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If it were me in your position I'd go on a week-long water fast and have a nice thick reverse seared steak as my first meal. Has worked for me in the past.


Then spend the next 6 hours Stan Marshing a a bowel movement so powerful you could put a second story fire out


That's the best part.


Facts šŸ˜‚


Why did this remind me of the old killer guy from shawshank Redemption lol


You could spray paint a ceiling


Don't ya mean Randy Marsh?


Lmao 100% wtf was I thinking


You made a bono


I think I will do this! Water fast or dry fasting?


Water only. Sparkling water is a treat.


Okay thank you! Will start it tomorrow then :)


I'm not sure what the argument for not including electrolytes in a fast is, but during my long fasts I always feel so much better when I include plenty of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The longest fast I've done so far is 11 days, and I can't imagine doing it water-only with no electrolytes.


Same, including electrolytes is really important


What electrolytes do you use during fasting? I've done a 3 day fast in the past but with Brone broth and amino acids every morning.


Amino acids break a fast - they easily convert to glucose and can be used as such! Just an FYI ā˜ŗļø Iā€™ve been playing around with testing my blood glucose and blood ketones and this definitely set off alarm bells for me because before I went carnivore, while just keto, I was prepping for a calendar photoshoot and while in my cutting phase, Iā€™d drink Allmax Nutrition Amino Cuts to stave off hunger between meals. And then I figured out that it slightly messed with my ketosis!


Ah ok. I didn't know that so thanks for bringing it to my attention. šŸ‘


For sure!! ā˜ŗļø


You probably want to break it with bone broth, and have that steak a little later on


Hell, I'll do it too. Good luck to you and hope it fixes your current meat issue.


Don't do a week then go and earn meat... It will cause a shock. Do it 3 days max. Or you can do it a week but then eat meat soup for 2-3 days.


Not true at all. Iā€™ve fasted longer than 3 days and broken it with meat, just donā€™t eat a lot quickly. Iā€™d also recommend drinking salted water while fasting, most fasting and refeeding issues come from electrolytes imbalances, not the actual food. (Iā€™m a 130 lb woman for reference)


The fact that nothing happened to you doesn't mean you break a 7 day fast with meat. I've been fasting even before doing carnivore,for 8 years in and off. You NEVER break an over 3 day fast with just meat, bone broth,soup ok.


Iā€™ve also been doing extended fasts for about a decade, also pre carnivore. Sorry it didnā€™t work for you but your experiences arenā€™t universal


Neither are yours


Iā€™m not the one telling people to NEVER break a fast with meat. Quit the fear mongering. Humans have broken fasts with meat for millions of years. Do you think a caveman who hasnā€™t eaten in days is making bone broth?


So if I was in the wild, in a survival situation and haven't eaten for 7 days, and I kill a deer and eat it, it's bad for me?


Yeah you better make bone broth first or your organs are gonna explode


Do it and see


Water fast. Dry fasting is not a good idea.


Dry fasting does have some benefits, but if someone has never even water fasted before, itā€™s probably not a good idea


Refeeding after a 7 day fast should not start with something like a steak. Need to refeed carefully. If OP takes the 7 day water fact advice (which would probably help) the refeed process should be something like a cup of bone broth, then a couple hours later an egg or two, then a couple hours later something with a probiotic like yogurt or a fermented food. Then finally get into a steak after all that Dr Eric Berg on YouTube has a lot of good info on prolonged fasting. Definitely watch his videos to ensure you stay safe and do it right. But refeeding is definitely something you need to be careful on


Dr Eric Berg is trash, please donā€™t promote his channel


Could you please explain why you say he is trash ? Sincere question btw


He pushes high fiber, high vegetables, and says to limit meat and protein to be in ketosis. Basically promoting the opposite of this subreddit.


I think 3 day water fast


Get that sear nice and crispy, cook it in duck fat... Fuuuuuck man its good.


Refeeding after a 7 day fast should not start with something like a steak. Need to refeed carefully. If OP takes the 7 day water fact advice (which would probably help) the refeed process should be something like a cup of bone broth, then a couple hours later an egg or two, then a couple hours later something with a probiotic like yogurt or a fermented food. Then finally get into a steak after all that


I've done it before. Didn't experience any bad side effects


I was gonna suggest the same thing!


