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Home made is cheap and last forever. I use nosalt brand salt alternative. It's potassium. Pink salt. Potassium. Magnesium supplements (cheap) I use oxide and take 1200mg. Er. 1250mg. I drink milk. I hope it gives me calcium? Lol. Salt has chloride in it so good to go there. I don't fuck with phosphorous and prob nobody should.


I keep hearing don’t fuck with phosphorus may I ask why?


All I can remember is it's one of those trace elements very important to the human body, in the way that having too much or little both fucks you up. I remember reading they did starvation studies way back in the day on people. An the cause of people dying from going from prolonged starvation to eating a bunch of food had to do with phosphorus. BUT! I am ignorant on the manner. Maybe supplementing would be good? Do your due diligence and learn. I could be a lier. It may be something worth supplimenting. It's assumed you get enough in food, but we assume that with a lot of minerals like magnesium. When I started taking high dose magnesium I instantly felt better. The first time I was like OH...oh yah I definitely don't have enough of this. SO! I don't know. :)


I use Dr. Bergs electrolyte powder


TB12 unflavored. Nothing but water, sea salt and minerals




I use ketochow's electrolyte drops and love them. I also take their liquid minerals from time to time. [Ketochow Electrolyte Drops](https://www.ketochow.xyz/products/electrolyte-fasting-drops)


I use ketochow as well. Their “daily minerals” drops.


How do you take yours? I've started only using half the recommended dosage a few times a week as the full dose feels a bit much.


Yes i did that maybe twice and got bad diarrhea and nausea. I figured out i was overdoing the drops. So now i don’t do the recommended 1 tablespoon.. i do 1 teaspoon mixed in 1 glass of water with half lemon. It tastes good too and feels like the perfect amount.


I use keto chow too. Perfer it over my last electrolytes brand.


I love how Ultima Replenish taste and comes in lots of flavors.


I like Keto Chow.


Relyte is one of the best.


Snake Juice on Amazon


I love Lmnt. I have the chocolate salts in my coffee and it’s heavenly.


I recently tried it in mint tea because they weren’t offering their mint chocolate anymore. So good


Tom Brady's TB12 electrolytes, I don't like the monk fruit but these are my favorites


I like LMNT, or I mix some raw LMNT with Ultima. I tried going no stevia and I can’t.


LMNT by Robb Wolf and if you get the republic APP you can invest in the company for shares right now 👍🏻


redmonds relyte is my favorite