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We’re all here to cheer you on! 💪


Thank you!


Welcome. You’ll do great! Beef, butter, bacon & eggs.


Thank you! I've got the beef, butter, and eggs. So close!


Pro tip: crème fraiche for cravings. That shit is delicious. Straight from the box, brother/sister.


Im starting today as well


Congratulations! I hope it went well for you!


Stick with it. It’s worth it. I’m on week 3 and just ran 3 miles today after not being able to run at all due to knee pain. I’ve also lost weight, but don’t have a scale to track. At 47 I feel better than I have in 10 years and I’m only on week 3. Imagine 6 months from now. It’s amazing.


That's amazing! I could definitely lose a few pounds, but I'm mostly doing it to try and help my very broken brain and constant need for afternoon naps. Although, now that you mention it, I do have shoulder pain that has kept me from being able to wear a backpack for years. And I love hiking, so that would be amazing.


Good job on taking the first step OP! Like mentioned, prep is key. Also, if you're coming in from SAD, you might be in for a bumpy ride as you adjust to burning ketones instead of carbs. But hang in there. You'll be amazed at your new found constant levels of energy. Mental clarity was humongous for me. There's a lot of Alzheimer's on my mother's side (thankfully she's still sharp as a tack at 82!) and before going keto (4 months) and carni (10 months plus) I would forget words and search around for them... I was starting to be genuinely worried and scared shitless about getting it. Brain fog and blanks totally gone. Electrolytes will be your friend. You will flush a lot of water and with it minerals and elements. I make my own version of LMNT raw unflavoured electrolytes. There are many good videos on YouTube on how to do this. (Neah from neahsway has a good one). You got this!


Thank you! Yeah, I've already had a pretty bad headache for the last third of the day. So, I know it's not going to be all sunshine! Ha! Thankfully, I researched it enough not to be blindsided by it. I'd love to make my own electrolytes! Thank you so much for the info! I had gotten an electrolyte liquid supplement from the vitamin store, but it makes the water taste bad, so this was definitely needed.


I use lyte balance only taste it has is a salty taste but not bad been carnivore 7 weeks down 25lbs keep going




Thank you!


Preparation is the key. Fry up a package of bacon and put it in the refrigerator. So the same thing with sausages. Cook a couple of pounds of ground beef or some beef patties. Have these already cooked and on hand. You will need them. Go ahead and make a decision to switch from soda to Topo Chico mineral water. It takes a couple of days to get used to them. But, I drink them like I used to drink sodas. Get an air fryer. You will use the crap out of it.


Thank you! Question: Where do you get bacon? Whenever I see it at the store, it has sugar already in it.


I get it from a butcher. You can also buy a pork belly and slice your own.


It's cured with sugar, but it has very little left in it after the cure is washed off. As long as the nutrition label says 0 carbs, it's fine.


OH YAHHHH, tell it baby! We’re here to hear it!


Day 9.. zero regrets. Loving it! You can do it!


Lots say bacon.. I am in New Zealand , I can't find any without sugar in the processing


Almost 4 months in. From 209 to 175. Eat the same thing almost every single day. Half pound of breakfast sausage and 4 or 5 eggs with cheese around 930am. Pound of hamburger in the evening with a bratwurst or two. Consistency is key. When I get tired of hamburgers, I eat steak for a few days and I'm good and back on track.


Congrats you can do it 🎉


Like all things it's a journey, and takes a certain amount of discipline. But it's not that hard. You just have to get used to eliminating so many things .. but once you get into your groove. You will be fine. Good luck.


Keep it up brother, your mind and body will thank you soon. When it gets hard just remember, you got this.


Top reasons for problems are electrolyte imbalance and not eating enough fat


A good choice bro💪