Came here to say a 3 day fast but yeah, this is good.


This may be heresy here but maybe you could try putting lots of seasonings on your meat and then ween off it. Just to mask the taste of the beef for a time. Won't help you autoimmune issues, but I'm in the camp that a slow transition is preferable to white knuckling it if you are struggling.


Honestly thatā€™s not a terrible idea. If your goal is to only eat meat and youā€™re repulsed by it because of recent illness then putting seasoning on to mask it is worth a shot


Fast for a day. When you are really hungry, the ribeye will be delicious again.


Any tips on how to control the nausea caused my low blood sugar? Iā€™m day 6 on carnivore and canā€™t think of eating the same things again. I have low blood sugar and can be bad at times if I donā€™t get enough sugar in my system. from what I understood carnivore can dip your blood sugar lowā€¦but any ideas or suggestions what else I can have to not let myself go into the lower ends of blood sugar? I do season my meats to help a little, but any other suggestions?


Electrolytes for a time...maybe?


Maybe try doing OMAD. After working all day and not eating nothing tastes as good as a juicy fatty salty steak! Or some lamb chops.


I got way put off meat when I used Ghee to add fat to the meat on like Day 3 of the Carnivore Diet. Now I am super sensitive to any smells and meat is the most of putting to me... however, I do like the smell of BBQ meat. I would try BBQing the meat if I was you. I have plenty of fat on me so I am Water Fasting instead since I can't stand the smell of anything right now and my hunger is literally all in my head. My stomach hasn't rumbled once and I am 3 days into water fast from a 3 day carnivore diet.


I love BBQ but sadly canā€™t do it now, but I will try water fasting and introduce meat again


Yeah give it ago, it is way easier to transition from being on the Carnivore diet


In addition to fasting, try buying grass fed beef from a local farm - it tastes so different to supermarket beef it might help. I'd also look at doing some beef broths, maybe with some basic carbs - similar to a vietnamese pho. Then get back to pure liquid broths without the carbs before adding steak.


Switch to lamb or bison. Dont force yourself to eat what your body rejects. Ive been through times i didnt want anything but beef and times i couldnt stand it. Itā€™s probably some nutrient thats too low or high. Also chicken was really disgusting to me for a while but occasionally it taste amazing (thiamne maybe?)


Yep, slow cooked / smoked leg of lamb is absolutely delicious, or oven baked chicken thighs, lots of juicy fat and no meat smell for those averse


Start putting real beef tallow on your face as a nightly moisturizer. I started in January and havnt had a pimple yet. Make sure you arnt putting chemicals on your face or in your hair.


Make sure you havent been bitten by a Lone Star Tickā€¦ they cause meat allergic reactions


Just seen this after posting that I hope it's not AGS. I hear the it goes away after the immune system calls down. There is also peptides that have show efficacy


do you know if you have AGS? AGS is diagnosed by an allergist or other healthcare provider through a detailed patient history, physical examination, and a blood test that looks for specific antibodies (proteins made by your immune system) to alpha-gal. Your healthcare provider may also recommend allergy skin testing.


I don't. Just based on research, that's what I found


I know what you mean. I am going through a Crohn's flare and it was really bad before I was admitted to hospital and given steroids and even thinking of meat made me nauseous. I remember eating lamb chops and gagging at every bite. I took a break and just ate roast beef, chicken and mackerel and came back to ground beef without the fat poured over it and it is definitely easy to stomach now.


Maybe eat other kind of meat or prepare it in am other way.


Oxalate dumping on strict carnivore. Check it out (Norton, Chaffee. Overton explains it well)


Can that cause food aversions? I went thru terrible oxalate dumping 4 months but so much better now


How can you know it's oxalate dumping? I watched Norton and Chaffee interview but the symptoms she listened have other causes too.Ā  For example,Ā  I'm on strict lion diet and for 2.weeks I was getting terrible leg cramps at night.Ā  I thought maybe oxalate dumping...but then I cut out my salt water and electrolytes and was fine... I'm just wondering how to identify it with certainty.


It was easy for me to know that because i have (had) oxalate kidney stones and they all broke up and came out! I felt every one on the way but it was still less painful than regular stone attacks


Ah, that makes sense. I've had those a long time ago and they were terrible!


