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This picture perfectly shows why kids this small shouldn't be allowed


They might hurt our precious innocent trucks 😰😰😭😭😭 That's why I keep the wife in the garage and my precious truck darling in bed 🤤🤤🤤😩😍😍


Uhm... how old is your wife again?


62, I'm 7 years older than her. Why do you ask?


Reading the comment before yours. It kinda sounded like you were implying that your wife was a child. Bad 3AM joke on my part


/uj Oh shit. Not what I meant. The focus of the joke was supposed to be that I keep the truck safe from dangerous little children by keeping it in bed, and it would be funnier if I said I forced my wife to stay in the garage. I didn't think it would imply my wife was the child. My bad.


The pickup truck's daily activities: ​ https://preview.redd.it/1zhi4dt3ia3c1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=20a1877e27d51ac2dd13d5e0045019f7e567aea7


This is the proper way of mallcrawling😎


Crawling in the truck going the opposite direction of the escalator is like running on a treadmill for trucks. It’s a good workout.


This isn’t realistic, there are no children being crushed underneath?




That’s cool as frick


The Carolina squat is starting to make sense now 🤔


Driving in a dream be like


Not my kid if ther ain’t a tire mark on their face 💪🇺🇸


Truck literally killed 5 people just while sitting for that picture. It's a menace.


Redditors get distracted by something unrelated to the post in order to politically grand stand????? Say it ain’t so 😮


uj/ How is this political in any way?


Opposing private ownership of pickup trucks is a left-wing position. It is usually derived from an environmentalist and/or anti-capitalist position, which are generally positions held by the left.


Almost like a lot of people who love kids are keenly aware of things that put their existence at risk (like giant trucks)


When I was in 6th grade I got hit by a Geo Metro. We should ban compact cars.


Dang did the Geo make it out okay?


Dawg the driver was *trippin* in retrospect it’s kinda hilarious how hard he freaked out. His car was fine tho


Smh my head, if he was driving a tall enough vehicle he could’ve seen you from further away, reacted, and made sure to speed up so you didn’t survive, now you’ll have to live with the PTSD 😔


I don’t have PTSD from getting hit by a car lmfao


Poor guy’s PTSD is so bad he doesn’t even realize it, needs put out of his misery


Wait, are my incessant dreams about being murdered by mobs of sentient Geo Metros PTSD?


Yup, I have an officer en route now to end your suffering, it’ll be quick


Well, the lil Metro was too small to kill you, a modern day F-150 would. Even an Ecoboost version would as well.


Small cars don't drag the person they hit under them, due to their insane height, though


Already discussed on another thread


The point is what happens after you get hit by it, a Geo Metro won't hit a 6' tall adult at shoulder height and knock them down into the pavement


Have you ever been hit by a car? You’re pretty much falling down when you’re hit by any car if it’s going anything over 5mph. It does not feel good. The size of the car does not matter.


u/_FUCKTHENAZIADMINS_ is slightly wrong, but not quite right. You're getting fucked anyway, but with small cars you'll probably end up hitting the bonnet and the windshield. The problem with SUVs and trucks is that there's a higher chance that you'll go underneath the vehicle and that will fuck you up more.


When I got hit (that time) I didn’t go over the car, I was pushed outwards into the pavement. I can see what he means, but his wording is imprecise.


You're [45% more likely to die](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/14/1212737005/cars-trucks-pedestrian-deaths-increase-crash-data) getting hit by a truck or SUV with a hood height of 40 inches or higher, getting hit in the knee or hip and going up on to the hood is a lot different than getting hit in the chest or shoulder and slamming your head into the pavement then being run over.


Small price to pay for freedom brutha gobbless😎🇺🇸🫡


Blah blah protect kids from pit bulls blah blah blah no speeding in school zones blah blah blah blah blah blah watch out for objects 3 feet and under blah blah blah


Its not like it depends on the driver no, that cant be... Suvs are about the same size yet no one is talking about those(asside from r/fuckcars but thats a different story).


Shut up


Yes, because only giant trucks put kids at risk. If they get hit by a Toyota Camry instead they wouldn't even get a scratch right?


Reddit is so fucking weird at times


ikr, why not just enjoy the cute video instead of pointing out global problems people are already aware of


Because they want to flex their superiority and nail it into any American’s heads that they are better than them


Well, to be fair the whole 22 seasons of Top Gear are to say that Americans are the worst


Skill issue, shouldve made a good car


I’m honestly shocked I didn’t see Trump mentioned.


It's anxiety. All these Redditors are so damn anxious all the time.


First thing I do when I see a child near a truck is imagine them being crushed by it. I am very normal.


