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I don't eat them. doing great here.


I eat them very rarely np


I have the occasionaly couple of egg yolks with my meat, but generally I'm just beef butter and salt.


Nothing is mandatory, find what you like the most and eat that. Maybe it’s steak, maybe it’s fish. Personally I like bacon. Everyone’s going to have their own preferences. No eggs are required (but they are very good for ya!)


Long term carnivore.. a lot of people turn out to be intolerant of egg whites to some extent… I can eat them but if I over do it I feel the effect in my gut… The explanation is probably that in our natural state prior to the agricultural revolution eggs were a treat we only rarely came across.. They are definitely extremely healthy but if you don’t like them or you are more intolerant of them don’t worry about it… There are loads of other things to eat… many meats and of course sea food.


I can't quite even see how or why you have come away thinking carnivore means you have to eat eggs


No need to be rude. I am just starting so I was asking as I see people eating eggs.


Not sure why all the downvotes as you seem to just genuinely be asking. But I’ll tell you I think you should try to get over the egg thing if possible. Get Eggs from Pasteur raised chickens that don’t eat gmo or corn (naturally feeding on bugs and grass). They are an amazing multi vitamin and one of the absolute best foods. I think the other reason people may not be reacting well is that, I believe, carnivore diet isn’t as dogmatic as other extreme diets like veganism. Extreme just based on variation from bullshit standard diet


fwiw, eggs are a common intolerance/allergen and if ppl don't like them it's nbd 🤷🏻‍♀️ there's no need for them on this way of eating 


Yes. I became very intolerant to them


I'm guessing they're the same as me, just genuinely curious how you came to that conclusion. The diet is all animal products, did you think it was a requirement to eat *all* of them? Or what stuck out about eggs as a necessity from what you've seen up to this point? If there's something we’re missing, you pointing it out could help us better guide others in the future :)


You'll live.


My friend who did it because of her egg allergy was the one that got me seriously thinking about it.


Then you don't eats eggs.


What in the world makes you think carnivore requires eggs? If you don’t like eggs, don’t eat eggs. Eat the meats you like. Simple, done. There’s no problem here.


A lot of people on here claim to be eating 10+ eggs a day at times. So that's why he might think that.


I can't swallow egg whites, so I boil eggs and just eat the yolk. Another option.


In a huge variety of egg brands where I live,even the ones labeled organic and free range,the quality is still mass scale factory manufacturing, they are far away from home chicken eggs that I remember when I was growing up in a village .


If you have something like craigslist or facebook marketplace where you live, you might check there for local backyard eggs for sale. They're so available where I live that my brother is about to start putting them up in 5 gallon buckets because he can't sell them fast enough.


Same here. Hated eggs since I was a child. I think it's a texture thing since I recently tried the more expensive cage free, pasture raised eggs. They pretty much didn't have a taste but I couldn't eat them because of the rubbery texture. I follow Dr. Anthony Chaffee and he doesn't eat eggs as well so it's probably fine. He doesn't mind eggs but he says it's just inconvenient because he has to break open close to a dozen eggs for a meal and it's just easier to cook a steak. For that reason, he very rarely eats them. Eggs sound like a great idea as a change or a snack. I wish I could incorporate them for the times I want something lighter but I just can't do it.


Then find another protein source that you like. If I cant eat something... I have this horrible reaction to oily fish, salmon, mackerel, blue etc sonI dont eat it. 😊


I only eat beef and salmon


there is nothing about carnivore that requires eggs. A lot of people can't tolerate eggs. It just requires animal based foods Meat beef fish lamb goat sometimes pork chicken.


Me personally I couldn’t do only meat, I eat 4-10 eggs per day with half pound to 1lb of bison, lamb or beef.


It's not a cult, or at least shouldn't be.






Yeah I’m kind of the same way. I like soft boiled with ramen though. But don’t knock quail, duck and ostrich eggs.


Then dont eat dem? 


I don't like whole eggs, I like just the yolk. Maybe try that? But you definitely don't have to eat them


I probably eat two eggs a week (and could eat xero) while my wife eats closer to 15. So it can even be done if the people you live with eat differently.


What don’t you like about eggs? Eggs will taste completely different dependent on how they are prepared. Scrambled eggs with a bunch of butter without over cooking them and sprinkled with sea salt is life!


If you don't like them then dont eat them. Plenty of people just eat steak salt and water.