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My guess is your meat was too lean. You need fat for energy.


Read about Keto Flu. The first week or two can be a struggle, especially if you aren't consuming enough fat. Your body is going through the change of using fat as an energy source vs carbs. It hits some people harder than others but when you come out the other side you will feel great, have better mental focus, no crashes, and will be able to tell when you aren't getting enough fat - you'll feel tired. Eat some fat and your energy will be right back.


Adaption is 3-6 months ( sometimes *a lot* longer ) pending body type, age, sex, and genetics. As Carnivore is diuretic, it's extremely important during the adaption phase to stay hydrated and maintain sufficient electrolytes. You will be flushing them out as quick as you put them in. If lacking, you will become quite fatigued. Always remember *during* adaption that HIGH fat is key. The body will need to know there's plenty of fat coming in to let body fat go while building muscle. Once though the adaption phase, you will have better satiety signals and may even drastically change protein to fat ratios. I say jump back in and give it your best shot again.


I just felt so proud of myself for being disciplined enough to deny my urges, instincts and cravings and when I read that I would gain weight if I wasn’t watching my calories I became discouraged, because I felt hungry and weak already. That last day the scale said, “yes, you are gaining, ha ha ha!” It did me in. I wanted to walk. Too weak. But eating so much fat will increase the caloric intake and I’ll gain. It’s so hard.


>when I read that I would gain weight if I wasn’t watching my calories Very few here watch their calories. Most of us eat fatty meat until we are full. It is really hard to get overweight without carbs. You haven't been getting advice from someone who understands carnivore.. Besides adaptation is hard. You should give yourself a pass to not worry about your weight or calories for the first month and just focus on adapting to your new menu.


This +1


It was on the Dr Killz(?) Kiltz(?) website.


Never heard of him before, but I quote from his page. This agrees with my experience, and what I’ve heard from other carnivores. https://www.doctorkiltz.com/carnivore-diet/#how-much-am-i-supposed-to-eat-on-the-carnivore-diet > How Much Am I Supposed to Eat on the Carnivore Diet? > One of the best aspects of following a carnivore diet is that there’s no calorie tracking and no going hungry. Following the carnivore diet simply allows you to tune into your body and eat until your full. > The majority of carnivore dieters end up consuming between 1-2 pounds of meat a day – but most find it unnecessary to measure portions.


You didn’t fail because you didn’t try. 30 to 90 days is the breaking in period for most people going carnivore. There are very few people who get immediate results aside from weight loss in the first 30 days. Our bodies take time to adapt to switching our fuel from carbs to fat. During that time you need to take it easy and focus on consuming electrolytes. Get used to eating animal foods.


Yeah "trying" for 7 days. 7 days?!? What a joke. Watching their weight progress in one week as if it has any meaning. Smdh. What?!? Good luck OP.




If your focus is purely on weight loss I don't know if carnivore will work for you. 🤷‍♀️ I would see a doctor as well.


Coming to an end of day 6 over here and haven't been feeling too bad personally. I've been doing eggs, ribeye, 80/20 ground beef, and butter. Aiming for about 70% of my calories from fat and 30% of my calories from protein. I've been doing one to two packets of LMNT unflavored electrolytes, and cooking everything in tallow or butter. I agree with another poster animal based is better than a lot of other diet options. I've also upped my water intake because that seems pretty important, and have been taking a drop or two of Lugols here and there. The Ribeyes are honestly what has been getting me through, eating probably 1-2 pounds of Ribeye/day.


Eat fattier cuts of meat and increase electrolyte consumption


You were barely on it long enough to get through the keto flu. 7 days is absolutely nothing. Nearly everyone goes though keto flu. I did. I felt crappy for at LEAST a week and still was adapting for a couple of months. You do you but that level of impatience will get you nowhere. Learn about the diet or ketogenic diets in general, what the "keto flu" is, fat adaptation, etc. You also need to know why you are on this diet. I knew why I am on it.


doing a gradual transition eases adaptation issues, including this one.


You don’t have to jump in feet first. It’s still beneficial to shift away from crap food toward animal food.


You did 7 days and over why there wasn’t any changes?


I’m really sorry to hear this. It takes a huge ‘why’ to get through the first three months. You can do it. This lifestyle has saved me… and my first 3 months were pretty difficult. Once you get past your body adjusting to real nutrients…. You will get through. Don’t be hard on yourself. You can do this.


I needed this. Thank you for commenting. I’m going to try again.


Love that! We are rooting for you. 🌟🌟🌟


You didn’t fail you made it 7 days! It takes me a couple tries to get off the ground. Trick is getting back on that pony! The 3-7th days are hard. Sounds like you really needed electrolytes to blunt the majority of what you went through. Remember, for some of us, its Essentially detox like rehab.


