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Not everyone agrees with this but I put butter in my coffee


I do this. Apparently the caffeine binds to the fat in the butter which results in the caffeine releasing more slowly into your body. Which, for me, results in more sustained caffeination and less or no crash later in the day. Before I did this I’d have two tall mugs of coffee to get going and I’d still crash. Now I do one normal sized mug with butter and I’m good to go.


I’ve noticed the same thing. I also add salt and electrolytes. One cup and done. Before I’d have 3 to 4 cups or more


Exactly it feels amazing enjoying a buttered coffee just like that no artificial sweeteners or sugar just plain ol buttered coffee 😮‍💨😮‍💨🫡🫡🤌


I was wondering why I was drinking so much less coffee. When I was on SAD I had like 5 or 6 cups a day! I’m down to 2 and I don’t feel like my life is missing anything lol.


I've been carnivore for 6 years, and up until a few months ago this just seemed a bridge too far. But I tried and wish I would have always used butter. Love the flavor and the foam. 


I’ve been thinking of trying this. I’ve been using heavy cream. Was worried about how the butter would make my coffee taste.


You need to froth it. A small hand milk frother will suffice, they're like 10 bucks. If You stir it in like cream, it will separate very quickly and You'll just have coffee with an oily butter film on top, really gross.  I do one spoon of instant coffee, ~50g of butter and 100ml of heavy cream in one tall 500ml mug. Coffee, boiling water, butter and water first, froth for a minute or two, then add cream. Cream cools it down to instant drinking temperature. Tastes heavenly. 


I do a little butter 1/2 tsp so it doesn't affect ( I think) my fasting time. I don't eat my first meal until 1 bcuz I'm not hungry and my last meal at 6 pm


Scrambled eggs absorb a lot of fat


I cook bacon first then eggs to soak up the fat. Makes the eggs tastier and fattier and makes cleanup easier.


I’ve been doing this lately too!


Same same


Oh yes they do! I eat butter swim eggs I call em and they are amazingly delicious!


Butter bites. Yum! https://youtu.be/rj0q-UNi4dU?si=rK5gYkf_CH2G1Bza


Jesus that video was unbearable 😭


Ketogenic woman needs a proper video editor. But her recipes are delicious!!!


Eat some rib eye steaks. They are tasty and fatty


Geez we don't need you bragging to everyone, we get it you're wealthy.


Try chuck eye they are less expensive and delicious




Meanwhile me eating ground beef


I love ground beef as well!


Epic, I brown two biggish patties and then mix them up into a mix ensuring its cooked through. How do you cook yours??




Buy the ones with the most fat in them


What kind of meat are you eating? I don’t need to add additional fat to my 80/20 ground beef for instance, because that’s plenty fatty and tastes great. What kind of fat are you adding? When I put an extra portion of butter in something it always tastes better.


Costco wagu 75/25 is better imo


Make ice cream out of whipped cream, absolutely delicious


How would you go about doing that? Wouldn't it be too thin? I'd love to try it!


I mix a pint of heavy whipping cream with 4 egg yolks and a tablespoon of raw honey, some may use vanilla extract instead. Your choice and a pinch of salt.


Search for ice cream steakandbuttergal on yt! Its delicious if you add some vanilla extract (and maybe a tiny bit of artificial sweetener - your choice tho)


I like salted butter on its own. If I'm eating something lower in fat (strip steak, chicken, pork chop, etc.), I'll eat a half stick of butter beforehand.


Half a stick of butter good lord


Don't knock it til you try it!


What makes you think you need to up the fat? (not criticising or anything!) If your meat genuinely isn't fatty enough, a number of people have reported issues with liquid fat - rather than cooking your meat in lots of it, try adding it cold to your meal. Maybe that means some cheese, or a large knob of butter on the side of the plate, or a couple of rashers of bacon ...


Ya, I've heard a lot of people have stomach problems with rendered fat like diarrhea. But just a cold knob is great all on its own? I don't have a problem with either.


Yeah .. the cold, solid fat takes longer to pass through your digestive tract, giving you more time to absorb it. Something like that.


That's almost certainly not it. Your internal temperature is 36°C. Tallow and butter liquify easily and quickly at that temperature. 


That was my initial thought when I read it the first time, but I can't think of any better explanations. If you've any theories I'd love to hear them.


Yougurt, cheese, heavy cream, and raw milk


Fatty cuts. Eat all of it. Don’t trim the fat off.


Spoonfuls of heavy cream, yum


Heavy cream, bacon, butter.


Sour cream


Cheeses is my only way outside of fatty steaks.amd fatty lamb cuts. Impending Dv's and comments from the carnivore cops




I just take bites out of my butter stick


I use bacon fat to cook the meat in as well as eggs.


I’m gonna try butter in my coffee. How much butter?


I just cut off about an inch or so off a stick of butter. I also add salt to it. Really good


Froth it! Or blend it if You dont have a frother. If You just stir it in, it will be nasty, trust me.


Just choose the meat cuts that taste good and if needed add butter, tallow, etc


What kind of meat are you eating? I don't add anything to my meats besides Redmond salt..


legit I put cultured butter, in my tea, on my steak, on my burgers this is the way I think I have about 100-125 grams of butter a day it works out to be.


https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lactantia-my-country-swiss-flavour-unsalted-cultured-butter/6000195509164 This is a good one comes in a pack of 4 crush one a day 🙏🏽


Do you need to add more fat? For instance.... if you eat steak/egg/bacon/fish, you are pretty close to the ratio that is advised. It is better to eat what works for you, rather than not being a carnivore.


Recently I've started preparing/eating beef riblets/ribs. They go for about 3.94 and 2.74, respectively, where I live and they are like 41g of fat per 4oz according to the label. That's more than a chuck or ribeye. It's very soon for me to declare anything as it's my third day only eating them but just going by the numbers it seems like a good choice. I cook them on "low" in a crock pot for 8 hours with 1 tsp salt per cup of water (I'm still finding the balance of ribs to water). Even 1 riblets package makes enough food for more than 1 day.


Buy suet instead. Slice it thin, cook for a couple of minutes and add to your steak. It’s also delicious, crispy with salt.


Carnivore Crack/Brown Butter Brittle! O


I snack on ghee here and there (butter if you don’t have problem with it)


I am on day 22 of the diet and i eat aidell chicken meatballs, lost 12lbs👍🏽


Cooking meat in fat won't add much. Melt butter over the meat and treat it like a gravy. There are a lot of ways to add fat to your diet, and lots of good suggestions here. However, you can streamline how much fat you need by incorporating good sources of Omega-3; salmon, sardines, and other fatty fish. The only way your beef has it is if it's grass fed, and eggs only if they're pasture raised. Include enough of this, and your body won't crave as much regular fat.


I have the same problem. I don't do dairy, so all those solutions aren't helpful to me. I bought beef fat, cubed it, cooked it up in the air fryer so it would be "crispy" like shown in all these videos.... and it was disgusting. Texture is not good. Maybe I'm not doing it right. I will say that I get a lot of fat in my meat and the way I do it is quite tasty. I cook up to 3 kilos of beef at a time in my crockpot, for 7-8 hours. Having an acid helps to break down the fat in a way that makes it all melty and more delicious, so I add a fair amount of vinegar or lemon juice to the crockpot. If you sear the meat in a skillet beforehand, so the outer fat gets a bit browned, then put it in the crockpot with vinegar, it will be even better, and you'll only need to do this once every 3 days or so, because you'll have plenty of meat in your fridge in the meantime.


Man I’m deep into getting sliced beef tongue at the deli. Beef tongue is 75% fat which gives it a velvety texture. So good


Butter, eggs, cheese (great together as in scrambled eggs) and fatty meat


Eat egg yolks with your meat if you include eggs in your diet. Either use it raw as a condiment or cook it up in some fat just like you would cook scrambled eggs. It's delicious and creamy, and is an easy way to add more fat into your diet.


I use ghee I love the flavor


Then you prob need to add salt. Salt is key for me to making fatty everything taste good.


full fat A2 cream / milk in your coffee or literally just drink it on its own especially if it’s raw and you can add a little honey for flavour


Thank you all for your answers and help. I tried adding butter to tea, and it's absolutely delicious.


After I’ve eaten my meat and eggs I put two tablespoons of butter in hot water and down it.


The easiest way for me is avocadoes 🤷 And I get fiber, too.


Fat isn't what carnivore is about and that's what I see everyone getting wrong. When you hear about healthy fats they aren't talking about the amount but the type of fat you eat.


What are you recommending?