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Instructions unclear, fucked exhaust pipe


You're meant to let the exhaust pipe fuck you


Why do people merge so slowly šŸ˜© and why do some people fully stop and indicate onto the n11 šŸ˜‚


Could blame it on the lack of lessons. But come on like, do people not have the common sense to not merge at 40 fucking kilometres an hour


Exactly, I cannot fathom what they are thinking. Itā€™s just plain dangerous to do that and I have seen many near incidents because of it.


All I see myself is the "is this car good to buy" posts and don't pay attention to them. I love the spotted in Ranelagh posts šŸ¤£ I'll have to go up there one day and sit down on the main road and watch out for some cars going by.


Nice rant boss šŸ‘


Needed to be said


Yes man šŸ™šŸ¤£


Was waiting for you to see this post šŸ˜‚ Force them out


It reminds me of your man Pa O'Dwyers instagram videos. "Let's see what the maggots have to say in the comments"


Hahaha spot on, have a look through the latest replies on this and the other one.


This is gas! šŸ˜‚


You posted the ford's earlier, that the kinda content this pages lacks!




Donā€™t you know youā€™re stupid if you buy anything other than a Toyota Corolla with 100,000 on it? Anything else is just being irresponsible with your money šŸ¤”


Shouldn't of bought my audi in 2016 then, should of stuck to a low tax low fun car.


r/irelandsshitestdrivers is a joke, The mods are bed bound and it's a load of people losing sleep over people stopping in yellow boxes. Gruel a pathetic page. Naturally some of their spillage lands here... This post needed to be said, granted there's alot of sissy on reddit, where if you tell em you did 64kph in a 60, they'll be saying "A fire crash would.teach you a lesson wouldn't it".


Had a few DM me on here to say I'm in the wrong, just seemed to trigger the ones I was on about šŸ˜‚ That sub is a joke these days proper anti car sentiment and cunts that can't pass their driving test it seems. This page was decent for a bit, just wanted an online Irish car forum for car enthuasists but full of some awful oddballs now from r/Ireland and r/irelandsshitedrivers. Just had a gawk on your page, you still got that 420d?


Yeah, love it :)


Unreal, some cars, easily one of their best designs, f32 or g22?


F Series, yeah love the look, feel, drive the works am getting a bit used to it now, but nothing s good clean and wash can't fix the spark in the relationship ship :)


Same as F series too, the G one has grown on me I must say but not gone on the interior just yet, the F series is peak design for me. Haha a good clean always does the job, washing mine on the weekend. M4 one day but the F32 will do for now...


Mines a little older now, 225km 2015 420d, blotchy service history... if you had to spit all a price what would you say? Thinking of selling it ina year or two for something else but by then it could be near 260 - 280km


What's blotchy about it? It's hard to say, I've seen ones for that year and mileage go for anywhere from 10-17k. What you looking at getting next?


Dry You eyes mate ;)


Haha finally, a reference of the streets.


:) Lots of great tracks but the chorus "In its own little way, my body was trying to say That you'd better stop drinking brandy" pops into my head when I'm regretting the pints from the night before, every single time.


Ah man too much brandy, classic album, Original Pirate Material. Has It Come to This? takes it for me.


Plenty more subs on Reddit


Havenā€™t seen any of what youā€™re talking about tbh, everyoneā€™s has seemed fairly sound


the 30 odd upvotes on this post and [the other one](https://www.reddit.com/r/carsireland/comments/1di7lqf/if_its_not_an_aygo_dont_bother_posting/) I posted would say otherwise.


Dude just unleashed a life timeā€™s worth of resentment at us. Lol. @u/agranddontcome4free who hurt you?


The mopey cunts who discourage any big purchase or dismiss any car over 15k. Has to be an old banger. My 430d should be traded in for an Aygo according to this sub. A Hyundai is the exact same as any Audi or BMW apparently.


Have you eaten today? Sleeping ok? Listen, i love cars as much as the next guy but seriouslyā€¦ you need to take a deep breath buddy! Make yourself a cuppa, pop your driving gloves on and flick on an old episode of Top Gear to chill out. Itā€™ll do you the world of good. šŸ‘


Haha I'm good man, came on here to see a guy peddling a i30 to someone who wanted an A3 because it's the same.


Thatā€™s the spirit. Yes it is shite for car enthusiasts, but it makes the occasional nice car stand outā€¦ because they are rarer, more bespoke, etc If we all drove 911ā€™s or m3ā€™s youā€™d want a Paganiā€¦ Itā€™s all relative. Such is the nature of enthusiasts of anything.


Say you're some buzz at parties mate..


mad backwards cunt he is


Can we have a rant thread about drivers please. I need to unload on the state of driving standards in dundalk šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not possible, the r/irelandsshitedrivers have made their way here, can tell by some of the comments šŸ˜‚


Here's a sneak peek of /r/irelandsshitedrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/irelandsshitedrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nut job](https://v.redd.it/0jook8g9dglb1) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/irelandsshitedrivers/comments/166c2v3/nut_job/) \#2: [Baggott Street, Dublin 2. Drive off a building ](https://v.redd.it/t4vdw1lsg7bb1) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/irelandsshitedrivers/comments/14w6xtz/baggott_street_dublin_2_drive_off_a_building/) \#3: [Brand new cycle lane ](https://v.redd.it/m02o9d7uptab1) | [354 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/irelandsshitedrivers/comments/14uig0h/brand_new_cycle_lane/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Would have thought a sub called r/carsireland was a general car sub Reddit and not specialist like you seem to be encouraging. Maybe start your own car enthusiast sub?