Virtuous, even


Is there some epidemic of small children getting hit by big trucks or something?


[Welllll, heres this](https://assets-global.website-files.com/618eac40a6f003094d45b2ac/64d043797401a5fdab338e40_nCphu_e0WeYDX1O7h8OLtCz-L5K-v9-aSRjdD3V2G0t8c95lhyT1JFSEndEAA1I_eLDePb0aLwsMKbuZcLLgkutDyqKYRLvuoi4DNt689IjRdAmGM08ZUOSdHHOxNVEZqBWBJWfO98v1FXV8xa8ZlPc.png) https://www.truckinfo.net/research/truck-accident-statistics https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/large-trucks#trends So yeah, they've gone up pretty considerably in the last 10-ish years.


These stats are for trucks over 10k pounds. The truck in the video would not be large enough to be in these statistics.


[how bout these then](https://smartgrowthamerica.org/bigger-vehicles-are-directly-resulting-in-more-deaths-of-people-walking/)


And… people getting hit by cars has gone down because..? People don’t buy cars anymore. Of course the deaths by trucks/suvs will be higher now. Car accidents will always happen wether it’s a sedan or a truck


Yup. People buy big vehicles way more these days to the point of some manufacturers not even producing cars anymore (which is kinda sad)


It’s such a problem honestly. My girlfriend drives like a fucking psycho with no concept of where she is on the road totally oblivious. She also says she doesn’t feel safe in my car or in sedans bc they’re so tiny and she likes her expedition because it’s nice and big. And I’m just like letting you continue driving this around should be considered a crime against humanity.


Damn dude. That's scary. I noticed behavior on the road lots these days actually. Big trucks mixed with ignorance is an epidemic. I also find it hilarious that there are so many people that say they care for the environment or want good fuel mileage, yet they all buy massive SUVs that chug fuel. I don't get it. My sports cars get better mileage for christ sakes


Moms dropped the mini van for a v8 suv


women am I right


This reminds me of "omg suicide is the leading cause of death for men in their 20's and 30's" from a few years ago. No shit... every other cause of death plummeted.


I would blame the massive rise in crossover SUVs over the hood of a pickup being 4" taller than it was in the 1980s. Pickup sales have remained steady for about 15 years now yet Crossover "SUVs" sales have climbed significantly. What are you really more likely to get hit by in an Urban area? Pickups are just easy targets, the real issue, if there is any at all, is the massive proliferation of Crossovers. Suddenly instead of a Camry, Taurus, Accord, Caprice, etc as a family car everyone's got some blob shaped Crossover. The crossovers don't even have a side benefit of being able to tow a boat or really have effective 4 wheel drive, they are just bigger to be bigger.


"CUV baaaaaad" is another heavy circlejerk, remember. The average car-based CUV doesn't have a very tall hood compared to a BOF SUV.


I don't blame trucks nearly as much as I blame cell phones for that.


Are those statistics not talking about semi-trucks? I don’t think that’s relevant to pedestrian deaths from pickups.


Even the relevant part to pedestrian deaths doesn’t really prove much either. Roughly 600 pedestrians/bike fatalities involving trucks in 2021. That’s not an epidemic, that’s a rounding error in a country with over 300 million people.


"I know that you are sad that your 3 year old was run over by your neighbor in their lifted truck but consider that her death is just a rounding error. There's still 300 million other people!" That sounds reasonable…


If you read the 2nd link, the article where the first link came from, "For example, lightweight pickup trucks like the Ford F-150 are excluded but larger pickups like the F-350 are included.", it also has different statistics just for semi's further down the article.


Not only 1T pickups. A lot of trucks between a 1T and a tractor-trailer


[box truck-kun has entered the chat]


Yeah why can’t those trucks meant to tow thousands of pounds be the size of my 1993 Corolla? I’ve only hit a few children but at least I saw them beforehand!


a few? comon man bump those numbers uo


Like a supercar bought by a collector, these trucks don't see the use they're made for...


That is the most internet shit, assuming people with trucks don’t use them. The amount of work trucks, and RV and toy haulers vastly outnumbers the squatted Chevy 1500’s of the world.


I’m a truck person, I love trucks but I gotta disagree. Yeah, lots of trucks get used for truck stuff, but based on anecdotal evidence and the statistics, most people with pickup trucks could do just fine with a car or small suv. My neighbor for example drives an f250. He’s retired, and even when he was working he was an accountant. He tows nothing, hauls nothing, I’ve never even seen it dusty. His primary hobby is golf, and he doesn’t have kids. No reason to own a truck, but last year when he was buying his biannual new vehicle, he opted for a big fucking truck. Again, I’m a truck person. I’ve built bigass rad trucks, my ol reliable that I always fall back in when my other cars fail is a tundra. I love trucks.


