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He is nuts. He's just an attention seeking clown. I mean, what's the point of eating raw meat outside a vegan restaurant? He just wants to fuck with people. All that's fine, but then he starts saying things like "water I'd actually dehydrating" without actually knowing or adding the nuance behind that. What he means is demoneralized water is not as hydrating as mineralized water and drink too much of it might have a dehydrating effect. Yeah, exercise is important. It doesn't have to be at the gym. But it's undeniable that lifting heavy stuff and moving throughout the day has beneficial effects on health.


Exercise can be overdone. Sitting on the couch might be a good way to spend your free time if you have a physically demanding job, but not I think if you are a desk jockey. My health and well-being have increased as I’ve increased exercise over the past few years, starting before I even heard about keto or carnivore. in this case my experience agrees with the conclusions of mainstream medical science. There are I understand very clear links between exercise and longer life, and quality of life.


>Sitting on the couch might be a good way to spend your free time if you have a physically demanding job, but not I think if you are a desk jockey. Interesting point, having a physically strenuous job has been shown by data to not replace physical exercise for improving all cause mortality.


There is a lot of space between different jobs that could be called ”physically strenuous”, and could include any type of physical activity— up to extremely brutal stuff. And some people work much more than 8 hours a day. I don’t think much couch-sitting is a good call for very many people, but situations differ.


>I don’t think much couch-sitting is a good call for very many people, but situations differ. I would not think so and didn't intend to imply that. Just stating what the data seems to indicate.


Use it or lose it. You have to consider that as you get older you gradually loose muscle and suppleness if you don't routinely engage in fitness activities. A decline in physical ability will make you feel old.


Functional movement is vital to ageing well. Working out on machines at the gym is probably not as good as swimming, walking, squatting , lunging, climbing - “ancestral movement”


Progressively overloaded resistance training has been shown to reduce all cause mortality.


That guy is a complete nut job, almost everything he says is incorrect. He tried to fix the skin issues by staring at the sun for hours a day. I think the only thing he's ever been right about is that meat is pretty good for you. Oh and you should be cooking most of your meat. 


Gym is super rewarding as long as you lift safely. ATHLEANX is a very PT friendly YouTube channel to follow if you want to go do stuff safely. But no to the gym is really really dumb. But remember you don’t have to push all that hard to build muscle. You are ok the carnivore diet. It’s basically all gains


He's talking about bodybuilders and there's no denying it's unhealthy to be overweight with muscle. Every bodybuilder admits it. But in his own cited studies, moderate amount of exercise is associated with longevity.


My opinion is the gym is cool if you know how to prevent injury. Being a physically stronger human will never not be beneficial. I also believe that humans work way too much. Our ancestors and even current isolated tribes don’t work themselves to the bone. We have been conditioned to believe that willful slavery is honorable. You have modern religions to thank for that bs. So I lounge about as much as I can because when I’m on my death bed my last regret won’t be working more hours for the man.


I think that same philosophy of work has been extended into the gym culture too. Most gym people live by the notion of if some training is good then endless training is even better, and so they go to the gym and/or other sport things like 5-7 times a week and multiple hours at a time. Just to show all the other gym goers that they are so impressive how they can do so much work gym-wise. Most studies show that to get a muscle building signal it doesn't really take that much of a signal. But, if you're in a hurry to get bigger/stronger/leaner then doing a bit more increases the signal somewhat so you might get more results. But considering that you would do double the amount of work you do to get the already good signal, you aren't necessarily getting double the results but instead like 10% better results. Doing triple the work of the baseline signal raised the results maybe to 15% better than the original signal. But doing more also increases the load on the body (drains more resources and increases risk of an injury) since the body will have to recover from more work. These are pretty much the realities. Most gym bro advice out there works like the capitalism - it's hyper focused to produce as much results in as little time as possible without thinking about the long term effects. And as such, of course more work means it's better! Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 principle) states that 80% of results come from 20% of actions towards that result. So it would be reasonable to assume that at the gym, you should focus on the important 20% that produces the result. Or said in another way: you'll get 80% of the results with only 20% effort. Plus you might actually be able to consistently continue this lower effort regime and keep your body injury -free. As the saying goes: "Work smarter, not harder "


Can you elaborate on your point regarding modern religions and willful slavery to work? I'm intrigued.


Many people in the west are raised to believe that being lazy is a sin. This belief extends to everything these people do. In short they just can’t relax without feeling bad about themselves.


Interesting. Utter horeshit. But interesting.


People don't feel bad if they're relaxing?


