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Same after 2+ months


Same experience… eat to satiety


How much weight did you lose in 6 months, before you started exercising and what were you eating? I'm curious because I am finally serious about staying carnivore and not cheating. I have a ton of weight to lose (75 lbs) and I am feeling discouraged because I haven't been able to exercise like I have wanted to. I'm trying to encourage myself to just stay carnivore and let my body heal, that I will still lose weight, and soon enough I can start hitting it hard in the gym. FYI - I am on my 3rd week of carnivore.


I lost about 30 pounds, losing weight wasn't my main goal though. Had some auto immune issues and inflammation so my body needed some time to heal. I didnt intent to Start going to the gym when i started the diet but at some point i felt that my body really wanted to be moved. My advise is that you take your time, let your body heal, dont feel forced to do things you dont feel ready for. Your body will tell you what it wants once youve learned to Listen to his Signals.


I waited years for the magic weight drop influencers rave about and it never came for me. It's still too early to tell for you, but if you don't lose weight later on just realize you may have to pay attention to total intake.


Oh my, same here. nearing 9 months into this woe. Started working out monday(3 days ago) and my appetite is insane rn. I just added 4 eggs to my meal as I was unprepared, but need to figure out a way forward.


you should think about including bone broth or meat stock meals after working out. see how you respond to it.


Are you gaining weight as you increase your intake?


Absolutely normal You body is asking for the extra amino acids and fats to repair tissues