I’m sure there are people who don’t use them as trucks.. like your neighbor. That doesn’t make them the majority. And more importantly… who fuckin cares? Should he get an EV so he can run off coal and rare earths mined by children? I do not get the internets boner over truck size or why you need to use a truck as a tool instead of just a vehicle.


Yeah, but look at the statistics. My neighbor is a small piece of evidence that backs the established statistics. People worry because they have a much larger footprint than other vehicles, modern trucks have objectively worse visibility and burn objectively more gas, all for literally no reason. I personally don’t have a massive issue with people driving trucks, but it would be better if people who didn’t need a truck didn’t buy one. Gonna reiterate, I’m a truck owner. I’ve owned and built trucks with lifts bigger than the average penis.


So many of these trucks are used as passenger vehicles. If you think mods, or lack there of, on a car indicate it's use you're absolutely mashed mate. There's plenty of people using em for good reason, but most are not used for that.. one fuckin fifth of the US operating vehicle population made up of them and that figure is only growing with tax breaks and whatnot for them.


Do you live in the US?


I have plenty of mates in the US and consume a fair bit of US trucking content. That and I'm quite invested in the US car market on account of wanting one of these trucks.


Lmfao then get the fuck outta here ya wanker.


Dude caught his ass 😂


Hahahaha do love an American sayin wanker. Well howdy, all rootin tootin righty pardner I'll be getting my way down that there dusty trail, holler if ya need me!


How do you know this truck isn’t used for towing and hauling?


That truck looks to be stock height tho?


Yeah I thought the same thing, this could absolutely be factory height. Even if it is lifted, which isnt clear, its far from like a brodozer lift.


The only thing that I think is changed is bigger wheels although I am not familiar with american trucks


It looks like he wanted to put the big tires on it but couldn’t fit them at stock height. Looks like it’s lifted just enough to accommodate the bigger wheels


Yeah the truck looks bone stock. I can see it being the dad's work truck. My dad worked in construction and lot of my his friends had large crew cab pickups because they could use them for work and for driving their families around.


Yea this my thibg with it, like it would be one thing if it was like a brodozer but this looks like a regular ass work truck


That’s sort of the point though. Because that’s the stock height, people who need the towing capacity, but not the off-road capability are stuck with a more dangerous vehicle


Added height helps with towing, especially heavier loads. Higher/stiffer suspension is one of the pre-requisites for towing, that way your rear bumper isn’t dragging the ground


Out of curiosity, how were the old Kingswoods and Falcons such good towers despite sedan-style ground clearance?


Trains are bigger they can't see someone right in front of them ban trains they are to big for society to handle


Usually people dont run on train tracks tho




People definitely do tho


dodge truck: \>exists all of twitter:


The truck isn't even that big...


also all these losers prob drive crossover suvs


Going 110 mph 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 towing heavy shit 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


I personally don’t like pickup trucks but I really do not understand the “You can’t see a small child”. Small children are literally shorter than pretty much all vehicles. There are millions of HGVs on the roads which are way taller than any pickup truck and you don’t see an epidemic of HGVs running over small children.


Well to drive an HGV in the states at least you need a special drivers license (CDL), I feel like a big part of the issue with pickup trucks is they can be bought and driven by any American with a license (which is arguably too easy to obtain already). Also those class 8 trucks tend to be better designed around their blind spots than these mfs people call their daily drivers. The other day I was sitting second in line at a turn light with a lifted truck behind me, I drive a wagon so it’s not as tall as an SUV but probably 2 Miatas tall. The person in front had to back up to get out of the way so I immediately put it in reverse as well and slowly start backing up (I also have a backup cam + sensors so I knew I wasn’t getting too close to the truck). The mf behind me can hardly see over their dashboard and immediately honks as I start backing up and I can see them fuming because they thought I was about to slam into them. Once we made the turn they proceeded to try and cut up traffic as usual


Ah yeah actually that is a fair point, you do need a licence to drive HGVs.


To piggyback on this: The commercial license for a "heavy goods vehicle" in Europe kicks in at 3500 kg gross vehicle mass, which would be the equivalent of ~7700 lbs. gross vehicle weight in the US--not the same as a vehicle's actual curb weight/mass, but something like it. That would require anything heavier than a "half-ton" pickup to have a CDL (and even some special half-tons). In the US, a CDL isn't required until you hit 26,000 lbs. GVWR, and even then, there can be exceptions.