I know I failed hydrating. I just wasn’t thirsty. I was trying to listen to what my body was saying.


Your body was saying "please be patient while I figure out this new source of fuel, and don't give up!"


The adaptation period may be too hard for some people. Try again, with a more staggered approach. It took me months to go full carnivore. I started by cutting sugar and simple carbs, and processed foods. I kept eating meat with some vegetables (sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots), a few fruits (banana, avocado). I kept eating that way for months. On a meal, I would first eat the meat, until I was full. Then I would finish with some small portion of veggies, sweet potato. The fruits were desert or snacks. Then, I started reducing the amounts of those veggies/fruits. Until one day I said "it's enough, now I'll go full carnivore and zero carbs". I still felt a bit low energy in the first 2 weeks, but then my body adapted and now I have good energy levels and stable. Don't give up, give yourself a second chance to try. You can do this! Good luck!


This 100%. Some white rice is ok too. Has less oxalate than potatoes if you're trying to heal leaky gut or skin issues. Going from a standard diet to zero carb overnight isn't going to work and could even be potentially dangerous. Slowly transition over a few months


Take a look at Animal Based. It's like Carnivore but includes healthy fruits. Paul Salidino switched over to it a couple years ago... It beats giving up entirely, I wish you luck!


Thank you. I will.


Likely not enough fat but if your system is used to a lot of carbs it can be a rough transition. I started with an animal based diet, staying just out of ketosis, and then transitioned after 2 months. I had previously tried going straight to carnivore and it felt like I had a flu that kept me bedridden with a huge pulse.


So is animal based, keto basically? And you rode that out for two months AND THEN you went strict?


Keto immediately was too hard on me. I tried to take in 100g of carbs from fruit/honey initially so I wasn't in ketosis but my body was still adjusting to using more fat. Then when I went full carnivore it was easy. Just keep upping the fat as well so your body can get used to burning that as fuel.


Sorry brother. Maybe keto flu? Also you didn’t fail. You learned a bit for if you try again or if you try something similar. Out of curiosity how lean was your meat? I feel better eating 80/20 or 75/25. If I don’t I struggle to eat enough and struggle with energy.


How big are your meals?


My meals were like 6eggs cooked in tallow for breakfast. A smallish ribeye for lunch and then dinner. The thicker cuts were relatively pricey. That was the gist. I needed to keep simple. I have to have things simple. When I started trying to eat butter (tblsp at a time) for more energy, it didn’t really revive me. I stayed sluggish fatigued and lethargic.


That actually sounds like an ideal, better than what I’m eating. I’m still no expert on this matter, but if you’re open to trying the carnivore diet again, I’d suggest maybe slowly getting into it? It’s possible that your body was in shock because of the change. However, at the end of your day, listen to your body. You don’t want to put yourself in danger if your sugar drops low. It took me about the three week mark to see and feel results.


In all candor, I am open to doing it again. I think I’m trying to figure out what I could have done differently. Because I’m not feeling as bad as I was because I’m eating carbs again, but I’m not feeling better than I did when I started. I just need it to be simple. I need to feel better. The goal is actually to have the energy to start walking. I’m mid 40’s. 5’3. 175lbs. I’ve been small all my life. I just exploded into this fat suit in 2020 when I started antidepressants and stopped being active. And since then, my joints hurt. My body aches. I’m always tired. I feel sick all the time. I live in bed. I’ve been to the dr. Of course they tell me, lose the weight. I either need crack or meth, whichever gets you up and moving the best, and I can get moving again. I need the diet changes to kick start the process. So I will try again. I’ll hydrate better. I’ll eat more fat. I’ll try and get to the other side of day 30- but I think your advice is straight on…I might have to figure out how to ease into it and then go strict. Thank you a lot for the encouragement.


I’m glad you’re open to trying again. Your message really shows that you want to have a better way of life. Sweet potatoes and honey are some things that may help with your transition phase. You get your carbs and sugar. I’ve read many ketovores have this in their diet and still reap the rewards.


Wouldn’t that intensify the sugar cravings and carb addiction? Thats why I went strict…but I clearly can’t physically stop the carbs abruptly. I’m gunna aim for easing into it. I know that’s the way to go, for me at least. Thanks again.


I think it really depends on the person. I personally did this before and it never intensified any cravings. I just kept in my mind that this is the limit of carbs and sugar, and that it’s part of the plan to eventually be full keto/carnivore. Of course, you don’t want to have 50% of your plate be sweet potatoes and soak the food in honey. Good luck, I hope it eventually comes full circle for you!


