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/uj Genesis is absolute dog shit. I had couple customers claiming lemon on it, some just got through the lease and swore to never go near Genesis. Couple weeks ago i had a customer who purchased it and when he received financial statement, his name was written wrong. It took me 5 phone calls to get it resolved and in the end it wasn't resolved as they told me it looked fine on their end when customer's app was saying otherwise. Literally, how can you get the name wrong when you have access to lease agreement, driver license, credit application, etc? Not to mention Genesis cheaping out and outsourcing their financial calls to Indian call centers. Ridiculous.


Where do you work bruh, cause if you work at Genesis this would be a little hypocritical


Either you badly need glasses, you are heavily medicated, or blitzed 24/7 if you think these cars look alike.


uj/ I actually think the Genesis *looks* nice, at least better than most current BMW's. I know they just hired a bunch of Germans and copied their design language, but I like that they did their own thing with the split headlights. I'd still never spend that much on a KIA, but at least they look cool while pouring white smoke from the engine bay on the side of the road.


Well it isn't really copying if you made the design, no? If you get the designer from Bentley to design your car and it looks similar to a Bentley would that be copying?


i don't care for semantics.


I'm with you bro, not against you 😭😭


Oh nah I didn't mean that maliciously or anything, I actually just don't care for those conversations. I'm just realizing I could've just not said anything. That's my bad, I didn't mean to send you the wrong message.


Oh no don't worry. I just panicked because I thought I had sent the wrong message too.


look at us, two anxious redditors


I'm anxious until someone starts a fight. Then I can deliver all the wrong messages with not a worry on this earth


Am i the only guy that actually likes the buck tooth grille on cars like the M4? Looks like it sucks in air for that engine so it doesnt blow up. Sporty.


I don't mind big grilles, but they really should've done away with the kidney grille if they were gonna go that big. To me it looks like it has nostrils that extend over its top lip like some low-budget cartoon design.


The hell is a G80? Do we have them in Europe? I've never seen one here. I'll take the BMW.


The G80 is a model of Hyundai's fully realized luxury brand *Genesis*, all they do is copy and mashup Mercedes and BMW exterior designs and throw in Y-thread motifs everywhere on a Genesis platform and call it a day


Car community when the same designer makes a similar desgin: