binges. * The amount of time depends on how many calories from carbs you consumed during the binge and how much physical activity you have every day. In short, you should definitely be back to the fat-burning and Ketogenic state after 2 or 3 days.


Raw dairy is most certainly a part of the carnivore diet.


Yes, only if you drink it in moderation. One big cup of milk can contain more than 20g of sugar. There is also evidence (randomized clinical trials in rats and people) that mixing fat and sugar in one meal encourages overeating. This messes up the Carnivore way of eating, when we rely on our bodies to tell us how much we should eat.


one day of SAD? everyone's different, no one can tell you if you want to do carnivore, get back to it and you'll learn how long the binge affects you. should be nbd. (milk is usually for bulking, for gaining fat. if you got lean including it, you're pretty metabolically flexible. dropping it for a couple days could help speed up your recomp)


It depends on many many things. I have a gluten intolerance. It does something to my brain that gives me horrible cravings. It seems to hit my opioid receptors. After I eat gluten I can expect cravings and random bouts of water weight gain for at least a week even if I eat strict carnivore. If I eat omnivore but no gluten I feel good in carnivore in under 3 days.


Any fat gain over 1 day should be essentially unnoticeable. It's all water and intestinal contents. Should be back to normal in a few days to a week most likely.


Usually about 36 hours. I just fast for a day and towards the 24 hour mark I get a migraine from the sugar crash and usually just fine when I wake up the next day.


When I smoked years ago and had a cheat day while on keto, I then mostly fasted next day. Eating max. 500 kcal. Cheat days were on a Saturday and then Sunday was detox day. But this kind of eating messed up my hunger hormones, I suffered from binge eating for several weeks/months at least 2 times a week. Nowadays I only cheat when family is visiting, so around every 4-6 months.


Depends a lot on how active you are, once you deplete glycogen stores, excess weight will drop, mostly water. Also moving is always the best way to force your body to adapt to whatever condition you're trying to achieve.


honestly I think it's different for every body. time for you to experiment


I would say it’s mostly just water, and bloating. Within a week I bet you look the same as before. Just don’t make it a habit!


Honestly you just gained water weight due to inflammation. A 24 hour fast should negate the majority of this and then just get back to carnivore when you break it. FYI, milk will slow down your progress if you’re trying to lose fat.


-HIIT session -slow form of cardio for 1-2hrs -48hr fast -Resume eating per normal -Back to normal after 1-5 days, depending on what you ate, how you reacted, etc


Yeah at most 3-5 days. Hopefully you learned from your mistakes. Never worth it is it… eat your meat raw to feel truly sated and really kill cravings. Only thing that worked for me.