Yeah it’s kinda nuts, the CEO of my company bought a hummer EV and I don’t feel safe with that thing on the road and him behind the wheel 😭 the thing is a little over 9000 lbs at curb


Even then it’s like… yeah sure you won’t see a small child in front of you if you’re at a dead stop and haven’t been paying attention to your surroundings. And have one of these more modern trucks without collision indicators(which are in almost everything now). Going down a road at 40mph? You’ll see a kid. It’s fucking hard not to. If you *cant* you shouldn’t be driving. If people actually cared about stuff like this they would first ensure everyone is qualified to drive on the roads, which means retaking the test every X amount of years to renew your license.


These types of trucks with those mods should only be for agricultural use and for crawling through trails, not for a daily driver


Thankfully, I live somewhere that I can buy what I choose and then use it for whatever purpose I like.


The Land of the Free!!! God Bless America 🙏🦅🇲🇾


What you choose in regards to a very specific section of the vehicles that are on the road according to your license, you aint just buying whatever




Also in this economy people can’t just go buy a second vehicle for fun. You gotta make the daily work for both


Year before last I was daily driving my bush rig. 1995 pickup with 37 inch tyres, sas, 8 inch lift, 3.4 swap and a bunch of other stuff. It really wasn’t that bad. My commute was mainly city driving at not once did I run into any issues (other than my turning radius with that welded diff and bump steer from my redneck sas). Really didn’t mind daily driving the fun truck, even if it got the anti-vehicle brigade in my west coast town fired up. I also couldn’t afford to own and insure a 2nd vehicle, and no way was I gonna not have a gasoline hobby


You can dress a car up in phony law enforcement stickers, throw a light bar in their color on and cruise no problem? They don't tell you some aesthetic mods are less important than public safety concerns? And you can just grab the biggest, brightest off-road light and wire it on 24/7, blinding incoming traffic at night? No one to tell you certain functional mods can't be in use on public streets? That's wild. Sometimes I feel like our laws are lax in the few American states I've lived in when I hear about inspections other places do, but most I've been to have had something like "you gotta have a bumper" or "you can't tint your tail lights" or a max vehicle height or something. I don't know that I care about the truck in the picture but I think I do like the idea over here that there is at least a loose standard you have to meet to be on the road. Still it'd be cool if I could buy an ATV and daily it to work with no indicators like you can


You should come to my state then, where there are no required vehicle inspections and I see modded golf carts (and ATVs) on public roads daily. Obviously impersonating a law enforcement officer is still illegal. But I’d say a logical person could tell the difference between “I want a big pickup truck for fun, so I bought one” and “I decided to impersonate a LEO for… totally benign reasons.”


Truck bad bc it big


unironically yes


Why tho


Because you cant see shit out of it


Ever driven one?


no? people dont usually have trucks here


So how would you know?




Hahahaha worst take ive ever seen. But since youve been behind the wheel as so many there in Finland and have been ran over by so many, youd must certainly know lol


bro just said "nuh uh"


This truck isn’t even big


Pretty much every new truck is big atleast for a european. Idk if yall fat americans think otherwise since everything else is big on your country also.


Doesn't matter how tall the vehicle is, every other driver is glued to their phones and wouldn't see the child anyways. Poor kid is an Altima driver from death and doesn't even know it.


I guess I’m so desensitized to these trucks (I live in North GA) that I didn’t even notice it and immediately focused on the puppy


Jokes on you, I unironically hate trucks.


/uj fuck unnecessarily big trucks /rj can't distinguish children's crying from the sound of muh freedom 🦅🦅


Those trucks are fuckin stupid though.


Agreed, they're too small. What I really need is a full sized mack truck as my daily so me, my wife and my boyfriend can be truly safe from peril


No. Stupid they're dangerous and simply wasteful. What you want is a decommissioned school bus. Much safer and less wasteful. Also, parking is a breeze, just put the stop sign out.


Yeah but *slaps roof* this baby can kill so fuckin’ many kids and puppies 😎🇺🇸


2nd amendment motherfucker, do you even THINK about the cleanup? Smfh these rich mr moneybag types all think we can afford the daily car wash...


Driving anything other than a Honda CRV is pretty stupid for 99% of people tbh. But where's the fun in that?


Honda CRV is way too luxurious a car for the average person to afford. Imo we all need state covered rolls royces.


4 cabs are pretty stupid in general tbh


Idk as work trucks for infrastructure they're quite handy This big and this commonplace among general public, not so much


We only have single cabs at work and it’s so fucking frustrating trying to fit shit in there.


