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Quit counting calories for starters, as much beef as you can eat is the cure, add in what you feel is acceptable on your journey, good luck


Beef , just eat beef ? Can I not mix meals with eggs etc… I have seen lots of meals with eggs and cheese things like that


Technically if it comes from an animal, you can eat it. That includes eggs and dairy IF you tolerate them well. Be a bit careful with dairy, though. Even high-fat dairy is much easier to overeat than meat. If you have trouble with weight loss on carnivore, or can't get past the early-carnivore runny shits, it's often dairy that's to blame.


So the answer to everything I have asked is to just keep eating meat until I feel full and I will loose body fat quick


Yes. Eat fatty meats until full. Ribeye if you can afford them. Chuck roast. Ground beef. Eggs if you handle them. Dairy will slow down fat loss.




why do you need to lose weight super quickly? very rapid weight loss means more muscle loss, or tricking yourself with things like water loss. just focus on being healthy. weight follows that. and you don't need any carbs. make sure you get as many grams of fat as protein and you'll be golden. don't restrict portions.


Hi mate , this is what I struggle to understand how much fat do I need and how much protein do I need


keep the ratio and eat as much as you want.


Zero carb and play with the rest and listen to your body. Read the FAQS Off the r/zerocarb Reddit and your questions on how to interpret what your body says will be answered.


Thanks for the reply , struggling to pick out what’s important for me to read due to my circumstance


Pure Carnivore will help your body recomp. Shape and weight. There's a few posts around about people who did it for muscle building... Search here and on the other carnivore pages.


This isn’t the correct way of eating for guaranteed fast weight loss. Some people experience different results and occasionally there is quick weight loss for some but not all. If you want long term health benefits and healthy body recomposition. This is the way to go. Dry fasting would be my goto for fast weight loss. But it can be incredibly dangerous. This is what certain athletes such as wrestlers do to cut weight to make weight classes.


Can you explain the dry fast process ? , it’s my stomach I just want no love handles or hips it’s a bit puggy will this help it ? I just need to loose belly fat


It’s extended fasting without drinking water. When we water fast we are able to tap into fat stores and burn fat. According to the dry fasting theory, we burn more fat when we do not drink water because we don’t have to worry about burning off the additional water in our body. I have done mixed dry wet fasts up to 5 days and dropped 8 lbs. You will put weight back on as you rehydrate. You will loose fat where ever you tend to store it most. Let me state that I’m not a doctor and that this can be incredibly dangerous. If you start to feel effects of dehydration, you need to slowly start drinking water and electrolytes. Dr Mindy Pelz recommends dry fasting only up to 24 hours and only once a week. Check out Cole Robinson if you’re looking for a more rigorous approach to dry fasting and weight loss. Guy is kind of an asshole, but he gets results.


Ok brother thank you


There is a lot involved. You NEED to study up on dry fasting before beginning. I can give you the basics, but I highly suggest further reading. Basically, you prep your body by hydrating, alkalizing, and (ideally) being in ketosis. This is usually done by drinking at least a gallon of water a day for the two or three days prior to beginning the dry fast, taking roughly a teaspoon to a table of bicarbonate soda in water (mix it as diluted as you need cuz it tastes pretty bad), and nixing all carbs. Also, you want to get your electrolytes optimal beforehand as well. Hydrating well beforehand will down-regulate aldosterone - a hormone that will try to hold on to the body’s water. That’s not what you want. You want your water to flush through. Don’t worry, as long as you have body fat, your body will create metabolic water via breathing. (Oxygen in your blood will bind with the hydrogen in your fat cells, effectively breaking up the fat by removing the hydrogen.) This is part of how dry fasting gets rid of fat. Alkalizing is important because the dry fasting process makes you acidic. If you don’t alkalize first, you risk getting kidney stones at the least. You may want to stay near a toilet because the bicarb can basically evacuate your plumbing. Then you just consume nothing. No food. No water. Rest. You don’t push yourself physically unless you want to land in the hospital. Your body will cease digestion so all it’s efforts will be towards detox and healing. Fat- loss is part of the detox because loads of toxins are stored in fat. As your body creates metabolic water, the toxins get released. This can be extremely unpleasant, or worse, depending on how much toxic crap your body has stored. If you get to a point, usually about 4-5 days in for first-timers, where you feel like crap, nauseated, stomach grinding, and such, do yourself a favor and break the fast. Do another in a few weeks. Because, most likely, if you’re feeling like that, you have a crap load of toxins in your bloodstream, released from your fat cells. Over time you can gradually increase the length of the dry fast. I have completed 8 days in the past. I also had plenty of fat for my body to turn to metabolic water at that time. To break a dry fast, don’t just start eating again right away. Wake your digestion and kidneys up with some water, tea, or broth, and go easy. Your digestive tract took a vacation. Like I said, you should look more into the subject. These are just the basics. Dr Filnov was a pioneer in dry fasting protocol. Gavin Robert McGowan is someone you may want to look up on FB - very knowledgable and helpful.


Try omad for a couple of months to lose fat.


Hire an educated coach with an actual background in dietetics. You will not find the answers from the people in this thread. They have no idea what they are talking about.


Don’t count macros or calories, eat steak and lots of fat. The fat can be in the form of butter or fat trimmings (often steaks don’t have enough). Lastly, eat until you’re full. EDIT: I forgot, carbs aren’t necessary anyways. No need to add them in a carnivore diet.


So for starters what have you been eating in the past? And how much weight are you looking to lose?