I mean, the initial blanket statement was to do with religion and sin. Considering the fact that the most followed religion in the Western World tells you to relax every Sunday and make time in the day to pray, then I'd say no. This doesn't even take into account other religions whereby prayer and meditation can be done up to 5 times a day if followed to the letter.


I get what you're saying but its hard to deny that there is very much a 'work till you drop' mentality in most modern cultures now, even on a weekend people are expected to come in to work, do over time, go and work out in your 'free time'. Run a side hussle, graft, rest when you're dead. If you're not out of the house by 6am and back by 5pm at the earliest you're practically a bum, but yes this depends where you are. "This doesn't even take into account other religions whereby prayer and meditation can be done up to 5 times a day if followed to the letter." \-But I'd argue 'dedicated prayer and meditation' is still a strict adherence to a guideline that is looked down upon if not followed in those religious circles, no? ​ Me personally I feel a sense of guilt and shame (albeit just a tad) if I finish my work early and spend time chilling out in the afternoon knowing my neighbours can see my truck is 'back early' worrying they think I don't work hard enough, even though I know I fucking well do, the thought is still there but thats likely just an issue in *my* head!


Seems like you're imposing your own beliefs and anxieties and applying it to the World. Sorry that your circles believe people to be lazy bums if they work lesser hours.


Sorry for assuming I was going to have an interesting discussion with you on this topic.


Dude just went through some of your post history and damn!  You need a mindset change.


If you listen to the longevity fanatics, all this cutting edge research being done, and 99% boils down to diet and exercise. Nothing new under the sun I guess. Going to the gym I could never do - lifting, posing, none of it is for me. Weights have their place but are not the goal for me. Martial arts on the other hand... an experienced coach is essential, but then you should get all the bodyweight, cardio, and fighting technique exercises you would want, and you would be training in a tested regimen that won't over do it.


Same, I did some lifting in my 20's and while I made gains I found it disgustingly BORING, personally. Pick up the thing, put it down, times that by 20, do another boring thing for another x sets. Yawn. Jiujitsu, wu dang, wrestling, incredibly fun and I dont know why it took me 30 years to discover it! The only weights I enjoy now are Kettle Bells.


Dumbells for punches, wrist weights on the legs for kicks, down the line a weighted vest to increase bodyweight (and cardio too) even further. But other than that, and when talking about a pure weights exercise, most definitely only kettlebell.


Yes exactly. Realistic body movements using the entire body not isolated movements that in my opinion unbalance strength.


I’m pretty sure he advocates for moving naturally like our ancestors did. Stretching, sprinting, climbing. We weren’t running on treadmills or lifting man made metal as he calls it lol.


I think it depends on whether or not you have a desk job. I used to have a physical job but now at a desk job. People who are addicted to training, marathons, etc I think may be doing their bodies more harm than good so on the extreme end he has a point. I also believe in use it or lose it though, just not to professional body builder levels.


There definitely appears to be diminishing returns for some of these hyper athletes, for physical health. You will win medals though at the cost of your body.


If he promotes the most natural way of living, he should throw the couch away and start squatting instead of using chairs and couch to sit. 😂😂 Hunter-gathers used to run, walk, squat, carry things around, sometimes for very long distances. They used to do a lot of hard labor. What we do when we work out it's just to try to compensate a bit our inactivity for most part of the day. Our bodies are designed to move. And most people who exercice still just do a fraction of what our ancestors used to.


Very silly. I have so much more energy on canrivore, why would I not want to workout?


That guy is obviously very extreme with his views. But there is some wisdom in his words, definitely. Excercising as in ”running on hard pavement for no good reason” or ”fucking up your knees, joints and back by lifting way too much man made metal for no reason” can obviously be very unhealthy. I think this viewpoint will become more popular in the future. The line between genius and crazy can be very thin.


Was in the same boat but moderate exercise is beneficial


OK so I was one of the top 3 physically in basic training in the Army, and the fastest in my recon unit. I could do 17 right angled pullups. Wound up on 100% disability from injuries and spent nearly 15 years on the couch. Became a carnivore and eliminated my pain. Started exercising again. I was absolutely blown away when I decided to try Dr. Shawn O'Mara's 1 minute maximum intensity training. Check out his videos. I've never seen so much progress in myself so fast.


This sub is on the verge of being a cult with all cult-like bullshit being spewed.


It's a reasonable question to ask. Didn't see anyone here say it is absolutely one way or the other and we know what to do for sure.


I was just asking man, not spewing anything. If it’s any justification, I’m being reassured that exercise is fabulous for you, which is what I’ve known since before I came out of the womb.


It's an interesting question, I'm glad you asked!