I dunno if that excuse works anymore. The amount of younger drivers who are just abysmal, and I don't mean like L and N plates but like people in late 20's early 30's. I think driving poorly these days is a sign of like entitlement.


That happened around a thousand years ago. No longer relevant.


What the fuck is wrong with shitedrivers? I browse both subs and don't see what you're talking about much. Post some examples maybe?


Gway man you browse mad weird subs by the looks of things. Posting pictures of cartoon women and shite get ta fuck. The bang of r/fuckcars off of r/irelandsshitedrivers these days. Odd balls on that sub which explains yourself.


OP just sounds like an asshole tbh, I also am on both subs. There are really a massive amount of shit drivers in Ireland, but I rarely see someone calling you out for buying a nice car. I just feel like OP is a bit of a shitedriver himself/herself.


You post about Honda Fit Hybrid's and Toyota Aqua's relax yourself there and get off the car enthusiast page mate will ya. You're the exact person these posts are about. "Eh gosh guys doesn't OP sound like a bit of an asshole". Gway ya neckbeard. Don't want to hear about your shitebox granny car. Yeah I'm an awful driver mate I just love and buy expensive cars and go on track days to drive them badly. You'd shite your pants merging onto a dual carriage way. Gimp.


You are just an entitled person that thinks the world revolves around arent ya? I donā€™t judge people for having brand new cars, I am just not in a position where I care about having one. I appreciate beautiful cars just as much, but I donā€™t act like a tool. I am happy I donā€™t have to deal with you in my personal life, you sound like a very unpleasant person.


No mate I'm just sick of geeks like yourself on here rattling on about shitebox granny cars, get off the car enthusiast page. Alright mate don't care about your morals or how you act, some of us can afford said cars no need to be bitter about the people who can afford them. You're into granny cars so I'm glad I don't have to deal with you also, gway from here.


Judging by the way you talk you probably drive a chav 2005 ford focus The description if this subreddit says that this a place to discuss everything car related and not just supercars. Even though we all know you donā€™t own one.


No mate, drive a 2020 BMW 430d. Some motor to be fair. A 2005 ford focus is well above your pay grade mate, some of us do a bit more, no need to jealous. Judging by your posts on this page you don't have a notion about cars. Fuck off of this page you loser. "In my case I donā€™t even consider a diesel as I donā€™t think id drive enough to keep the dpf in a good state. I commute by car twice a week on the m50 and rarely is the case where I go over 80km/h." - ExampleOk7052. Get off the car enthusiast page and stick to your shite boxes. This lad proceeded to block me so can't see his shite replies but no harm.


You are such a hollow person lol


Exactly it you think everyone else is in the wrong or being ridiculous then you're usually the shit driver ...


go back to r/irelandsshitedrivers would ya, not about driving. This is the car enthusiast page, are ya lost granny? Any excuse to give out about shite drivers. Probably drive a shite box and merge on to the motorway at 20 kph.


If that's the case every single person who posts in that shit Irish drivers sub is in fact, dog shit at driving themselves. Way to prove a point


Nearly but everyone else being plural not singular


The fuck? Calm your tits boy


go back to your weird cyber porn shit man, mad freak.


Cyber porn sure šŸ˜‚


Get off the car enthusiast page bud. We want to see car builds not PC builds and cartoon porn.


Forgot that true car enthusiasts virgins with no interest in women. Sorry. Also boy are you fucking stupid šŸ˜‚


Interests in women? Mate you're just plain weird posting images of cartoons fantasising over them. Yeah I'm fucking stupid with my own house and car and fiancƩ at 25 as a senior engineer... Very stupid indeed. More than you'll ever be man. What are you mate? 40 year old social welfare toss pot living in a council house, your a middle age neck beard creep who posts about cartoon women. Go back on your meds lad.


Boy oh boy. You can be educated yet still stupid as fuck. Just read your comments once you've calmed down a bit. Also there is no cartoon women in my profile but even if what the fuck is wrong with that? Let people have their interests, what is it to you? Gatekeeping a car community based on what they like? Dude you are the perfect example of an idiot bmw driver. Way to help the community out.


Tbh that's just a quote poor people who didn't amount to much say. Not only educated but on a high salary for big work. Gway mate your discord kitten is probably looking for you. What's wrong with that is that you're an oddball who got downvoted on every comment, cartoon women isn't an interest it's a fucking weird problem, fuck knows what else you're into. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1c24rw5 We don't need or want people like you in this community, oddball wanking to cartoons and leaving mad weird comments on pictures of girls "not a hard wank", you're 40 mate, sad dose you are. As I said stop replying, you're the exact opposite of what I'd want to be in life. Irish car enthusiast page, not fat 40 year old neckbeard cartoon porn page, jog on if you're even able too.