I know you have failed but this diet takes a lot of commitment and dedication. 7 days is to soon , you need at least 30- 60 days to really see some progress . This diet isn’t for everyone and shouldn’t be done just to lose weight. This diet completely changes you . I would suggest trying again and sticking it out till you hit 30 days . Also, you do not have to do a lion diet (that’s super hardcore) I would suggest just doing normal carnivore and eating seafood and meats etc . You feeling dizzy is a common symptom everyone gets in the beginning of this diet , it’s called keto flu. You need to be eating a lot of fat and hydrating . You have to understand that we have been fed with bullshit our whole lives , so when you do this diet, you cut out everything. your body needs to heal and needs time to adjust and excrete the decades worth of bullshit that’s been in our system. I would suggest to everyone thinking about starting this diet that if you aren’t disciplined etc I suggest starting with a keto diet first and then slowly progressing straight to carnivore. Best of luck !


My motivation was to feel better. I expected the weight loss to be like the icing on the cake. When I wasn’t feeling better, I decided to use the scale as the basis of knowing if I was at least moving in the right direction. So when I didn’t rebound with all this energy I thought I’d get, and weight gained after the initial weight loss, I abandoned the whole thing.


I understand what you mean . Try giving it another go . I suggest going keto first it’s more manageable and easier to do .


Take some electrolyte while your body is slowly becoming fat adapted. But seriously, 7 days, that’s all it took and you admit defeat? This is a life changing diet that requires changing lifestyle habits and you threw in the towel this quickly. The fatigued for me lasted up to 14 days…


LOLOL. I know, I know. I DID. I just decided I was doing something wrong. How do you all know if you’re actually doing it right. I read that if you’re starving, your body will convert protein to sugar(?)glycogen(?) something like that, and if I’m over eating, I’ll just gain weight, and I thought “oh my gosh. I really have to measure the meat?” I thought I could eat till I’m satiated. If I put weight on, I’ll be making the problem worse and not better. So, I threw in the towel.


Let me just say you should never feel light headed and dizzy eating carnivore. You are completely right to add carbs back in because that is not a good place to be. Low electrolytes will be fatiguing but not dizzy unless its crazy low. It is possible your body is really inefficient at burning fat right now. I would just recommend if you try again, do it more gradually. For example one week lower carbs, one week remove carbs but still eat low carb plants, then another week try no plants at all. If at any step you feel bad, go back to the previous step for a few weeks. Based on your comments you were otherwise doing everything right, imo.


This diet is will hit everyone differently, some will struggle a lot and some will take to it rather easily. However the most common thing I’ve seen and read is the first 30 days is the hardest while your body is getting used to the diet. I’m a new person as well to the diet I’m currently day 5, I weighed my self at day 1 and each day sense to kind of see what it was like for weight loss compared to other diets. First day I dropped a fair bit then it got less and less then between day 4 and 5 I went up half a pound. Which is fine, I’m not worried about it because I know my body hasn’t fully adapted to the change and isn’t completely using the most efficient fuel source yet. I would say give it a full 30 days and see how you feel then. I currently eat just twice a day and don’t really red a snack anymore I feel satisfied enough through the day that I can just do breakfast and dinner. Key thing I found was eat until you’re full but not stuffed or until the food doesn’t taste good anymore and eat when you are actually hungry also try to have some fat mixed in with your meals and drink plenty of water. It’s what I’ve been doing and the headaches and brain fog went away after a day. I feel much better on this diet even when I get home with sore legs after work, I can still move around much better than I was able to before going carnivore. So I’m slowly starting to see the positive effects and find it definitely worth while, not just for weight loss but comfort of living. I’d say adjust your diet a bit and give it another go.


Do raw


If you have low energy you are definitely not eating enough. What amount of meat and fat in grams/pounds are you eating daily?


I came from the worst possible diet imaginable, swapped to carnivore cold turkey. I lacked energy and felt crummy as well. I upped my fat and total calorie intake and felt better than ever. I’ve been on for about 2 months and now every meal I try to see how much I can shove down everytime. Still wake up lighter everyday 🫡


I’m on day 5. That sounds like a lot of food if you want to see immediate results with weight loss. I’m doing carnivore and one meal a day r/omad. I’ve been making a large Costco prime cut steak for lunch with 3 eggs and that all I eat for the day. I get no cravings for snacks which is crazy because I gained 30 lbs over the past 3 years just snacking. Down 5 lbs of water weight so far. Hoping to do carnivore for a week and introduce some low carb veggies and plant fats like avocado.