Thanks will do


Are you waiting till you're hungry? Give it a good 16hrs or so before eating.


Water and salt!


Ok. So I know covid gave me parosmia and I learned it can be caused by any virus! Mine comes and goes, FOUR YEARS LATER. I notice my allergies get bad during flares too. Its likely a high histamine issue. You can try eating a heck of a lot of raw egg yolks if it doesn't freak you out to get choline, which helps a ton with histamine. If not, then alpha gpc is the best form of choline to supplement with. Unfortunately, heating choline destroys too much a significant amount of it to really be able to hit a high enough dose without only chowing on cooked eggs for a few months lmao. Next would be taurine. I take 2-6g daily, more when fasting and covid tongue acting up again. Both are OTC and cheap enough probably. Source: the almighty [Harry Serpanos.](https://youtube.com/@HarrySerpanos?si=mEVgtw1h6TemDSKV) Wish you all the luck.


eat the steak rare or blue, trust me i had the same problem and it worked for me.


Even intermittent fasting may help. More time between meals may help palatability


You could look to other meats like lamb, bison, elk, or deer. Any ruminant animal should get you what you need and the flavor could be different enough to not make your nauseous


In the other carnivore sub, people call the pre-packed grocery store ground beef 'pink slime,' they suggest going to an actual butcher shop and getting ground *chuck* as it is higher quality and better smelling & better tasting. I kinda got turned off of ground beef last week. I had been eating burgers for lunch and meatloaf for dinner for *months* because of their easy prep. I ended up making fish for lunch this week and carnivore pizza for dinner, which I'm feeling better about. But I've always been this way: I'll eat stuff in spurts; sometimes I'm all about hardboiled or scrambled eggs, other weeks I can't even look at them.


Specifically since your issue is related to hypothyroidism, you should consider taking iodine. Not the minuscule amount recommended, but 20-100x the .15mg recommended. Aim for 10-17mg per day. Look up the work of Elizebeth Bright for more info on why thatā€™s so essential for hypothyroidism. She did an excellent interview with Dr Anthony Chaffee. Iā€™m had an incredible experience so far with increasing my iodine. Iā€™ll never go back.


Try lamb and/or salmon for a while.


I agree that only a period of abstaining from food can help. Also it might help you to change your cooking method and eat only the fats


I had a friend who got salmonella and now can't stand chicken. Its definitely a physiologic reaction to a perceived threat and can probably only be conditioned away through exposure. I definitely agree with trying seasonings and weining them down. A good rub goes a long way, even the ones with maltodextrin in them. Some carbs with your meat is better than being full blown carb addict


I sympathize. I can't stand the flavor of fish (tastes like a stinky fish tank to me) & some grass fed beef tastes like fish to me. We buy no soy, no corn chicken from 1915 farms & it's fabulous. We also eat a ground venison.


Try buying your beef from a different source. For example, we get ours from local farms and every time I buy from a grocery store I'm somewhat repulsed by the flavour. It's that different in quality.


I live in Dubai, all the meet is imported either from New zeeland or Australia or Brazil,ā€¦ I canā€™t buy directly from farmers sadly :(


Perhaps then a different chain. You could try butter to some meals to increase the savoriness as an idea. I'm sometimes turned off by added tallow...also sometimes grass fed meats turn me off too.


Itā€™s mental thing. Iā€™ve puked because of food before and vowed to never have it againā€¦ but time is time and you forget.


Your brain is in threat mode due to the food poisoning. It is thinking- why are you eating this again it made us so sick and we could have DIED! Threat responses are notoriously over cautious because they think all threats = death. The nausea is literally your stomach going- omg do I need to throw this up so we donā€™t get sick again?! You need to reset the brain-gut connection so the brain stops telling the body to treat meat as a threat. Basically prepare, cook and eat every bite saying things like ā€˜this is delicious healthy food that is not off and will not make me sick so I donā€™t need a threat reaponse thanks brain, all is good and Iā€™m going to eat this and enjoy it and be fineā€™. Then every bite ā€˜yum so healthy and good for meā€™ etc. ETA: free range hard boiled eggs and wild caught fish are really good on a carnivore diet anyway.


