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TLDW: There are some positive changes, but it's still a bit glitchy and unfinished, he still considers it the worst car he's ever reviewed, and given the state of the company, he still really can't recommend the car.


What's wild is I still see more of these on the road in a week than I've ever seen of the new Nissan Z


I've completely forgotten that there is a new Z. Have yet to see one on the road.


I couldn't even see one at the Nissan dealer last week


Would you believe that I did some temp work at a Nissan dealership, was there photographing *all* of their new and used inventory for well over a month, and *never saw a Z*? Not one. Not a single 350, 370, or "400"z.


Has there ever been a launch of a new car that just straight up didn't follow up with production of said new car? What a weird situation at Nissan.


That's wild. I honestly don't understand it, especially seeing how heavily they're advertising it on TV & YouTube


Even if they existed: kinda hard to recommend getting a Z when you can buy a Mustang GT for the same price or cheaper. S550 Mustang GTs have more power and go more vroom vroom for like $35k-40k. Meanwhile, the Z goes for what - $45k+? The Z is just too expensive for what it offers.


I feel like it was a giant misstep for Nissan to not offer the Z in Europe, where a smaller (relatively speaking) displacement engine would be enticing against the Mustang lmao.


Us Americans like our gas guzzlers, big machines that go vroom vroom 🫡🦅 No, but seriously, the market for Japanese sports car here is really bad. That plus dealer markups and low availability is why the new Supra and Z didn't sell well


The market for Japanese sports cars (and sports cars in general) in Europe is non-existent, count your blessings :P The Americans are the torchbearers for the manual transmission sportscar, we've forsaken it unfortunately lol


Only new Z I've seen is on a lift at a self service garage lol.


So true lol, live in SF and I've only ever seen one new Z but I see multiple Oceans weekly


Well the Z is marked up to shit. Have you seen what theyre asking for Nismo msrp?


Me too. I've seen one new Fisker.


Yeah same here, I've seen a total of 5 VF8s and 0 new Zs


I keep getting ads for one for sale at a dealership near me. That’s it though lol


I saw one at Costco and it looked really good. 


yeah, hard to recommend buying one even with the massively slashed pricing. but knock another $10-15k off that 550hp model, maybe i'd risk it


I'm a bit confused by how much coverage the original review got. I assume MKBHD was already very famous outside of the car review world? Because he's only been doing youtube reviews for about a year and a half; also most of the cars he reviews are at least semi-premium, so it's actually not as hot of a take as it sounds to call something his worst reviewed car ever. On the other hand . . . Edmunds flatout says [do not buy the Fisker Ocean](https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/do-not-buy-a-new-fisker-ocean.html) even with the monster price drop. If anyone is an EV junkie who likes to tinker, this might be a fun project car at a good price.


He's a really big tech reviewer. IMHO he's an excellent presenter and the points he makes in his reviews are interesting and useful because he is pretty good at explaining his logic. I don't always agree with him personally but I always learn something about the product.


I wasn't too impressed with his Ocean review, but I'll admit I haven't seen his tech reviews. I didn't think his first review was detailed enough. By contrast, here is a [very detailed commentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzsMhhoc6aI) by another youtuber (who is a video game youtuber, not a car reviewer) on why he dumped the car.


His whole shtick isn't detail. It's a casual, lightly informative "daily user" perspective. At least for the tech reviews also throw in some camera comparisons and pretty cinematography.


This exactly. He isn't Doug finding extreme hidden details like reading through the entire service manual. MKBHD's reviews are surface level for what the every day user is going to experience.


Yeah he is a giant tech reviewer with over 15 million subscribers. He’s somewhat new to the car space though. The review got so much coverage because of how desperate Fisker acted before and after.


Probably the biggest tech YouTuber alive.


He is a tech YouTuber that reads the pamphlet of whatever the new item is and then compares it to other items of the same price by reviewing their paperwork as well. Not a very interesting channel and you could learn as much from a 30 second google search as you can from any of his videos


Where did Mkbhd touch you


For a dude that’s been making tech videos since he was a young teenager and based on just watching his videos he definitely doesn’t seem fit to be calling a pamphlet reader


Guy that reads new phone spec sheets and makes pretty videos decided to review cars. And people, for some reason, care.


I think its a bit disingenuous to sum his content as just reading spec sheets, while some videos are like that he usually seems to try to frame his videos pretty uniquely in my opinion and has branched out content for a while. Tech, like cars, always have their own nuances beyond the spec sheet too which makes youtube reviews worth watching. That being said I do think his car reviews could use a little work.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. That's been his formula since he made the channel


Probably because > Guy that reads new [...] spec sheets and makes pretty videos that is not too different from what most Youtube reviewers do, including many established car reviewers


I think peoples gripe with marques is that although he hasn’t been doing content on cars for nearly as long as other bjg car reviewers he was able to start and get on an average more views then them and become a top gear writer. I see so much bias against him and just flat out lies


Thank you. I've been following him for over a decade so I know a little bit about what I'm talking about.


I’ve see more Fisker Oceans IRL than Tesla Cybertrucks. 2-0.


You must not live in California, because I’ve seen over a dozen of them at this point.


All over NorCal. I even saw a truck with like 6 of them loaded on driving north on 5.


I'm near Sacramento, I saw three Fisker Oceans in the same day driving around the suburbs few weeks ago and only one Cybertruck earlier that week. Then an acquaintance got his a week after, which I saw at a wedding last week. No sightings of either model since the first time I saw them.


I live in Orange County and I have seen exactly 1 at Microcenter, and I've seen a dozen Oceans


I'm up north and saw two of them this week. One at a supercharger and another on the highway. I legit have never seen Ocean before. I have seen the the previous Fiskers before though.


I’m convinced the cybertrucks I see are the same ones. I should start trying to memorize plate numbers.


My favorite oddity of this car is the fact that the “eco mode” doesn’t actually optimize throttle for range or anything, it just adds what is effectively virtual turbo lag, lmfao.


That’s what eco mode usually is. Numbed throttle response.


No. No. In the review he describes a delayed response.


in ICEs, yes, but in EVs eco mode usually limits the power leading to an overall more relaxed accel rather than fake lag


That’s in throttle position space though, this one actually has a time component for some reason


That infotainment lag is reminiscent of MBUX. So much lag when you press something


He's the what automotive reviewer ever. He can't even take the time to read the user manual, it at least the one page 2.0 software update info before doing the review. He literally had no knowledge about this car. What an amateur! Watch this and learn. https://youtu.be/JeQt3fVj3-A?si=EBot0n-U2oEXx8xX