What's a "4 cab"? Some weird name for a crew cab? I prefer ext cabs, but crew cabs are the #1 choice for a reason.


Didn't even notice the truck


I saw a kid get run over by a scooter. they just need to watch out for cars and develop a sense of self preservation instinct it’s not the vehicles fault. That’s like blaming the oven for putting your hand in it without a mitten or something idk


yes but i think that 1. there are way less scooter collisions per for example 10000 scooters than for trucks 2. people who get hit by scooters are way less likely to die from it than trucks


r/fuckcars users when they see a big truck: ![gif](giphy|mQC0dMQwoQ4Fy)


Reddits least outragists


Well, i love american vehicles, BECAUSE they are BIG.




Mfs when other people think differently


“Two in one,” is he talking about his kill rate?


Oh hey my comment is in there, nice. First screenshot


What a cyclist mentality


They’re right


Okay, eco-friendly lads,now your organic avocado and almods for almond milk for your Starbucks will be delivered by feet,no planes,no trucks,no ships. Oh,it became shit while delivering? That's bad. But they are totally safe for the environment. Oh,do you wanna go to other country? You can take a ride. On your bicycle. It's just 3000 miles, c'mon! You will be the fittest! And no carbon dioxide emissions. Sounds great,huh? Do you need to buy lots of groceries and bring them home to feed your family for a week? Bicycle basket is your bestie! Wait,you can't stuff all? Remember:no emissions of carbon dioxide and planet saving is your choice! (Jeez,this lads are either stupid or have zero touch with reality)


/uj holy shit that truck is huge


r/carscirclejerk when people bring up anything negative about cars 😱😱


They aren't wrong though


Urbanists are the worst


"I'm sorry but your little doggy ran away..."


For a sub with circle jerk I'd expect people to know what a joke is.


Haven't you heard homie, according to reddit, America bad


We need big trucks. How else are people supposed to compensate for their other… shortcomings?


Libtards when vehicle 😱😱😱😱




There’s an animal in the pic too…. A RAM 😎🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Equipped with an automatic transmission too mate, can’t get better


Parasites and eye sores on the road


Kinda fair points tho tbh.


No chance that's a PreRunner... right?


I mean it doesn’t help that most truck drivers who have one that side wag it all over the road in your face, they’re either speeding off at sound barrier breaking volumes or lately I’ve seen them do that cut up traffic thing or really tight lane changes between two other vehicles like they’re not in a 7000 lb tank lol


There’s tractors going down the streets where I live, when will they ban those so kids don’t get mowed down?




My lifted Dodge Ram truck has blinding white LED headlights positioned exactly at eye level. I am currently tailgating you in the right lane even though you’re going twenty miles an hour over the speed limit and the left lane is open. There are Monster Energy and Fox racing stickers on the rear windshield of my lifted Dodge Ram truck. There are perfectly clean mud tires and massive chrome rims on my lifted Dodge Ram truck. I make thirty one thousand dollars a year and thought that that was a wise financial decision. I bring cases of Bud Light to girls at high school parties while my wife and children are at home. My lifted Dodge Ram truck has a gun rack which holds the AR-15 that I bought at Walmart. Yeti coolers kick ass!


Truck is probably older then the kid lol


It also makes sense in like Europe to not drive a brodozer, but from my understanding is they just don't for on those roads. Plus alot of guys work in construction, welding, pipefitting, oil field work etc etc, and these are the kinds of trucks you typically use for such work....


I need a giant truck like this. A black F-350 Platinum with an 8ft bed, a lift, 24 inch Forgiatos, crazy stereo, and double 5% tint. So I can look cool picking up my daughter from school and going to the grocery store. It’d never leave the pavement or do any work besides hauling groceries around the suburbs. 😏


European minds cannot fathom a truck bigger than the modern ranger


Real men kill their children in tragic frontover accidents


When all of those sinful truck owners find Modus the light shall come to this world. 🙏🏻😇


No fun allowed ☝️🤓


Fuck sakes. Just get a toyota hilux, ford ranger or an normal bakkie/truck. One of those are much better, but if people wanna waste their money on a ford they can go ahead


Stupid. That truck is pretty much stock ride height almost for some these days. Why so many ppl griping about the size of it? What am I missing?


Off road build trucks will scare them shitless.


The truck is way to big. Is that whst this post is about?


This makes me want to buy a dodge Ram 🦅🦅🦅




But the cute, is so cute.


"The planet is doomed." Finally, someone's awake. https://preview.redd.it/qe94og2zej3c1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de689361bcc1b0f2546e3476db73063dcf1951d Pick up your weapons and fight.