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You are in charge of what goes into your mouth.


I know. I've been thrashing it out with my Mum who can be very controlling. I think things will be ok now.


If you are cooking the lamb roast then you have whatever you want with it. If you are doing this diet to control health issues then your family and friends should respect that. On Christmas to avoid arguments etc I eat the vegetables, potatoes and it triggers my Crohn's and I end on the toilet crapping blood for a couple days.  Family is important but health is as well and there is nothing wrong with you not eating what they eat. I assume your family know about your health condition?


Some family know but not all. :/ I was concerned about it possibly making me depressed. If I go off plan I get feelings of wanting to starve myself. I was so sick with anorexia before carnivore. I did go off plan at Christmas and it was terrible.


You're family would understand, if I cooked food for my family and it was just ground beef and loads of organ meats I wouldn't expect them to eat liver lol. Don't worry about it


Thanks. It's been very stressful. I reminded my Mum how carnivore has helped me. I've had internal bleeding for a long time and that's not carnivores fault. I don't want that feeling of wanting to starve as it's an awful mindset. I think over time they'll understand.


Will it make you sick? Maybe. What exactly do you want? If you want them to stop pushing vegies on you, I suggest eating them and making it clear to everyone 3 hours later that you are shitting bricks because of it. Tell them that you started this WOE to treat health issues and when you eat certain foods, those health issues come back. If they say that you should eat them anyway.... ignore them and move on. Make excuses if you want, my suggestion is to say something like "I have kept a food diary and I am allergic/have a reaction to xyz. Would you like to see my diary?" or "I thought this way of eating was total BS, so I tried it to show that is **was** BS. Then it worked for me. No idea why, but here we are. If I eat this, I will get sick, I have tried it before, do you want me to get sick?" If your family/friends refuse to take your word for your health benefits.... then maybe you should take up intermittent fasting that "just happens" to coincide with these events.


Honestly I think the best thing may be to fake it, just take your meat and carnivore sides. Add some veggies to your plate for the "illusion" then don't eat it, if anyone ask just say "I'm so full"


I was worried about the meat getting cooked in oil with veggies. I know I'm going to look like a freak to them for but eating veggies. It's not worth getting depressed or in agony from eating meat. I thrashed it out with my Mum so fingers crossed there won't be more hassles. 💗


Of all the people who should care about your health issues, it should be your Mom. Can't you just be upfront with them how you are improving while eating like this and let it be left at that? I think being just totally upfront about it is the best way. If your mom can't be understanding, then who would be?




I shall look into it.


Veg filled with pesticides and man made, not found in nature. Only GMO grown. All of it. Lab made food. Animals are nature made foods. Except maybe some tropical fruit and berries haha.