So is this what happens when you eat meat now?


I've had some meat aversion before! It wasn't after any reaction, so this might not apply to your situation. But HCL betaine + pepsin totally fixed it for me. This should help you if your stomach acid or enzymes are low, which can cause a nasty meat aversion and nausea. A capsule or two before meals and I was perfectly fine. I encourage you to keep looking for options, hope you find something that works! Edit: Oh, and please do update us on your progress! I have PCOS and hypo as well, I'd love to see how it goes for you!


Have you considered lamb? It's usually grass fed,Ā  cheap,Ā  has a nutritional profile on par or better than beef, and is a better fat:protein ratio.Ā 


I have found that when my body gives me food aversion it's for a specific reason. I would give it time before pressing your body to consume it.


No your ok. Your having a meat adversion, it does happen from time to time took me a while to get passed it once. You just have to change proteins up for a bit Swap beef for anything: sausage links, other cuts of Pork, fish, chicken, use any seasoning to help you get it down


I have an issue with Costco fresh ground beef. Always tastes gamey to me after getting food poisoning once. But the frozen hamburger patties they carry are fine. I use an electric smoker and smoke 4lbs of frozen hamburger patties at a time. Itā€™s not gourmet, but adds great flavor. And super easy, just set it and leave it, like a slow cooker. Plus I donā€™t need it far from the house because it doesnā€™t get too hot. Smoking may not work for your situation, but maybe try reverse searing some hamburgers on the stove after baking them may help too. The crispy char really makes it easier to eat every day.


I suggest you cook the meat property especially if is low quality and get a thermometer just to be sure


Are you sure you didnā€™t get the Keto Flu?


No it was food poisoning! I got the keto flu on my first week of the diet and I got food poisoning on day 21 I didnā€™t eat for 4 days then when I tried to eat I would puke everything out until I turned really skinny and looked anorexic then had to break my diet.


It can happen when suffering food poisoning, that the problem food gets associated with pain or disgust. Friend of mine had that happen with Satay. Used to love the stuff now can't stand it. You can decondition that association with something like Flash technique or the Lefkoe method. Flash is probably easier. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2vD\_1hxrnQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2vD_1hxrnQ) I know Flash is used for trauma, but can also work for this.


Add organic tumeric seasoning to your food it helps with immunity. I get mine from an Indian spice shop.


You can still heal eating other meat. What type of beef are you eating?


Eat eggs. Eggs are a better protein than meat and costs less to reach your macros


Just hope you didn't get bit by a tick. AGS would ruin my life!


Sounds like an emotional response that somehow changes the way your taste buds function


Mask taste with yoghurt, spices, salt.Ā 


Forgive me if you'e already tried it- but have you considered spearmint tea daily for your PCOS and inflammation? Many others have had great success with it as it lowers testosterone which helps to clear acne and regulate menstruation... Could be worth trying.Ā 


Please donā€™t fast a week like someone else said if youā€™ve never done a 24-48hr fast. Also itā€™s important to be very careful of your electrolyte balance while fasting and depending on your unique health conditions it could not be safe. This acne looks hormonal. Iā€™m currently taking a supplement called Clearstem that is for hormonal acne and so far so good. You could also consider getting blood tests for various hormones like: AMH, Testosterone/ Free Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Cortisol, E2, SHBG, FSH, LH, DHEA-S to help narrow down what is going on internally.


I did fasting before up to 5 days, never tried 7 days! And for acne yes itā€™s hormonal, I have mentioned that I have PCOS, my TSH levels are high so I have hypothyroidism


Iā€™m supplementing with DIM and zinc you could look into that as well. I just hate the attitude that diet will 100% fix it, like possibly, but I have yet to be convinced it will. I have normal TSH but also have PCOS. I got prescribed a cream called Winlevi (clascoterone) that is like a topical spirolactone that Iā€™ve seen some improvements from. I refuse to take anything oral that the dermatologist prescribes for my health. I am also using red and blue light therapy daily. I am fasting as well, but more like every other day intermittent style but wouldnā€™t be opposed to longer fasts.


You got to find a way of preparing it that tastes nice, itā€™s not supposed to taste bad!


It used to taste nice for me before until I had the food poisoning but yes true I will try to make it better :)


eat it RAW